
healthcare finance

Why “Financial Management” is considered one of the key core competencies for healthcare executives to have? Assess how financial management can help healthcare leaders and their organizations become more competitive and viable in the long run?


Approximately 250 words


case studies

What lessons healthcare clinical and business leaders need to learn about the operationalizing of value-based care programs?
Use the following learning resources:


Approximately 250 words


Integrated Mental Health and Wellness

Give an overview of integrated health care organizations and its function.
Include the following in your essay:
Describe the purpose of integrated health care organizations and who the providers are within an organization.
Explain what types of providers/services would be made accessible in an integrated health care organization.
Explain the benefits of these providers being in one location. How would this benefit the clinical delivery to the patients? What would be the benefit to the patient experience?
Explain how an integrated mental health and wellness organization could be a positive benefit as a business.
Describe two advantages and two disadvantages of integrated practice.
Support your information with a minimum of four peer-reviewed scholarly articles.
Resource ideas


Approximately 250 words


health Admin

Write a 500- to 700-word summary report detailing how you believe the MHA program, and what you expect to gain from it, benefits your current position and future growth within your organization.


Approximately 250 words


M7: Personal Code of Ethics (Portfolio)

For this portfolio assignment you will write and submit a Personal Code of Ethics to Canvas
Consider your core values and ethical standards that you personally hold yourself accountable to. Now that you are becoming a PTA consider the Standards of Ethical Conduct for the PTA provided by the APTA, how will you incorporate these standards into your personal Code of Ethics.
Use the links provided below to assist you in creating your own Code of Ethics.


Approximately 250 words


American Society of Risk Management program

While performing research, you will note that the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) has outlined the minimal components of a risk management program. Describe a minimum of three of those elements and describe how they can be included in a risk management program of a health care organization.
should consist of at least 700 characters or more (not including spaces; roughly 150 words).
external source in proper APA format and with a public date no earlier than 2016.


Approximately 250 words


Control of healthcare in USA

Who controls health care? As you have learned, the U.S. does not have a central agency to manage and govern health care delivery. Rather, multiple parties have varying responsibilities for and interests in health care delivery. Therefore, this question deserves thoughtful consideration and raises many additional questions about healthcare in the United States.
To prepare for this assignment: you will be conducting a brief historical review or timeline regarding how healthcare delivery has changed and adapted throughout history. However, this isn’t a history lesson. Talk about the changes over time, but more importantly, how have these changes affected healthcare administrators today? How have the changes in healthcare delivery had an impact on you personally, as a current administrator, or how WILL it affect you once you’re in an administrative role? You will consider how the control of health care delivery has shifted over time from the preindustrial era until today.
Think about the changing roles and responsibilities of various individuals and institutions, such as:
Insurers/managed-care organizations
Government payers (Medicare and Medicaid)
Also, consider how the issue provides opportunities and challenges for healthcare administrators.
To complete this assignment, address the following questions:
What are the historical forces on the healthcare delivery system, or who controls health care in the United States today? Why?
How has this changed over time?
What insights does this topic give you with regard to opportunities and challenges for health care administrators in today’s organizations?


Approximately 250 words


Health disparities

Analyze and discuss health disparities, health care inequalities, determinants of health equity in health care and apply to the role of the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner.


Approximately 250 words


Health policy and politics

1) Select a health policy problem. It can be anything you feel is an issue – the number of people uninsured, the cost of medications, access to mental health services, shortages of healthcare professionals, the opioid crisis are just a few examples. Briefly describe the issue.
2) Describe what you think would be an appropriate solution to the problem you identified.
3) Since you found a problem and a solution, why do hasn’t the issue been resolved? Is the issue on the political agenda? Has there been an attempt to solve the issue that failed?


