Computer Science


Please review the following REQUIREMENTS and address all the points in the MUST HAVE section.
Please pay attention to each sections page requirements and headings.
Total Pages 30 and 20 References in APA 7 Format (excluding cover page and references page)
PART # 1 – Cybercrime Laws
6 Pages with 4 credible references in APA 7 Format
Many cybercrime laws have been enacted over the past few decades. Which one these laws do you believe is the most effective cybercrime law available to law enforcement? Support your arguments by discussing two cases from the past 12 months in which the law was used to prosecute the perpetrators. You may select a federal/state law or a provision targeting a specific cybercrime.
Cybercrime laws – Overview
Cybercrime laws – History
Most effective cybercrime law available to law enforcement
List two cases from the past 12 months in which the law was used to prosecute the perpetrators.
Case # 1 – Overview with Detail Implementation
Case # 2 – Overview with Detail Implementation
PART # 2 – Electronic Frontier Foundation
6 Pages with 4 credible references in APA 7 Format
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is one of the leading nonprofit organizations defending civil liberties in the digital world. In a written paper do the following:
• Using a Web browser, go to
Electronic Frontier Foundation ( – Overview
Current top concerns of this organization
Top Concern # 1 with Detail explanation for this concern.
Top Concern # 2 with Detail explanation for this concern.
Top Concern # 3 with Detail explanation for this concern.
PART # 3 – Risk Management
6 Pages with 4 credible references in APA 7 Format
Risk management has become more of a concern to senior leaders in organizations over the years. In a written paper, answer the following questions:
Risk management – Overview
Components of Risk management
Risk Identification
Risk Assessment
Risk Control
Why is the identification of risks and vulnerabilities to assets so important in risk management?
PART # 4 – IDS / IPS
6 Pages with 4 credible references in APA 7 Format
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS)/ Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) can be an invaluable tool if used correctly in the organization to minimize hacks. Using the Internet, search for currently available commercial IDS/IPS systems.
In a written paper, answer the following questions:
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) – Overview
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) – Overview
Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) – Overview
What classification systems and descriptions are used?
List currently available commercial IDS/IPS systems
How can they be used to compare the features and components of each IDS/IDP?
PART # 5 – Physical Security
6 Pages with 4 credible references in APA 7 Format
In a written paper answer the following questions:
Information and Cyber Security – Overview
What is physical security?
What are the primary threats to physical security?
Threat #1 (for example, Physical Access Control)
Threat #2 (for example, Fire Security and Safety)
Threat #3 (for example, Interception of Data)
Threat #4 (for example, Mobile and Portable systems security)
Threat #5 (for example, Other)
How are these threats manifested in attacks against the organization?


Approximately 250 words


Module 12 – Descending into the Twentieth Century: The Great War and Revolutions, 1914-1920

What were the Causes, and what was the Trigger of World War 1?
What were the Causes, and what was the Trigger of World War 1? Moreover, were the causes justified reasons for war? Lastly, do historians, and you agree on why the war happened in the first place?
To set the stage, start by viewing the following documentary (35:32 min) and include the causes listed and reasoning discussed in your reply – see: History of World Civilizations – Causes of World War I:
Please use the docu-presentation, your eBook, or a reputable academic source of your choice (you will need to name at least two historians with differing opinions for your last section of the question.
Write your assessment in essay format, with in-text citations and works cited section. The essay should be about 300 words in total(if over the word count that is fine need a detailed and eneging response). Please review and follow my instructions with examples of Originality, Citation, and Format(Citation sources are provided).


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


The assignment consists of the following parts:
– Title page, including your name, student number, teacher’s name, class number,
module name and name of the component.
– Part A: Overview page
– Part B: Reflective explanations
– Part C: Development goals
– Appendices
– Source list (APA 7)


Approximately 250 words


Entrepreneurship Individual Business Plan

This essay is to work out a at least 3 years business plan. Please read thru the attachment, it stated the overview of the essay, what parts have to be included, and the marking guide. The business plan hs to nclude executive summary, background, business goals, management plan, market research and analysis, marketing plan, operational plan, financial plan and an action plan.


Approximately 250 words

Military Science

Defense support of cilvil authorities

I need a summary on the defense support of civil authorities case study. within the NCO C3 of operations, how well did the unit perform in three of the war fighting functions? How can the unit manage training to accomplish mission goals?


