
How does music impact learning?

You will find two article using APA PsycInfo on the psychology topic you chose. Then create an Article Dissection Worksheet for both article. You will then write a three page paper (using APA format) that reviews the two articles. Questions to think about are: 1) What does prior research tell us about your topic?; 2) What did your two articles find?; 3) Why are the findings important? What would be the “take away” of the combined results?
Article Citation (in APA Style):
INTRODUCTION (4-6 sentences):
Discuss the purpose of the study. What was the reason the researchers want to do this study?
What question(s) did the researcher seek to answer? What other information was included to
support the researchers’ ideas?
METHOD (4-6 sentences):
Describe the participants. Who participated in this study? What did the researchers ask the
participants to do?
RESULTS (4-6 sentences):
What did the researchers find? Better yet, what was the answer to the research question(s)?
What else did the researchers find that may be important?
What were some strengths of this article? What were some weaknesses? In your own words,
how can we use this information? What value does it have? **this section is your opinion so
you can use personal pronouns**
1. What have you learned while searching for this dissection research?
2. Why have you learned what you have learned
3. How you will apply what you have learned to your life.
You will then write a three page paper (using APA format) that reviews the two articles. Questions to think about are:
1) What does prior research tell us about your topic?;
2) What did your two articles find?;
3) Why are the findings important? What would be the “take away” of the combined results?


Approximately 250 words


stigma “A New State of Mind” reflection

A New State of Mind – Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness
Video reflection
Clearly and concisely describes one’s own impression of the film, and thoughts and feelings brought out by the film.
i started it put i am having a hard time putting my ideas together. please help.


Approximately 250 words


stigma “A New State of Mind” reflection

A New State of Mind – Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness
Video reflection
Clearly and concisely describes one’s own impression of the film, and thoughts and feelings brought out by the film.
i started it put i am having a hard time putting my ideas together. please help.


Approximately 250 words


Osmosis Demo Lab Report

1. You’ll be writing a lab report for this assignment. Your lab report should consist of 4 sections, an Introduction (including predictions), Methods section, Results (1 table of data + 2 graphs), and Analysis & Conclusions. See p. 2 for the grading rubric.
2. Hand in hardcopy, with word-processed Introduction, Methods, and Analysis.
o The following may be handwritten: your calculations of molarity/osmolarity of the solutions (part of the introduction) and the Table (part of the Results Section).
o The graphs must be hand drawn.


Approximately 250 words


Check For Understanding #1: Formal and Informal Theories

In this Check for Understanding, please take the time to consider the differences between formal and informal theories.
Formal theories: are developed by academic experts and applied to complex theoretical frameworks to generate new knowledge. In this course we will learning about the formal theories of education such as Behaviorism, Social Cognitive theory, constructivism, etc.
Informal theories: are related to the acquisition of skills and knowledge, regarding specific subject matter, over time from either peers and/or the work environment. Many of these informal strategies develop in workplace environments as a result of intelligence, experience, and reflection. What you learn in the classroom or the workplace through hands on experience relates to the informal theories of education.
Formal theory of education example: “Operant conditioning is a method of learning that employs rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, is an association is made between a behavior and a consequence (whether negative or positive) for that behavior.” This theory was developed through documented research conducted under controlled conditions and reinforced through ongoing experimentation.
Informal theory of education example: “Teacher/parent conferences are not a time to bring up major problems or big issues with a student, particularly if you have not mentioned them to the parent before.” This concept is something learned by practical experience of conducting parent/teacher conferences and seeing the result of dropping bombshells on parents (it never ends well).
Complete the Venn Diagram, with at least four attributes in each comparison/contrast area. Then think of 3-5 examples of each formal and informal theories.
(I will attach the pdf file and the lecture notes)


