
Disscusion Journal Article

Find a peer reviewed journal article that discusses an issue/topic that we have covered in our textbook during week 2, Chapters 5- 9.
A peer reviewed journal article is a research article that has been submitted to a peer review journal. You find these articles on the Healey Library data bases, when you do the search, check the box that says peer review journal article.
The rubric for grading the response papers is: Formatting & Citation 10 points, discussion of journal article 30 points, discussion of textbook material 30 points, and the critical comparison of the two sources 30 points. Formatting should be done in APA Citation Style.
Minimun 550 words, must include a cover page and reference page in APA citation/format style
I attached the peer review article and also the chapter of the book that we have to use to make the comparison.
If you want to login in my account McGrawHill Connect let me know i can give you access or you can use the documents below.


Approximately 250 words


Culture Shock Analysis: Migrating to a new country

Identify an example of culture shock from a book, film, or TV series.
I. Background ( 1/2 page): * Briefly explain the culture shock experience you identified and the source (e.g., book, TV series, film…). Include the setting, people involved, and main event(s). Include enough details so the reader can vividly imagine what is happening. Make sure you include a well-developed thesis statement, which informs the reader in one sentence what the paper is about. The thesis should be placed at the end of the Background section.
II. Analysis (2 pages): This is the main part of your paper. Make sure this section is very well-developed, well-organized, and well-written. depends mainly on your sociological analysis of the culture shock experience. * Analyze the culture shock experience you identified using at least five key terms learned from previous modules. For each key term, you will need to provide examples of the culture shock experience in order to illustrate that you can use the course material to reach a greater depth of understanding. You must go beyond just describing the culture shock experience. Key terms must be bolded or underlined. In addition, examine the outcomes of the culture shock. * What was the person’s/character(s) reaction to the experience? * Were they ethnocentric or culturally relativistic, and how? * Also, why do you think they were ethnocentric or culturally relativistic? *Be sure to apply your sociological imagination when responding to these questions. Include specific examples or illustrations.
III. Conclusion (1/2 page): Include an engaging and stimulating conclusion paragraph that summarizes your paper. Demonstrate evidence that you can make connections between all of the main ideas. * The paper should be logically organized in well-constructed paragraphs/sentences, have relevant content, and be easily understood. There should be few or no errors in format, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. These errors should not hinder comprehension of your writing Citations. Always cite the original source if you are “borrowing” information. If you are citing sources, there must always be in-text citations and a list of “References” in APA style. Sources must be in alphabetical order in the list of “References.”


Approximately 250 words


In the society around you or in the world, do you believe there is or is not a cause for indignation that could justify civil disobedience? Provide a precise, contextualized and well-argued answer.

In the society around you or in the world, do you believe there is or is not a cause for indignation that could justify civil disobedience? Provide a precise, contextualized and well-argued answer.
(3000-4000 characters)
*it is a college admissions essay*
write a well-argued answer with relevant examples from the 21st century.


Approximately 250 words


“Describe the religious and educational institutions using the funcionalist and conflict perspectives”

Title page and reference page are not included in the amount of pages, they are in addition to. Paper is double spaced typed. Use one inch margins and no larger than 12 font size in Times Roman Font. Sources must be sited.


