
How I intend to spend Christmas day

I need an essay describing how I intend to spend Christmas day just the day the deadline is today at 7 30


Approximately 250 words


Is it better to have siblings or to be an only child?

Essay named is it better to have siblings or to be an only child?
something beetween 210 words to 240 words


Approximately 250 words


Recommendation Letter

Recommendation letter by Dean of the faculty, who was former supervisor of that student. Now student is working at Dean’s faculty after graduation. So recommendation should describe my past student years shortly (research period, Bachelor’s) and nowadays working as English language teacher
I tried to explain if you couldn’t get I will write again with other words


Approximately 250 words



Let’s face it, we all have anxiety about different things that can affect us on personal, social, or professional levels. For many, this is the fear of public speaking. Even the most seasoned public speakers experience some level of trepidation before an address.
You may ask yourself any of the following questions …
Will I trip and fall when walking to the podium? Will my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth? Will I be able to pronounce that word? Will they hear my heart beating loudly or see my hand shaking? Will they find me interesting and engaging? Will I be able to connect with my audience?
These are all common fears and questions; but the good news is, there are things we can do to help us overcome these fears and shine in a public forum. Can you share any of those tips and techniques with the class? What has proven effective for you?
NB.Students are expected to approach their academic endeavors with the highest academic integrity. They must cite sources, and submit original work. Any assignment (a paper or presentation) submitted for credit in one course may not be duplicated and submitted for credit in any other course. Use of your own paper or work in a prior course or university is self-plagiarism and a violation of academic honesty. All papers will be submitted to Turnitin, a plagiarism checker in Blackboard. You may review your Turnitin scores in the My Grades area of the course. Academic honesty is central to the institution/student partnership towards student success. Students are accountable for adhering to the Academic Integrity and Academic Dishonesty policies in University Student Handbook.


Approximately 250 words



Please respond in your own words. No citations or references needed.
1. Active listening helps us communicate effectively and resolve conflicts in the workplace. However, distractions such as mobile devices and emails may impact our ability to actively listen to others.
Choose one of the options below. Then, thoroughly explain why active listening is critical to its success. You may want to refer to active listening strategies you have learned about throughout
• Building professional relationships.
• Decreasing misunderstandings.
• Increasing productivity.
Please respond with 5-7 sentences
2. Your supervisor just announced that you and a colleague, Bruce, will have an opportunity to meet with the company’s CEO in two hours to deliver a presentation on your team’s current project. Due to the short notice, Bruce believes your presentation should be an impromptu speech, delivered without notes or a plan. You believe your presentation should be written out word for word and read aloud to the audience.
Under these circumstances, how would you use your relationship building skill to collaborate with Bruce and resolve your differences in opinion? Please select one option below and thoroughly explain why you chose it.
• Communicate openly and effectively concerning your preference.
• Ask another colleague for their input.
• Trust Bruce and follow his suggestion.
Please respond substantial of 5-7 sentences.
3. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address the questions. Be sure to use your own words!
• What were your greatest takeaways from completing the assignment on active listening and responding?
• In what ways do you feel prepared to use your communication skill after completing the assignment? If you don’t feel prepared, share why.


Approximately 250 words


Professional Communication

Please respond in your own words. No citations or references needed.
1. Review the facts in the scenario of your choice and keep these elements in mind as you compose your email in response to it. Remember, the focus of this is to acknowledge the issue within your chosen scenario and send a request, via email, to arrange a discussion of the issue.
• Choose one of the professional scenarios outlined in this document:
• Use the names from the scenario in your To, From, Subject, and Signature areas.
• Write a professional email message from one of the character’s perspectives as outlined in your selected scenario.
• Address the email to another character in the scenario regarding the communication issue provided in the scenario.
• Use the form from Figure 5A in the text to format your email.
• While your message must take the form of an email.
• Craft an email message that summarizes all relevant facts of the scenario, requests a face-to-face meeting to discuss the relevant facts at a specific day and time, and uses language and tone appropriate for the recipient.
• Format your email using the standard form of Figure 5A in the text that has a descriptive subject line, a professional greeting/salutation, and a signature.
2.Writing with your audience in Mind:

Business Communications discusses thinking about your audience and adapting your message to that audience’s needs and concerns. Watch the short video (see the link above). Then, list 2 things you learned about audiences and explain how you will adapt your own messages in the future in an explanation of 6-8 sentences.


