
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia And Constipation

Discuss Evidence bbased practice relating to Prostatic Hyperplasia and Constipation related to age
identify 3 barriers to quality of care
1.access to health care due to advanced age
2. transportation services
3. Dietary choices and access
How can you adress these barriers


Approximately 250 words



Attend a unit management meeting and analyze the effectiveness of leadership.
Utilize the leadership skills and management functions inherent in organizational, interpersonal, and group communication.
Assess the effectiveness of the meeting and leader.
Criteria Ratings
PAPER (70%)
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Unsatisfactory (0-74)
Fails to identify a relevant research topic or is not clearly defined and/or the paper lacks focus throughout.
Satisfactory (75-79)
Identifies a topic but may be too broad in scope and/or the paper is somewhat unclear and needs to be developed further. Focal point is not consistently maintained throughout the paper.
Good (80-89)
Identifies a relevant topic and paper provides adequate direction for the paper with some degree of interest for the reader. The paper states the position, premise, or hypothesis, and is the focal point of the paper for the most part.
Excellent (90-100)
Identifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides direction for the paper that is engaging and thought provoking. The paper clearly and concisely states the position, premise, or hypothesis and is consistent with the focal point throughout the paper.
Content (40%)
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Unsatisfactory (0-74)
The paper’s purpose is not clearly identified. Analysis is vague or not evident. Reader is confused or may be misinformed.
Satisfactory (75-79)
Information provides minimal support for the topic. Reader shows very little insight.
Good (80-89)
Information provides reasonable support for topic and displays evidence of a basic analysis of a significant topic. Reader gains some insights
Excellent (90-100)
Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports a central purpose or argument and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a significant topic. Reader gains important insights.
Data Collection Techniques & Use of Data (15%)
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Unsatisfactory (0-74)
An explanation of data collection techniques is not present. A description of how data collected from interview will be used is not present.
Satisfactory (75-79)
An explanation of data collection techniques is included but lacks supporting details. A description of how data collected from interview will be used is included but lacks supporting details.
Good (80-89)
An explanation of data collection techniques is complete and includes supporting details. A description of how data collected from the interview will be used is complete and includes supporting details.
Excellent (90-100)
An explanation of data collection techniques is extremely thorough and includes substantial supporting details. A description of how data collected from the interview will be used is extremely thorough and includes substantial supporting details.
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Unsatisfactory (0-74)
Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.
Satisfactory (75-79)
Paper is apparent and appropriate to purpose.
Good (80-89)
Paper is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Paper is descriptive and reflective of the topic and appropriate to the purpose.
Excellent (90-100)
Paper is comprehensive and contains the essence of the topic. Introductory statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Logic and Construction (5%)
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Unsatisfactory (0-74)
Paper is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the purpose. Paper is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.
Satisfactory (75-79)
Techniques of research are minimally evident. The transition of progression throughout the paper is not smooth and choppy.
Good (80-89)
Techniques of research are evident. There is a smooth progression of format from introduction to conclusion.
Excellent (90-100)
Clear and convincing detail that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) (5%)
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Unsatisfactory (0-74)
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.
Satisfactory (75-79)
Mechanical errors are very evident and numerous typos are present and distracting to the reader. Sentence structures are incomplete.
Good (80-89)
Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.
Excellent (90-100)
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
FORMAT (15%)
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Unsatisfactory (0-74)
APA 7 is not used appropriately, or format is rarely followed correctly.
Satisfactory (75-79)
APA 7 is minimally evident. There are multiple formatting errors.
Good (80-89)
APA 7 is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present
Excellent (90-100)
All APA 7 formats elements are correct.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) (10%)
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Unsatisfactory (0-74)
Sources are not documented.
Satisfactory (75-79)
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.
Good (80-89)
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.
Excellent (90-100)
All sources are documented appropriately. Formatting is correct.


