
Women with ADHD

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ENG-105: Topic 6
First Draft of a Commentary Assignment
For this assignment, write a 750-1,000-word commentary that addresses a trend/topic related to ADHD.
This means that your essay should review a single trend related to ADHD. For instance, you could analyze one of the following trends (you are not limited to this list; these are suggestions):
•Increase in ADHD Diagnoses
•Impact of ADHD on a Child’s Schooling
•Impact of New ADHD Treatments
•Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medications
•The Reasoning Behind ADHD Awareness Week
•ADHD and the Zombie Phenomenon
•ADHD Drug Overdoses
This essay is NOT a summary of several different elements of ADHD. Rather, it is an analysis of a single trend related to ADHD, including various elements of that single trend.
Your review should include at least five scholarly sources outside of class texts.
1.Label or Identify the Subject: Provide the name for the trend and provide some context or background for the subject.
2.Explain the Subject: Find a pattern of meaning in the trend (e.g., speculate as to causes and effects of an event, compare with a similar case, or offer an example).
The paper is on unerdaigos women with ADHD


Approximately 250 words



In multiple professions, leaders might lead in one situation, but follow in another. For example, a manager might lead a specific team but still report up to a director, or a member of upper management, in a follower capacity. Consider what you read in the module resources, then consider your own past and current roles. Describe a time when you were a leader or a follower on a team in a given situation.
In your initial post, do the following:
In the subject line of your post, indicate whether you are providing an example of yourself as a leader or a follower.
Briefly describe the situation.
Indicate why you feel you were either a leader or a follower in the given situation.
Respond to at least two of your peers. If you gave an example of yourself as a follower, try to respond to someone who gave an example as a leader, and vice versa. Then, take the position of someone on the team in a leader or follower role and discuss the following:
Identify your role as either a leader or a follower.
Discuss the impact your role would have on the situation and the team


Approximately 250 words


Nurses can prevent burnout in the workplace by setting emotional boundaries, giving recovery time, and maintaining self-care.

Research Paper
If i have generated a thesis, will my paper be based off that?
“Nurses can prevent burnout in the workplace by setting emotional boundaries, giving recovery time, and maintaining self-care.” Is the thesis


Approximately 250 words



Respond to one of the following three “news clippings” related to virtue ethics from your Pozgar text. Write a 1-2 page essay addressing the discussion questions posed for the one you selected. Be sure to clearly identify the news clipping you selected.
Adhere to current APA Style and cite all sources
Assignment Discussion Questions
Discuss the pressure, if any, placed on the patient to responding to the suggestion of prayer prior to surgery.
Describe how you, as the surgeon, or nurse, would address a patient’s religious or spiritual needs if the risks of a complex surgical procedure appear to be threatening.
Why did you choose to respond to this story?
How is religion or faith displayed in your clinical setting?


Approximately 250 words


Nuclear Fusion

it has to have cover page and reference page included with 2 page essay New times roman size 12. essay topic above has to explain what advantages does nuclear fusion technology have over nuclear fission? why specifically is it harder to produce? how has nuclear fusion technology been improving? these 3 questions have to be answered in essay.


Approximately 250 words



NURS 510 dis 2
What are the barriers to nurses’ participation in the development of health care policy at the state or national level or in an organization in the United States? Why do you think these are barriers? Support your opinion with a rationale or example.
NURS 510 discussion 1 reply to Mckenna
As we know, healthcare in America is critical and has been a huge issue for decades. This topic seems to stem from a wide variety of controversial issues. If an individual does not have healthcare, then the individual is likely not being treated. Most people without healthcare won’t even go to an ER or primary care physician to get help due to the fear of bills they might accumulate. My position stands on healthcare being a privilege not a right, even though I was once in the position of not having healthcare due to my family situation. I say this lightly because I do see both sides of it after becoming a nurse. I find it important that individuals have the resources they need from the government in order to qualify for healthcare. This can be done with what is currently being used for assistance including medicare, and medicaid if needed. I believe that self reliability and hard work are absolutely key to obtaining healthcare in the USA.
NURS 510 discussion reply to Megan
Sadly, in the acute care setting, I see much evidence of the exact opposite. I see many patients that don’t take responsibility for their body, their health, or their actions. It is difficult to see these people in the ICU when they are reaping the consequences of their own non-compliance. It makes me think of the saying that you can lead the horse to the water but you can’t force it to drink. I think of this free preventative program in which valuable resources may be wasted by individuals that start the program and then are non-compliant and don’t follow through. What kind of consequences of breaching that contract would they receive? Is there a penalty, other than their declining health, that they would receive for their non-compliance? Being dropped from the free program, yes, but that just puts them right back where they started at no cost to them, but at a cost to the free program or taxpayers. I do not feel that it is the responsibility of the taxpayers to have increases to fund such programs for these individuals. It was interesting to read the documentation you provided that individuals are already paying higher insurance premiums based on benchmarks of “unhealthy.” I agree with you when you say that you hope this trend continues.


