American History

Compare two poems

The goal of this assignment is to compare two poems. Compare (don’t contrast!) works of
the poetry. Compare the specific elements of the poems such as theme, tone, language, and
speaker. Include the stanza number of the poem while referring to a specific stanza.
Minimum words: 500


Approximately 250 words

American History

For this activity, you will be examining the concept of judicial review and why it remains so important by picking a recent Supreme Court case (within past two year

Look at the issue of Supreme Court appointments under the Trump Administration, what role does judicial review play in it and why is the issue of judicial review still important? Pick one Supreme Court case decided within the last two years and address further the issue of judicial review and whether recent Supreme Court appointments have made a difference in the outcome of the case.
Write a research paper (2-3 pages) that answers the following question using a case delivered by the Supreme Court: Did the framers intend the federal courts to exercise judicial review? In your answer be sure to include a cogent analysis of the concept of judicial review. (Chapter 2)
Consider the following questions as you formulate your outline and your paper:
Why is the concept of judicial review still so important today?
Do presidents consider how justices will review cases when they appoint them? Look specifically at the appointments under President Donald Trump and whether he picked justices that would review cases as he would like those cases to be reviewed.


Approximately 250 words


Approximately 250 words

American History

american government

1.Watch the Ted Talk titled: “How Social Media is Shaping Our Political Future”
Discuss some of the speaker’s main points. Do you agree or disagree with the speakers viewpoints. Why or why not?
***** video link

2.Watch the video titled “Federalism in the age of COVID.
Discuss how the federal, state and local officials reacted to the challenges brought on by COVID 19. According to the three speakers, what future implications do these reactions have on our federal system?
***** video link


Approximately 250 words

American History

Connecting History: Life in Industrial America

18. Life in Industrial America | THE AMERICAN YAWP

18. Life in Industrial America

The 50 Best Western Movies Ever Made
The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful: A brief history of Western cinema (in seven films) | Royal Albert Hall — Royal Albert Hall
The American West in Film | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Old Westerns: Fiction vs Reality – Buffalo Bill Center of the West
16. Capital and Labor | THE AMERICAN YAWP

16. Capital and Labor


17. The West

18. Life in Industrial America | THE AMERICAN YAWP

18. Life in Industrial America


Approximately 250 words

American History

Reflections of the Civil War at this point (1861-1862)

Reflections of the Civil War at this point (1861-1862)
You are a soldier or officer during the Civil War. You have come from a military family that has fought in all major wars since the American Revolution. You are descended from the Revolutionary War soldier you wrote about in Unit II. It is Christmas Eve 1862, 10 days following the Battle of Fredericksburg. After, you take a pencil and paper and write your reflections of the last two years and the effect this has had on your country and you. Like your ancestors, you want to document the moment and your knowledge of the war for historical purposes.
Begin with where, why, and how you believe this entire war started, and touch on many of the main issues (leaders, challenges, turning points, major battles, weapons, or tactical innovations, etc.), and end with your hopes for the future of your nation (Confederate or Union). Keep the following points in mind as you write your essay:
Are you hoping to see a peace emerge soon and reconciliation with the enemy?
Do you believe that the war will continue on, and why?
How do you believe this will all turn out for your nation and your family?
You are encouraged to be creative with the assignment, but make sure you are using facts from what you have read and learned to guide you. Ensure that you address the following.
Identify notable innovations and tactics used by your army.
List major figures or groups associated with the Union and Confederate military operations in the war.
Explain what challenges your military has faced.
Relate what you believe a soldier (Confederate or Union) would have experienced.
Your essay must include an introduction. An introduction example could be, “I am writing this diary to give my personal insight of being in the” (select either a Confederate or Union) “camp on Christmas Eve, 1862.”
Your essay must be at least two pages in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. APA Style will not be required for this assignment.
You obviously will not have cited or sourced material in a document you wrote in an army camp in 1862. However, be careful not to copy material from any sources. Use your sources for historical facts, but write in your own words and your own organization of the material. Write in first-person narrative (I, me, us, we, them, etc.).
The perspective of this assignment is not only to look for historical context and content but use creativity and your ability to role-play as someone who was a soldier during the first two years of the Civil War. Remember to stay in character, and do not write about events after December 24, 1862.