Approximately 250 words


cat summary essay

You are working at a family medicine clinic with Dr. Hill. She tells you, “The next patient, Mr. Smith, is a 53-year-old male with a chief concern of swelling and pain in his left lower extremity.”
Before you go to see Mr. Smith, a quick review of the chart reveals that he has type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. You note that he has not been to the office in the past six months, and it appears that he should be out of all of his medications.
When you enter the examination room, Mr. Smith, a middle-aged male, greets you from where he is sitting. You introduce yourself and ask him what brings him to the office today.
He replies, “It’s my left leg. The past four days it has been red, swollen, and painful—and it seems to be getting worse.”
You ask him to tell you more about this problem.
He says, “It began several days ago, and the swelling seems to be getting worse. It hurts all the time; it doesn’t even get better when I rest it. It seems to get a little worse when I move around. It hurts to walk as soon as I try to stand on it.”
Now that you have a general sense of Mr. Smith’s issue, you ask more focused questions.
“Did you do anything to injure your foot?”
He replies, “I do not remember any injury, but there has been this sore on the bottom of my foot for several months. There’s nothing draining out of the sore and it doesn’t hurt, although my foot doesn’t have much feeling in it.”
“Before this happened, were you sitting down for a long time without getting up and using your legs, such as taking a long airplane trip; or have you been on bed rest?”
“I wish I could go somewhere on an airplane and get a good vacation, but I can’t afford anything like that. I haven’t been on bed rest. I’ve been pretty busy lately.”
“When was the last time you were in the office?”
“It has been a long time now because my daughter and new baby recently moved in with me and I have been trying to take care of the baby as well as keep my job as a bus driver,” he explains.
“Have you been taking your medication?”
He replies, “I have been out of my medication for several weeks now.”
After talking with Mr. Smith more, you discover:
Social History: Does not drink alcohol, but does smoke 1.5 packs of cigarettes daily, he is unmarried, and lives in public housing with his three children and one grandchild.
Review of Systems: No fever or chills, no chest pain, no shortness of breath, and no swelling of the right leg.
You examine Mr. Smith and find:
Vital Signs: T 36.5 °C (97.8 °F), BP 140/90, HR 85, RR 12, O2 98%
Cardiovascular and lung exam: Unremarkable
Lower extremity exam:
Mr. Smith’s entire left leg is swollen, warm and erythematous. The measurement of the circumference of the largest left calf section is 3.5 cm larger than his right calf at the same location.
There is pitting edema. The leg is tender to the touch, especially along the distribution of the deep venous system.
Dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis pulses are palpable on both feet. Digital capillary refill time is two seconds. Deep tendon reflexes are present (2+).
He has decreased sensation and is unable to determine the location of a monofilament test on either foot up to the ankle in a stocking distribution.
You note a 2 cm ulceration on the plantar surface of Mr. Smith’s left foot.
At this point, you excuse yourself to discuss your findings with Dr. Hill, assuring Mr. Smith you will return in a few moments.
Dr. Hill asks you to consider a differential diagnosis.
Choose five of the following that are at the top of your differential given what you know of Mr. Smith so far.
The best options are indicated below. Your selections are indicated by the shaded boxes.
A. Cellulitis
B. Deep venous thrombosis
C. Lymphedema
D. Muscle strain
E. Peripheral artery disease
F. Popliteal cyst
G. Venous insufficiency
Answer Comment
The correct answers are A, B, C, E, G.
Most Likely Diagnoses
Mr. Smith’s concern of swelling that is unilateral is an important finding to support the diagnosis of cellulitis, lymphedema, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). In contrast, for venous insufficiency one would expect bilateral leg swelling. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is not particularly associated with edema.
Cellulitis and DVT are acute processes. Lymphedema, PAD, and venous insufficiency are less likely, given the acute nature of Mr. Smith’s symptoms.
Since PAD, venous insufficiency, and lymphedema are not infectious processes, the lack of fever in Mr. Smith’s case keeps these diagnoses on the differential.
In Mr. Smith’s case, the acute unilateral swelling, erythema, and warmth in a diabetic patient, make cellulitis (A) likely. The presence of a fever would support the diagnosis of an infectious process like cellulitis. But the fact that Mr. Smith does not have a fever doesn’t rule out a diagnosis of cellulitis as it is certainly possible to have localized cellulitis without fever.
In Mr. Smith’s case, you feel that the acute nature of his symptoms—the unilateral swelling, and the presence of risk factors such as obesity, smoking, and diabetes—make DVT (B) a very likely diagnosis. Mr. Smith does not have a fever, but the inflammatory process due to a thrombus in his vein could explain his unilateral lower extremity edema.
Lymphedema (C) can be present unilaterally, however this is usually a more chronically developing problem, making this diagnosis less likely.
While venous insufficiency (G) could contribute to the development of a DVT, the acute and unilateral nature of Mr. Smith’s symptoms make you think a diagnosis of venous insufficiency alone is less likely.
