
Human Resource 1 of 15

1. Under the authority of CA’s former worker classification law established in the Borello case, should the plaintiff-driver in Grubhub be classified as a contractor or an employee? What part of the Borello test do you rely on?
Based upon the information presented, all drivers of Grubhub should be classified as employees based on the following factors. First, drivers are a significant part of Grubhub’s regular business model. Next, drivers are paid for time-based Grubhub’s providing a set minimum salary with added payments for drivers’ deliveries. Lastly, Grubhub is a distinct occupation based on Grubhubs business structure. There is an exchange, and the platform links drivers with delivery opportunities.
Answer Question (2)
2. Under the current CA worker classification test established by the Dynamex case and ABC, does your answer in Part 1 above change or stay the same? Why?


Approximately 250 words


Discussion – Design a Multi- cultural forum with the theme “Diversity creates Dimension in the world”.

3 pages deadline is January 15, 2023 at 12:00
Design a Multi- cultural forum with the theme “Diversity creates Dimension in the world”. The discussion panel should consist of five (5) exchange student representatives from the following diverse nationalities (Ghana, Switzerland, Indonesia, United Arab Emirate, Montserrat) speaking on pressing issues in Organizational culture from the perspectives of Djibouti such as:
• Cultural Practices in Organizations
• Power Struggle/Tensions & Conflict Resolution
• Interpersonal Relationships,
• Negative and Positive Perceptions
• Cultural influence on Gender and Occupation
• Concerns of international chains that employ foreigners
Tips for Guided Discussion:
1. Explain the importance of Intercultural Competence in a diverse world.
2. Explore Cultural Sensitivity: the ability to feel the cultural diversity, identify the needs caused of the cultural diversity and ability to choose the adequate responses to them.
3. Discuss Negative and Positive Perceptions- the images which people have in their mind about people from different cultures.
4. Assess the intangible characteristics of culture that are usually overlooked which influences prejudices, biases and stigmas in the Organization.


Approximately 250 words


Graduation rate of disabled college students relation to different colleges disability resources

Looking for a connection between a colleges disability resources and the graduation rate a disabled college students. The disabled community is the fastest growing sub population in college but the graduation rates are not improving among that population to approach the graduation rate of the general population although test scores show they have about the same competency


Approximately 250 words



For this post, you will read one section of the paper: Assessing effects of non-native crayfish on mosquito survival
This is a primary research article and as such, it may be challenging to read. In order to help you better understand the original article, I’d recommend you read the UCLA IoES summary before tackling this assignment. Primary research refers to a paper written by a scientist or team of scientists that communicates their unique experiment to the public.
Links to each section:
Post Requirements:
This assignment requires two posts, each completed individually.
First Post – Due Thursday
Each person in your group will read one of the four sections listed above, selected on a first-come, first-serve basis (NO credit for duplicate posts!). It is strongly recommended that you make a placeholder post to avoid multiple students reading and posting about the same section. You may reply to your placeholder post with your responses to the prompts.
Title your post with your chosen section (e.g., Introduction, Methods, etc.), then answer the following:
Explain three major points of your section of the article (each point should be 2-3 sentences; bullet-point format is fine).
Define at least two vocabulary words or phrases from the section you read. These can be any words/phrases that you didn’t know the meaning of. (Examples: trophic cascades, ecosystem services, benthic, etc.)
Based on the reading of your section, what are two questions you have? These may be something you need clarification on, technical questions, questions about the diets, methods, or broader questions about the article. Try to avoid posing questions that can be answered with a simple search.
Highlight an aspect of the reading that you found interesting and explain how it relates to what you’ve learned in this week’s module (3-4 sentences).