Approximately 250 words

American History

Documentary Episode: Soul Deep Part 1 Ray Charles and the Birth of Soul

Watch the film closely and take notes on the following themes and questions
Map out the history of soul music as described in the TV episode
Listen carefully and be prepared to describe the sound of soul
The music industry
State power
Write a ONE-and-a HALF to TWO-and-a-HALF page review of this television episode by choosing ONE of the topics below and responding to this prompt:
Choose ONE of the topics below and, using it as your focus, explain how does the history of soul illustrate the way that ideas about race are produced and resisted in popular music?
The music industry
State power
Format requirements
Your paper must include the following sections AND each section must be clearly headed in BOLD.
In this section provide basic information about the film. This could include things such as the film’s name, year, director, and major interviewees. Provide a one sentence preview of your focus (from the list above).
Plot Summary
Behave as if the readers of your film review has not seen the film/TV show. Provide them with enough of a map of the story of the film so that they will understand what you are writing about. Keep this long enough to orient your reader, but short enough so that it does not spoil viewing for others. You can include a little of your experience of the TV. This might be your personal experience of the what the TV show looks like, feels like, sounds like.
Respond to the prompt. This is the most important part of the review and where you get the most points. Your focus should be on demonstrating your understanding of the lectures, readings and the film and synthesizing how relevant parts of the lectures/readings are illuminated by the film.
Summarize your review and indicate your evaluation of the TV show
Your paper MUST be compatible with Microsoft Word (you don’t need Microsoft Word, it must just be readable by Microsoft Word – for example Pages often is not).
Typed, double-spaced,12-point font 1.5 to 2.5 pages
Include page numbers at the bottom of the page
Use one-inch margins
Do not include a cover page
You MUST save and upload your paper using the following convention Last name First name Soul Deep Summer 2022
So if Robyn Fenty was in our class her assignment would be saved in the following manner: Fenty Robyn Soul Deep Summer 2022


Approximately 250 words

American History

FDR New Deal

The New Deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the Great Depression by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that aimed to restore prosperity to Americans. President Roosevelt’s New Deal fundamentally and permanently changed the U.S. federal government by expanding its size and scope—especially its role in the economy.
Before responding to this week’s discussion board assignment:
Please watch the Biography of America video–FDR and the Depression Links to an external site..
For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following questions:
Using specific examples, in what ways did Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal attempt to resolve the economic and social issues brought about by the Great Depression?
In your opinion, were President Roosevelt’s New Deal policies effective in resolving the underlying causes of the Great Depression? Explain.
Ideally, your initial response to the discussion board questions should exceed 500 words. At least one of your replies to your classmates’ posts should exceed 125 words. You must reply to a total of three of your fellow classmates. Submissions will be graded according to content, accuracy, and the degree of knowledge and analytical insight produced in your essay. Students are strongly encouraged to incorporate the provided outside resources into their essays to strengthen their responses.
FDR and the Depression


Approximately 250 words

American History

World War I Timeline

Create a 10-slide timeline with key events from the beginning to the end of World War I.
The slides should include images and explanations. Pretend you are teaching someone younger than you about the events in World I.
The timeline should reflect what took place during this important time in history.
Cite and reference all resources utilized in the assignment. Include a minimum of two references. One resource may be the textbook.
Review the presentation for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and APA style.


Approximately 250 words

American History

compare/ contrast essay.

I need a compare/contrast eassy for my english class. I dont have a topic so you can choose
something. I couldnt figure out how to chage the number of words, but it has to be 750 words.I NEED TO PASS! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!


Approximately 250 words