In Mr. Smith’s case, a diagnosis of PAD (E) seems unlikely given the lack of claudication and normal pulses on examination. Although PAD may not be the primary cause of Mr. Smith’s leg swelling and pain, it could potentially be contributing to it by increasing his risk for a foot ulcer. Mr. Smith’s history of smoking and diabetes increases the likelihood that he has PAD.
Less Likely Diagnoses
Muscle strain (D)—Although this can be a cause of swelling and pain, in a patient with intact mental status, a history of trauma should be present to consider this.
Popliteal cyst (F)—This should be palpable behind the knee and rarely would cause the extensive swelling and pain seen in Mr. Smith.
Differential of Unilateral Lower Extremity Edema
Most Likely Diagnoses
Lymphedema is generally painless, but patients may experience a chronic dull, heavy sensation in the leg. In the early stages of lymphedema, the edema is soft and pits easily with pressure. In the chronic stages, the limb has a woody texture and the tissues become indurated and fibrotic.
Lymphedema initially involves the foot and gradually progresses up the leg so that the entire limb becomes edematous.
Cellulitis is an acute inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by localized pain, erythema, swelling, and heat.
Small breaks of skin are associated with streptococcal infection, whereas staphylococcal cellulitis is commonly associated with larger wounds, ulcers, or abscesses.
Patients with diabetes are more susceptible to infections like cellulitis. Diabetic neuropathy causes an unawareness of abnormal pressure distribution. Ill-fitting shoes, cuts, or punctures can then lead to the development of ulcers.
Vascular disease with diminished blood supply contributes to the development of the lesion, and infection is common.
Classic symptoms of DVT include swelling, pain, and discoloration in the affected extremity.
Physical examination may reveal the palpable cord of a thrombosed vein, unilateral edema, warmth, and superficial venous dilation.
Classic signs of DVT include Homan’s sign (pain on passive dorsiflexion of the foot), edema, tenderness, and warmth. While difficult to ignore, they are of low predictive value and can occur in other conditions such as musculoskeletal injury, cellulitis, and venous insufficiency.
Chronic venous insufficiency may result from DVT and/or valvular incompetence. Following DVT, the valve leaflets become thickened and contracted so that they are incapable of preventing retrograde flow of blood; the vein becomes rigid and thick-walled. Although most veins recanalize after an episode of thrombosis, some may remain occluded. Secondary incompetence develops in distal valves because high pressures distend the vein and separate the leaflets.
Primary deep venous thrombosis can also occur without previous thrombosis. Patients with venous thrombosis often complain of a dull ache in the leg that worsens with prolonged standing and resolves with leg elevation. Examination reveals increased leg circumference, edema, and superficial varicose veins.
The presence of a thrombus in a vein may be accompanied by an inflammatory response in the vessel which may be minimal or may be characterized by granulocyte infiltration, loss of endothelium, and edema. This inflammatory process may also result in a low-grade fever.
Smoking and obesity are the most robust risk factors in the development of DVT. Diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, increasing age, prolonged immobility, surgery, trauma, malignancy, pregnancy, estrogenic medications (e.g., oral contraceptive pills, hormone therapy, tamoxifen (Nolvadex)), congestive heart failure, hyperhomocysteinemia, diseases that alter blood viscosity (e.g., polycythemia, sickle cell disease, multiple myeloma), and inherited thrombophilias are other potential risk factors in the development of DVT.
Venous insufficiency
The edema of venous insufficiency can be differentiated from chronic lymphedema as venous insufficiency edema is softer, and there is often erythema, dermatitis, and hyperpigmentation along the distal aspect of the leg. Skin ulceration may occur near the medial and lateral malleoli.
Obesity is commonly associated with venous insufficiency.
Peripheral artery disease
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is the presence of systemic atherosclerosis in arteries distal to the arch of the aorta. As a result of the atherosclerotic process, patients with PAD develop narrowing of these arteries.
Patients with PAD have a history of claudication, which manifests as cramp-like muscle pain occurring with exercise and subsiding rapidly with rest. In addition, later in the course of the disease, patients may present with night pain, nonhealing ulcers, and skin color changes.
An ankle-brachial index (ABI) can be done to determine the presence of PVD. An ABI of < 0.9 is consistent with the disease. Classic risk factors for PAD are smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Obesity (body mass index (BMI) > 30) increases risk for PAD as well.
Recent trials have added chronic renal insufficiency, elevated C-reactive protein levels, and hyperhomocysteinemia to the list of risk factors.
The greatest modifiable risk factor for the development and progression of PAD is cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking increases the odds for PAD by 1.4 for every ten cigarettes smoked per day.
Arterial insufficiency is four times more prevalent in patients with diabetes than in those without diabetes. Nearly half of patients who’ve had diabetes for 20 years or more have PAD, usually below the knees.
alue of Diagnostic Tests
Sensitivity is the proportion of patients with disease who test positive.
Sensitivity = True Positives/True Positives PLUS False Negatives
Specificity is the proportion of patients without disease who test negative.
