Communications and Media

Interplay of Culture and Media History

Dear Writer,
Please write a high-quality Research Proposal for the degree of PhD in Media and Communication Studies, with absolutely regard to the instructions I provided for you.
First, please find an attractive, interesting Topic within the area I defined. The topic shall be unique, up to date compared with the media studies’ research trends, not-too-general, not very similar to the topics in dissertation databases, and shall bear the potential and depth for writing a PhD-level dissertation about.
Then, please write a high-quality research proposal that includes:
Research Question
Research Objectives
Literature Review
Methodology (Research Design)
Contribution to Knowledge
Time frame (Study Plan or Study Schedule)
Bibliography (Reference List); as well as any element that you think it is necessary to be added. In addition, the Study Plan or Schedule shall be about the steps and planning to be taken for completing the dissertation within 3 to 4 years.
I am personally inclined to Qualitative Methods, yet, the priority is quality, so do whatever you deem appropriate.
NOTE: Now, as for the Topic’s subject, imagine an area whose boundaries are made of the explanation I have given; please do not take this explanation as a topic itself, but rather, find a topic within this area which is explained. I am giving this explanation, so that you could assume the area and context of my research proposal, therefore, please find a topic within it.
Please avoid topics about COVID-19 or directly about LGBTQ+, yet referring to gender-related subjects would be ok.
And, first, check with me the topic you choose, and then proceed to writing it.
After Reading this, DO download the TOPIC instruction file, I have clearly explained the topic and made it easy to find.
Appreciate your efforts.
Thank you.


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media

organizational communication skills evaluation

Direction: create a three-paragraph essay in APA style with a properly-formatted title page and references page. Personal narrative is permitted. At least one peer-reviewed article from the library must be included with proper references (with DOI) and in-text citations. The paper must be in a Word document.
Note: No template is provided for this papers in the correct APA style.
Objectives: 1) evaluate your organizational communication skills, 2) develop self-evaluation skills, and 3) develop a plan to improve communication.


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media


Editorial: NOUN: an article in a newspaper or other periodical or on a website presenting the opinion of the publisher, writer, or editor
Argument/commentary. Several other sources refer to it as an “opinionated news story”.
commentary. Your assignment it to pick a relevant, timely, controversial issue and really craft an editorial to get people to hear your perspective and (hopefully) side with you. This is NOT a research essay although you need at least 3 source of support. Remember, the key is how you craft and back up your argument. The key categories for grading are:
• A clear thesis supported by logical and convincing evidence
• Strong organization
Proper MLA formatting (including intext citations and at least 3 “Works Cited”
• Excellent grammar and mechanics


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media

Analyzing Rlationships

For this assignment, you will write a paper analyzing the six stages of an interpersonal relationship you have had or one from television or movies.
Review the six stages of interpersonal relationships and the types of messages associated with each stage in the textbook and in the learning activities.
Review interpersonal relationship types and the theories of interpersonal communication in the textbook and in the learning activities.
Think of a relationship from your past that demonstrates the stages of a relationship.
Write a three- to four-page paper, not counting the title page and the references page, analyzing that relationship from the contact stage to conclusion.
Your paper should include a discussion of the stages of interpersonal relationships and the types of messages associated with each stage.
Suggested structure: Introduction paragraph that includes a main idea, multiple body paragraphs with evidence and support, and conclusion paragraph that wraps it up.
If for some reason you do not want to write about a relationship you have had, you can analyze a relationship from a television series or movie. Include links to clips or refer to specific episodes or time markers in the show(s) or film(s). Alternately, you can also write about the relationship of a close friend or family member.
Assignment Submission:
The use of outside resources is strongly recommended, and all papers must be cited and written in current APA format.
When you have completed the assignment, select the “Submit Assignment” button at the top of these instructions and choose a format for submitting your assignment.


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media


Guidelines for Evaluations
1. Please choose a music speech from one of your classmates. Because the
evaluations are in assignments rather than discussion questions, no one will see
it but me.
2. You will write a two paragraph evaluation (double-spaced).
3. You may choose to evaluate 2-4 of the following categories listed below.
Organization: transition, depth, and time
Main points: made sense ; supported central idea
Ethics and Audience Analysis
Supporting Material/Evidence
Visual Aids
Dynamics: extemporaneous; enthusiastic
Vocal and Verbal Qualities: rate; volume; inflection; language and grammar
Body and Facial Qualities: gestures; posture; eye contact
Introductions and conclusions
4. Please provide detail as to why you believe the category was strong or in need of improvement.


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media

2 Discussion Responses

Reply to the two posts below SEPARATELY (3 citations per response)
Use the 2 sources attached
In your responses, look at their analyses and determine if their reasoning is sound or not and why.
Post #1
Upon reflection of my professional career, one contributor towards a failed communication attempt would be the “withholding of information” (Vaughan, 2012). I work for a privately owned company, and after having worked with the CEO for a short period of time in our corporate office, alongside some of the top executive members of the company, it would eventually become apparent to me that the CEO was very particular about certain information being made accessible to others in the company. Though fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to work with them, at the time of my tenure with the company, I was still at an associate level, and much younger and more timid in personality. When I was tasked with a project with collecting information to present to our CEO, I had consulted other members of other departments for help in gathering the information. When approached for help though, the members of the other departments were reluctant to share, and gave me the runaround as to why they could not access them. Some people were vague about it, and said that they were having “technical difficulties”, and others were more upfront, stating that they would need permission first before sharing.
At first, I had just presumed that this was standard protocol, but upon further inquiring, I learned that each department head and manager was instructed that any information (pertaining to the matter of which I was working on) was privileged information, and would require permission from essentially the CEO himself. Needless to say, I found this to be very odd, as it was the CEO himself that delegated and assigned my team the project. Eventually, the project assigned to my team was re-tasked to another group, and we were reassigned to another task.
To this day, I was never given an explanation as to why that particular information was so sensitive. In any case, the hindrance in the communication that I experienced during this ordeal definitely contributed to the problems I had faced when trying to accomplish my task, which lends itself to say that if communication lines were more open and transparent, situations like the one I had encountered years ago with our CEO could have been avoided all together.
Works Cited:
Vaughan, David. (January 2012). The Top 5 Reasons Communications Fail. Website.
Post #2
Vaughan’s (2012) article regarding communication fails is definitely relatable to anyone who transitioned to a remote-based job. The “fail” that stood out the most to me focused on overly complex messages.
I was working as a phone agent at a call center when the COVID-19 pandemic began. Over 1500 call center agents had to transition from in-office to a work-at-home setup within the course of a single week. Because our position requires the handling of payment information and other sensitive customer information, we couldn’t just connect our computers to our wifi and work. Instead, our equipment had to be hard-wired to an ethernet connection, implementing the use of an “Aruba device” that transfored our own personal WIFI into a secure Disney connection. The Aruba device made the process rather confusing, as it involved multiple ethernet cables going into different ports on the wifi router, computer, and Aruba device. All agents were sent home with a printout that contained step-by-step instructions on how to get the process done. The process was complex, even for someone that may consider themselves tech-savvy.
The communication was a failed communication because it was hastily written, and was extremely complicated to understand. Had the communications team included photos of each step (showing where each cable went), or even a link to a video that showed the installation process, agents would have likely had an easier time installing the Aruba device in their homes.
Vaughan, D. (2012, January 9). The top five reasons communications fail. TMCNET. Retrieved from The Top Five Reasons Communications Fail (


Approximately 250 words