
reply to peer discussion

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Part 1 .Scope Creep . This week’s discussion on scope creep has been very interesting and fitting for our intervention class. Articles that discuss scope creep have discussed real problems with the outcome of practice implementation. As we prepare to implement a new project, we must ensure that the scope of the project must be clearly articulated as there is a significant risk of about 50% of project failure which is a result of scope creep (Komal et al., 2020). The DNP student is expected to implement their project within 8-10 weeks, so all steps must be taken to prevent scope creep for the successful completion of the implementation process. As healthcare needs change so rapidly, from day to day, and can negatively impact my proposed project. I will implement methods such as 1. effective communication with participants staff and stakeholders, 2. Involvement of the office staff (end-users of the project), and 3. Provide a continuous supportive environment for the project staff and participants. (Mian, Khan & Al-Yafei, 2020).
Stakeholder Communication
Stakeholder communication is an important attribute for the success of the project. The communication proposed within the project will be ongoing while allowing a two-way forum. This will entail the effective flow of communication between the DNP nurse, project staff, and participants where questions can be asked and answered, and uncertainties clarified Rajhans, 2018). The DNP student must ensure that the stakeholders are engaged and that their input and needs are managed appropriately (Rajhans, 2018). The DNP student must be cognizant of their responsibility to the stakeholders so all efforts can be made to uphold effective communication for the success of the project.


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