
Metaparadigm for Nursing

(2) scholarly references, one may be the course textbook, properly cited in the current APA format. Topic
There are four major concepts that are frequently interrelated and fundamental to nursing theory: person, environment, health, and nursing. These four are collectively referred to as metaparadigm for nursing.
1-What are your personal definitions of person, environment, health, and nursing?
2- Which nursing theory from Table 2-2, “Selected Theorists and Theories of
Nursing” most closely match your definitions and why?
(2) scholarly references, properly cited in the current APA format.


Approximately 250 words


Research paper on e waste

This paper is in regards to e waste
The researched argument is an 8-10 page argument examining an issue you have identified that we have discussed in the course. Unit 3 has taken you through many of the preparatory steps for writing this paper. So far you have identified an issue which interests you, completed a working bibliography, and developed your position and a claim about your chosen issue. Please be sure to revise and edit this paper before turning it in.
In this paper, you will write your argument in response to your chosen topic. Your paper should be based on your ideas; it should not be a summary of what other people say. This is not an informational paper. This paper should develop your argument on your topic. Your paper should clearly identify your issue. It should have a clear claim and well developed reasons. It should use at least 4 appropriately cited quotes, at least 4 appropriately cited paraphrases (you may use more as needed), and a Works Cited page in MLA format. Use long quotes sparingly.
Please note: Your paper must be more than strung together quotes and paraphrases. It should stand on its own without the quotes and paraphrases. At this point you should be working on a draft of your paper.
Tip: I often suggest that students first write a draft of the paper without supporting sources to ensure that the paper is well developed and relies primarily on your writing and conclusions. Once you have written a draft, you can go back and add in outside sources to support each of your points.
Each paragraph should be well developed with controlling ideas and transitions. The logic supporting your argument should be well thought out and sound. There should be a clear flow of ideas throughout your paper.
This paper should focus on your ideas and conclusions based on your research. It should be developed on your thoughts, your plan and your words. Please remember to include in-text citations to indicate any material that is borrowed. Plagiarism (intentional or unintentional) will result in failure of the assignment.
The following consists of plagiarism:
“Accidental” missing citations of written text
Missing citations of visuals
Missing entries on the Works Cited page
Missing Works Cited page
Please view the grading rubric and the MLA formatting videos that are available at the end of this weekly module.
Other requirements:
Length: 2000-2500 words plus a Works Cited page with at least 10 sources (a minimum of 5 scholarly sources).
Works Cited pages with incorrect titles will incur a 10-point deduction.
Works Cited pages with un-alphabetized entries will incur a 10-point deduction.
Font: 12 point, Times New Roman, Arial or another standard font
Format: Paper should meet all academic expectations for grammar, sentence structure and style.
You must use page numbers and a standard header in MLA style
Essays should always be double-spaced.
You should develop a clear, useful, and interesting title.
Your tone and vocabulary choice should reflect college-level writing.
You should include one image integrated into the paper that supports your argument. Be sure to cite it properly. It can be a cartoon, graph, or PSA.
You should include clear subheadings to guide your reader throughout the paper
Attched there are some sources that you may use throughout the argument
Let me know if there are anny questions.


Approximately 250 words


SCENE ANALYSIS – Film based Question

Film Clip based Question:. YOUR ANSWER SHOULD CONTAIN 2-3 PARAGRAPHS (or you can write more).
Video title “LE SAMOURAI”
Site to watch video :
Netid username : LJ1135
password: Musician010498$
Watch the first 17 minutes of Jean- Pierre Melville’s Le Samourai (including the title sequence) and answer the following question:


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Successful Planning for a Project

The paper is finished. The literature review is bad. Please insert the current literature review where it can be best found fit and write a good literature review for the references provided in the paper attached to this project.


Approximately 250 words


Overhead Cost

This week your assignment is to research, define and explain overhead costs. Research examples of different companies or government agencies. You can use the course materials, library or the web, but make sure to reference and cite all your sources.
•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a three-page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
University of California Berkeley Library APA Style Citation
Purdue University APA Formatting and Style Guide
Avoiding accidental and intentional plagiarism