Approximately 250 words


Module 14 – Into the Fire Again: World War II, 1939-1945

From the Eugenics to the Holocaust – discuss the cumulative radicalization of a deadly idea by the Nazis in the late 1930s and during WWII.
From the Eugenics to the Holocaust – discuss the cumulative radicalization of a deadly idea by the Nazis in the late 1930s and during WWII.
Please visit the special traveling exhibition – Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race (that was in New York City a few years ago).
Choose two artifacts from the three given periods to describe the issue and practice; then, utilize and cite in your work relevant sections from your textbook dealing with the period and Nazi practices during WWII (include and cite the source document that’s in the chapter “The Nazi Death Camps”).
If the website does not open (requires ‘flash’), then use the article based on it, and make your selection from it: a number of these same artifacts are presented and analyzed by the following author – utilize the text with inserted visual material from the article: In the Name of Public Health – Nazi Racial Hygiene by Susan Bachrach in the New England Journal of Medicine, July 29, 2004, 351;5, pp. 417-420.
In your 250-word assignment(if over the word count that is fine need a detailed and eneging response), state the names of artifacts and the title of the source document; in your write-up, include answers to the: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How and, of course, have at least four historical dates for what you are addressing.
Use and cite your textbook as you go, and when you use other sources (textbook, website, video, publication), make sure you use less than 20% of the total words count of your paper, and cite your courses properly *
As a general overview and intro to the topic, watch: Roots of Nazi Ideology by Yad Vashem (11 min):
Roots of Nazi Ideology Roots of Nazi Ideology
With related online material: (Citation sources are provided).


Approximately 250 words


ECO 201 Discussion Mod 2

A difference in opportunity costs between businesses can lead to a comparative advantage in the production of a good and the decision to trade.
For this discussion, first play the simulation games Comparative Advantage (Without Trade) and Comparative Advantage (With Trade) in the MindTap environment. Then, you will share your experiences playing the games. Your work in this discussion will directly support your success on the course project.
In your initial post, include the image of your simulation report in your response. See the How to Submit a Simulation Report Image PDF document for more information. Then, address the following questions:
Imagine you own your own business. How would you evaluate opportunity costs and comparative advantage when making business decisions?
Look up a Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) graph. What role does the production possibility frontier (PPF) model have in making business decisions regarding specialization and trae?
I’ve attached the rubic & instructions


Approximately 250 words

American History

Reflections of the Civil War at this point (1861-1862)

Reflections of the Civil War at this point (1861-1862)
You are a soldier or officer during the Civil War. You have come from a military family that has fought in all major wars since the American Revolution. You are descended from the Revolutionary War soldier you wrote about in Unit II. It is Christmas Eve 1862, 10 days following the Battle of Fredericksburg. After, you take a pencil and paper and write your reflections of the last two years and the effect this has had on your country and you. Like your ancestors, you want to document the moment and your knowledge of the war for historical purposes.
Begin with where, why, and how you believe this entire war started, and touch on many of the main issues (leaders, challenges, turning points, major battles, weapons, or tactical innovations, etc.), and end with your hopes for the future of your nation (Confederate or Union). Keep the following points in mind as you write your essay:
Are you hoping to see a peace emerge soon and reconciliation with the enemy?
Do you believe that the war will continue on, and why?
How do you believe this will all turn out for your nation and your family?
You are encouraged to be creative with the assignment, but make sure you are using facts from what you have read and learned to guide you. Ensure that you address the following.
Identify notable innovations and tactics used by your army.
List major figures or groups associated with the Union and Confederate military operations in the war.
Explain what challenges your military has faced.
Relate what you believe a soldier (Confederate or Union) would have experienced.
Your essay must include an introduction. An introduction example could be, “I am writing this diary to give my personal insight of being in the” (select either a Confederate or Union) “camp on Christmas Eve, 1862.”
Your essay must be at least two pages in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. APA Style will not be required for this assignment.
You obviously will not have cited or sourced material in a document you wrote in an army camp in 1862. However, be careful not to copy material from any sources. Use your sources for historical facts, but write in your own words and your own organization of the material. Write in first-person narrative (I, me, us, we, them, etc.).
The perspective of this assignment is not only to look for historical context and content but use creativity and your ability to role-play as someone who was a soldier during the first two years of the Civil War. Remember to stay in character, and do not write about events after December 24, 1862.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


This examination is divided into two distinct sections.
Section I is COMPULSORY AND CARRIES 40% OF THE MARKS OF THE WHOLE PAPER. Candidates are advised, therefore, to budget their time accordingly.
Section II is made up of SEVEN questions and requires you to answer THREE questions only, Question 1 being COMPULSORY. You should read ALL the questions before making your choice. All questions in this section carry equal marks i.e. 20% each.
In both sections you should define your terms and give evidence to support your arguments.
DO NOT repeat the question in your answer. Show the number of the
question attempted clearly in the appropriate places of the answer book.
Rough workings should be included in the answer book and ruled
through after use.


Approximately 250 words


Stress and Restoration

1. Follow this link for resources and instructions to complete the assignment.
The actual assignment is these questions.
2. Answer the questions below in the word doc table found at the end of the link in the instructions provided
Stress and Restoration –
A. What evidence of stress do you observe in students?
B. What did you learn from the process of trying an empathy interview? This isn’t what you learned about the student but rather the process itself.
(ease, challenges, adjustments for the future, etc.)
C. How might you utilize restorative practices? When? How?


Approximately 250 words