Computer Science

Statement of Purpose

Write a Statement of Purpose describing my reason for pursuing graduate study.
The school I’m applying to is School Of Visual Arts NYC. The program I’m applying to is MFA Computer Arts. My anticipated area of study is 2D Animation and Mothion Graphics.
Here is the link to the SVA MFA Computer Arts Program, where you can read more about it:


Approximately 250 words


resources assignment

Please read ALL the instructions, I sent in pictures of the details and criteria please follow it. I also sent in an example picture for the assignment. I have to have 16 resources and 5 of them are already listed and mandatory. I need 16. Please read thoroughly.
As a provider working with families who have a child on the autism spectrum, or autistic adults, these individuals often rely on you to help them navigate critical periods such as diagnosis and transitioning. Physicians are often the first provider a family encounters when learning their child has developmental delays, but as a therapist (speech, behavior, autism, occupational, etc.), psychologist, case manager, or family advocate, you are likely to be the family’s ongoing service provider with whom they have come to rely on for information. School personnel also help families understand the transition periods, either when children transition out of early intervention and attend school, or when they are ready to transition out of the special education system into postsecondary education or the workforce.
You are responsible for gathering 16 community resources for an autistic person across the lifespan. Beginning with early intervention, provide a family with the information on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA and the Part C services that are available to children from birth to age 3. As you gather information on other resources appropriate for the childhood period, begin to think about what an autistic adolescent or adult might need from their community and research those resources. These resources should be presented as a list of recommendations that are several sentences long and provide an explanation of why it is recommended and where the family can go to find the service. Provide phone numbers, websites, and addresses when necessary (i.e., providing a family with contact information to a local ABA clinic). Sometimes, you find helpful handouts on the Internet that correspond to a specific service. If you find one, attach it to your assignment.
Of the 16 recommendations, there are five required recommendations.
Early Intervention Part C State System. Consult to help you determine the correct early intervention provider in your area.
Part B Public School Special Education. This should be your local public school system and the special education department within it.
A postsecondary educational recommendation
Employment information
Financial assistance
Each recommendation must answer the following questions:
What is it?
Why is it important for someone with autism?
How does the family find out more information (i.e., website, phone number)?
Be sure to personalize the recommendations to the family. Let them know why it is important.
Don’t use jargon or acronyms without explaining it.
Don’t copy and paste description of resources directly from the internet.
Even though you might know classmates who have completed this assignment in the past, don’t rely on the fact that they got it right even if they received a good grade.
Give the family enough information about the resource so that they don’t have to go searching for more.
If you want to recommend several centers that provide the same type of service (i.e. ABA clinics) then that only counts as one recommendation with multiple contacts. It is great to give the family options, but they need to be separate ideas.
You are to upload your assignment as a Word document using 12pt. Times New Roman Font, and please remember to have a cover page. This assignment is worth 100 points. See the Rubric below for how you will be graded.
An outline is provided to help you organize your resources and ensure you find the required recommendations. You must use this outline. As a reminder, you may list more than one resource under each required area (see assignment description below for requirements), but please do not change the headings for the required resources. Any resources that are not categorized under the listed headings can be placed in “Additional Resources,” and you may organize those in any way you want. Also remember to introduce yourself to the family.
Suggestion to Get Started
A good starting point is the Autism Speaks website This website, along with your textbooks, can provide you with ideas of what would be useful for a child/adolescent/adult with ASD, but you should not use this website as one of your 16 resources.


Approximately 250 words


Justice – Philosophy

Do a 30-point seminar on an open question, on Monday where you will review the Justice readings by Rawls and Sen. You will review your own writings and try to find an issue that you can solve with either of the theories.


Approximately 250 words


nsg 305- professional issues in nursing

Through an organized and guided review of the literature, you will begin to develop an understanding of the various types of literature that is causal, biased, and/or peer reviewed. As you progress in your professional education, you will need to learn how to successfully identify peer-reviewed articles within scholarly journals.
Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography on a topic related to nursing.
Please locate the CNI Library and conduct a comprehensive search the scholarly literature for at least 3 peer-reviewed articles published within 5 years. This annotated bibliography should provide sufficient background on your topic with current relevance to nursing practice.
Each article in your annotated bibliography should be referenced according to current APA format. After the reference, you will include a summary, assessment, and a reflection.
Summary: Your summary should focus on an analysis of the information within the article. Please avoid simply repeating the article content. Question the main purpose of the article, main arguments, main points, and main focus. Include the type of research was used in the article and the findings or results.
Assessment: The next step after your summary will be your assessment or evaluation. Question the reliability of the information and if the delivery was objective or biased. Question any limitations, strengths, and weaknesses. How was this content relevant to your topic of interest?
Reflection: The last step is your reflection on how this article aligns with your topic interest. How can you use this article to support or show a contrast on your topic? Describe how the information in the article added to your understanding of your topic. Question if the article influenced your perspective on your topic.
Include 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources.


