
Discussion 1 and 2

Question 1 (137 words):
Share a piece of career advice that you have received in the past with your group, and discuss how it may have helped or not helped, or perhaps hindered you in some way in terms of your own career and working life goals.
Question 2(137 words):
The use of intelligence testing in schools continues to be debated but it often forms a key component of helping guide young learners’ educational path. What is your opinion of using intelligence testing as a tool for determining suitability for a particular job or career? You may want to record your thoughts for your final assignment.


Approximately 250 words


Resume Writing

I need someone to quickly look over my resume + linkedim and perhaps make edits and all that thanks!


Approximately 250 words


Writing for Managers

To put together a series of written communication that focuses on positive messaging for a variety of audiences.
-Email encouraging employees to be more effective in the correspondence.
-revise the sentences to reflect You attitude.
– PowerPoint presentation on diversity and inclusive language.
– series of interview questions to someone in your career field related to writing.
– Professional Philosophy statement.


Approximately 250 words


lab 1

Download the Lab 1 template (provided by your instructor).
Follow the detailed instructions provided in the template.
Type your answers to the questions in the space provided.
Prepare your assignment for submission. Make sure to follow APA format, which requires in-text citations for all borrowed information as well as a list of references.
Proofread your assignment carefully. Improper English grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, or spelling will result in some point deductions.
Submit the completed first draft of your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
Access your Turnitin report by reviewing your Submission Details for this assignment. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback.
By the due date indicated, re-submit the final version of your work.


Approximately 250 words


Test and Evaluation

– In a Joint T&E acquisition program, who designates the lead Operational Test Agency (OTA) and what are some of the OTA’s roles and responsibilities?
– What are some of the advantages of acquiring systems from foreign nations under the Foreign Comparative Test (FCT) Program?
– What are some advantages/disadvantages in utilizing Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) items during the acquisition T&E process?
Use the below source for your information:


Approximately 250 words


stratification by gender

I going to submit the videos clips links.


Approximately 250 words


Personal Narrative

Now that you’ve learned about the requirements of a personal narrative essay,
it’s time for you to write your own. Remember that a personal narrative
should focus on the feelings, memories, and experiences of the author-you
and should tell a story about the author’s life.
Be sure to review all of the information below before submitting your essay,
Formatting Requirements
• Please be sure to include your name, student number, and exam
number on the very first page of your essay. You may include this
information in a header if you wish to do so.
• Using Microsoft Word, type your paper; it must be submitted in .doc,
.docx, or .rtf format for grading purposes.
• Use double-spacing, standard one-inch margins, and a font no larger
than the equivalent of Times New Roman 12.
Your final draft should contain between 750 and 2,500 words.
• Please save your document using your student number, the
appropriate exam number, and your last name, all connected by
underscore (_) symbols.


Approximately 250 words


Module 1 reflection

Kate Cottle

and Eric Berridge

effectively explain why the Humanities should be important to everyone, but why are they important to you? After you have viewed both of these videos, write a brief paper (200 to 400 words) answering the following prompt:
Why are the Humanities relevant to your life or career goals? How will gaining a better understanding of and appreciation for the Humanities help you better develop yourself?


Approximately 250 words


Module 1 discussion HUM 100

As humans we encounter a lot of different situations and experiences, some pleasant, some mundane, some painful. These experiences and our ability to think about and communicate our impressions of them is what makes us human. If asked to describe our most embarrassing experience, we would each have a story and likely a visceral reaction too!
Universal human experiences are those that nearly every human will experience in their lifetime. Despite our different abilities, beliefs, and cultures most of us will experience Love, Grief, Pain, Embarrassment, and many more. In this class, we will investigate the Humanities through 6 universal experiences: Birth, Growth, Emotion, Aspiration, Conflict, and Mortality, but this is definitely NOT a comprehensive list!
Dr. John Rodden, in his speech But Professor, What are the Humanities For?, attempts to describe the purpose of the humanities. In the process, he poses a different question: What are Humans for? Each of us might answer this question in a different way given our experiences, but if you look closely, there are many similarities too! In this discussion board we will tackle the same questions:
Make an initial post (either written or in a 3 minute video) discussing either What the Humanities are For or What Humans are For. How does your answer impact the importance of studying the Humanities?


Approximately 250 words


Case Study Paper

Case study topic is attached. Questions for paper and instructions are below.
1. Assume you are Vanderpool. Draft the comparison Pon just requested.
2. Which of the two routing alternatives would you recommend? Why?
3. Assume that the buyer in Saudi Arabia has made other large purchases in the United States and is considering consolidating all its purchases and loading them onto one large ship, which the buyer will charter. The buyer contacts HDT and, although acknowledging its commitment to buy FAS Doha, asks how much HDT would subtract from the $172,000 per truck price if the selling terms were changed to FOB HDT’s Crown Point plant. How much of a cost reduction do you think HDT should offer the buyer? Under what terms and conditions?
4. Answer question 3 with regard to changing the terms of sale to delivery at port in Baltimore. The buyer would unload the trucks from the railcars.
5. Is there an interest rate that would make HDT change from one routing to another? If so, what is it?
6. Assume that the cost to HDT of borrowing money is 12 percent per year. Because the buyer will pay for trucks as they are delivered, would it be advantageous for HDT to pay overtime to speed up production, ship the trucks as they are finished via the Port of Baltimore, and collect its payment earlier? Why or why not?
Students will answer the questions assigned for the week.
The answers to each question should be well formulated with proper grammar and formatting.
A quality assignment should consist of no less than four pages.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete their own work to avoid violation of academic integrity. (For all problems, show your work).
Each homework assignment is to be completed by the student submitting the case. The student must work alone and reflect the work of that student. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. Late papers will not be accepted without prior permission.
Not more that 35% of the content can be taken directly from all sources. This means if Turnitin is used, then the similarity index must be 35% or lower. The final score of the case study will be reduced by 1 point for each percentage point over 35%. This percentage may initially appear high; however, if the suggested format noted below is utilized, the headings, which use the questions, will contribute approximately 15% to the similarity index.
Submit completed papers as a Microsoft Word formatted document. All graphics are to be a part of the single problem document you submit. Documents authored in other applications, such as WordPerfect or Microsoft Works, will not be accepted.
Note: Wikipedia and unauthored websites are not acceptable sources. Do not use these types of sources, otherwise you will lose points.
Best Practices and Content Outline
The following are the best practices in preparing and formatting your homework problems. This provides a general outline that can be used with your homework. Follow Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines in constructing your homework.
Title page: This page includes whom you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date. Follow APA guidelines for the format.
Introduction: The introduction tells the reader where the author is going. Three or four sentences is usually enough. The introduction should not have a title because it is always in the same place in an APA paper.
Discussion: This would be the questions and your answers. You can make it easier for the reader to follow where you are going by using the questions, or question numbers, as headings for your specific answers. Your answers can include your opinions, but they should be grounded in fact. If you cited a source, our textbook, or some other publication, provide the appropriate parenthetical citation and add a reference page.
Conclusion: A conclusion is not required, but you can provide one if you so desire. Follow APA guidelines for the format.
References: References are required if you obtain information from any source, including our textbook. Follow APA guidelines for the format.
Here are some additional hints on preparing the best possible submission.
Use a four-step writing process: plan, write, complete, and review.
Prepare an outline of the homework before you go forward.
Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required. I find it useful to leave the paper alone for a day before trying to do any reviewing.
Use visual communication only if it will help clarify and support your work. Any materials that can be removed and not affect the clarity of your work are essentially fillers and should be avoided. Fillers distract from the flow of your work and will most likely cause you to lose points.


Approximately 250 words