
MAchiavelli and lao-Tuz stand on immigration

Compare Machiavelli’s philosophies and methods of argument to Lao-Tzu’s philosophies and methods of argument. You will then consider how both men would respond to one controversial topic of your choice. What would they say about it and why? Would they disagree? Would they Agree?
it is almost done, but need to work on the topic sentences and other stuff.. rather than explaining about their philosphy, it is needed to i think the main point is what is their stand on immigration, so if you can add those and you can cut out unneccssary paragraph..


Approximately 250 words


The theme of loss in Elizabeth bishops poetry

This is a college-level paper:
The thesis statement needs to follow a layout of 3 main parts: the limited subject, the precise opinion, and the blueprint of reasons
Graded with this criteria:
Length, submission date, topic, MLA format/pagination, 12p Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, indented paragraphs, Works Cited format
Punctuation, spelling, proofreading, word choice.
Paragraphs, transitions, coherence; substance, not filler.
Demonstrated awareness of the conventions of the assigned genre.
Demonstrates or at least simulates intellectual engagement and ownership of your own education; goes beyond ″going through the motions″ and creates something thoughtful, interesting, and even possibly surprising. Emphasizes your own evidence-based original thinking, taking an intellectual risk that arises from a your own thoughtful study of the text, rather than repeating ″safe″ pre-digested thoughts.


Approximately 250 words



Our second participation forum this week focuses on issues raised in Chapter 3: Core Values and Political Culture, specifically our discussions of white supremacy, racism, privilege, and oppression.
We will watch two videos, and then answer questions about each of them. Please review the assignment rubric below for details about word count and responses before completing.
Video 1: “Racism in the United States: By the Numbers”
This is a brief video by the VlogBrothers (self-described as “raising nerdy to the power of awesome”), in which one of the brothers explores recent data on racism in the United States. This is informative and short, though it moves pretty fast and you may have to pause periodically to catch up (at least I had to).
Link: Links to an external site.
(Right-click on the link above and open in new tab/window. If the link does not open, please copy and paste it into your browser. If that doesn’t work, search “Racism in the United States by the numbers Vlogbrothers” on YouTube.)
YOUR TASK: Watch the video, then identify and briefly discuss at least two pieces of data mentioned that you were unaware of, that raised questions for you, or you would like to learn more about.
Video 2: Heather McGhee: “Racism Has a Cost For Everyone.”
Heather McGhee is a writer, advocate, and researcher. She is the former president of Demos, an economic policy organization focused on tax policy, and how social and economic policies impact working people. Her recent book is called The Sum of Us. This is a TedTalk she gave in 2019, focused on how racism and racist policies negatively impact all people, including white people.
Link: Links to an external site.
(Right-click on the link and open in new tab/window. If the link does not open, please copy and paste it into your browser. If that doesn’t work, search “heather mcghee racism has a cost for everyone” and look for videos.)
YOUR TASK: Watch the video and discuss two (2) of the following five (4) references or questions. You can answer more than two if you are so moved, but you won’t score extra points 🙂
a) While McGhee doesn’t use the term “white privilege,” she is speaking to the idea that many white people do not want to give up their perceived advantages and/or sense of themselves as superior. Highlight some examples of this from her talk.
b) The VlogBrothers video is effective because the data and the resources are so extensive. But Heather McGhee’s TedTalk is effective for different reasons – can you identify some of them?
c) Describe which of McGhee’s three examples/points – underinvestment and disinvestment in public goods and resources, the subprime mortgage/housing collapse, efforts to unionize a southern auto factory – were most compelling for you, and why.
d) What do you think is the lesson, or the lessons, McGhee hopes we will take from this? In other words, what is the work she is asking us to do? Explain.
NOTE: Your answers must be substantive: meaning, related to the questions, and demonstrating your comprehension of the points raised in the video. To help in this, you can identify any points of connection between the video and Chapter 3, as well as the data discussed in the VlogBrothers video.
You may include your own personal ideas about racism, oppression, etc., but before you do, you should deal with the substance of the questions.