Approximately 250 words


Benchmark – Career Exploration/Short Research Paper

Benchmark – Career Exploration/Short Research Paper
Assessment Description
Research two career paths of interest in your prospective field. include the following:
• Education/training needed
• Future stability
• Summarize which path best suits you and your career choices. Explain why.
• Discuss any surprising factors surrounding the career paths of your prospective field.
Discussion of the marketability of the career, including; labor market and availability, income range, education/training needed, job availability, future stability, and time demands from the career is exceptional. Clearly conveys a thorough grasp of the topics
Discussion of career benefits and challenges, including; burnout propensity and opportunities for advancement is exceptional and uses examples from current research, not simply personal opinions.
Discussion of how career matches skill set, personality, and values system is comprehensive, concise and thoughtful.
Summary of career path best suited to you and your career choice, including why it is best suited is comprehensive, thoughtful, and shows sound analysis of personal situation
Discussion of surprising factors discovered surrounding your career path is concise, comprehensive, and shows sound analysis.
Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.


Approximately 250 words


Pernicious Anemia Case Analysis

Teri goes to see her PCP after feeling depressed last couple of months as well as experiencing a seizure earlier this week. The physician orders a few test, results are shown below:
Low hematocrit
Low levels of Vit B12
Low Oxygen levels
Presence of autoantibodies against the parietal cell
Peripheral blood smear shows abnormal RBC (large pale RBCs)
After viewing the results, Teri is diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia; a condition in which autoantibodies destroys the parietal cells found within the stomach.
Address each of the following regarding Teri’s case:
Since the parietal cell is destroyed, which substance(s) is Teri lacking as a consequence?
What is the correlation between destruction of parietal cells and Vit B12 deficiency?
Due to her condition, Teri lacks Pepsin. Explain why.
If Teri were healthy, explain what her RBCs would look like?
What is hematocrit?
Low oxygen levels stimulate her body to create new RBCs by stimulating which process? Explain that process in depth.
What protein transports oxygen in our body and explain its structure?
What cell secretes antibodies and explain the various functions of antibodies.
What are the different types of antibodies and give two characteristics for each?
Explain the structure of an immunoglobulin.


Approximately 250 words



Topic: Hypocalcemia
Create a discussion based on your topic describing the following:
What is the electrolyte disturbance? (ex. Hypokalemia — title)
What is the normal serum blood range for this electrolyte and what has happened to the value when the electrolyte disturbance occurs?
Describe the clinical manifestations (signs, symptoms, EKG changes) that happen when the electrolyte disturbance happens.
Is there a difference between early and late clinical manifestations?
How are you (as a student) going to memorize this electrolyte disturbance? Would you create a flashcard? Rewrite on notebook paper? Use a picmonic?


Approximately 250 words


How does music impact learning?

You will find two article using APA PsycInfo on the psychology topic you chose. Then create an Article Dissection Worksheet for both article. You will then write a three page paper (using APA format) that reviews the two articles. Questions to think about are: 1) What does prior research tell us about your topic?; 2) What did your two articles find?; 3) Why are the findings important? What would be the “take away” of the combined results?
Article Citation (in APA Style):
INTRODUCTION (4-6 sentences):
Discuss the purpose of the study. What was the reason the researchers want to do this study?
What question(s) did the researcher seek to answer? What other information was included to
support the researchers’ ideas?
METHOD (4-6 sentences):
Describe the participants. Who participated in this study? What did the researchers ask the
participants to do?
RESULTS (4-6 sentences):
What did the researchers find? Better yet, what was the answer to the research question(s)?
What else did the researchers find that may be important?
What were some strengths of this article? What were some weaknesses? In your own words,
how can we use this information? What value does it have? **this section is your opinion so
you can use personal pronouns**
1. What have you learned while searching for this dissection research?
2. Why have you learned what you have learned
3. How you will apply what you have learned to your life.
You will then write a three page paper (using APA format) that reviews the two articles. Questions to think about are:
1) What does prior research tell us about your topic?;
2) What did your two articles find?;
3) Why are the findings important? What would be the “take away” of the combined results?


Approximately 250 words


stigma “A New State of Mind” reflection

A New State of Mind – Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness
Video reflection
Clearly and concisely describes one’s own impression of the film, and thoughts and feelings brought out by the film.
i started it put i am having a hard time putting my ideas together. please help.


Approximately 250 words