Approximately 250 words


Organizational Structure Paper

About this Assignment
For this Corporate Finance 301 assignment, you will submit a research paper that analyzes the types of organizational business structures. You will apply knowledge of business structure concepts as acquired in the course. The research paper should follow APA formatting style.
Project Prompts
The written research paper should be at least 1,000 to 1,200 words in length and should include four sections based on the business structures studied throughout the course. Define each business structure, compare the corporate finance strategies of the four business structures, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each business structure, and how each varies in taxation.
Research Paper Sections
Sole Proprietorship
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Related Lessons
The following lessons from the course can help you with this assignment:
What Is a Business Organization? – Structure, Types & Examples
Corporations: Types, Advantages, Disadvantages & Examples
How Corporate Bankruptcy Affects Shareholders
Grading Rubric
Category Unacceptable (0-1) Needs Improvement (2-3) Good (4) Excellent (5) Points
Defining each business structure (x2) Definitions of structures are illogical or significantly hinders understanding Business structure definitions are difficult to identify; concepts are disjointed Business structures are well-defined and include sufficient supporting detail Business structures are well-defined and supporting detail exceeds requirements 10
Discussion of business structure advantages and disadvantages (x1) No discuss of business structure advantages and/or disadvantages Minimal discussion of business structure advantages and disadvantages Advantages and disadvantages are present but lack supporting detail Advantages and disadvantages include supporting detail and are well-written 5
Analysis of business structures (x2) The analysis of business structures is missing Analysis of business structures is not well-presented and lacks clarity Analysis adequately states the concepts of business structures Analysis of business structures is clear, logical, and well-written 10
Mechanics (x1) Incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and use of standard English grammar hinders understanding Several instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar Few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar No or very few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar 5
Total Points Possible 30


Approximately 250 words


summary and response essay

MLA 9th edition, For this assignment, you are going to summarize and respond to the article, “Virtual Classrooms Can Be as Unequal as Real Ones” ( link below) from The Atlantic. In the first few lines of your assignment, you should provide a brief introduction of the topic of the article before you transition to a detailed summary. After your summary, write a thorough response to the article that focuses on the author’s thesis and supporting details. You can agree, disagree, or meet the author somewhere in the middle, but you must explain your ideas about the article and the topic in full.
Summary: Your summary should include all the elements of academic summaries outlined in the Week One materials (“How to Write a Summary” and “Writing Summaries”),(link below) including the author’s name and the article title, an objective rendering of the author’s thesis and main ideas, and signal phrases throughout to give the author credit for their ideas.
Response: Your response can include an analysis of the author, their purpose, the intended audience, the style and tone of the text, the organization and presentation of ideas, and the assumptions/values being presented. Also, you can reflect on the effectiveness of the thesis, the ideas with which you agree and/or disagree, and the article’s meanings, implications. Feel free to include your own observations or prior knowledge about the topic.
NOTE: This assignment should be a minimum of several paragraphs long. Be sure to use signal phrases, paraphrases, and even direct quotations from the article if necessary. For correct formatting, watch at a minimum the two MLA formatting videos in this module. Part of your grade is based on your ability to write in the required format.

Writing Summaries


Approximately 250 words


classmate response

I want each response with two 7 th apa style references link’s should b open total 4 references each one 2 references under bottom reference should b documentation separately not together


Approximately 250 words

American History

US Government Constitution Final

You have been asked the question: What makes us American? We have established a representative democracy and a written constitution that has lasted for 235 years. The Constitution has upheld our American values, protected our rights, and fostered a will to promote the common welfare of all Americans. In large part, the belief in our Constitution makes us unique as Americans.
You will write an essay in which you will make a reasoned case for your opinion on the Constitutional topics listed below.
!!! Examine Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution. In your opinion, which one has the most significant role in fulfilling the goals of the
Constitution as stated in the Preamble. Think carefully about the Articles, the institutions
which they established, and the authority and powers granted to each. Which Article is most essential in securing a
“more perfect Union”?


