
Unit IV powerpoint

I am a female student attending Waldorf University. I am currently enrolled in Health psychology. I will upload docs for assignment.


Approximately 250 words


What is your emotional reaction when you meet or counsel someone from a different culture?

Consider your reading from Shebib (2020), Ch 10, and in particular p. 340
What is your emotional reaction when you meet or counsel someone from a different culture?
I need your write it profetionally. Ineed you to read the resources and base on them write this discution
Unit 2: Readings & Tasks
Required Readings
Pinel, J. P. J., & Barnes, S. J. (2021). Biopsychology (11th ed.). Pearson Education.
Chapter 1 (Introduction to BioPsychology as a Neuroscience)
Shebib, B. (2020). Choices: Interviewing and counselling skills for Canadians (7th ed.). Pearson Canada Inc.
Chapter 10 (Cultural Intelligence, pp. 310-341)
View video: The Bio-Psycho-Social-Cultural-Systemic Framework by Dr. Sandra Collins:


Approximately 250 words


Article Reviews 1 & 2

“Students will be responsible for reading two research articles and completing written responses to the readings.
Students will also be responsible for reviewing the lecture slides posted each week. For each submission, students will be required to write a one-page review of each of the assigned articles for a total of two pages.
Responses should include a reference to how the article’s content ties into the lecture material assigned for that week”
One-page review for each article!
Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in US Children, 1997-2008 (Boyle, 2011)
Developmental Delays in Children with ADHD (Dyck & Piek, 2014)
What is a developmental delay.pdf


Approximately 250 words


Touchstone workplace style

Touchstones are projects that illustrate your comprehension of the course material, help you refine skills, and demonstrate application of knowledge.
Touchstone 3.2: Workplace Styles
SCENARIO: Monica and Jennifer are coworkers that have been assigned to work on a project together. Jennifer is very organized and wants her and Monica to do really well on this project. To get started, Jennifer took some initiative and prepared a list of to-do items along with the due dates. She even color-coded the list to indicate who will do which item. Shortly after, Jennifer sends an email to Monica with the to-do list attached. Jennifer wants her partner to know that she is serious about their success.
Monica is happy her teammate has shown initiative but is surprised by Jennifer’s to-do list and feels a bit uncomfortable as she is feeling like Jennifer is micromanaging her. Monica wants to do her part on the project but is feeling anxious because she doesn’t know where she fits in. Monica is worried about working on the project. She wonders if she can succeed in this project since Jennifer is already the leader. Prior to this situation, Monica worked for a separate employer who asked her to work on a similar project. She felt anxious about her ability to successfully complete the project and attempted to communicate her feelings with a co-worker. However, her co-worker didn’t seem to understand Monica’s concerns and said that she should just ignore her feelings and get the work done.
As Monica ponders having a conversation with Jennifer, she starts to feel overwhelmed and thinks it might just be easier to be removed from the project.
ASSIGNMENT: Now, it is time to practice the skills and concepts that you have learned to help your friend Monica navigate through a difficult workplace situation. Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skill, as well as what you have learned about personality traits and emotions, answer the questions in this case study assignment. Remember, you are to help Monica calm her anxiety and find a solution to her problem.
Download and use the touchstone response template to answer the questions.
Psy1010 Touchstone 3.2 Response Template
In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.
A. Assignment
DIRECTIONS: To complete the assignment, you will answer the following four questions in 5-7 sentences each:
What are the “Big 5” personality traits? Name and describe each of them, using specific details and information from the case study and course lessons.
Consider the different approaches to the project taken by both Monica and Jennifer. On which of the Big 5 personality traits do they most differ? Discuss these differences in their personality traits.
Using what you learned about emotions, what advice would you give to Monica? Describe a specific strategy that Monica can use to manage her emotions and successfully complete the project.
If you were in this situation, how confident are you that you could successfully resolve a workplace conflict like the one that Monica faced? What past experiences or knowledge influence your answer? Explain how your experience or knowledge can resolve a similar workplace conflict.


Approximately 250 words


What is your emotional reaction when you meet or counsel someone from a different culture?

