
Agile mindset and challenges with predictive PM

A 4 page (1000 words) Essay with references discussing the agile mindset and how it deals with some of the challenges with predictive project management.


Approximately 250 words


paper for government

see attached files
The specific short paper assignment instructions are the following:
Length of assignment: 3 pages in addition to the following: title page and reference section.
Format of assignment: latest edition of APA.
Number of citations: at least three scholarly sources
Acceptable sources: scholarly articles, published books, course texts, and the Bible.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Approximately 250 words


wirte an essay about real estate trends

Looking at trends in the real estate industry, identify which ones are of interest to you. For this assignment, you are expected to use the 2023 Emerging Trends in Real Estate document.
and conduct your own search by utilizing resources such as WSJ, NYT, PSBJ, podcasts like Walker & Dunlop or Leading Voices in Real Estate.
1) Document at least 1 trend you are excited about. You can focus on a short-term trend in response to COVID or longer term trends linked to increased integration of technology, recognition of climate change, or incorporation of social goals, for example.
2) Identify the professional opportunities created by these trends and the markets in which they will create jobs.
3) Connect these trends to courses that will allow you to build the skills to be an attractive hire for companies.


Approximately 250 words


Assignment 1

For this first assignment, after completing all other readings and exercises, you will write your research hypotheses. Please review the article “How to Develop a Good Research Hypothesis” and follow the guidelines and tips in the article. There are several examples you can use as a roadmap to formulate your hypotheses for your previously chosen research topic (week 1, discussion).
Link to article:
Once you are satisfied with your hypotheses, explain why you chose a particular type of hypotheses; i.e., simple, complex, directional, etc.
Identify your variables – what is the dependent variable? Independent variable?
There is no particular format for this assignment but your hypotheses (a minimum of three) must clearly address the problem for your research project, identified in Week 1.
This pertains to the abortion in teens research . He wants us to use the link on the assignment to help us build the hypothesis. He wants three hypothesis.


Approximately 250 words


Interviews/Interrogations (CJC-120-1901)

The process of interviewing and interrogating another individual can be filled with obstacles the interviewer must know how to identify and overcome.
Assignment due by the END of this module.
The attached video is a simply video of a child being “interviewed” by his parent about an action he has done. I am using this video because the actions displayed (verbal and nonverbal) by this child are natural because he is unaware he is doing them and during an interview most adult suspects will display some of the same actions that the interviewer must be cognizant of.
For this lab I want you to watch the attached video twice. The first time I want you to watch it with no sound and identify what you believe to be signs of deception. Then watch the video a second time with sound and identify what signs of deception can be heard (objection vs denial).
You will need to research the difference between what an objection is versus an outright denial. Also research some non-verbal signs of deception. Then answer the following topic areas:
1. What were the signs of deception both non verbal and verbal
2. What was the main objective of this interview (what was the primary focus of the interview)
3. How did the interviewer overcome the deceptive actions and did you think her tactic overall during the interview was appropriate?
Formatting Requirements
Headers, assignment title (middle), your name, course and section number, and date (all this needs to be at the top/middle of the first [cover] page document), and References (this word stands alone on the last page).
Use one-inch margins.
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use double line spacing in the document.
Grading Criteria See Rubric (Click on My Grades tab)
A thoughtful Lab Assignment includes:
a. Introduction
b. Body
Generate a 500-700 words document using Microsoft Word containing your thoughts, reflections, and analysis of the below listed topics. The paper must follow current APA guidelines (located in the Optional Resources tab). The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. You can submit by clicking on LAB 1.


Approximately 250 words


Story called mice of men

Story called mice of men
would you be able to do a 3 paragraph essay
Choose 1 and create a minimum 3 paragraph essay. Make sure to refer to the novel at least once with text support in your essay.
and I picked number 2
this is what it says Who do you blame for the death of Curey’s wife? You can use more than 1 character here.