Approximately 250 words


chose your own

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 5
Week 1 CCC Part 1 Template Links to an external site.(Use this template to complete the assignment.)
Minimum of 1 outside scholarly source (in addition to the textbook/lesson)
Introduction: Communication Change Challenge (CCC) Part 1
The Course Project is about improving your interpersonal communication skills. For this project, you will select a relevant interpersonal communication behavior to work on and improve (Week 1), attempt to change your behavior or pattern in the communication area you selected (Week 2), and evaluate your progress and performance (Week 3).
Click on the following link for project examples:
Project Examples
Problem Outcome
A 20-something woman recognizes that she appears to frown and/or has a negative facial expression when communicating interpersonally. Others often misread her as a result. She set the goal of using a positive facial expression when communicating interpersonally. She was more successful at work and received significantly more attention in her personal life as well. She made many new friends and broke off a long-term, unhealthy relationship with her boyfriend as a result of the increased attention.
A 40-something woman with a successful career recognizes that she does not accept criticism well. Generally, she jumped to the defense and never heard, nor considered, the merit of the feedback. She set the goal of changing her response to receiving criticism. She found that she was able to learn from constructive feedback and was recognized in her review for the positive change in her behavior.
A 30-something man recognizes that he is taken advantage of by his co-workers because he does not know how to say no. He often does the work of several employees and is sometimes even mocked by the co-workers who know that he has this deficit. He set the goal to clearly evaluate requests from co-workers and say “yes” to those that are appropriate and to say “no” to those that are unreasonable. The co-workers were surprised at first and continued to challenge him for a time, but ultimately he won their respect and improved the working relationships significantly.
This week, you will select a communication goal or challenge that is related to interpersonal communication. You will work on this challenge for the following two weeks with the goal of improving your communication pattern in this area.
Project Timeline
The following is a breakdown of what will be covered in each part of the project:
Due Title
Week 1 Selecting a communication goal
Week 2 Describing communication pattern, analyzing goal and developing a plan
Week 3 Implementation of the plan and evaluation of your progress
Instructions (Please complete both Part 1 and Part 2 below)
Part 1
Take some time to think about challenges you have communicating with other people. These difficulties may involve strangers or acquaintances; consider communication aspects with friends, family members, or people at school or work. You may identify situations that involve specific individuals or general circumstances. Some examples include having trouble starting a conversation with someone you have never met, saying “no” when your sister asks to borrow money, or avoiding participation in meetings even when you have a question or contribution to the discussion.
Complete the steps in the following framework to identify a goal. Using the template for this week, detail each of the steps to explain how you chose this one communication problem area you intend to change.
1A. “I Can’t” List
What are your “I can’t” communication behaviors? Address verbal, nonverbal, listening, group communication aspects, and cultural differences. Click on and read the sample responses for this section first. Then, write and submit the following for this part:
Make a list of six challenges relating to your interpersonal communication that you feel require attention because you “can’t” seem to do these well.
Under each “I can’t” identified, describe the behavior in detail for the first paragraph. In the second paragraph, provide an example that illustrates that behavior
Write a two paragraph response (description then example) for each “I can’t” behavior.
Sample List
Sample Description
1B. “I Won’t” List
What are your “I won’t” communication behaviors? Once you have read your list of “I can’t” communication behaviors aloud and consider each one carefully. Go back and read each behavior aloud again, but this time, substitute the word “won’t” for “can’t.” (“I won’t ask my friends for favors when I need their help.”)
Be honest with yourself – were there behaviors on your list for which the word “won’t” seemed more accurate than the word “can’t”? Probably so, because there are very few communication behaviors that people are physically unable to do. “Won’t” suggests that an element of choice is involved.
Write and submit the following for this part:
Provide a list of any statements that you were honestly able to revise to say, “I won’t.”
Provide an explanation for each regarding why it is more accurate to say “I won’t” rather than the original “I can’t” statement.
Eliminate any “I won’t” statements from consideration for this project because the “I won’t” aspect indicates your unwillingness to actually make a change.
1C. “I Don’t Know” List
Now go back to your remaining “I can’t” communication behaviors and try substituting, “I don’t know how to” for the words “I can’t.” Instead of saying, “I can’t keep my staff focused on the discussion at hand during meetings,” try saying “I don’t know how to keep my staff focused on the discussion at hand during meetings.”
It is important that you do not take the phrase “I don’t know how to” too literally. You may find that you do know how to do some of the things on your list, but you don’t know how to change from your existing poor habit to an improved communication behavior.
Sample Response
“I don’t know how to say no to a family member asking for my help” might sound strange to some. Of course you know how, you just say “no.” In reality, however, saying no may not be that easy, or it may not be your natural response. In addition, you may not recognize that there is a time for “yes” and a time for “no” and part of rectifying this communication behavior is establishing criteria by which you evaluate the appropriateness of saying yes or no given the circumstances. Then, you develop the necessary skills, language, and so forth to say no effectively.
Make a list of any statements you revised to say, “I don’t know how to,” and describe for each why this is more accurate than the original “I can’t” statement. If there are any issues that you still feel belong on your “I can’t” list, include a narrative to describe why.
The “I don’t know how to” items on your list are the ones to consider for this project. These are the ones you can expect to change by taking this course. Select one of these problem areas to work on for the remainder of the course and for the purpose of this report. Describe your process for eliminating additional “I don’t know how to” items to narrow your list to the one issue that you finally selected for the project.
Write and submit the following for this part:
Your list of issues that more accurately fit the “I don’t know how to” category
A narrative describing why you feel they belong there instead
Describe why you left certain issues in the “I can’t” category.
1D. Issue Selection
Write and submit the following for this part:
A narrative describing how you eliminated those that remained in the “I don’t know how to” category to decide on the one issue you selected for your project. This section needs to be at least a paragraph long.
1E. Project Statement
Write and submit the following for this part:
A clear project statement of the communication behavior you will address with this project and the person or people with whom you will be communicating for this project
Sample Project Statement
Part 2
In order to gain further understanding regarding the communication challenge you have selected, you will need to do some research to find an outside scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) that addresses the challenge you face. Once you have located that source and read it, summarize the source and share how the information within the source has provided insight into your challenge and strategies that can help that challenge.
Continue following the template as you complete Part 2.
Begin with the title of the source.
The first paragraph beneath the title will summarize the source.
The second paragraph will explain how the information in your chosen source has provided guidance or insight.
End with a full APA citation on the references page
You will be submitting Part 1 and Part 2 as one document that begins with a title page and ends with a References page.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: minimum of 4 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page


Approximately 250 words