Specificity = True Negatives/True negatives Plus False Positives
Positive Predictive Value is the probability the person with a positive test result actually has the disease being tested for.
PPV = True Positives/True Positives +False Positives
Negative Predictive Value is the probability the person with a negative test result does not have the disease being tested for.
NPV = True Negative/False Negative +True Negative
Sample 2X2 table. Test sensitivity is 98%. Test specificity is 95%. Prevalence of disease is 1 in 100. 10,000 people are screened with the test.
no disease
test +
test –
The positive predictive value (PPV) is 98/(98+492) = 16.6%. Even though the screening test has a sensitivity of 98%, a patient with a positive test result in this low prevalence population has only a 16.6% chance of having the disease.
Some commonly used screening tests have poorer test characteristics than this example. For example, PSA for prostate cancer screening has the following test characteristics, depending upon the cutoff for a positive test:
Cut-off 3.1 ng/mL; sensitivity 32.2% and specificity 86.7%
Cut-off 1.1 ng/mL; sensitivity 83.4% and specificity 38.9%
It is important to understand the characteristics of studies you order to better interpret what the results really mean.
Dr. Hill asks:
“What test do you think we should order?”
You tell Dr. Hill, “I guess we should have a Doppler ultrasound done because it has the best predictive value for a DVT.”
“Suppose I told you that this test was relatively expensive and often overused,” Dr. Hill proposes, “Would that change your thinking?”
You respond, “Well you mentioned that the D-dimer test is highly sensitive. Perhaps we could rule out DVT by doing that one.”
“Very good thinking. That is precisely the appropriate role of that study. But, remember that the D-dimer test is best used to rule out a DVT if the pretest probability of having a DVT is relatively low.”
“Is there some way to estimate Mr. Smith’s pretest probability of having DVT?”
“I have read that no singular clinical finding is helpful in that,” you tell her.
“That is true,” Dr. Hill concurs. “But if we use several clinical findings, we may be able to do a better job of predicting pretest probability. I am speaking here of the Wells criteria.”
Wells Criteria for the Diagnosis of DVT
Active cancer (treatment ongoing or within previous six months or palliative)
Paralysis, paresis, or recent plaster immobilization of the legs
Recently bedridden for more than three days or major surgery within four weeks
Localized tenderness along the distribution of the deep venous system
Entire leg swollen
Calf swelling by more than 3 cm compared with the asymptomatic leg (measured 10 cm below the tibial tuberosity)
Pitting edema (greater in the symptomatic leg)
Collateral superficial veins (non-varicose)
Alternative diagnosis as likely or more likely than that of deep vein thrombosis
Low probability 0 or less, moderate probability 1–2, high probability 3 or more.
Which of the following would you order at this point?
Select all that apply.
The best options are indicated below. Your selections are indicated by the shaded boxes.
A. Arterial blood gas
B. Chest x-ray
C. Complete blood count
D. C-reactive protein
E. Electrolytes, glucose, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
F. Hemoglobin A1C
G. Sedimentation rate
H. Thyroid studies
Answer Comment
The correct answers are C, E, F.
A CBC (C ) with leukocytosis might make you consider an infectious process. Given you are in clinic and he has not been seen in almost 6 months electrolytes, glucose, BUN & creatinine (E) as well as a Hemoglobin A1c (F) would be important to evaluate diabetic control and renal function.
Arterial blood gas (A) or chest x-ray (B) in a patient without symptoms of respiratory difficulty is unlikely to be useful.
Sedimentation rate (G) and c-reactive protein (D) might be elevated, but would be in both cellulitis and DVT, so it is not particularly useful in determining a diagnosis at this point.
Thyroid studies (H) are unlikely to provide any useful information about the absence of signs and symptoms of thyroid disease.
Several days have gone by and you and Dr. Hill are now rounding on your patients in the hospital. When you get to Mr. Smith, you tell Dr. Hill:
“This is Mr. Smith’s third day in the hospital. He says he is feeling better, the pain and swelling in his leg is improving. His temperature is 36.2 °C (97.2 °F), his pulse is 80 beats per minute, his respiratory rate is 16 breaths per minute, his blood pressure is 128/78 mmHg. On exam, his foot ulcer has some fresh granulation tissue on the wound edges. Labs include his fasting glucose this morning was 128 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L). His CBC was normal and his platelets are stable from admission.”
Dr. Hill responds, “Good. I just got word from his pharmacy that the enoxaparin has now been approved by his insurance, so if he can inject himself for two more days, he can go home. We will need to arrange a close follow-up with visiting nurses and at our office, so he can continue his treatment for his diabetic foot ulcer.”
You comment, “This all seems so much easier than it would have been if he were taking warfarin. How long would it take to get his INR to the therapeutic range if he were using warfarin?”
Dr. Hill tells you, “It varies a lot from person to person, but it commonly takes at least five days for a patient’s INR to get above 2.0. When starting it, you have to balance speed with the risk of overshooting his INR goal and ending up increasing his risk of bleeding by making him supratherapeutic. It is good to consider warfarin dosing since it is still commonly used. It is a very effective medication, but it can be dangerous as well.”