Approximately 250 words


Managerial Report

Instructions: Complete a Managerial Report based upon the case and your selected role. The healthcare setting in the report will be based upon the course’s selected case study and the role will be based upon your selected role for the course. An example Managerial Report Template has been provided for your reference, ensure each section is completed with sufficient details. Students are welcome to customize their report, but all aspects of the report must be completed with the appropriate amount of details for each section. Please include a separate APA Title Page and APA Reference Page with the managerial report that includes at least two credible sources. (Refer to the Announcement Page for the case or the Week 1 Content.) Managerial Report Template PDF Managerial Report Template Word Document (Student may elect to use the Word document, if desired. Please appropriately adjust the spacing and formatting, when entering your information into the report.)
The managerial report should include the following items:
1. Managerial Issue Defined: Identification of one managerial issue with the information on the severity, impact, and scope. I
nsure the report includes the appropriate amount of details for each element of the managerial issue, impact, severity, and scope.
Impact: An effect one event makes on the other. For example, the impact would be the restriction to the health services accessibility for all area residents served by the hospital due to the impacted transportation and infrastructure systems. Another impact point could have been the lowered capacity of the hospital to offer health care services to all served area residents (in-patient and out in the community) due to the power failure.
Severity: The fact or condition of being severe. Talking about the severity you needed to concentrate on the wider community. For example, a snowstorm affected a half of the served area living in widespread geographic allocation. The power failure and infrastructure issues would generate public health issues in the community. That should serve as an argument that this is a severe situation for the only health service organized institution in the area which duty is to prevent and mitigate public health issues along with offering routine services.
Scope: The opportunity or possibility to do or deal with something. Power failure and the infrastructure system failure in the community restrict the scope of hospital influence (opportunity and possibility) on the natural disaster and associated health issues developing in the community.
2. Identify 2 Healthcare Case Study Issues: Discuss at least two healthcare-related characteristics of the case.
3. Role Perspective: Offer insight to the situation through the lens of your role.
4.Identify a Minimum of two (2) Policies, Laws, and/or Regulations with Responsible Parties Information: Describe the two policies, laws, or regulations and include a discussion on the responsible parties such as the government agency or regulatory body.
5. Explain Your Role for Managing the Situation: Offer at least two specific tasks or steps that you can conduct to appropriately address the issues.
6. Identify at Least 2 Stakeholders: Provide a response that includes two stakeholders that your role will work with to address the issues, explain the relationship of the stakeholder to your role, and why this relationship is important.
7.Provide at least 2 credible sources with corresponding in-text citations.
8. Include a properly formatted APA Title Page and APA Reference Page.
Full sentences with proper grammar, articulation, and punctuation are required throughout the report. Provide the in-text citations throughout the report for the supervising manager’s reference.
Example of Responses for a HIPAA & Compliance Director for a Case Study Involving an Urgent Care Setting: (Please note that these examples may not be used in your submission and the responses are not reflective of a managerial report format.)
High severity issue: Potential for patient safety violations, Protected Health Information (PHI) violations, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations. (Note: Offer supporting details on the severity level.)
Impact-HIPAA violations, PHI exposed, patients’ information at risk, and patient safety at risk. (Note: Offer supporting details on the impact.) Scope-Operational, Clinical, & Legal. (Note: Offer supporting details on the scope.)
Urgent Care Case Study: 2 Issues- Patient tracking issues and staff unaware of patients’ locations including the collection of blood and urine. (Note: Offer supporting details regarding the two issues for the assigned course’s case study, clearly stating the issues as each one relates to the role and healthcare setting.)
Role Perspective- Compliance & HIPAA Director: Address the identified issues to minimize the risks, ensuring all aspects of compliance are clearly defined, while following all regulatory elements, rules, and laws. (Note: Describe your role as this leader related to the response provided.)
2 Policies/Laws with Regulatory Parties- Apply HIPAA regulations to the issues and revise the organization’s PHI policy. Students do not need to identify specific regulatory definitions but need to demonstrate an understanding of HIPAA regulations and PHI policies for this example. The regulatory parties that may be involved with these laws include the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) including CMS surveyors, the Joint Commission, or the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) related to HIPAA enforcement. (Note: Students must include the regulatory body for the selected policies, laws, or regulations that will be presented in the managerial report.)
2 Collaborative Stakeholders: Under this scenario, two collaborative stakeholders could be the facility manager and the risk manager. (Note: Discuss how, and why, these two stakeholders were selected, offer a discussion on their roles associated to your role, and provide information to the importance of their role.


Approximately 250 words