Approximately 250 words


math 300 applied statistics

An annotated bibliography provides a foundation for you to search and review pertinent literature that aligns with the content and concepts of this course. Through an organized and guided review of the literature, you will begin to develop an understanding of the various types of literature that is causal, biased, and/or peer reviewed. As you progress in your professional education, you will need to learn how to successfully identify peer-reviewed articles within scholarly journals.
Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography on a topic related to nursing.
Please locate the CNI Library and conduct a comprehensive search the scholarly literature for at least 3 peer-reviewed articles published within 5 years. This annotated bibliography should provide sufficient background on your topic with current relevance to nursing practice.
Each article in your annotated bibliography should be referenced according to current APA format. After the reference, you will include a summary, assessment, and a reflection:
Summary: Your summary should focus on an analysis of the information within the article. Please avoid simply repeating the article content. Question the main purpose of the article, main arguments, main points, and main focus. Include the type of research was used in the article and the findings or results.
Assessment: The next step after your summary will be your assessment or evaluation. Question the reliability of the information and if the delivery was objective or biased. Question any limitations, strengths, and weaknesses. How was this content relevant to your topic of interest?
Reflection: The last step is your reflection on how this article aligns with your topic interest. How can you use this article to support or show a contrast on your topic? Describe how the information in the article added to your understanding of your topic. Question if the article influenced your perspective on your topic.
References: Include 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources.


Approximately 250 words

Computer Science

Wireless & Mobile Systems

In a 2-3-page, APA 7th Edition-formatted paper and including at least six external references, build on the company example used in your week 1 discussion response and address:
The type(s) of WiFi access points needed for the business layout
The use of the 2.4 GHz and/or the 5GHz bands
How you may overcome obstacles in the office or building environments for WiFi access point placement
Please be creative with your work. Be sure to specify a particular challenge in the environment and how your WiFi solution may address it. Please properly identify and cite your sources, and provide full references in APA 7 format. Please review the video link below for information to help with this assignment:


Approximately 250 words


Control of healthcare in USA

Who controls health care? As you have learned, the U.S. does not have a central agency to manage and govern health care delivery. Rather, multiple parties have varying responsibilities for and interests in health care delivery. Therefore, this question deserves thoughtful consideration and raises many additional questions about healthcare in the United States.
To prepare for this assignment: you will be conducting a brief historical review or timeline regarding how healthcare delivery has changed and adapted throughout history. However, this isn’t a history lesson. Talk about the changes over time, but more importantly, how have these changes affected healthcare administrators today? How have the changes in healthcare delivery had an impact on you personally, as a current administrator, or how WILL it affect you once you’re in an administrative role? You will consider how the control of health care delivery has shifted over time from the preindustrial era until today.
Think about the changing roles and responsibilities of various individuals and institutions, such as:
Insurers/managed-care organizations
Government payers (Medicare and Medicaid)
Also, consider how the issue provides opportunities and challenges for healthcare administrators.
To complete this assignment, address the following questions:
What are the historical forces on the healthcare delivery system, or who controls health care in the United States today? Why?
How has this changed over time?
What insights does this topic give you with regard to opportunities and challenges for health care administrators in today’s organizations?


Approximately 250 words

American History

Portrayal of German nation in a Woodrow Wilson’s speech to Congress delivered on April 2, 1917

Please, use the speech as a primary source.
Also, I need additional secondary sources to present background situation. If you have an access to those two books, please use them for this purpose:
1. Farwell, Byron. Over There: The United States in the Great War, 1917-1918. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1999.
2. Stevenson, David. The First World War And International Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
If not, refer to up to three sources from JSTOR, or SAGE Journals. The choice of sources is up to you.
And do not forget abou using 17th Edition of Chicago Manual Style in formatting.
Thank you in advance!


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations


Please spotlight specific HRIS applications used by leading organizations. Reflection entries should include your own insights gained after exploring the application resource online. For example, your review could focus on the products and services offered, client support provided, and technology aspects. If applicable, this reflection should also include a real experience you had using the specific application whether it be as an employee utilizing the application in a self-service capacity, as an administrator or as an applicant searching or applying for jobs.
**When developing your reflection, there is a minimum requirement of three paragraphs.


Approximately 250 words


The hero’s Journey

After watching “What Makes a Hero?”, choose a favorite character from a book, movie, TV show, comic or other form of entertainment and show how that character’s journey matches the “monomyth” taught by Joseph Campbell.
Without spoilers (so no discussing conclusions, surprises, twists, endings, deaths, etc…) write three to four paragraphs matching qualities of the character and his/her story to the defined qualities of a hero in the video by Joseph Campbell.


Approximately 250 words