Approximately 250 words


Macbeth is about various kinds of murder (among other things). Does the play distinguish between honourable and dishonourable violence? If so, what is the distinction? Be sure to keep the focus of your argument narrow and specific.

Students are to complete 600-800 words (NOT INCLUDING QUOTATIONS) formal essay on the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Students are expected to draw upon any relevant information from the play to present, analyze, and strengthen their arguments.
Be sure that your essay has a clear thesis and THREE strong and clear supporting arguments (including topic sentences and transitional sentences). Regardless of the question being answered, all essays must include a clear and strong argument – an original idea that you will argue in favour for throughout your paper. Your evidence should include specific references to the play. You ARE required to include sufficient and appropriate quotations (at least one per body paragraph) from the play to help present your argument. Essay must follow proper MLA format and include a Work Cited page.
Essays that lack a clear and concise argument as well as substantial textual evidence will be considered incomplete.
TOPIC : Macbeth is about various kinds of murder (among other things). Does the play distinguish between honourable and dishonourable violence? If so, what is the distinction? Be sure to keep the focus of your argument narrow and specific.


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media

2 Discussion Responses

Reply to the two posts below SEPARATELY (3 citations per response)
Use the 2 sources attached
In your responses, look at their analyses and determine if their reasoning is sound or not and why.
Post #1
Upon reflection of my professional career, one contributor towards a failed communication attempt would be the “withholding of information” (Vaughan, 2012). I work for a privately owned company, and after having worked with the CEO for a short period of time in our corporate office, alongside some of the top executive members of the company, it would eventually become apparent to me that the CEO was very particular about certain information being made accessible to others in the company. Though fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to work with them, at the time of my tenure with the company, I was still at an associate level, and much younger and more timid in personality. When I was tasked with a project with collecting information to present to our CEO, I had consulted other members of other departments for help in gathering the information. When approached for help though, the members of the other departments were reluctant to share, and gave me the runaround as to why they could not access them. Some people were vague about it, and said that they were having “technical difficulties”, and others were more upfront, stating that they would need permission first before sharing.
At first, I had just presumed that this was standard protocol, but upon further inquiring, I learned that each department head and manager was instructed that any information (pertaining to the matter of which I was working on) was privileged information, and would require permission from essentially the CEO himself. Needless to say, I found this to be very odd, as it was the CEO himself that delegated and assigned my team the project. Eventually, the project assigned to my team was re-tasked to another group, and we were reassigned to another task.
To this day, I was never given an explanation as to why that particular information was so sensitive. In any case, the hindrance in the communication that I experienced during this ordeal definitely contributed to the problems I had faced when trying to accomplish my task, which lends itself to say that if communication lines were more open and transparent, situations like the one I had encountered years ago with our CEO could have been avoided all together.
Works Cited:
Vaughan, David. (January 2012). The Top 5 Reasons Communications Fail. Website.
Post #2
Vaughan’s (2012) article regarding communication fails is definitely relatable to anyone who transitioned to a remote-based job. The “fail” that stood out the most to me focused on overly complex messages.
I was working as a phone agent at a call center when the COVID-19 pandemic began. Over 1500 call center agents had to transition from in-office to a work-at-home setup within the course of a single week. Because our position requires the handling of payment information and other sensitive customer information, we couldn’t just connect our computers to our wifi and work. Instead, our equipment had to be hard-wired to an ethernet connection, implementing the use of an “Aruba device” that transfored our own personal WIFI into a secure Disney connection. The Aruba device made the process rather confusing, as it involved multiple ethernet cables going into different ports on the wifi router, computer, and Aruba device. All agents were sent home with a printout that contained step-by-step instructions on how to get the process done. The process was complex, even for someone that may consider themselves tech-savvy.
The communication was a failed communication because it was hastily written, and was extremely complicated to understand. Had the communications team included photos of each step (showing where each cable went), or even a link to a video that showed the installation process, agents would have likely had an easier time installing the Aruba device in their homes.
Vaughan, D. (2012, January 9). The top five reasons communications fail. TMCNET. Retrieved from The Top Five Reasons Communications Fail (


Approximately 250 words

Creative Writing

Investigating the Impact of Engagement and Motivation Strategies on Student Learning Outcomes in Fully Asynchronous Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Python Course