Approximately 250 words


Research paper on e waste

This paper is in regards to e waste
The researched argument is an 8-10 page argument examining an issue you have identified that we have discussed in the course. Unit 3 has taken you through many of the preparatory steps for writing this paper. So far you have identified an issue which interests you, completed a working bibliography, and developed your position and a claim about your chosen issue. Please be sure to revise and edit this paper before turning it in.
In this paper, you will write your argument in response to your chosen topic. Your paper should be based on your ideas; it should not be a summary of what other people say. This is not an informational paper. This paper should develop your argument on your topic. Your paper should clearly identify your issue. It should have a clear claim and well developed reasons. It should use at least 4 appropriately cited quotes, at least 4 appropriately cited paraphrases (you may use more as needed), and a Works Cited page in MLA format. Use long quotes sparingly.
Please note: Your paper must be more than strung together quotes and paraphrases. It should stand on its own without the quotes and paraphrases. At this point you should be working on a draft of your paper.
Tip: I often suggest that students first write a draft of the paper without supporting sources to ensure that the paper is well developed and relies primarily on your writing and conclusions. Once you have written a draft, you can go back and add in outside sources to support each of your points.
Each paragraph should be well developed with controlling ideas and transitions. The logic supporting your argument should be well thought out and sound. There should be a clear flow of ideas throughout your paper.
This paper should focus on your ideas and conclusions based on your research. It should be developed on your thoughts, your plan and your words. Please remember to include in-text citations to indicate any material that is borrowed. Plagiarism (intentional or unintentional) will result in failure of the assignment.
The following consists of plagiarism:
“Accidental” missing citations of written text
Missing citations of visuals
Missing entries on the Works Cited page
Missing Works Cited page
Please view the grading rubric and the MLA formatting videos that are available at the end of this weekly module.
Other requirements:
Length: 2000-2500 words plus a Works Cited page with at least 10 sources (a minimum of 5 scholarly sources).
Works Cited pages with incorrect titles will incur a 10-point deduction.
Works Cited pages with un-alphabetized entries will incur a 10-point deduction.
Font: 12 point, Times New Roman, Arial or another standard font
Format: Paper should meet all academic expectations for grammar, sentence structure and style.
You must use page numbers and a standard header in MLA style
Essays should always be double-spaced.
You should develop a clear, useful, and interesting title.
Your tone and vocabulary choice should reflect college-level writing.
You should include one image integrated into the paper that supports your argument. Be sure to cite it properly. It can be a cartoon, graph, or PSA.
You should include clear subheadings to guide your reader throughout the paper
Attched there are some sources that you may use throughout the argument
Let me know if there are anny questions.


Approximately 250 words


summary and response essay

MLA 9th edition, For this assignment, you are going to summarize and respond to the article, “Virtual Classrooms Can Be as Unequal as Real Ones” ( link below) from The Atlantic. In the first few lines of your assignment, you should provide a brief introduction of the topic of the article before you transition to a detailed summary. After your summary, write a thorough response to the article that focuses on the author’s thesis and supporting details. You can agree, disagree, or meet the author somewhere in the middle, but you must explain your ideas about the article and the topic in full.
Summary: Your summary should include all the elements of academic summaries outlined in the Week One materials (“How to Write a Summary” and “Writing Summaries”),(link below) including the author’s name and the article title, an objective rendering of the author’s thesis and main ideas, and signal phrases throughout to give the author credit for their ideas.
Response: Your response can include an analysis of the author, their purpose, the intended audience, the style and tone of the text, the organization and presentation of ideas, and the assumptions/values being presented. Also, you can reflect on the effectiveness of the thesis, the ideas with which you agree and/or disagree, and the article’s meanings, implications. Feel free to include your own observations or prior knowledge about the topic.
NOTE: This assignment should be a minimum of several paragraphs long. Be sure to use signal phrases, paraphrases, and even direct quotations from the article if necessary. For correct formatting, watch at a minimum the two MLA formatting videos in this module. Part of your grade is based on your ability to write in the required format.

