
Hollitz Thinking Through the Past Chapter 1

Read Hollitz Chapter 1, I have attached a pdf copy of the chapter down below.
1) How do each of the four sources present the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Republican governments in the southern states? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, how these governments are described, and the views of carpetbaggers and scalawags.
2) How do each of the four sources view African Americans? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, any racial assumptions about African Americans, and any arguments about their role in shaping Reconstruction and their own lives.
3) How do each of the four sources view the overturning of Reconstruction? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, whether the seizure of power by white southerners is viewed as a welcome or regrettable development, and the role of the terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan.


Approximately 250 words