
Hollitz Thinking Through the Past Chapter 1

Read Hollitz Chapter 1, I have attached a pdf copy of the chapter down below.
1) How do each of the four sources present the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Republican governments in the southern states? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, how these governments are described, and the views of carpetbaggers and scalawags.
2) How do each of the four sources view African Americans? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, any racial assumptions about African Americans, and any arguments about their role in shaping Reconstruction and their own lives.
3) How do each of the four sources view the overturning of Reconstruction? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, whether the seizure of power by white southerners is viewed as a welcome or regrettable development, and the role of the terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan.


Approximately 250 words


The Varied Concepts of History- A Comparision of Bloch, Certeau and Ruiz

Take a look at Ruiz’s other scholarship: Spanish Society: 1348-1700 and Medieval Europe and the World From late Antiquity to Modernity, and his essays in Order and Innovation in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Joseph R. Strayer (Princeton Legacy Library, From Heaven to Earth: The Reordering of Castilian Society in the Late Middle Ages (2004); Crisis and Continuity: Land and Town in Late Medieval Castile (1994) And bloch’;s Feudal Society and The Royal Touch.
Please be critical.


Approximately 250 words



Topic: Hypocalcemia
Create a discussion based on your topic describing the following:
What is the electrolyte disturbance? (ex. Hypokalemia — title)
What is the normal serum blood range for this electrolyte and what has happened to the value when the electrolyte disturbance occurs?
Describe the clinical manifestations (signs, symptoms, EKG changes) that happen when the electrolyte disturbance happens.
Is there a difference between early and late clinical manifestations?
How are you (as a student) going to memorize this electrolyte disturbance? Would you create a flashcard? Rewrite on notebook paper? Use a picmonic?


Approximately 250 words


summary of an journal article

a summary of a journal article for a psychology student
use at least 2 sources
APA style format
please follow assesment guidlines


Approximately 250 words


Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment Rights

Due process under the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution can be broken down into two categories:
1. Substantive due process
2. Procedural due process.
Both are based on fundamental fairness. For example, the Fourth Amendmet protects citizens against government unreasonable search and seizure of personal property. The Fifth and Sixth Amendments guarantee the procedures that the courts and police must follow to ensure fair treatment of persons arrested for crimes.
Analyze the following U.S. Supreme Court cases:
Byrd v. United States.
Chavez v. Martinez.
Write a 3–4 page paper in which you:
– Explain the substantive and procedural protections afforded by the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments for defendants charged with crimes today.
-Explain due process and how the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments comply with the requirements of due process.
-Prepare a one-page brief of Byrd v. United States explaining how the test for privacy and Fourth Amendment search and seizure requirements are validated in the case.
-Use the Case Brief Template [DOCX].
-Support your writing with at least three credible, relevant, and appropriate academic sources.
-Write in an articulate and well-organized manner that is grammatically correct and free of spelling, typographical, formatting, and/or punctuation errors.


Approximately 250 words


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Brochure about High Street

This is assignment to create brochure about researching High Street in UK. Create a 1500-word brochure on the future of the high street in your town/city/locality on behalf of the local Chamber of Commerce. The city in the UK for this assignment is Hull.
I will attach assignment brief. Assignment brief contains instructions and layout of the paper.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Module Two Assignment Guidelines and Rubric Web Page
This is an article I originally wrote to get information from as well I attached the rubics for the assignment.


Approximately 250 words


Organic Chemistry

Your prompt is:
Organic chemistry was spawned because Carbon is contained in so many molecules in living organisms. We discussed 4 types of macromolecules today. Explain how the properties of carbon lead to the creation of the 4 distinct types of macromolecules we discussed today, discussing the traits of these macromolecules and the roles each might play in an organism. Be sure to include in your discussion the properties of carbon, monomers, polymers, isomers, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. Further, describe, in detail, how a polypeptide becomes a protein. Include in your discussion the hierarchy of protein structure, alpha helixes and beta sheets, Hydrogen Bonds, Ionic or Polar Interactions, Hydrophobic Interactions, van der Waals forces, and Disulfide Bridges.
(Also try to use your own words to)
At least one in text citations is provided per paragraph in APA format (Author Last Name, Year) immediately after the first reference is made.
1. Describe the properties of carbon, including functional groups, isomers, and bonding arrangements (Provide some examples in the paragraph)
2. Describe the structure and function of carbohydrates, including monomer, and the impact of branching structure on function (Provide some examples in the paragraph)
3. Describe the structure and function of lipids, including a discussion of the monomers and structure of saturated and unsaturated fats, phospholipids, steroids, and waxes (Provide some examples in the paragraph)
4. Describe the structure and function of nucleic acids including their monomers as well differences between DNA and RNA (Provide examples for each topic in this paragraph)
5. Describe the chemical structure of amino acids (Provide examples for each topic in this paragraph)
6. Describe the hierarchy of structure of proteins, including the primary, secondary, tertiary, and Quaternary structure (Provide examples for each topic in this paragraph)


Approximately 250 words


Business Administration

Activity: Final project related to the administrative activity of a company. Information, search and presentation.
You are a profesional and entreprenuerial team who have decided to buy the company Psichat SL to refresh and relaunch its activity taking in consideration of your personal interest in this type of sector, business model and its high potential of growing. You will have the availability of the former CEO supporting the transition process to understand and analyse the current situation and take decisions of the new business strategies and management
Using the perspective from all the topics studied as : Enviroment and industry competitive analysis, Business Strategy, innovation, Administrative process etc. take a picture of the current situation of the company based in the info available (website, social media, CEO meeting…) and design the strategy to implement in the following years to acomplish your settled goals for the company. Think about potential new services, channels, business model, segment customers hhrr resources etc.
1. Create a document including the structured analysis of the current situation and also the planning about different areas of business and management to be implemented in the future.
(Word document 8-10 pages máx) and upload it to Canvas before deadline.
Psichat ( )
PsiChat talks about psychology aid to the whole society. We are a team of psychologists at your disposal. It is a team of professionals and psychologists with more than 10 years of experience.
Aimed at those people who need advice or support in the different areas related to the couple, work, social relationships, family or an individual level that appears to their daily, emotional and mental performance. PsiChat is a crisis intervention.


Approximately 250 words