Business and Management


The assignment consists of the following parts:
– Title page, including your name, student number, teacher’s name, class number,
module name and name of the component.
– Part A: Overview page
– Part B: Reflective explanations
– Part C: Development goals
– Appendices
– Source list (APA 7)


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


This examination is divided into two distinct sections.
Section I is COMPULSORY AND CARRIES 40% OF THE MARKS OF THE WHOLE PAPER. Candidates are advised, therefore, to budget their time accordingly.
Section II is made up of SEVEN questions and requires you to answer THREE questions only, Question 1 being COMPULSORY. You should read ALL the questions before making your choice. All questions in this section carry equal marks i.e. 20% each.
In both sections you should define your terms and give evidence to support your arguments.
DO NOT repeat the question in your answer. Show the number of the
question attempted clearly in the appropriate places of the answer book.
Rough workings should be included in the answer book and ruled
through after use.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Ethical Issues At Huge Companies

What you need to do is pick any company that you want, and apply one of the topics that we cover or will cover in class to that company. For example, ethical issues at Sephora, supply chain management at Petco. It doesn’t have to be a big company. You should have the following sections: an introduction, literature review, findings, conclusion, and reference page.
Introduction: should give a general overview of company and the topic you are covering
Literature review: you discuss the sources that you have pulled data from, and what these authors said about the company or topic you selected
Findings: what are your findings and observations
Conclusion: You wrap up our paper with your conclusion
References: you can use any type of format for references, but make sure to follow it properly
Paper should be 5-7 pages long (excluding title page and reference page), double spaced and should have a title page.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Making Business Decisions Using Data

Overview: Company leaders need to keep a watchful eye on the economy and how micro- and macro-environments affect their business. Successful leaders are always a step ahead. They stay there by leading with data-driven decisions that allow their companies to anticipate and respond to challenges. In this module, you’ve learned how information is key in making decisions and solving problems; however, research and analytical skills are also needed to extract value from data. Information-gathering should align with research objectives. Qualitative and quantitative data alongside relevant and credible primary and secondary sources are fundamental ingredients for informing good judgement.
In a report by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. economy contracted at an annual rate of 4.8% in the first quarter of this year. For this assignment, you will take on the role of an HR manager at an air transportation supply company. The company is currently struggling with a significant loss of revenue and considering operational costs. You have been asked to analyze employee performance over the last year and make sense of the data.
Using a summary (provided below) of the company’s employee salaries, bonuses, and performance data, address the following rubric criteria:
I. Interpretation:
Discuss your interpretation of the data.
1. What questions emerge from your analysis of the data?
2. What story can they tell about the company’s employees?
II. Analysis: Explain how the provided data helps you understand your employees and how the company is using its financial resources.
1. Identify potential gaps or issues in the data.
2. What is the quantitative and qualitative data telling you? Are there any underlying issues or perspectives?
3. What is the data not telling you?
4. What additional primary and secondary sources would help the company make a decision?
III. Conclusion and related outcomes: Describe how you have used data to determine a strategy. Use evidence to support your explanations.
1. What would your strategy be if you were asked to recommend a 10% reduction in the budget?
2. How would you synthesize and defend your decision process?
This resource will assist you as you complete your paper.
Air Transportation Supplier HR Performance Data Spreadsheet. This summary table of your company’s HR performance data will inform your work on this assignment.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

leadership challenge – Employer branding

Hello dear,
Good morning/ evening.
Using the attached Power point to build in the report, please bare in mind the report should be real life based.
So basically, my report, as a Talent Acquisition Department Manager, will be trying to solve the issue of employer branding.
What I mean by that is, perspective candidates are usually concerned about the companies reputation, not because of a bad instance for example, but the lack of information out there about our company.
We are known as retail company while actually we manufacture our product and sell it so we have both fronts we manufacture and sale.
Now, the issue is that in order to attract new candidates, we need to improve our employer branding. We need to improve our company image, and reputation. we need to show that the company has actually a good work environment.
I have been assigned for that project, however, this conflicts with our marketing department. So, in order to achieve the best outcome, I need to show in this report that I have communicated with the marketing department with the marketing director to be spicific, and has resolved the issue of budget and conflict of responsinilities.
Report Structure
The reports should be no more than 2500 words (excluding appendices and references)
i. Executive summary
ii. Problem identification
iii. Evidence based solutions
iv. Discussion
v. Recommendations
vi. Conclusion and Reflective learning
Appendices (not marked by the accessors – only used to provide supporting information)


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Managing/Leading in business

