
Writing Discussion

Read the Article: The Amazing Teen Brain Amazing Teen Brain
Respond to the following:
1. Discuss a few of the key findings from the research on brain development described in the article that you found interesting and explain why you connected with those findings.
2. Discuss the implications of this research for educators and for parents.
3. Share any personal experiences you have that relate to this topic or pose a question that relates to the topic .


Approximately 250 words


statement os understanding

Read the syllabus. Write one paragraph that describes your understanding of the syllabus and the assignments required.


Approximately 250 words


Learning Unit 1 Project

Make a chart with all the information listed below.
Salary for each staff member
Break time
Qualifications required.
Create a plan for staffing two classrooms for one week. Show what time each staff person will arrive, leave, and be on break. Assume the center is open for 10 hours a day. How many full-time staff did you include? How many part-time? How many FTEs did you need?


Approximately 250 words


Critical Traditions Paper

Select one of the five critical traditions that are described in Teaching for Critical Thinking I chose Critical Tradition # 5. Critical Theory: Speaking Truth to Power
Research outside sources about your selected tradition.
Write a two page paper explaining the role tradition plays in critical thinking.
Include a minimum of three references.
Format your paper consistent with current APA style guidelines.
Submit your paper as a Word document by Sunday.


Approximately 250 words


CRitical Traditions

Select one of the five critical traditions that are described in Teaching for Critical Thinking I picked Critical Tradition # 5. Critical Theory: Speaking Truth to Power
Research outside sources about your selected tradition.
Write a two page paper
explaining the role tradition plays in critical thinking.
Include a minimum of three references.
Format your paper consistent with current APA style guidelines.
Submit your paper as a Word document by Sunday.
book source :
Brookfield, S. D. (2011). Teaching for Critical Thinking. Wiley Professional, Reference & Trade (Wiley K&L).


Approximately 250 words


It’s a discussion question.

It’s a discussion question. It’s about plagerism. I will upload the syllabus and PLEASE READ


Approximately 250 words



In overview, compare and contrast the two approaches to implementing a major change. What will be the likely effects, reactions, to the way each district will launch the change? What are likely scenarios before, during and following the August sessions?
In what ways would you want to modify both the Red Fern and Green Valley plans for initial launch of the new math program?
Green Valley’s Intervention Game Plan has a lot to it. It also introduces many new ideas. How well do you think such a presentation as Assistant Superintendent Leslie Hanson makes would be received in your organization?
How might the “lessons” of these two stories be used to explain to parent and community representatives what will be entailed in a new change initiative? Will it be better to singularly focus on the immediate launch? Or will it be more useful to foreshadow the three-year journey? Which type of presentation will work best with school boards?


Approximately 250 words


Autoethnography. Teaching identities. Sociology.

Hi there, I hope you can help me.
I have used a different writing service and they totally messed up. I am really stressed and I cannot complete this autoethnography myself, as I am sick and currently in hospital. The university is not willing to give me an extension.
The following needs to be done:
1) The autoethnography is on my experiences as an EU citizen in the UK (pre-, during and post-Brexit). The assessor has asked me to change the following about my autoethnography.
A) Please include how my teaching identity has changed (as a result of the experiences I have gone through). What was my teaching identity before Brexit, during the Brexit negotiations and after? How do I regard myself now as a teacher? I am happy to give you details on this. The teaching identity change should be the lense /narrative of the autoethnography.
B) Make sure that the personal experiences are written with indents on both sides (so it is clear to the reader that the experiences are different from the other, academic writing).
C) Please make sure that the paper does not sound polemic / like an opinion piece at any time. This is very important.
D) Please re-use the bits that I have written and change them – if needed -.
E) The total paper should be 5000 words, so feel free to re-use any text I have written and change it if you think this is necessary.
F) There should be a total of 3 pages with references. All should be written in Harvard style.
E) Please make sure that the writing is of an excellent standard.
The university approved this autoethnography, so perhaps this gives you an idea:
I attach the following:
– The initial instructions from the university
– The first version with feedback (please only use some sections if you believe that these are useful)
– The second version (which can form the basis of the newly written piece)
Please only make a bid if you have a Masters degree or higher in Education or Sociology. Having a PhD in Education or Sociology is desirable.
I am incredibly sorry for the time pressure and I am so grateful if you can help end this saga to a positive end! Many thanks!


Approximately 250 words


Engaging Technologies Graphic Organizer

Evaluate different technologies that might be used for engaging adult distance learners. Create a graphic organizer presenting three different technologies. .
Explain how each technology can be used in distance learning to engage learners. (2) Cierra – I will conduct the Videoconference


Approximately 250 words


Literature review about competencies and life long learning

Short literature review. Chosen databases are Web of Science and Scopus. Word document has 5 steps: and clearer instructions
1. Introduction (includes limitations and search words)
2. Databases and reasoning why these two databases were chosen
3. Results (some percentages of the results, such as how many % was about different industries etc)
4. Review of the results
5. Conclusion
The research should study Lifelong learning, especially from the IT industry’s point of view. Please provide links to the studies used in the literature review and also screenshots of the results in Scopus and Web of Science.


Approximately 250 words