American History

open ended Questions – American National Government

Pick and answer four of the five questions listed below. As part of each question, you will find a set of terms and phrases. Make sure that you use those terms and phrases in answering that question. A significant part of your grade for that answer will be based on how intelligently or meaningfully you use those terms and phrases in constructing your answer for that question. When typing your answers, please highlight those terms and phrases in bold or italics so that it is easy for me to locate them in your answers.
Each of your answers has to be a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words (please specify the word count for each answer at the end of that answer). While your answer can exceed 500 words if you feel necessary, it should not be fewer than 250 words. Points will be deducted for word counts less than 250. Answers should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman; 12-point font size; 1” on left, right, top and bottom. You must upload your answer as a word file or a PDF file under the Assignment tab on the left-hand side of the Canvas page, under which you will see the Exam II tab, by January 16, Monday, 5:00 pm. AEST
Question 1:
Like all modern representative democracies, the American democracy needs political parties, even though George Washington lamented their existence and warned the dangers of parties and partisanship for the health of democracy. What general functions do political parties perform in a representative democracy? To what extent do the parties in the United States fulfill those functions? Also, how are the political parties related to interest groups and social movements? In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Political party
– Primary elections
– National conventions
– Political machines
– Partisanship
– Two-party system
– Minor parties
– Interest group
– Social movement
– Political action committees
– Lobbying
Question 2:
Discuss the process, role, and consequence of elections in American democracy, and what determines citizens’ participation in it. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Political participation
– Turnout
– Literacy test
– Poll tax
– Grandfather clause
– Retrospective voting
– Prospective voting
– Primary
– Caucus
– Presidential elections
– Congressional elections
Question 3:
According to the Constitution, Congress is the most important branch of the government; yet, according to the public opinion polls, it is also the least popular one. Discuss the characteristics, operation and functions of Congress, and why it might be so unpopular. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Partisan polarization
– Bicameral legislature
– Filibuster
– Incumbency
– Whip
– Speaker
– Party vote
– Caucus
– Standing committees
– Select committees
– Joint committees
– Conference committees
– Joint resolution
– Divided government
– Unified government
– Pork-barrel legislation
– Earmarks
Question 4:
The American public generally considers the president as the most powerful figure in the country’s politics. Discuss whether that is actually true or not or in what ways and to what extent the president can make a difference in the country’s politics. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Presidential democracy
– Parliamentary democracy
– Electoral college
– Veto message
– Signing statement
– Cabinet
– Presidential transition
– Vice-president
– Power of persuasion
– Power to say no
– Impeachment
– The office of the President
– Divided government
– Unified government
Question 5:
The judiciary has a crucial role in the check and balance system in American democracy. Explain what that role is and the ways in which the judiciary checks the other branches of government and is checked by those branches in turn. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Judicial review
– Judicial restraint approach
– Judicial activist or activism approach
– Constitutional Court
– Marbury v. Madison (1803)
– Supreme Court
– District courts
– Litmus test
– Court packing
– Congressional
– The dual sovereignty principle
– Political liberty
– Economy


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Research Questions, Thesis Statement, and Rhetorical Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to record the work you have done finding a topic, building research questions, and doing a rhetorical analysis for your paper.
Place your three (3) research questions and thesis statement at the top of the page, below the required heading (name etc.), and answer the questions shown below. You do not have to answer these questions for each research question, just the one reflected in your thesis statement. Each question should be followed by a one to two paragraph answer. Remember that your thesis statement should be a single, complete sentence that is NOT a question.
Keep it simple. Follow the format below, making your points precisely.
Write three of your research questions here (remember that, if the question can be answered by YES or NO, it is a closed-ended question that does not invite discussion and so should be revised):
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Write your thesis statement here (one complete sentence that is not a question):
Write paragraphs that respond to the questions below, using your thesis statement as the basis for your answers:
What is my purpose in writing this paper? (A clear understanding of your purpose will help you decide what information to include in your paper and how to organize your paper.)
What do I already know about my topic?
What are my feelings toward this topic? (You may have mixed feelings about the topic at the beginning. This may change as you do more research.)
What do my readers already know? What are my readers’ feelings toward the topic? (If your topic is a controversial one, think about the best way to present it to your audience. For example, think about your tone and word choice here.)
What do my readers need to know to understand my point? (You may understand and accept underlying assumptions about your topic, but your reader may not be aware of those.)
What information do I need to research and add to my paper? (You may need to familiarize yourself more thoroughly with the topic to make a strong presentation.)