Approximately 250 words


World War 1

When war broke out in Europe in 1914, the United States of America adopted a policy of strict neutrality. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the United States would remain neutral, and many Americans supported this policy of nonintervention. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare by Germany was the main catalyst for the United States entering World War II. Reflect on America’s entrance into World War I.
Select two of the questions below and complete them in essay format.
Why was preparation crucial to ensuring U.S. victory in World War I?
What changes did the war bring to the everyday lives of Americans? How lasting were these changes?
What role did propaganda play in World War I? How might the absence of propaganda have changed the circumstances or the outcome of the war?
List all references at the end of your initial post in proper APA format


Approximately 250 words


Qualitative Descriptive: Data Sources, Data Analysis, Alignment, and Rationale

Assessment Description
In your upcoming residency, you will need to justify your choices relative to the research design of your proposed study. Throughout this course, you will explore data sources and analysis options for several qualitative research designs. You will also explore how to justify the choices of data sources and data analysis and align those components with the remainder of the proposed research study. In this assignment, you will explore the data sources and analysis options for conducting your proposed dissertation research study using a qualitative descriptive design. You will also explain how well these might align with the components of your proposed research study as you described them in the previous course. Given the data sources, data analysis options, and alignment considerations, you will also offer a rationale for potentially choosing the qualitative descriptive design.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
* Refer to the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions you drafted for conducting your potential research study as a qualitative descriptive study during the previous course.
*This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
*Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
*Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. The manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.
*This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
*You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Consider the specific language designated by GCU as indicative of qualitative research.
Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you discuss the data sources and data analysis options for conducting your proposed dissertation research study using a qualitative descriptive design. Include the following in your discussion:
1. State the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions you drafted for conducting your potential research study as a qualitative descriptive study during the previous course.
2. A description of potential data sources for the study. Use language appropriate to a qualitative descriptive design.
3. A description of potential data analysis approaches for the study. Use language appropriate to a qualitative descriptive design.
4. A discussion of how well these potential data sources and analysis approaches align with the previously developed qualitative descriptive components of the potential research study.
5. An analysis of the fit and alignment of this design to the proposed problem statement, purpose statement, research questions, data sources, and data analysis approaches. Do you believe this is a reasonable design for addressing your study topic? Why or why not?