Approximately 250 words


Journal Article Structure Analysis

As noted above, prior to beginning work on this assignment, please complete the assigned readings and access and review the required websites. Please complete the below elements, as a continuation of Week One’s Interactive Assignment. As a reminder, you will resume the role at the agency you chose in Week One:
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Utilizing the memorandum document you created in Week One, add the following for this second part of the interactive assignment.
Paragraphs One through Three: Review the peer review(s) that you received in Week One (with respect to paragraphs one through three). Incorporate at least one revision (the revision could pertain to one or more of your first three paragraphs) and highlight the change by utilizing the “text highlight color” feature. Explain how the revision improves the quality or clarity in your original work.
Paragraph Four: Explain the author’s findings relative to the author’s research objective. Explain to what extent the findings illuminate effective methods of response systems within the context of homeland security.
Paragraph Five: In view of the author’s findings, explain to what extent policy implications relate to responsibilities and functions across agencies at various jurisdictional levels that mitigate hostilities, threats, hazards and consequences.. In addition, explain how the author’s findings are relevant to the interests of your chosen agency.
Conclusion: This paragraph should explain how the findings in the article inform policy consideration for this agency. Consider how the arguments and conclusions in the article relate to organizational objectives for this agency. Finally, identify at least one relevant research question that is related to (but not addressed by) this article, and explain how your research question relates to the organizational objectives of this agency.
Submit the memorandum in its entirety as your initial post. To summarize, the final version of the memorandum should incorporate the introduction, paragraphs one through five, the conclusion, and a properly cited reference. Further, paragraphs one, two, and/or three, should reflect highlighted revisions based on peer and/or instructor feedback.


Approximately 250 words



In one paragraph provide;
1- An overview of NHANES
2-its survey design
3-population surveyed
4-overview of type of data that is collected from participants
5-cohort year used for this study (2017-2018)
-The paragraph need to start like this:
This study will use data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which…
-Attach plagiarism report.
Supplemental material:


Approximately 250 words


Behavior Analysis Paper

After reviewing the resources and the textbook sections assigned for this session, select a current or recent news article or video involving some concept of behavior (this may be an action taken by a political figure, a crime, a human interest article about an act of kindness, etc.). Respond to the following prompts in a two-page paper:
Summarize your article or video.
What happened in the situation you selected?
What specific behavior is the focus of your article or video?
What is the setting of your article or video? Do any cultural components come into play in the behavior taking place or the responses to that behavior?
What are the consequences of the behavior—e.g., what, if anything, has occurred or will occur as a result of the behavior described?
Using relevant Scriptures, include a biblical perspective in your analysis. Your submission should cite your chosen article or video (including a link so that your instructor can access the article or video) and the text (Miltenberger, 2016) using APA format.
Miltenberger, R. G. (2016). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures (6th ed.).
Chapter 1: Introduction to Behavior Modification
Chapter 2: Observing and Recording Behavior (assigned sections only)
pp. 20-31


Approximately 250 words


PICOT question & literature search

For this assignment, you will create a clinical guiding question know as a PICOT question. The PICOT question must be relevant to a nursing practice problem.
Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” to complete this assignment. Prior to starting the “Literature Evaluation Table,” complete the following:
1. Select a nursing practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research. Start with the patient population and identify a clinical problem or issue that arises from the patient population.
2. Following the PICOT format, write a PICOT question in your selected area of interest. The PICOT question should be applicable to your proposed capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).
3. Conduct a literature search to locate six research articles focused on your selected nursing practice problem of interest. Note: This literature search should include three quantitative and three qualitative peer-reviewed research articles to support your nursing practice problem. A mixed methods article can qualify towards meeting a qualitative or quantitative methodology.
Articles must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.


Approximately 250 words


Discussion 5- Depression Case

Case Study
Jill, a 24 y/o Hispanic female arrives in the emergency room where her parents brought her for evaluation. They are worried because she is giving away all of her possessions and says she is planning to move to the South Pole so she can “save the world.” Her parents say that she has hardly been sleeping at all for the last 7 days, but she seems very energetic. They say she has appeared to be “in a frenzy” lately. When you interview Jill you notice that she speaks very rapidly and is laughing uncontrollably. It is hard to get her to be quiet long enough for you to ask questions. She seems agitated and has difficulty sitting still.
Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence-based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers.
1. Summarize the clinical case including the significant subjective and objective data.
2. Generate a primary and two differential diagnoses. Use the DSM5 to support the assessment. Include the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes.
3. Discuss a pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.
4. Discuss non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.
5. Describe a health promotion intervention that would be appropriate for this patient.
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA 7 style with support from at least 5 academic sources.
– No Plagiarism
– Plagiarism report required
Fallow the Rubric Please if you have any questions, do not hesitate in contact me.


Approximately 250 words


24-hour online examination of corporate finance course

The exam time is from 9:00 a.m. on January 17, 2023 to 9:00 a.m. on the 18th. In this 24 hours, I need you to help me complete the exam paper, and I will provide the courseware and previous year’s test questions. The exam questions are 20 choice questions and one big question.


Approximately 250 words