
Module 14 – Into the Fire Again: World War II, 1939-1945

From the Eugenics to the Holocaust – discuss the cumulative radicalization of a deadly idea by the Nazis in the late 1930s and during WWII.
From the Eugenics to the Holocaust – discuss the cumulative radicalization of a deadly idea by the Nazis in the late 1930s and during WWII.
Please visit the special traveling exhibition – Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race (that was in New York City a few years ago).
Choose two artifacts from the three given periods to describe the issue and practice; then, utilize and cite in your work relevant sections from your textbook dealing with the period and Nazi practices during WWII (include and cite the source document that’s in the chapter “The Nazi Death Camps”).
If the website does not open (requires ‘flash’), then use the article based on it, and make your selection from it: a number of these same artifacts are presented and analyzed by the following author – utilize the text with inserted visual material from the article: In the Name of Public Health – Nazi Racial Hygiene by Susan Bachrach in the New England Journal of Medicine, July 29, 2004, 351;5, pp. 417-420.
In your 250-word assignment(if over the word count that is fine need a detailed and eneging response), state the names of artifacts and the title of the source document; in your write-up, include answers to the: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How and, of course, have at least four historical dates for what you are addressing.
Use and cite your textbook as you go, and when you use other sources (textbook, website, video, publication), make sure you use less than 20% of the total words count of your paper, and cite your courses properly *
As a general overview and intro to the topic, watch: Roots of Nazi Ideology by Yad Vashem (11 min):
Roots of Nazi Ideology Roots of Nazi Ideology
With related online material: (Citation sources are provided).


Approximately 250 words