
Discussion 5 – Reduction of Manufacturing Costs

Manufacturing Costs: Pick a product and identify four direct materials that are used to create the product, identify at least two types of labor, Identify at least three types of overhead costs, and discuss how the company should be able to do to lower each cost.


Approximately 250 words


Discussion 4 – American and Foreign Company Joint adventure

An American company is considering entering into a joint venture with a firm in another country (please select another country of your choice). Describe what cultural and accounting practice differences each party should consider and explain why.
No identical company/country can be used for this discussion. It is important to review prior posts first. No credit can be given for using the same company/country.


Approximately 250 words


Discussion 3 – LabCorp

Select a publicly traded company and access the company’s most recent annual report (select the “Investors” menu item). Locate the notes to the financial statements and identify the information topics disclosed in these footnotes and explain the reasons for disclosure.


Approximately 250 words



Identify and research a US public company in your pathway that has Property, Plant and Equipment. . It should be on the Fortune 500 list. Don’t use a company that someone has already used. Please put the company’s name as the subject of your post. Access their recent (less than 12 months) annual 10-K report for the company at the EDGAR filings at SEC Edgar search tool or Yahoo or Google finance. Include the URL of the report in your initial post.
Initial post:
Review the report and in a minimum of 3 paragraphs, tell us the following:
The name of the company and your pathway
When was the report filed and the time period it covers, indicating specific dates, not just 2021?
What are the company’s major product lines?
What Property, Plant, and Equipment categories do they have and what are the dollar amounts for each category? If the numbers are in millions, state that.
What methods of depreciation do they use for those categories? Hint: See the notes to the financial statements.
What did you find interesting about they types of Property, Plant, and Equipment they have and the depreciation methods they have chosen?
Proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, etc. are required.
Do not copy and paste any information. Your posts should be in your own words.
Follow the minimum requirements for discussion board posts located in the general discussion area. Recall, those are the minimum requirements, more posts are always encouraged.


Approximately 250 words


the future of accounting: how did the evolving technology impact on the accounting industry

requirement: dissertation structure (7k words) tittle , abstract (200 to 250 words).
chapter 1: introduction (1k words)
1.1 background
1.2 research objectives
1.3 research outcomes
1.4 research methods
1.5 chapter organisation
chapter 2: literature review (3k words)
chapter 3: methodology and data analysis (1.5k words)
chapter 4: discussion and findings (1k words)
chapter 5: conclusion and recommendations (500words)


Approximately 250 words


24-hour online examination of corporate finance course

The exam time is from 9:00 a.m. on January 17, 2023 to 9:00 a.m. on the 18th. In this 24 hours, I need you to help me complete the exam paper, and I will provide the courseware and previous year’s test questions. The exam questions are 20 choice questions and one big question.


Approximately 250 words


ACC 5500_Module 1: HW

Two questions – couldn’t complete
One question – need help solving it with step by step
Willing to adjust for a reasonable price


Approximately 250 words


Wk 3 – Financial Exercises

Individually, complete all sets and parts of the Financial Exercises individually to prepare for your Wk 3 – Group: Financial Exercises Summary assignment. The file contains the following 5 worksheet tabs to complete:
Wk 3: Set 1, Part 1
Wk 3: Set 1, Part 2
Wk 3: Set 2, Part 1
Wk 3: Set 2, Part 2
Wk 3: Set 2, Part 3


Approximately 250 words


Week 1 Case Study

Using current literature, complete “Case 17-10, ABC Retailers-Internal Controls” that is attached. Here are the specific questions that need to be answered:
1. What are the key considerations when evaluating the severity of a deficiency in a control that directly addresses a risk of material misstatement?
2. Does the Assistant Controller’s failure to adequately review the Vendor Change Form represent a deficiency in the design or operating effectiveness of the control?
3. Is the failure in the vendor request change form control indicative of a material weakness in internal control over financial reporting?
4. Would the deficiency warrant disclosure in the Company’s Form 10-K, Item 9A? If so, what information would the Company be expected to disclose?
5. What implications does the deficiency have on other direct or indirect controls
6. What are the ethical issues that need to be considered? (this question is in addition to the ones at the end of the case)


Approximately 250 words


Week 1 Video Discussion

what did you find interesting about the video? Do you see remote auditing as continuing beyond the pandemic and what improvements do you think can be made on this process?


Approximately 250 words