Note: please provide appropriate technological solutions if you can.
Project Title: Investigating the Impact of Engagement and Motivation Strategies on Student Learning Outcomes in Fully Asynchronous Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Python Course
Background: Asynchronous online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many universities and colleges offering fully asynchronous courses as a way to provide flexibility and accessibility to students. However, one concern with asynchronous learning is that students may struggle with engagement and motivation, leading to lower learning outcomes. Therefore, it is important to determine which strategies can enhance student engagement and motivation in a fully asynchronous course. This essay aims to investigate how student engagement and motivation is enhanced in a fully asynchronous course, specifically an introductory object-oriented programming course with Python, and whether student learning is better in this asynchronous format, using secondary research as the research method.
Research Questions:
What are the most effective engagement and motivation strategies in increasing student engagement and motivation in a fully asynchronous introduction to object-oriented programming with Python course?
Is student learning better in a fully asynchronous introduction to object-oriented programming with Python course compared to traditional, in-person courses?
The study will be conducted using a secondary research method, where existing literature and data will be analyzed.
A thorough literature review will be conducted to identify the most effective engagement and motivation strategies in increasing student engagement and motivation in a fully asynchronous introduction to object-oriented programming with Python course.
Data from various studies and research will be analyzed to determine if student learning is better in this asynchronous format compared to traditional, in-person courses.
Expected Outcomes:
The study is expected to identify the most effective engagement and motivation strategies in increasing student engagement and motivation in a fully asynchronous introduction to object-oriented programming with Python course.
Additionally, the study will determine if student learning is better in this asynchronous format by analyzing existing data and literature.
The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into how student engagement and motivation can be enhanced in a fully asynchronous course, specifically an introductory object-oriented programming course with Python.
Additionally, this research will help to determine whether student learning is better in this asynchronous format, which can inform the design and delivery of asynchronous courses in the future.
This study will fill the knowledge gap in the area of engagement and motivation strategies in fully asynchronous courses.
The Memo Rough Idea:
The audience members to whom this problem/issue/topic pertains are students enrolled in a fully asynchronous introduction to object-oriented programming with Python course. The problem/opportunity I am interested in discussing is how to enhance student engagement and motivation in a fully asynchronous course, and whether student learning is better in this asynchronous format compared to traditional, in-person courses.
My experience with the problem/opportunity and the audience is that I have volunteered as a Teaching Assistant for this course, and I have also volunteered as a tutor to students at UMD to help them understand the basics of OOP with python. This has given me a good understanding of the challenges that students face in a fully asynchronous course, and how to best engage and motivate them.
A Proposal document is an appropriate way to address this problem/opportunity because it will allow me to thoroughly research the topic and provide a comprehensive overview of the issue. It will also allow me to identify the most effective engagement and motivation strategies in increasing student engagement and motivation in a fully asynchronous introduction to object-oriented programming with Python course, and determine if student learning is better in this asynchronous format compared to traditional, in-person courses. Additionally, the Proposal document will provide valuable insights into how student engagement and motivation can be enhanced in a fully asynchronous course, which can inform the design and delivery of asynchronous courses in the future.
The audience members to whom this problem/issue/topic pertains are students enrolled in a fully asynchronous introduction to object-oriented programming with Python course. The problem/opportunity that I am interested in discussing is how to increase student engagement and motivation in a fully asynchronous course, and how to ensure that student learning outcomes are not compromised in this format.
I have experience with this problem/opportunity as I have taken a fully asynchronous course in the past and have seen firsthand the challenges that students face in this format. Additionally, I have experience with the audience as I have worked as a teaching assistant for a fully asynchronous course and have seen the struggles that students face in this format.
A Proposal document is an appropriate way to address this problem/opportunity as it will provide a comprehensive overview of the issue, including the research questions, methods, expected outcomes, and significance of the study. Additionally, the Proposal document will provide a detailed plan for how to address the issue, including technological solutions and motivational strategies that can be used to help students succeed in a fully asynchronous course.
Technological solutions that can be used to help students succeed in a fully asynchronous course include the use of online discussion boards, video lectures, and virtual office hours. Additionally, the use of online quizzes and assessments can help to ensure that students are staying on track with the course material.
Motivational strategies that can be used to help students succeed in a fully asynchronous course include providing timely feedback on assignments, offering incentives for completing coursework, and providing support and guidance to students who are struggling. Additionally, providing students with a sense of community and connection can help to increase engagement and motivation.
Proposal – First Draft
The document format for the final project is a proposal. There are many types of proposals, the requirements of which change across audiences and industries.
The main objective is to identify a knowledge, training, or some other “gap” within an accessible context (that is, an office/department/organization/company that you can feasibly gain direct information from). In this proposal, you are identifying what that opportunity/problem is, why it exists, what the best way to address it is, and how you plan on addressing it. There are lots of possibilities here, so be creative.
The Proposal should contain the following sections:
Front Matter (in this order)*:
I. Reflection Memo
II: Audience Selection (1 pages minimum)
In this section, you will identify this project’s Gatekeeper, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary audience members.
For each audience, describe who they are in detail, their backgrounds, their current position(s), their relationship to the problem and how the Proposal document will affect them.
III. Cover Letter:
Your cover letter will be addressed to your gatekeeper (not your ENGL393 professor). It will introduce your credentials, and serve as a pitch – a brief, attention-grabbing description – of your proposal document. Use a three-paragraph structure.
One page, single-spaced max.
IV. Cover Page:
A single page with your project title (a title that clearly and succinctly identifies the topic of the document, the audience/context, as well as the document type) and your name. You may add other essential information you find necessary.
V. Table of Contents:
This should include all the following sections appearing after the table of contents.
The main body of the report should be double-spaced in MLA format
, organized in the following sections:
Part I: Introduction and Context (2 pages minimum)
Provide a meaningful introduction, providing as many specific details as possible about the organization/company/etc you are addressing. Start broad and move to the more specific context of your project.
For example (not to be replicated), if you were discussing something related to ADHD on campus, addressed to the Health Center, in this section you might start off identifying what ADHD was, providing stats and figures. Then you could talk about college age populations specifically. Finally, you would introduce the specific context of the University of Maryland.
Establish the problem or opportunity, providing as much evidence as possible. Be compelling.
Part II: Literature Review and Available Models (2 pages minimum)
Here you will identify and discuss resources currently available on this subject, both within the immediate context of the problem/opportunity you are addressing, as well as at large. For example, if there is already a great deal of internal documentation at the office/department/organization/company you are addressing, you can mention what these resources are, in addition to any available scholarly or other popular research. The items discussed here should be listed in your bibliography.
Most importantly, you will want to identify examples of other offices/departments/organizations/companies that have encountered the same issue and who may have already developed solutions. Likely, your audience is not the first to encounter the problem you’ve identified. Who else has attempted to address the same or similar problem, and how have they gone about it?
Part III. Analysis and Synthesis (2 pages minimum)
Having identified your problem, discussed available research on the project, now you will provide analysis/synthesis that explains to the reader how all of this information works together.
Clearly identify what issues are most important, the pros and cons of different possibilities.
Most importantly, walk the reader through the decision-making process of determining how best to address the problem identified at the beginning of the document.
Part IV: Proposed Solution (2 pages minimum)
Based on your assessment of the problem/opportunity, and the available research and models you identified, outline your solution in detail.
Carefully provide the analysis that led you to this proposed solution, providing any additional evidence.
Be as detailed as possible about the nature of the solution, costs/time/etc.
Part V: Conclusion (.5 page)
Your conclusion should provide a succinct, effective summary of your proposal, while also mentioning what the next steps are for moving forward.
Part VI: Bibliography (12+ sources, starting on separate page)
The bibliography should contain at least twelve (12) sources and, along with your in-text citations, be provided in MLA format
For the Proposal topic you are now considering, please submit an annotated bibliography (general description here: for the minimum 12 sources that the Proposal assignment requires.
A minimum of four (4) sources related to establishing the problem/context.
For example, if you were writing about an internship program at a particular company, you would want sources about the company as well as general sources about the industry, about internships in general, etc.
A minimum of eight (8) sources related to examples/models for actually solving the problem.
Continuing with the internship example, if you were interested in changing the structure of the program, then you would want sources/examples from other companies, other internship programs, other internship program formats, to compare and contrast.
Remember, the topics you are pursuing likely demand a different approach to secondary research. While it might be possible to find some relevant resources from a traditional library database or Google Scholar search, you will likely find more directly useful sources by investigating other entities/organizations encountering similar issues as the ones you have identified for your chosen context.
As stated in Proposal – First Draft, you will be using MLA format for citing/referencing your outside sources.


