
Disaster management case study

Please read attached document for assignment instructions. Sources and links are attached to the document.
Thank you!


Approximately 250 words


Strategic Management Accounting

This is an individual assignment limited to 3,000 words (+or- 10%), excluding the reference list, bibliography and any appendices. The word count MUST be shown on the front cover of the assignment. Note: see quality Handbook Ref AQH-F15 Guidance for students on the penalty for exceeding the limit for assessed work.


Approximately 250 words


Look at the instructions,the%20British%20or%20the%20French).
pls click on the link and do the reading and answer the question in the file . only site from the reading no outside source. after answering the question creat your own question about the reading.


Approximately 250 words


summarizing the provided essay

Why is it important to follow international standards for the compilation of macroeconomic statistics, in particular for national accounts (SNA and ESA standards) and balance of payments (BoP manual)? Describe briefly these standards. Are these manuals set in stone?


Approximately 250 words


Week 2: Lab Assignment Information—Excel Features

I will attach all the introccion and rubircs of assignment in the upload files. Also i attach two videos for reference and file that you need for the assignment.


Approximately 250 words



This month you are to write a 1200 word research paper on concepts covered in this class and how they apply to your own life. You will engage in academic research on death, practical philosophy of life, and life goals.
What does life and mortality mean for you?
What has your research, studies and experience taught you about life? Cover in your paper what you hope to accomplish with your life? Where would you prefer to die and why?
What bothers you most about dying?
How does symbolic immortality apply to you, your life and death?


Approximately 250 words


College essay

I want you to write about the things I enjoy doing I love cooking, helping people and also how much | love and appreciate my family for everything that they have done for me to get to this point in my life I also want you to include how I want to study law to help people. also find some reasons as to why people become lawyers and include it in the essay. Some information about me…my name is zainab conteh I am 17 years old i and African form Sierra Leone – west Africa I came to American in 2015 at the age of 9 for a better education I want my writer to include all of this in the essay and add something’s that you think will make my college essay sound good


Approximately 250 words


Digital Marketing Comparison

As a digital marketing professional, you have been tasked to develop an online campaign for your company’s new apparel, which targets the 18–26-year-old young adult market in the United States.
Write a three-page essay on your recommendations of at least six digital marketing advertising strategies (concepts), and explain how each strategy will help the company’s new brand of apparel for young adults. Determine the possible challenges and benefits of online marketing communication. The essay should include an introduction, which presents the main points of the essay.
The title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum length requirement.
Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.
Please note that no abstract is needed. You must use at least two external sources.


Approximately 250 words


Chief Strategy Officer – Creating Your Strategy Using the Strategy Choice Cascade

Good Strategy is about how an organization will move forward and figuring out how to advance the organization’s interest.
Good leaders must be willing and able to say “NO!” to a wide variety of actions and interests. Strategy is as much about what an organization does as what it doesn’t do.
A good strategy has coherence, coordinating actions, policies and resources so as to accomplish important objectives and exploit windows of opportunity. These objectives are defined by your Strategic Business Objectives (SBOs).
Strategy brings relative strength to bear against relative weakness. The most basic idea of strategy is the application of your organizational strength’s (unfair advantages) applied to the most promising opportunity.
Strategy creates organizational advantage and new strength through:
Coordinating policies and actions. This creates strength through the coherence of its design. This means that the organization pursues multiple objectives that are connected with one another.
Eliminating unconnected objectives or objectives which are in conflict with one another. These unconnected objectives and conflicted objectives will undermine any strategic intent.
The creation of new strengths through subtle shifts it creates in viewpoint.
This shift in perspective helps to identify new patterns of advantages and weaknesses.
Good strategy has an essential logical structure:
Identifies the challenge(s) using diagnostic tools.
Defines a guiding policy to address the core issues of the challenge called out in the diagnosis.
Performs a set of coherent actions that address the challenge head on. Coherent actions are feasible coordinated policies, resource commitments and actions designed to carry out the guiding policy
In this week’s assignment you are the Chief Strategy Officer of your current enterprise (Accenture). This company will be the foundation for future assignments.
Your Mission: Develop a winning strategy for your organization using the Strategy Choice Cascade. Show how each choice was made and how they support each other.
Details matter. The strategy you develop here will be used to support later developments in this class including your set of Strategic Business Objectives(SBOs). Therefore it is very important for you to think this process through and demonstrate a solid understanding of what your strategy is and the thinking that created it. Provide an overview of how you applied the strategy cascade and the supporting details of how each component was determined. Conclude with a summary of why you believe that this is a winning strategy for your organization.
Be sure to Include:
1.What are your goals and winning aspirations?
What will you become in the future?
2. How will you win?
3. What capabilities must you have to win?
4. What management systems are needed?
5. Where will we play?
The only productive, intelligent way to generate possibilities for strategy choice is to consider matched pairs of Where to Play and How to Win choices. Generate a variety of pairs and then ask about each:
Can it be linked to an inspiring, attractive Winning Aspiration?
Do we currently have, or can we reasonably build, the capabilities that would be necessary to win where we would play?
Can we create the Management Systems that would need to be in place to support the building and maintenance of the necessary capabilities?
Helpful links – Using the Strategy Choice Cascade to Win


Approximately 250 words


Review, please see the instruction for clarification of this project. A couple of YouTube video and a couple of book a few chapter each reading is required

Primary Source Reading: Jonathan Edwards, Treatise on Religious Affections, Part I ; George Whitefield, Sermon #VIII: “The Necessity and Benefits of Religious Society ” in Sermons on Important Subjects by the Rev. George Whitefield; John Wesley,.
A Discourse on Sin in Believers
Secondary Source Reading: MOdern Church History Tim Grass, chapter 6; and The History of Christianity Tim Dowley, chapters 28-29;


Approximately 250 words