Approximately 250 words


PART 1 Prompt for Reaction Paper #5 & PART 2 DB#4: Religion, State & Nation

I need 1-page papers: for Prompt for Reaction Paper #5
I understand that many of you are pressed for time. So, familiarizing yourself first with the paper prompt allows you to read and listen selectively if that’s what your situation requires.
*******I’m not picky choose the files that best help you for the Prompt for Reaction Paper #5 IN PART 1*******
Read through the news article “The ACLU is Changing—Not Everyone is Happy About That” at the following link:
Prompt for Reaction Paper #5
In recent years, especially since the George Floyd protests of late spring and summer 2020, many traditional (especially older) liberals have expressed concern about the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) shifting its program from “non-partisan” defense of civil liberties to “politicized” advocacy of social justice causes, especially racial justice causes. It is reasonable to suggest that the concern of these troubled ACLU supporters stems partly from the inconsistent and even contradictory messaging of the ACLU’s communications operatives. In their outreach to members of the public via press conferences and social media, the ACLU’s communications people emphasize the systemically racist character of many American institutions and the imperative to reduce (or eradicate) racial disparities. At the same time, much of the ACLU’s social justice-themed advocacy centers on the expansion of programs and services — child allowance payments, postal banking, etc. — that would benefit broad layers of the working and middle classes irrespective of their ethnoracial status.
Questions for you to address in your commentary: 1) In their advocacy work and their public messaging, to what extent and how are the ACLU’s program directors drawing from Critical Race Theory and the New Abolitionism — i.e. both the sociolegal vocabulary and the political content of Critical Race Theory and the New Abolitionism? In your commentary, you need to demonstrate that you have engaged with the article written by Torres, or the article written by Akbar — or both. 2) How might the ACLU programming and messaging resonate differently if it borrowed ideas from Lynd (on collective socioeconomic rights)?
These are not simple questions with straightforward answers, or questions to which there are clearly right and wrong answers. (Although some answers might be “better” than others, in the sense that they show a sound understanding of the texts and issues, are well-reasoned and well-written, and so on.) Do your best to synthesize your commentary on Questions #1 and #2.
Write no fewer than 275 and no more than 300 words in total. Submit your double-spaced essay in Word BY MONDAY 1/16 9:45 PM . I NEED THIS 1 PAGE PAPER BY MONDAY 1/16 9:45 PM.
Links or Files to Help You below will be uplaoded in Upload files
Learning Unit #5 (three parts) Content 5 Folder :
US constitutional order and political development
Content Folder
1)US Constitutional Order and Political Development January 13 2023
US constitutional order and political development—all slides (Orren)
3)Tigar—Original Understanding and the Constitution
4)Tigar—By the Lawyers and for the Judges, An Irreverent History of the Bill of Rights
5)Orren—The Primacy of Labor in American Constitutional Development
Intellectual movements in law and society
Content Folder
1)POWERPOINT SLIDES: Contemporary intellectual movements in law and society January 13 2023
2)RECORDED LECTURE: Intellectual movements in law and society—Slides #1-#7 (Lynd)
3)RECORDED LECTURE: Intellectual movements in law and society—Slides #8-#12 (Torres)
4)Vago & Barkan—Law and Society, Chapter Two (pp. 48-56)
5)Lynd—Communal Rights
6)Torres—Critical Race Theory, The Decline of the Universalist Ideal
7)Akbar—Toward a Radical Imagination of Law
Law, social movements, and social change
1)POWERPOINT SLIDES: Law, social movements, and social change January 13 2023
2)RECORDED LECTURE: Law, social movements, and social change—all slides (Albiston)
3)Vago and Barkan—Law and Society, Chapter Seven
4)Albiston—The Dark Side of Litigation as a Social Movement Strategy
I need two paragraphs on DB#4: Religion, State & Nation
*******I’m not picky choose the files that best help you for the DB#4: Religion, State & Nation*******
Part 3 Religion: Structural Power & Authority
Religion, State & Nation: Despite classical
theorizing that with modernity, religion will
retreat from the public sphere into the private,
religion continues to exert enormous power in
public life, most especially in the organization
of the American state and in our “idea” of
“America,” the nation. Today, we will explore
the secularization thesis: what does secularism
mean? Is America a secular state? Is the
secular-religious divide a real or false binary in
the American context? We will examine the
intersection of religion and state and our
ongoing reality of an uptick in religious
nationalism and its shaping of debates of civic
Links or Videos or Files to Help You below…..
Watch: “Is Religion Declining?” (7:05
minutes) – Religion for Breakfast https://
Listen: “Why Hate Crimes are On The
Rise.” (17:28 minutes), Harvard Religion
Gustavo Morello (2019). “Why Study
Religion from a Latin American
Sociological Perspective? An Introduction to
Religions Issue, ‘Religion in Latin America,
and among Latinos Abroad.’” Religions
10(6):399. doi: 10.3390/rel10060399.
Ron Elving (2022). “Roe draft is a reminder
that religion’s role in politics is older than
the republic”
Tania Ganguli and Sopan Deb (2022).
What to Know About Irving’s Antisemitic
Movie Post and the Fallout https://