Approximately 250 words


Argument Research Essay

Now that you have finished your research on your issue, you are ready to take a position. The first step is to create a preliminary thesis statement/assertion that explicitly states where you stand on this issue. Supporting your work with good reasons and substantial evidence is essential when taking place on an issue or topic. I would also like to ask you to consider other perspectives other than your positions. I think you should anticipate arguments against your work. If you have ever taken a debate class or have participated in a debate, you probably have heard this maxim: “If you can not make the opposing side’s argument for them. you will not win.” A strong argument acknowledges other perspectives on a topic/issue because it establishes the writer’s credibility by showing that the writer has done their research and has fairly represented their position. Presenting other perspectives also allows the writer to create a counterargument in which the writer can respectfully answer and refute those perspectives that challenge their work.
Your essay must include a title indicative of your article’s content.
For the Research Essay, there must be one consistent thesis throughout the work. I want you to know that the goal here is to present what you intend to argue throughout your career. A well-developed thesis for a Research Essay will accurately identify the final argument of the essay, telling the audience what to expect by the time the report is completed.
The essay should begin by providing a clear sense of the existing discourse community. The opening sections of the paper should take time to explain what initial experts and scholars have to say on the subject and provide a fit background to the existing conversation so outsiders can understand the context of the discussion.
The essay should develop the author’s solution to the issue, providing a solution built on the existing research. This solution should be sound (verifiable, valid, and compelling). The solution must be based on research material.
The essay should include opposing views (s) surrounding the argument; it is important to present your audience with current dialogue(s) against your claim. This section makes it easy for readers to infer, contingent upon an intelligent decision, to concede with your position versus being swayed by biased and weak arguments.
The essay should conclude by explaining the relevancy of the solution to the audience and identifying gaps in the research. Ideally, this should lead to a call to action for the next researcher, and I would like to identify the next steps needed.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