Approximately 250 words


The Creation of Criminal Justice Policy

Address the following in 4 pages: 1. How do theory, ideology, and ethics play a part in the creation of criminal justice policy? A. Identify a specific public policy and discuss the theory and criteria behind its creation. B. What are the complications in criminological theory of explaining causation? C. How does ideology impact the construction of criminal justice policy? D. People expect criminal justice policies to be morally principled. Describe how ethics frame or are incorporated into criminal justice policy. E. How is translational criminology seen as an effective way to bridge the gap between practitioners and researchers in creating policy? 2. Use at least 2 peer-reviewed reference sources, and be sure to use APA style for the references and the corresponding in-text citations.


Approximately 250 words


paper for logic and legal reasoning

The student will post one thread of at least 400 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 3 scholarly citations in APA format. Any sources cited other than the Bible must have been published within the last five years. One citation from each of the following sources must be included in each thread or reply to satisfy the 3 scholarly citations requirement: 1 textbook citation, 1 Biblical citation, and 1 scholarly citation from another source.
In which ways do you expect logic and legal reasoning to equip you in your future studies as a law student or legal professional? Include personal and historical examples in addition to examples from the textbook.
A copy of the chapters from textbook are uploaded.


Approximately 250 words


Criminal Justice Policy

Within the Discussion Board area, write 700-850 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. 1.1. Why has criminal justice policy come to be more dependent on evidence-based evaluation? Explain this in detail. A. How have practitioners and researchers collaborated more in recent years to formulate strategies to address crime issues? 2. What role does accountability play in considering which policies are “good” or effective? A. How do policymakers evaluate policies? B. What is the difference between evaluation and assessment?


Approximately 250 words


Examine the Consequences of Unethical Behaviors in a Nursing Master’s Program and the Nursing Practice

The standard unethical practice in a nursing Master’s program is plagiarism. Plagiarism is unethical because the student takes someone else’s work without referencing or acknowledging their source. The consequences of plagiarism if often dire to the student because it could lead to failing the course, failing the assignment, and in extreme cases, expulsion or discontinuation (Ewing et al., 2019). That action derails the learning process when a learner submits work that is not there through copying and pasting from a source without properly citing it. Nursing is a practical course where a patient’s life depends on the caregiver’s knowledge and expertise. Nursing graduates taking master’s programs should strive to promote ethical research and learning behaviors.
Falsification of patient records is unethical behavior in nursing practice. When a nurse falsifies the record of patients to see that they have already received care, they go against traditional set practices and standards to ensure that patients are treated. In addition to affecting patient treatment, falsification undermines the healthcare system’s integrity and can harm patients. Another consequence is that it undermines the trust between healthcare providers and can lead to wrong treatment decisions and diagnoses (Fargen et al., 2016). Besides affecting the patient, the nurse could also be negatively affected. The nurse could lose their license, be disciplined by the employer, or face criminal charges. The reputation of the health facility could be affected, including the nursing profession. Nurses should always be considerate and ensure that their patients are treated with care. They are sometimes regarded as first responders and are usually in touch with the patient compared to other healthcare providers. It means falsifying patient data could have a ripple effect on the entire treatment process.
Nursing practice and nursing master program ethical practices are comparable. In examining the relationship between data falsification and plagiarism, we consider creating a culture of best practices to promote ethical practices. A learner who has cultivated hard work and appreciates other people’s work would rarely want shortcuts (Klocko, 2014). As a master’s student and a nursing practitioner, striving to keep those standards are essential. If a nursing student is found to be plagiarizing, then they may lose their practicing license or find it difficult to get employment. In addition, there would be a loss of trust and credibility and difficulty finding malpractice insurance. Plagiarism and falsifying patient data are two unethical practices affecting the nursing profession. It is essential for nurses to always stick to ethical practices during learning and when practicing. Nursing is a profession at the forefront of primary patient care and should always adhere to ethical standards.
Ewing, H., Mathieson, K., Anast, A., & Roehling, T. (2019). Student and faculty perceptions of plagiarism in health sciences education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(1), 79-88.
Fargen, K. M., Drolet, B. C., & Philibert, I. (2016). Unprofessional behaviors among tomorrow’s physicians: Review of the literature with a focus on risk factors, temporal trends, and future directions. Academic Medicine, 91(6), 858-864.
Klocko, M. N. (2014). Academic dishonesty in schools of nursing: A literature review. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(3), 121-125.


Approximately 250 words