Using the management skills and practices that suit your team and its objectives can help to ensure the team’s efficiency and productivity. Analyze the provided scenario to determine how management skills and practices can help support the team.
Imagine that you are an organizational consultant for the SNHU Pet Supply Company. The director of retail operations has asked you to evaluate the reason for some of the team’s drop in productivity and make recommendations for their improvement. Further conversations with the team members and managers reveal a conflict in the way productivity and efficiency is being measured and handled.
The team members say that their managers micromanage them. Each week, the managers send out a task list for the team and expect them to fill out detailed timesheets every day to cross-reference the task list. Any deviations from the list must be explained in a separate email. Moreover, some team members feel their skill sets are not being used correctly, and that they would be better suited to do tasks that are not being assigned to them. This has led to some resentment within the team, not to mention high levels of stress to meet the managers’ demands.
The managers maintain that they have just been following the process that’s been set out for years in the company. The many unresolved issues are taking a toll on the team’s productivity and efficiency, which then feeds back into the conflict, creating a vicious circle.
Write a brief report to the director of retail operations that explains the management skills and practices you feel will improve team productivity and efficiency, using the module reading to support your recommendations.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Overview: Provide a brief overview of the problem you have been asked to resolve, making sure to note specific areas of conflict between management approaches and employee feedback based on the provided scenario.
Management Approaches: Describe the general functions of management as well as the purpose and benefits of using established management skills and practices, making sure to use course resources to support your explanation.
Recommendations: Recommend a new management approach, consisting of a blend of management skills and practices, that you believe will help improve the team’s productivity and efficiency. Explain why you believe these approaches will be effective, and make sure to use course resources to support your recommendations.
Guidelines for Submission
Your submission should be a 1- to 2-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Philosophy of Leadership

Prepare and submit through turnitin an 8 – 10 page paper that includes your definition of leadership, discusses three leadership theories that have influenced you, analyzes your leadership style, examines followership, and reflects on insights gained. A well-constructed paper will reference 6 or more scholarly sources including 5 journal articles such as those assigned and retrieved from Brandman’s virtual library, and adhere to APA standards.
Leadership Definition
Provide your definition of leadership and what has influenced this definition. Your definition must be original but supported by the work of others. Support your analysis with two (2) or more scholarly sources including one (1) journal article.
Leadership Theories
Discuss three (3) major leadership theories that have most influenced your thinking on leadership and leaders. In your leadership challenge paper, you discussed classical leadership theories. In this paper, consider including the contemporary approaches of Authentic, Servant and/or Transformational Leadership. Select at least two theories or models that you haven’t already written about in week 5 for your final paper. Define and describe the components of the selected theories using four (4) or more scholarly sources including three (3) journal articles.
Leadership Style
Analyze your strengths and style(s) as a leader. Use three (3) or more assessments from the Northouse text to assess your effectiveness in the leadership approaches as described in the above section; and compare your qualities and characteristics to those of effective leaders. Support your analysis with two (2) or more scholarly sources including one (1) journal article.
Discuss what effective followership is and why it is an important component of leadership. How can you enhance your effectiveness as a follower and encourage it in others? Support your analysis with one (1) or more scholarly sources.
Reflective Analysis
In two – three pages, reflect on three (3) key leadership lessons you have learned from this course. What has influenced you the most and has been of the most value to you)? How has your thinking and/or behavior changed to enhance your leadership practice? Describe two (2) specific action you will take to enhance your leadership effectiveness.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Alibaba and Global Supply Chains