choose any U.S. law related subject.

Please send your project proposal and four (4) citations via Inbox message on or
before the due date.
Send your proposed project title, brief description of your project and four (4) citations with links to the Instructor using the Canvas Inbox message tool. All project proposals must be approved by the Instructor.
Any required modifications to finalized proposals due [as indicated by the Instructor]
1. For the research project assignment, choose any U.S. law-related subject.
Your topic should be narrow enough in scope to ensure adequate analysis. Example: “February 2, 2021, Presidential Executive Order on Immigration and Article Two of the U.S. Constitution” not “U.S. Immigration Laws”.
2. The paper should include citations to cases, statutes, Constitutional provisions, regulations, law review articles, and/or orders — at least 4-5 relevant citations. You may reference but not count news stories or general articles towards the minimum number of required relevant citations.
3. Pick a subject you are interested in. Then complete your initial research. Can you find a law relevant to your initial idea for your project? At least four (4) citations? Do you want to change your subject focus? Choose a different subject. Schedule a telephone meeting with the Instructor. Complete step 3 before you send your first proposal on or before February 11, 2023.
4. Submit a revised proposal if necessary on or before March 25, 2023.
5. Complete additional research and submit your completed project on or before April 22, 2023.
An example of a completed “A” project can be found in the Exemplars module.
The final research project paper should be approximately 6 pages in length.
For the research project assignment, choose any law-related topic pertinent to this course. Your topic should be narrow in scope to ensure adequate analysis. The paper should make use of cases and statutes and should be inclusive of at least 4-5 cases. Be sure to cite your sources. The paper should be approximately 6 pages in length.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Brochure about High Street

This is assignment to create brochure about researching High Street in UK. Create a 1500-word brochure on the future of the high street in your town/city/locality on behalf of the local Chamber of Commerce. The town in the UK for this assignment is Warrington.
I will attach assignment brief. Assignment brief contains instructions and layout of the paper.


Approximately 250 words


Community Corrections (discussion post)

Please answer the following questions in 400+ words combined.
The textbook is required and can be cited as (Alarid, 2018). Full citation as:
Alarid, L. F. (2018). Community-Based Corrections (12th ed.). Cengage Learning US.
An additional source is welcome if you choose- please also cite the youtube videos associated with the questions.
Chapter 1
1. Do you think determinate sentencing is fair? Why? or why not? (pages 9 & 10 in the textbook).
2. After watching this video, “Meet the Judge Who Went Viral For His Creative Punishments,”answer the question below.

Do you agree with the judge’s approach to sentencing? What philosophy do you think he practices?
Chapter 2
1. Which model of probation do you think works best? Explain why. What factors have created changes in supervision? (textbook pages 36-38)
2. Watch the video: Probation Officer Takes Stand

What is the role of the probation officer in this segment? What was the reason for the hearing? Describe the nature of the testimony (technical, narrative, etc.) offered by the probation officer.
3. Study the case below, and then answer the following questions:
1. Should the case be diverted?
2. Should the defendant be given a chance to avoid conviction?
3. Justify your answers
Case A: Defendant Smith, Possession of Ecstasy
Defendant Smith has been arrested for possession of Ecstasy—enough for two hits. Smith has no criminal history and has been employed as a laborer with a construction company for two years, excluding a brief layoff period. He has a good work record. He admits that he uses alcohol and had been drinking and using Ecstasy the night of the offense.Smith has used marijuana and cocaine in the past. He lives by himself. He has never been married and has one child from a previous relationship. He is two months behind on his child-support payments and does not see his child very often. His attorney argues that Smith has never been in any form of mental health counseling, substance-abuse treatment, or counseling, and that he would agree to go to drug court as a diversionary measure. The State’s attorney is opposed to drug court because Ecstasy was the choice of drug. The police have recently been trying to rid the streets of the supply of Ecstasy and believe Smith might be tied to a major Ecstasy drug ring.


Approximately 250 words