Business and Management

please check the instruction for question. Thank you

Complete the Week 2 discussion prompt.
The following patients have come to your hospital. Choose one of the following patients and discuss their insurance options. Support your ideas with at least one scholarly source other than your text, and use terminology you learned this week. Cite and reference your sources using APA Style.
Sam, an elderly man, rear ended a motorcycle. Sam received only minor injuries, but was brought to the hospital.
Steven came to the hospital for care, but his insurance does not have a contract with your hospital.
Julie is upset and believes she is being overcharged—her insurance did not cover all the services that you provided.


Approximately 250 words


child Psy U2D1

Analyzing Nature Versus Nurture Influences:
Compare and contrast your assigned readings (attached) regarding nature versus nurture with the information shared in the video Nature or Nurture (attached transcript). What did you find most interesting in the conversation? How do social and cultural environments impact newborns? Share any professional or personal observations that support your post.
peer reviewed reference, no websites please


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

please check the instruction for question. Thank you

After you read the assigned chapters and complete the interactive lesson and compliance officer scenario for this week, address the following:
Name and describe two components of a compliance program you believe are the most essential for either a small suburban hospital or a large inner-city hospital complex. Why is it important to consider Federal Sentencing Guidelines when deciding compliance components? Justify your responses.


Approximately 250 words


John Hancock’s Boston Massacre Oration (1774)

In 1768, the British government ordered two regiments of British Redcoats, with two more to follow, to Boston, Massachusetts. Many colonists had protested and refused to comply with two attempts by Parliament to impose taxes on them in the preceding years. The Stamp Act (1765) had called for a tax on public documents and newspapers, among other things, and the Townshend Act (1767) had tried to levy duties on a few specific commodities. Those acts triggered outrage and defiance, especially in Boston. So the troops sent to Boston in 1768 were intended to bring order and respect for the British authority to the center of opposition to British policy. Almost immediately tensions flared between soldiers and civilians, and they continued to rise and fall in the months that followed. Those tensions produced a violent clash on March 5, 1770, when several British soldiers, surrounded by an angry crowd, fired upon the colonists and mortally wounded or killed five of them. In the following years, Bostonians gathered on the anniversary of the “Boston Massacre” to hear a notable speaker discuss the event and its significance. In 1774, that speaker was the wealthy merchant John Hancock.
what Hancock said were the primary dangers posed by standing armies and the benefits of militias. What do you think is significant about of this “Massacre Oration”?


Approximately 250 words


M2.3 Discuss: Analyzing Grammar

For your initial post this week, your assignment is to share a paragraph or short section from any text you would like—and you should be creative. It can be from a cookbook, from a magazine article, or from a manual. In your post, share the selection and make sure you properly cite it according to APA formatting guidelines.


Approximately 250 words


Johnson Toy Company

Review the Case 5.1 Johnson Toy Company, and do the following:
1. First, give a brief of the case study, and then
2. What are the return policies of the company, and why are they causing conflict in the business?
3. Propose a policy for handling returns that should be adopted by the company. Should the policy be a blanket statement, or have exceptions?
4. If there should be exceptions, what will these be, and the reasons for the same?
5. Assume that you are Cheryl Guridi, the firm’s logistics manager. Do you think that the returns policy favored by the logistics manager would differ from what would be best for the firm? Why or why not?
Your answers should be supported by concept, examples, and a good review of the case.


Approximately 250 words


Perception of images

In the two pairs of images provided, (Eshnunna figurines vs. head of Sargon), (Palette of Narmer vs. Stele of Naram-Sin), discuss how the objects functioned and were intended to be viewed. Consider the importance of propaganda, magic, and religion in the images. How did the needs and expectations of the patron and the underlying cultural ideas and expectations shape the form and function of these objects and their history? Use references to the readings to support your statements.


Approximately 250 words


Common Size Financial Statements: Appendix B

In your first assignment this week you retrieved the financial information for your chosen company. Analysts must evaluate a company’s financial statements to understand its performance over time. Common size statements “allow analysts to compare the relative composition of the company’s accounts over time” (Hickman et al., 2013, Section 11.3, para. 5). For this assignment, you will take the formatted financial statements you retrieved using Mergent and construct common size income statements and common size balance sheets for your chosen company. The video below explains how to construct a common size income statement and balance sheet using Excel.
Title this assignment “Appendix B.” Be sure to save both formats (Excel and PDF) of these files for later use.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
Review Chapter 2 and Chapter 11: Section 11.3 in Essentials of finance.
Complete the Week 1 – Assignment 1, Historical Financial Statements: Appendix A
You will be using the Excel file from Mergent for this assignment
Watch the following video that will go over how to create and format Appendix B:
Links to an external site.
BUS401| Creating Common Size Financial Statements in Excel Links to an external site.
Construct Appendix B:
Using the formatted income statement and balance sheet in Excel from Week 1 – Assignment 1, and following the instructions in the BUS401| Creating Common Size Financial Statements in Excel Links to an external site. video,
Calculate and format the common size income statement for the three years.
Calculate and format the common size balance sheet for three years.
Save this Excel file as a PDF and title it “Appendix B”.
Submission Format:
Submit the PDF version of Appendix B to Waypoint.
The Common Size Financial Statements: Appendix B PDF file must contain the formatted common size income statement and balance sheet.


Approximately 250 words


Chapter 1

you did the litreature review for this one now I want you to do chapter 1 I attached a file to follow and the litreature review about the topic


Approximately 250 words


Reflection: Nursing Theory, practice, and components.

For this reflection, submit your answers to the three questions below with a minimum of one reference in the reference list.
Reflective Journals do not need to be in the APA template but if you choose to do so, the formatting must be correct.
Using the following headings:
A good introduction typically begins with a few general sentences about the topic (three to four) followed by a purpose. One example of a purpose sentence for this assignment is: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the development, usefulness and history and development of nursing theory.
Development & Usefulness
Discuss why it took so long for nursing theory to develop (list at least two references from the readings). Why theory is useful in current practice.
History and Development
Describe a brief history of nursing theory and is there a link between the history and culture of nursing theory development (list a reference).
A good conclusion summarizes the major points in the paper, no references are used in the conclusion. This conclusion should be at least one paragraph long.
List your reference at the bottom of the page.


Approximately 250 words