Consider your reading from Shebib (2020), Ch 10, and in particular p. 340
What is your emotional reaction when you meet or counsel someone from a different culture?
I need you to write this disscution grammatically proffetionall. I attached the resources which you need to use and read in order to write this assugmnts
Pinel, J. P. J., & Barnes, S. J. (2021). Biopsychology (11th ed.). Pearson Education.
Chapter 1 (Introduction to BioPsychology as a Neuroscience)
Shebib, B. (2020). Choices: Interviewing and counselling skills for Canadians (7th ed.). Pearson Canada Inc.
Chapter 10 (Cultural Intelligence, pp. 310-341)
View video: The Bio-Psycho-Social-Cultural-Systemic Framework by Dr. Sandra Collins:


Approximately 250 words



You have been asked to speak with Nursing Students about Baltes’s Lifespan Perspective. Choose 3 of Baltes’s 5 principles that you intend to discuss with the class. In your presentation, be sure to discuss professional and/or personal examples from the principles that you have selected. Additionally, provide examples of age-graded, history-graded, and non-normative graded influences. Explain the importance of this information as it relates to the field of Nursing.
In your own words, describe in detail ONE of the following theories on development: Psychoanalytic (Freud & Erikson), Learning (Behaviorism & Social Learning), Cognitive (Piaget & Vygotsky), or Contextual (Bronfenbrenner). How might this theory help inform your nursing practice during one of the developmental periods of the lifespan? Be sure to identify one developmental period and provide at least one example.
Think about and provide a brief description of your previous developmental stage and your current developmental stage. What has changed in the different areas of domain (physical, psychosocial, and cognitive)? If you don’t want to use yourself, consider someone you know very well and use an alias if you prefer.


Approximately 250 words


Reflect on this week’s readings and discuss how this framework impacts your future work as a counsellor and how the framework is different from a theory.

The biopsychosocial framework is applicable to the physical, mental, and social health disciplines creating an interdisciplinary model of these three pillars (Biology/Psychology/Social).
Reflect on this week’s readings and discuss how this framework impacts your future work as a counsellor and how the framework is different from a theory.
I need you wrtite professionally in terms of grammer. I attached the resources that you are supposed to use them .
Shebib, B. (2020). Choices: Interviewing and counselling skills for Canadians (7th ed.). Pearson Canada Inc.
Chapter 10 (Cultural Intelligence, pp. 310-341)
Pinel, J. P. J., & Barnes, S. J. (2021). Biopsychology (11th ed.). Pearson Education.
Chapter 1 (Introduction to BioPsychology as a Neuroscience)
View video: The Bio-Psycho-Social-Cultural-Systemic Framework by Dr. Sandra Collins:


Approximately 250 words


Manage Yourself

Write a brief
(i.e., two-page, typed, double-spaced) reflection that details how the content is
meaningful to you as a person or future professional and can be applied to your growth
and development. Use examples to show mastery. This is NOT a summary of the
content—it is an application! Your reflection must also include at least three critically
thoughtful questions that demonstrate your comprehension of the material and capability
to move the conversation forward.


Approximately 250 words


Reflect on this week’s readings and discuss how this framework impacts your future work as a counsellor and how the framework is different from a theory.

The biopsychosocial framework is applicable to the physical, mental, and social health disciplines creating an interdisciplinary model of these three pillars (Biology/Psychology/Social).
Reflect on this week’s readings and discuss how this framework impacts your future work as a counsellor and how the framework is different from a theory.
I need you wrtite professionally in terms of grammer. I attached the resources that you are supposed to use them .
Shebib, B. (2020). Choices: Interviewing and counselling skills for Canadians (7th ed.). Pearson Canada Inc.
Chapter 10 (Cultural Intelligence, pp. 310-341)
Pinel, J. P. J., & Barnes, S. J. (2021). Biopsychology (11th ed.). Pearson Education.
Chapter 1 (Introduction to BioPsychology as a Neuroscience)
View video: The Bio-Psycho-Social-Cultural-Systemic Framework by Dr. Sandra Collins:


Approximately 250 words


Anxiety and neurotic needs or trends.

Literature Research Paper Content
The Literature Review Paper #1 may grant you up to 15 Points for your Final Grade. Continue and follow Instructions…
The Literature Review Research Paper MUST follow APA Writing Guidelines – Some APA Guidelines
are provided within the week# item the paper is due… Students MUST follow these guidelines to
write the paper…and the paper is due on Monday, January 16, 2023…
The paper MUST include
information from a minimum of three (3) journals from Florida National University (FNU) Library
Database of Journals. Students should choose the journals that discuss the topic chosen, obtain
information from them, and write the paper…
NOTE: Points will be deducted if APA Writing Guidelines and Instructions provided by the Instructor
are not followed…
Students may choose any subtitle from any chapter as the Topic for your paper, it
is not required to write the paper about the whole chapter, only a fraction of it, the part that more
interest you, or that you best understand…
The Literature Review Paper MUST be completed and
uploaded as a Word Document.
Additionally I will add a document with the part of the chapter I picked, the instructions to enter
the library to get the journals, and the links to the guidelines she want for APA.


Approximately 250 words