
Art History Study Questions

I know that the subject for this assignment says that it is art, but it is actually Art History. Also, please do not have any plagiarism in this assignment. Also, each answer for each question must be 8-10 sentences long. Additionally, please ensure that the grammar, spelling, and punctuation of this assignment great. Anyway, here are the questions that you must answer, and the information in these answers can only be from the lectures (the information CANNOT be from the Internet), which I have attached here:
1. What are the indicators of a civilization, such as those found in the Ancient Near East?
2. Compare how the power of the ruler is portrayed in these examples from the Ancient Near East: The Victory Stele of Naram Sin and the Law Code of Hammurabi (both pictures are attached here, and they are named “secondStudyQuestionPictures.png” and “secondStudyQuestionPictures2.jpg”.
Also, here are the links for the lecture videos:


Approximately 250 words


Essay on relations between an ethnographic perspective and cinema,theater or media-related topic.

Essay on relations between an ethnographic perspective and cinema,theatre or media-related topic.
I want to write about LGBTQ+ flim. This is the representive of revoulation.


Approximately 250 words


Reflection/Inspiration Paper on Henri Matisse

I need a reflection essay on the works by Henri Matisse that are displayed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The collection is called “Matisse in the 1930s”. I need 6 sources and it is needs to be in the Chicago/Turabian style.


Approximately 250 words


What is a significant challenge that impacts historically excluded groups in the Art & Luxury markets and what do you believe is the root cause of this challenge? Have you been impacted by or overcome these challenges, if so please provide an example.

“What is a significant challenge that impacts historically excluded groups in the Art & Luxury markets and what do you believe is the root cause of this challenge? Have you been impacted by or overcome these challenges, if so please provide an example.”
The essay intends to gauge my understanding of Luxury and Art markets. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Approximately 250 words



Paragraph 1: Reading and Writing Skills
It is especially important in an online class that you have good reading and writing skills.
Ask yourself the following questions and then write a paragraph (several detailed sentences) summarizing your answers. If you don’t read well or are not a good writer, but choose to take the class anyway, explain what steps you will take to succeed. Can you complete and understand the assigned reading with little or no discussion?
Are you able to read others’ writing – both your instructor’s and your fellow students – and understand what they mean?
Are you able to write clearly and concisely, with few grammatical or spelling errors?
Are you able to follow written directions to complete an assignment, and willing to ask questions when you don’t understand what to do?
Paragraph 2: Computer and Technical Skills
It is important that you have the appropriate equipment, technology, and abilities to succeed in an online class.
Ask yourself the following questions and then write a paragraph (several detailed sentences) summarizing your answers. If you don’t have the necessary equipment, technology, and/or abilities, explain what steps you will take to be successful.
Do you own a relatively new computer (<4 years old) and/or are you able to use a computer workstation on the college campus or at a public library? Do you have a fast (broadband) internet connection, either through a cable modem or DSL, or are you able to use a computer workstation on the college campus or at a public library? Are you able to upload/download files? Use email? Interact on a discussion forum? Are you able to type fairly rapidly and use basic programs such as a word processor? Paragraph 3: Time Management You will do at least as much work - maybe more - in an online course as in a regular traditional face-to-face course. Therefore, it is important that you determine whether you have time to take the course and, if so, how you will manage your time so that you can be successful. Ask yourself the following questions and then write a paragraph (several detailed sentences) summarizing your answers. If you don’t have a lot of time, don't have good time management skills, and/or tend to procrastinate, explain what steps you will take to be successful in this class. Are you able to schedule some time online several days each week? Are you able to spend the required 9-12 hours/per week on this class? Do you procrastinate, waiting until the very last minute to take quizzes, write papers, and complete assignments?


Approximately 250 words


Assessment 3: [Respond to Feedback] Purpose: This assessment asks you to rewrite assessment 2 by responding to feedback on that assignment.

I think i do not need Sources and Citation Style
• Review your notes on the ‘what is a case study’ and ‘reflexivity’ readings we did during the unit.
• Review the feedback that you received from assessment 2.
• Consider extending your reading on your selected topic in light of the feedback that you have
• Using all of the materials and reflections from assessment two, write 1500 words on the most critical social challenge or challenges posed by the topic that you researched.
• In this section, you may identify different points of view or focus on authors who work together to identify a coherent point of view.
• As in assessment 2, focus on the signature arguments, examples and methods used in each piece.
• You must have at least five articles, which can be the same as those used in assessment 1, but you
must be willing to revise and extend your ideas. Further reading is recommended.
• Think of a communications example that would enable you to test the ideas in section 2. Why do you think this would be a helpful study? You may draw on the case study and reflexivity readings in this section. What is a case study, and why does your example fit that definition? Why does it interest you as a person who brings particular media experiences into a specific academic environment?


Approximately 250 words