American History

For this activity, you will be examining the concept of judicial review and why it remains so important by picking a recent Supreme Court case (within past two year

Look at the issue of Supreme Court appointments under the Trump Administration, what role does judicial review play in it and why is the issue of judicial review still important? Pick one Supreme Court case decided within the last two years and address further the issue of judicial review and whether recent Supreme Court appointments have made a difference in the outcome of the case.
Write a research paper (2-3 pages) that answers the following question using a case delivered by the Supreme Court: Did the framers intend the federal courts to exercise judicial review? In your answer be sure to include a cogent analysis of the concept of judicial review. (Chapter 2)
Consider the following questions as you formulate your outline and your paper:
Why is the concept of judicial review still so important today?
Do presidents consider how justices will review cases when they appoint them? Look specifically at the appointments under President Donald Trump and whether he picked justices that would review cases as he would like those cases to be reviewed.


Approximately 250 words