Approximately 250 words


1) Identify, Define, and Apply basic concepts of sociology including culture, status, roles, norms institutions, social class, race, and gender.

Required Reading
Anand Giridharadas (2019) Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World.
Vintage ISBN-13: 978-1101972670
Chapters 11 and 12 Open Stax Introduction to Sociology
Due: Tuesday January 17, 2023 via canvas (turnitin) by start of class (no exceptions, please
do not ask).
1. Prepare a 750 to 1,050-word paper that provides a thesis on how the author, Anand
Giridharadas (2019) Winners Take All explains how the rich and powerful fight for equality
and justice any way they can–except ways that threaten the social order and their position
atop it. Please be precise not to write less or more to avoid penalty. In your paper, be sure to
include the following items:
a. Give at least three ways in which this happens. Provide examples for each of the three
ways. This does not have to be limited to the book. Consider using other sources. Are
people disproportionally effected across race and gender lines? If so, explain?
b. What role does it play in the lives of students making life decisions? Give at least three
examples for each.
c. Apply at least one of the major theoretical paradigms (conflict, functionalism, or
symbolic interaction) to help explain win-win. What role do the major institutions play in
the construction and perpetuating of the Elite’s charade?
Submit via Canvas with subject: Last Name, First Name SOC 100 Course#
APA Style (12pt. font Times New Roman, double spaced) MSword
Cover page
At least two different references required
Reference page


Approximately 250 words


Loretta Ross & Rickie Solinger, Reproductive Justice; An Introduction

The book is free on
is addressing: How are families reflective of particular social arrangements? How
do families navigate those same arrangements?
b. Based on the authors’ or editors’ approach to the issues or any explicitly stated
philosophy, what is the text’s underlying political and social agenda? The answer
to this question should not be: “the book’s subject is…”, but rather, an
identification of what the authors’ or editors’ want. What changes in policy,
practice, or social structures do they want to bring about? What are they trying to
persuade their readers of?
c. How does the text relate to the course reserve readings, lectures or other
materials? Be very explicit— citing other readings, concepts from lectures, films,
or speakers specifically. What does the text add to your understanding of the
issues we are addressing in this course? Just mentioning other materials is not
adequate. You should explain how they relate to the book or vice versa.What does the text suggest about the social contexts, forces, and relations that
shape families? In answering this question, think about what dynamics the author


Approximately 250 words


Sociology Assignment 1

In Thomas Picketty’s Capital in the 21st Century, the crux of the argument deals with rising global income inequality. Provide a critical analysis of what you see as the most salient social consequence(s) of income inequality. Include how you would use social policy to address these consequences and/or shape new futures. You may include evidence or data to support your argument.


Approximately 250 words



part 1-Which two (2) of the 10 Main Functions of Society do you feel can contradict one another? How would you create a point of
mediation between them? ( 15 sentences for part 1)
2- For part 2, you are asked to look at the above 10 main functions of society. Then, take the attached
identity quiz and according to your results, write your summary identifying examples of how your identity result might express itself within at least three (3) of the above criteria.
QUIZ: My Result: “Perfect Perfection”


Approximately 250 words


Using your sociological imagination, write an essay about your gender socialization using the below concepts and engaging with the below texts.

the percentage on the bottom is very weirdly explained. it is just how she will be grading the assignment by the topic
I have attached a few under


Approximately 250 words