Approximately 250 words


Project Two

In this assignment, you will explain the roles of culture and bias in interpreting and conveying information.
In Module One, you learned some common terminology used to explain different aspects of cultural diversity and how these terms may influence decision making. You also completed your own personal diversity assessment using Loden’s Diversity Wheel( These activities will assist you as you begin to construct a cultural diversity education and training for Project One.
In this activity, you will examine the history of Chinese immigration to the United States in order to gain a better understanding of the relationship between cultural bias, stereotyping, and communication issues among a specific group, the police, and the criminal justice system. This will also assist you as you consider the specific factors from Loden’s Diversity Wheel that impact criminal-justice interactions in Project Two, which you will complete in Module Five.
First review the History of
San Francisco’s Chinatown resource(,
On Police Treatment Asian-Americans Show Ethni,Generational Splits (,
, and The Social History of Crime and Punishments in America: An Encyclopedia -Chinese Americans Then, in a slide presentation, complete the following essential elements:
Cultural Stereotype
Slide 1
Provide a 50- to 100-word summary of cultural stereotypes related to Chinese immigrants.
Include any additional notes as speaker notes.
Decision Making
Slides 2 and 3
Provide at least two examples of poor decision making in the criminal justice system or its professionals that are the direct result of cultural stereotyping.
Include each example on its own slide.
Slide 4
Provide a summary of the history of Chinese immigration to the United States.
Slide 5
Connect this history with cultural biases and stereotypes.
Slide 6
Identify speaking and listening communication issues that may arise due to bias or stereotyping related to the history of Chinese immigrants to the United States.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Identify cultural stereotypes of Chinese immigrants.
Provide examples of poor decision making as a result of cultural stereotyping.
Explore the connection between the history of Chinese immigration to the United States and cultural bias and stereotypes.
Identify communication issues that may arise due to bias or stereotyping.


Approximately 250 words


Summary Essay of the Article provided

Answer all the following questions carefully based on the article provided. Please be specific and to the point, answering only what the question asks for.
1. What did this paper find out?
2. Why is what this paper found out important?
3. What is the specific research question?
4. Who are some of the stake holders in this research?
5. Give two examples of papers cited by this research and why?
6. What is the paper’s experimental design?
7. What are the Data collected?
8. What are the interpretations of the Data?
9. List three most important findings of this paper.
10. Were there any negative/missing/neutral results?
11. How do the authors interpret the findings? Which are emphasized?
12. What further research do the authors suggest?
13. Which figure was the best or most informative, and why?
14. Which figure was the worst/least informative, and why?


Approximately 250 words


Cross-Curricular Project Brochure for Families

In the 21st century, scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and challenges of globalization. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is a part of our everyday lives. Exposing students to STEM creates an engaging classroom environment and prepares students for real-world application.
In 250-500 words, create a digital flyer or brochure for the families of the students in the “Class Profile” outlining an upcoming cross-curricular, real-world project you are planning to implement in your classroom that integrates STEM.
The flyer or brochure must include:
A title for the cross-curricular project.
A summary of the project that clearly outlines how STEM will be utilized and how the concepts taught can be applied in a real-world setting.
How students will be assessed.
Materials the students will use for the project, including any that will be provided and those that could be brought from home.
How families can support their student in the completion of the project.
The flyer/brochure should be creative, visually appealing, and well organized.
While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Intelligent ERP

Review the SAP presentation, Intelligent Enterprise: Turning Insight to Action, Links to an external site.(access the presentation at SAP as well as download the document at your convenience) and research additional sources online to summarize your understanding of “the intelligent enterprise” and how this impacts the future of business. Compare and contrast with enterprises as they operate today and how they will change 10-20 years from now.
Link to required presentation:


Approximately 250 words


History Civilization

Please answer the following questions in detail : ( Post should be at least 300 words)
(1) What did all Paleolithic people have in common, and what differences subdivided them?
(2) What were the key changes in human society that came with the Argicultrual Revolution ?


Approximately 250 words


5 Patient 3 Ventilators – Virtue Theory and Utilitarian Theory

Complete readings “The Nature of Virtue”, by Aristotle, and “How Can I be a Better Person? On Virtue Ethics,” by Douglas Giles [“Virtue Ethics” by Julia Driver (Missing)]
You have now read something about three different ethical theories (utilitarianism, Kantianism, and Virtue theory). Imagine that you are the doctor in charge of emergency services in a small, local hospital. Your hospital has three ventilators, which help people struggling to breathe to stay alive. Today five people have been admitted to the hospital with coronavirus symptoms, and all five need help breathing. Without knowing anything (yet) about the patients, your hospital has to formulate a policy about how to decide who gets to use a ventilator and who will not (keeping in mind that it may be that someone who does not get to use a ventilator may die, and someone who gets to use a ventilator may not live). First, use virtue theory to describe a policy that your hospital might implement. HINT: remember that virtue theory focuses on the character of the “actor” – what would a reasonable person do here? Why would virtue theory indicate this way? Be sure to mention the advantages and disadvantages of using virtue theory.
Then, compare that answer to EITHER the answer a utilitarian will give to formulate this policy OR how a Kantian/deontologist would design the policy. Remember the “Why”, and the advantages and disadvantages.. ).


Approximately 250 words

Environmental Science

Environmental Health

Define the role of the environment in shaping the future of health for humanity. What is the environment and what does this world encompass? How are human beings linked to their environments in questions of health? Consider the interdependence between human life and plant and animal life in your response.


Approximately 250 words


NYU MBA Essays

* These two essays are admssion to NYU Stern MBA
* Please edit as much
* Please follow the word limit indicated in each essay prompt


Approximately 250 words