Approximately 250 words


chose your own

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 5
Week 1 CCC Part 1 Template Links to an external site.(Use this template to complete the assignment.)
Minimum of 1 outside scholarly source (in addition to the textbook/lesson)
Introduction: Communication Change Challenge (CCC) Part 1
The Course Project is about improving your interpersonal communication skills. For this project, you will select a relevant interpersonal communication behavior to work on and improve (Week 1), attempt to change your behavior or pattern in the communication area you selected (Week 2), and evaluate your progress and performance (Week 3).
Click on the following link for project examples:
Project Examples
Problem Outcome
A 20-something woman recognizes that she appears to frown and/or has a negative facial expression when communicating interpersonally. Others often misread her as a result. She set the goal of using a positive facial expression when communicating interpersonally. She was more successful at work and received significantly more attention in her personal life as well. She made many new friends and broke off a long-term, unhealthy relationship with her boyfriend as a result of the increased attention.
A 40-something woman with a successful career recognizes that she does not accept criticism well. Generally, she jumped to the defense and never heard, nor considered, the merit of the feedback. She set the goal of changing her response to receiving criticism. She found that she was able to learn from constructive feedback and was recognized in her review for the positive change in her behavior.
A 30-something man recognizes that he is taken advantage of by his co-workers because he does not know how to say no. He often does the work of several employees and is sometimes even mocked by the co-workers who know that he has this deficit. He set the goal to clearly evaluate requests from co-workers and say “yes” to those that are appropriate and to say “no” to those that are unreasonable. The co-workers were surprised at first and continued to challenge him for a time, but ultimately he won their respect and improved the working relationships significantly.
This week, you will select a communication goal or challenge that is related to interpersonal communication. You will work on this challenge for the following two weeks with the goal of improving your communication pattern in this area.
Project Timeline
The following is a breakdown of what will be covered in each part of the project:
Due Title
Week 1 Selecting a communication goal
Week 2 Describing communication pattern, analyzing goal and developing a plan
Week 3 Implementation of the plan and evaluation of your progress
Instructions (Please complete both Part 1 and Part 2 below)
Part 1
Take some time to think about challenges you have communicating with other people. These difficulties may involve strangers or acquaintances; consider communication aspects with friends, family members, or people at school or work. You may identify situations that involve specific individuals or general circumstances. Some examples include having trouble starting a conversation with someone you have never met, saying “no” when your sister asks to borrow money, or avoiding participation in meetings even when you have a question or contribution to the discussion.
Complete the steps in the following framework to identify a goal. Using the template for this week, detail each of the steps to explain how you chose this one communication problem area you intend to change.
1A. “I Can’t” List
What are your “I can’t” communication behaviors? Address verbal, nonverbal, listening, group communication aspects, and cultural differences. Click on and read the sample responses for this section first. Then, write and submit the following for this part:
Make a list of six challenges relating to your interpersonal communication that you feel require attention because you “can’t” seem to do these well.
Under each “I can’t” identified, describe the behavior in detail for the first paragraph. In the second paragraph, provide an example that illustrates that behavior
Write a two paragraph response (description then example) for each “I can’t” behavior.
Sample List
Sample Description
1B. “I Won’t” List
What are your “I won’t” communication behaviors? Once you have read your list of “I can’t” communication behaviors aloud and consider each one carefully. Go back and read each behavior aloud again, but this time, substitute the word “won’t” for “can’t.” (“I won’t ask my friends for favors when I need their help.”)
Be honest with yourself – were there behaviors on your list for which the word “won’t” seemed more accurate than the word “can’t”? Probably so, because there are very few communication behaviors that people are physically unable to do. “Won’t” suggests that an element of choice is involved.
Write and submit the following for this part:
Provide a list of any statements that you were honestly able to revise to say, “I won’t.”
Provide an explanation for each regarding why it is more accurate to say “I won’t” rather than the original “I can’t” statement.
Eliminate any “I won’t” statements from consideration for this project because the “I won’t” aspect indicates your unwillingness to actually make a change.
1C. “I Don’t Know” List
Now go back to your remaining “I can’t” communication behaviors and try substituting, “I don’t know how to” for the words “I can’t.” Instead of saying, “I can’t keep my staff focused on the discussion at hand during meetings,” try saying “I don’t know how to keep my staff focused on the discussion at hand during meetings.”
It is important that you do not take the phrase “I don’t know how to” too literally. You may find that you do know how to do some of the things on your list, but you don’t know how to change from your existing poor habit to an improved communication behavior.
Sample Response
“I don’t know how to say no to a family member asking for my help” might sound strange to some. Of course you know how, you just say “no.” In reality, however, saying no may not be that easy, or it may not be your natural response. In addition, you may not recognize that there is a time for “yes” and a time for “no” and part of rectifying this communication behavior is establishing criteria by which you evaluate the appropriateness of saying yes or no given the circumstances. Then, you develop the necessary skills, language, and so forth to say no effectively.
Make a list of any statements you revised to say, “I don’t know how to,” and describe for each why this is more accurate than the original “I can’t” statement. If there are any issues that you still feel belong on your “I can’t” list, include a narrative to describe why.
The “I don’t know how to” items on your list are the ones to consider for this project. These are the ones you can expect to change by taking this course. Select one of these problem areas to work on for the remainder of the course and for the purpose of this report. Describe your process for eliminating additional “I don’t know how to” items to narrow your list to the one issue that you finally selected for the project.
Write and submit the following for this part:
Your list of issues that more accurately fit the “I don’t know how to” category
A narrative describing why you feel they belong there instead
Describe why you left certain issues in the “I can’t” category.
1D. Issue Selection
Write and submit the following for this part:
A narrative describing how you eliminated those that remained in the “I don’t know how to” category to decide on the one issue you selected for your project. This section needs to be at least a paragraph long.
1E. Project Statement
Write and submit the following for this part:
A clear project statement of the communication behavior you will address with this project and the person or people with whom you will be communicating for this project
Sample Project Statement
Part 2
In order to gain further understanding regarding the communication challenge you have selected, you will need to do some research to find an outside scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) that addresses the challenge you face. Once you have located that source and read it, summarize the source and share how the information within the source has provided insight into your challenge and strategies that can help that challenge.
Continue following the template as you complete Part 2.
Begin with the title of the source.
The first paragraph beneath the title will summarize the source.
The second paragraph will explain how the information in your chosen source has provided guidance or insight.
End with a full APA citation on the references page
You will be submitting Part 1 and Part 2 as one document that begins with a title page and ends with a References page.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: minimum of 4 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page


Approximately 250 words


Migration governance in the EU

The work should be done from January 29 to February 4.
My essay question will be available for me on January 29
Only after I can provide materials and so.


Approximately 250 words