Alibaba Group Holding Limited ( was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma as an e-commerce company to facilitate sales among companies that provide consumer-to-consumer, business-to-consumer, and business-to-business products sold via the internet. As the world’s largest e-commerce platform, Alibaba is on a path to realizing its vision of facilitating $1 trillion in product sales annually, while it also pursues a goal of reaching 2 billion consumers. The company is headquartered in Hangzhou, China, has a revenue of more than $23 billion (primarily via advertisements on its sites), and employs about 51,000 people.
Alibaba’s global supply chains are strained tremendously on “Singles Day” or Guanggun Jie, a Chinese holiday celebrated on November 11 (the solitary 1s of the date—11/11—suggesting bare branches,” the common slang for singles in China). On this day alone, more than $20 billion in sales (more than 300 million orders) takes place on Alibaba’s internet platforms (e.g., Tmall, Taobao). When global retailers think of mega-sales online, they generally think of Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but they ought to be watching 11/11 closely as well, especially because 11/11 amounts to double the combined sales of both of those U.S. e-commerce holidays.
Each year, Alibaba handles more than 80 percent of China’s e-commerce business. The company also now operates in 190 countries. Moving forward, the vision for Alibaba is simple: Bring in non-Chinese brands to the Chinese market and expand products to customers outside of China’s borders. So far, the impact is clear. Beyond its own employees, Jack Ma claims that Alibaba has created more than 30 million jobs in China related to companies that sell their products on the Alibaba e-commerce platforms. Ma has also committed to creating 1 million new jobs in the U.S. With such large ambitions, Alibaba’s global supply chains must be top-notch, innovative, and always pushing the boundaries for what can be done to deliver products from manufacturers to consumers.
Alibaba does this by focusing on a differentiation strategy, partner connections, buyer protection, mobile technology, and large-scale product selections. Its differentiation strategy entails operating as an intermediary, connecting buyers and sellers, while largely avoiding the need for maintaining capital-intensive warehouses and depots. Partnering with Alibaba enables small manufacturers and suppliers to reach thousands, and likely tens of thousands, of new customers. Importantly, in these buyer–seller exchanges, Alibaba emphasizes buyer protection. That is, if a customer is not satisfied for any reason, he or she can request a refund. This consumer focus also carries over into how customers interact with the company. Alibaba has seamlessly adapted its e-commerce sites to mobile platforms, an important part of its strategy given that more than 80 percent of its sales is done via mobile devices. The large-scale product selection on Alibaba’s platforms has resulted in some 15 billion products sold annually and 15 million packages shipped daily (compared with 5 billion items sold on Amazon and 3 million packages shipped per day).
Please address the following questions in detail;
1. According to Alibaba’s promotional efforts and strategic initiatives, Alibaba is on a path to realizing its vision of facilitating $1 trillion in product sales annually as it also pursues a goal of reaching 2 billion consumers. It is already the world’s largest e-commerce platform. Can one company really achieve $1 trillion in sales and reach 2 billion of the world’s 7 billion people?
2. Each year, Alibaba handles more than 80 percent of China’s e-commerce business, and now operates in 190 countries (only 196 countries and 61 territories exist in the world). Moving forward, the vision for Alibaba sounds simple: Bring in non-Chinese brands to the Chinese market and expand products to customers outside of China’s borders. Do you think this global strategy is viable?
3. As mentioned, Alibaba’s immense number of sales and shipments puts tremendous pressure on its global supply chains. Do you think its supply chains can continuously facilitate the increased demand that its customers place on the global supply chain systems? Why or why not?
1. Your assignment should be 3 – 4 pages in length and written in APA style format.
2. Separate title and reference page (minimum of 3 reference)
3. Double spaced with 12 point Times Roman font and 1” by 1.5” margins.
4. Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Leader-Manager Assessment

Prepare and submit a 4 – 5 page paper that defines, compares and contrasts leadership and management, identifies the traits and characteristics of effective leaders and efficient managers, assesses your effectiveness as a leader and manager, and reflects on insights gained. A well-constructed paper will reference 3 or more scholarly sources including 2 journal articles such as those assigned in Weeks 1 and 2, and adhere to APA standards.
Leadership and Management
Define, compare and contrast leadership and management. Support your analysis with 2 scholarly sources including 1 journal article.
Traits and Characteristics
Identify the traits and characteristics of an effective leader and efficient manager, and discuss why they important. Support your analysis with two (2) or more scholarly sources including 1 journal article.
Personal Assessment
Based on your analysis of the traits and characteristics of leaders and managers, assess your personal effectiveness as a leader and a manager. You may want to draw on the findings from the Trait and Skills Questionnaires at the end of chapters 2 and 3 in Northouse. Include an analysis of why you are or aren’t stronger in one and/or the other role.
Reflective Analysis
Identify three (3) insights gained into leadership, management, and/or your personal effectiveness. What surprised you and what will you do differently to enhance your effectiveness? Describe two (2) specific actions you will take to enhance your leadership and/or managerial effectiveness.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Motivating Employees

-Introduce the topic and summarize the paper.
The main body of the paper should address the following areas:
-Provide an overview of motivation tools or techniques each company currently uses to inspire its employees to perform at an optimal level.
-Explain what motivational issues you would expect in each company.
-Identify what motivational techniques you would suggest that each company employ.
-Examine how multiculturalism may be a factor in motivating their employees.
-Provide a summary of the paper and an overview of what the reader should take away from the paper (purpose).
-There should be a minimum of three separate outside sources correctly cited and referenced to support and validate your case study paper this week listed on a separate reference page.


Approximately 250 words