Approximately 250 words


Cyber Security Fundations-2-3 Activity: Data Protection Case Study Assignment

Please review instructions very well and DO NOT PLAGIARISM. My teacher is very strict with it. Thank you! if you need something else to be able to do this assigment let me know.


Approximately 250 words


2-2 Activity: Topic Introduction / unconscious bias

For your project, you will examine a specific topic, such as an issue or event in diversity, and how it impacts individuals and society. You will demonstrate your ability to think critically, investigate, and communicate clearly. Diversity influences society, and society influences diversity, creating a feedback loop between them. You will critically analyze a feedback loop in this project through social, historical, and theoretical approaches to diversity as well as the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social science.
For this assignment, you will select the topic you will be working on and begin to collect the required elements for your analysis. This assignment requires you to gather reliable evidence from varied sources and use them to introduce your topic effectively. All these elements will prepare you to complete the project, where you will need to use evidence to support your points.
Review the module resources and the instructor feedback you received on the previous activity. Then, visit the IDS 400 Library Guide for guidance on how to select and narrow a topic. You may use the topic that you worked with in the previous module or choose something different now that you have reflected further. Do some preliminary research on your topic to make sure you can address each of the required elements. Please remember that you will not be able to change your topic after the end of this module. You should begin to gather the sources you will integrate into your project, which must include two resources from course materials and two resources from the library.
You are not required to answer each question below the rubric criteria but may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.
It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
You will be evaluated on both criteria.
Describe your topic with effective details and contextual information.
What main points should you include about your topic? What other details are needed to ensure a thorough description?
Describe a population significant to your topic. Include information such as demographics, cultural practices, social identity, and key challenges.
Examples could include a population who is directly impacted by the topic, a group that works with those directly impacted, or a group that has strong feelings about the topic.
Articulate how the topic has shaped the lives and experiences of your chosen population.
What stories clearly illustrate how the topic has impacted the lives and experiences of your chosen population?
Explain your choice of one general education interdisciplinary lens for analyzing your topic.
What made you choose one lens over the others? Was it an easy decision? Why or why not?
Construct a thesis statement that combines your topic, population, cultural situation, and choice of general education interdisciplinary lens.
Your thesis statement should clearly and concisely state the relationships between your topic, population, cultural situation, and lens. It acts as a hypothesis proposing how these elements will work together during your critical analysis.
What to Submit
Submit your short paper as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
My Topic: unconscious bias


Approximately 250 words



1.Personal Statement (200-250 words)
-Reason for applying for a commission
-Personal and professional goals
-Strengths/personal characteristics you possess which will contribute to success in the HR Program.
2. Discuss what the Navy’s Core Values (Honor, Courage, Commitment) mean to you and how you think they will apply to you as an officer in the U.S. Navy. (Dont make this so cookie cutter but short and sweet)
*NOTES* I attached my evals, and letters of recommendation from other people so you can get an idea of my work ethic. I miswrote a personal statement, but I need it to sound like an HR resume and how I am I suitable fit for the HR community (previous supply/LS2 in Logistics). I’m applying for OCS for HR. You could also use HR Resumes from USAJOBS.GOV, (just a thought).


Approximately 250 words


Informative Speech Outline – Habits Successful People Have

This week, you will choose how you will organize your speech and develop an outline for it. Remember from your reading that the main choices for organizing your speech are typically chronological order, problem-solution order, and topical order. Outline your speech using the organization that best fits your topic.
You may outline your speech using a topic outline or a sentence outline. It is your choice.
Include the following in your outline:
In a paragraph at the top of your outline, explain which organizational approach you chose and why.
Outline your speech
Be sure to show that you have a clear introduction, a body with 3–4 main ideas or concepts and a conclusion.
You must include a complete APA Style reference list with your outline, which includes at least one academic source.
Tips for Success:
Brainstorm: List all the ideas that you want to include in your paper.
Organize: Group related ideas together.
Order: Arrange material in subsections.
Label: Create main and sub headings.
Your outline should be 3–5 pages and follow APA style and format.


Approximately 250 words