Writing Summaries


Approximately 250 words


The hero’s Journey

After watching “What Makes a Hero?”, choose a favorite character from a book, movie, TV show, comic or other form of entertainment and show how that character’s journey matches the “monomyth” taught by Joseph Campbell.
Without spoilers (so no discussing conclusions, surprises, twists, endings, deaths, etc…) write three to four paragraphs matching qualities of the character and his/her story to the defined qualities of a hero in the video by Joseph Campbell.


Approximately 250 words


High school summer program application

Application essay: Individual essays should not exceed 400 words.
Describe your academic and personal goals and how these may be further achieved by studying at our institution
during the summer.
My essay:
I want to state my hopes to be admitted to Summer Prep. Your highly recommended institution
will provide me with a great challenge to learn from scholars as I get assured to achieve my career objectives. I am
interested in pursuing a career in psychology. Specifically, I would like to focus on mental state and behavior.
My motivation for taking on a career in mental health is rooted in the important role that psychologists pursue. In
my AP Psychology course, I learned that it is an essential science that allows people to have a better understanding of each other and includes the factors that influence individual behavior. I additionally have been interested in
mental states as I have had background knowledge on it based on documentaries I have watched. The mental
state that stuck out to me was autopilot, which is when someone is zoned out. Many wrongdoings, such as drug
use, can be understood better when psychology is applied. In addition to working on Psychology, I wish to be able
to keep my GPA above 3.90. Moreover, as a Magnet student, the program is set to be academically competitive. My objective is to strive to do more than what is required. Also, I want to be well-prepared for my standardized tests to be able to get a full scholarship. My plans for college are to get accepted into an Ivy League University and get my bachelor’s degree. I want to major in neuroscience and learn more about the topics surrounding it. Ever since I was
in middle school, I always had questions about how the human body functions. Like, how is our brain linked to our
sense of self, as well as other questions. As activities, I attend a peer tutoring program and I took an interesting
course that involved working in a science lab. One of the sessions was about exploring the internal structure of a
rat through dissection. Also, a Forensic Science course one of a series that covered the different types of blood
and fingerprints that course has explained some of my questions. In Pennummer Prep, I will get the opportunity to
attend courses that my school doesn’t offer and experience college life as a high school student. The strong
passion I have for my personal development, my curiosity, and learning something in depth will help me explore and succeed academically. I look forward to your consideration.


Approximately 250 words



I have attached the assignment as well as the readings needed for the assignment. PLEASE read
carefully and throughly the assingment. Thank You!


Approximately 250 words


Short summary on article

The writer should read the attached article and write a short summary of around 260 words. I will upload the article, the writer should only cite from thearticle provided. No outside sources is allowed. The citations must come
from the article itself. I have also uploaded the assignment requirements, kindly adhere to the requirements.


Approximately 250 words


Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk identifies how privilege and power that come with wealth are closed to people who began life without it

Must Have read “Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk” What is a Prospectus?
In essence, a Prospectus is a short summary that informs the reader about the direction, goals, and questions of the Senior Thesis.
Writing a thoughtful Prospectus will be a useful way to begin interrogating the deep questions of your Thesis; a completed Prospectus will give you a kind of template for your Thesis itself.
Your Prospectus will be limited to one page. In this exploratory stage, the idea is that you outline your proposed project.
A successful Prospectus will explore the following components:
1. Purpose
What is your reason for writing? What problem or issue does this thesis help address/solve?
2. Scope
What core phenomenon/dynamic will you focus on in this thesis?
Where in the text will you concentrate your attention?
3. Methods
What kinds of evidence will you look at, and provide?
How might you make you structure your exploration? (Organization, etc.)
4. Consequences
What are the implications of the issue you are writing about?
5. Possible conclusions/ big questions
What conclusions might you draw from your study of the issue?
What larger questions might your essay seek to explore?
What other connections or parallels might you draw?


Approximately 250 words