
Class 1 Replies

Reply to 2 classmates with a minimum word requirement of 175 words and must include a minimum of 1 intext Chapter 1 & 2 & 3 and 1 reference citation.
In counting the word count, statements such as, “John, I really like your post” or “I agree with your post” are not acceptable for the word count.
PEERS 1 (Jocelyn Bravo) (175 words)
Several of the significant factors that could be affecting Holly and that prompted her to seek family therapy is depression as it was affecting her performance in school and her well-being. She was presenting symptoms of depression when she started sleeping late, missing classes, and crying (Nichols, 2014, p. 3). Something that also affected her was the torn relationship she had with her mother due to the way her stepfather treated both and how her mother was still accepting him. Since she was uncertain about what to do in the future after school Holly felt that she couldn’t return home and that triggered her to feel hopeless and sad, including the relationship with her mother. As a social worker I would help Holly by focusing on her feelings that are causing her to be resentful and accept them, including the uncertainty that she currently feels for not knowing what to do in the future so that she can cope better with it. Recommending her to a psychiatrist would also be helpful so that they can evaluate her and prescribe antidepressants if needed for her depression. Psychodynamic therapy would also allow Holy to understand her emotions, for instance, “therapists help people gain insight into their lives and present-day problems; they also evaluate patterns people develop over time” (Good Therapy, 2018). This will help Holly learn new ways that can improve the way she feels with her family, to be aware of her emotions and her uncertainty about the future. Talking with Mrs. Roberts can be helpful to know more about her relationship with her daughter, but it can help her learn how to gain her daughter’s trust again and communicate with her. However, I would still consider family therapy for Holly and her family so that she can reconnect with her mother and find a positive way to talk with his stepfather. I would also help Holly find a peer support group in order to share experiences or learn from others that are going through the same thing she is experiencing.
PEERS 2 (Talia Becerra) (175 words)
There are significant factors affecting Holly prompting her to seek family therapy. It appears as Holly is presenting a depressive mood. Holly was having trouble deciding what to do after graduation. The more she tried to figure it out, the less able she was to concentrate. She started sleeping late and missing classes. Her friend encouraged her to seek counseling at her university because she noticed an unhealthy pattern in Holly. As Holly begins to speak to the counselor, he begins to sense a deeper meaning of her sadness. Holly states that losing her friend Alex has deeply affected her. She feels alone and lost. The counselor does not feel he can help her as much as he needs, so he felt the need to reach out to her family. As the counselor took a dive into her family dynamic, he learned that Holly was unhappy with her life at home. Holly holds a resentment towards her stepfather and the ways he treats her mother (Nicholas, 2014, p.3). Holly dreads going back home because it didn’t feel quite like home anymore. As a Social Worker I would help Holly understand and validate her emotions of her friend Alex passing and her feelings towards her mother’s marriage with her step father. Holly could benefit from “Counseling or psychotherapy as it helps address problems and develop coping skills” Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). I would advise her to continue therapy with a continuation of family therapy, and talk about possible medications for her symptoms of depression.


Approximately 250 words


The Importance of Upselling in the Skincare Industry

The Importance of Upselling in the Skincare Industry
.” It must be five pages in length, double-spaced, in APA format, Times New Roman, size 12 font, cover page, and sources cited page must be included. You’ll also need to include three credible sources in your essay.


Approximately 250 words


military security

1A) Discuss military threats to the security of a country. 1B) Give a real-life example. 1C) What would you describe as the most pressing military threat in life?


Approximately 250 words



Do you think it is possible to combine client-centered and existential approaches in therapy? Why or why not? Explain what a combined approach might look like.


Approximately 250 words



Prompt: Using Ecclesiastes 3:1-15, write a response on how the Bible guides us in the area of organizational change. Provide and explain relevant workplace examples.
Requirements: Minimum of 500 words; APA format.


Approximately 250 words


Week 1 Dicussion Post

We have learned about being “humble” and the benefits of acquiring that trait as a leader. We also hear of the concept of “kindness.” In fact, we often hear the words “humble and kind” used consecutively, in tandem, as if both should be required of a person/leader. Compare and contrast of what we have learned about “humble” and “kindness” and why both traits should be acquired and utilized by a leader.
Please review
Apa Hand out
Course books
week 2 overview
and dicussion guidlines with the E reserves


Approximately 250 words


Week 1 Dicussion Post

Take the Personal Humility Index Scorecard Links to an external site.. Compare your Humility Index with some of the strengths that were identified when you took the Gallup Strengths Finder in the past. Write a 3 page paper that discusses your thoughts on the relationship between your stated strengths and your humility Index.
Coure readings are required
Please review
Apa Hand out
Course books
week 2 overview


Approximately 250 words



Prompt: Identify an organization with which you are familiar and has gone through recent changes. This can be a company, a church, a service club, or any type of organization. Describe some of those changes and determine for each of whether it is a first-order or second-order change. Support the positions that you take.
Requirements: Your paper should be at least 750 words and should include course concepts as well as other resources that you find relevant. Your thinking should be supported by cited material; this is not just an opinion piece. There is no specific number of references required because you will be graded on the quality of your critical thinking as well as whether you used sources to support your assertions. Remember to use APA format.


Approximately 250 words


Media and Race

The legal history of color blindness. “Color blindness” is a racial ideology with a long history. At present, it often manifests when in conversation about race, people say things like “I don’t see color” or “I just don’t see race as a problem in today’s society. After all, we had a black president!”
Let’s consider some recent scholarship on color blindness and post-racism.
Please provide a substantive one to two-paragraph reaction to the videos and articles provided in the files. Also, offer a question to stimulate class discussion.


Approximately 250 words


Foundational Concepts and advanced nursing.

There is significant independence with an advanced degree. Whom might be a good mentor for you once you graduate, whom should the Masters prepared nurse seek out for support in those first few years?


Approximately 250 words