Business and Management

Write a page on how the topics of this learning module affect you personally.

Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
The paper is to be one (1) page in length, current APA style, excluding the title, and references page.
incorporate a minimum of one (1) current reference – published within the last five (5) years – scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
attached in the pwoerpoint for module


Approximately 250 words


educational leadership

Write a 3–5-page document that explains the following:
Define rigorous curricula? Be sure to describe at least 2 key components of rigorous curricula
Explain why rigorous curricula are important.
Explain how would a principal promotes instruction which reduces the achievement gap of minority students.
Assignment format:
1. Title Page (Your name, Course Name, Term, Assignment Due Date)
2. Introduction
3. Body of paper (each section clearly labeled and separated with level 1, 2, 3 headings) Be sure to include in-text citations formatted in the APA 7th edition.
4. Conclusion
5. Reference page
Please use scholarly sources


Approximately 250 words



Hi Writer,
Please read instructions and FOLLOW Assessment guide information provided. please let me know if it not clear or require further information.


Approximately 250 words


Literature Review for Psychology Research Paper

This is the second step of our research project, in which we are required to conduct a literature review of 4 peer-reviewed articles (no older than 2019) that apply to studies that have concluded how cultural influences on men not seeking mental health care because of cultural stigmas and their inner conflict in seeking mental health care that can lead to maladaptive behaviors and possibly suicide.
This step of our project is only to do a literature review of the four articles, not our opinion or how we would do the studies differently—just the examination and each of their conclusions without any opinion.
I greatly appreciate your help.


Approximately 250 words


Corie Freeland letter

Just a simple letter stated Mr.Corie Freeland mother stay with me and wife for 8 years
without pay any bill and all her financial burden was on my wife for these years, from April 2010 to August 2018.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


Identify and describe the roles of the stakeholders, sponsors, project managers, team leaders, and team members.
Discuss how these various roles interact in the Project Management Process. Include both the potential positive and negative impacts.
Discuss your bias (supportive or not) of the interaction of these various people (roles) in your Project Management process?
Identify and discuss an interaction you have had with stakeholders and describe how this interaction either fit or did not fit into a Project Quality Management model.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

respond to 2 different posts

respond to 2 posts 150 words each
DMAIC is a data-driven improvement cycle used for improving existing process problems with unknown causes. After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:
Define/identify a problem that you or a family may have encountered with seeking care from either access, quality, or cost perspectives. Frame your response in relation to Donabedian’s structure, process, and outcome model.


Approximately 250 words


Justice -Philosophy Views

Read the articles by Sen (Sen- What Do We Want From a Theory of Justice.pdf Download Sen- What Do We Want From a Theory of Justice.pdf) and Khasnabish (to be added) 04-Ch2 -proofread Khasnabish-oct.8.pdf Download 04-Ch2 -proofread Khasnabish-oct.8.pdf
The goal is today’s class is to further discuss some of the complications surrounding the idea of “justice” in discussing ethics. In particular, in a world that is full of a wide variety of inequalities, how can justice be achieved? And do we all actually believe that justice is a valuable goal, or is it simply lip service paid to an unattainable ideal that serves to maintain the positions of those in power?
In Writing: After reading Rawls, and the critiques of Rawls, what is your view of how successfully he eliminates the basic tendency of all of us to favor our “group” or “groups” when we try to behave justly? What criticisms seem correct and supportable to you, and what criticisms seem to be unfair or inaccurate? This will take you at least one full page.


Approximately 250 words


Health policy and politics

1) Select a health policy problem. It can be anything you feel is an issue – the number of people uninsured, the cost of medications, access to mental health services, shortages of healthcare professionals, the opioid crisis are just a few examples. Briefly describe the issue.
2) Describe what you think would be an appropriate solution to the problem you identified.
3) Since you found a problem and a solution, why do hasn’t the issue been resolved? Is the issue on the political agenda? Has there been an attempt to solve the issue that failed?


Approximately 250 words


1. Digital pedagogy 2. Teaching english for specific purposes 3. Open educational resources 4. Online education 5. Developing e literacy and culture

1. Digital pedagogy
2. Teaching english for specific
3. Open educational resources
4. Online education
5. Developing e literacy and culture
about 2000 words per item
no instructions free style


Approximately 250 words