
Personal Statement

Hi dear.
You have done many essays editing for me. I submitted the last one you did for me for USF. Now I need one for San Francisco (SF) State University. Also, their set of questions is a little different. I need the USF part to be replaced with info about SF State. I need to have a touching paper for admission as this major is competitive. You write amazingly. Thank you
(I volunteered at Kaiser Hospital and Had Internship at Kaiser OB/GYM department. Also reffered to SF State by a couple of Physicians and nurses.)
• Personal Statement
All applicants must address the following personal statement questions in a 500 word essay.
1) Describe the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse program of study you are interested in as it relates to your career goals.
2) Explain why you are seeking a degree from SF State.
3) How do you anticipate this program will assist your goals?
4) What contributions do you foresee adding to the field of nursing?
5) What special attributes will you bring to the nursing profession?
School of Nursing
The School of Nursing educates and empowers nurses to be agents of change to transform health care. We commit to co-create change by deconstructing, disrupting, and dismantling systems of oppression through the nursing profession. We foster evidence-based nursing, ethical decision-making, sound clinical judgment, leadership and holistic compassionate care using a justice perspective. We promote diversity in the nursing workforce and commit to recruit, retain, support, nurture, and mentor our students, faculty, and staff to support equity and inclusion.


Approximately 250 words