
reading log 2

answer one of each question under each roman numeral (in italics) followthe same format as given. when reached roman numeral 2 “Engaging with theoretical perspectives” i have uploaded the discussion questions to amswer.


Approximately 250 words


The bill of rights. choose topic.

I will upload all the instructions and remember that you can choose one of the topics for the essay.


Approximately 250 words


write an essay comparing two contrasting attitudes on a controversial subject. You may want to contrast your views with those of someone else, or contrast the way you felt about the subject in the past with the way you feel right now.

Using APA formatting, in a 1- to 2-page paper, write an essay comparing two contrasting attitudes on a controversial subject. You may want to contrast your views with those of someone else, or contrast the way you felt about the subject in the past with the way you feel right now.
Make sure you proofread and revise your essay before submitting.
Assignment Submission:
The use of outside resources is strongly recommended, and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.
Once you have completed the assignment, click the Submit Assignment option in the menu to the right and select a format for submitting your assignment.
Click the Submit Assignment button when you are ready.
Detailed Directions:
Choose any controversial topic that you want. The important part is that it has at least two points of view. I highly suggest that you check out procon.orgLinks to an external site. (Link will open in new tab.)
Find about three or four reasons to support each side of the argument. Again Links to an external site. (Link will open in new tab.)is awesome for this.
Organize your paper into four paragraphs
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Pro or con
Paragraph 3: Pro or con
Paragraph 4: Conclusion
If you want to write an unbiased comparison, it doesn’t matter whether you start with pro or con. However, if you have an opinion on the topic, you want to put the side you agree with in the third paragraph.
Don’t forget to include a reference!


Approximately 250 words


Not Wanted on the Voyage SCRIPT

Please take a look at the files attached to this order. No citations are needed. No need to do the recording part, your only job is to produce the SCRIPT for me to read out loud for recording as outlined in the files attached. You may need to do some reading on the book, Not Wanted on the Voyage by Timothy Findley. I need quality work. I mean QUALITY and only QUALITY. Finally, I will be reading this out loud to the class AND recording this for the teacher, so keep that in mind and stage your work appropriately for that setting, if you will.


Approximately 250 words


writing proposal

The final essay will require you to summarize the chosen essay (see options below), identify the author’s point of view (argument/thesis), describe a writing strategy that the author uses and state whether it is effective or not and why. You must include examples by quoting the original text. This analysis should be written in 3rd person point of view.
In addition, you will compose a response to the essay, an Author’s Response (you are the author). In your response, you will state your position on the topic and whether you agree with argument or not. You will find one source that is related to the topic, that provides additional perspective that can support your position whether it be the same point of view as the essay or an opposing view. You must include either a direct quote or paraphrase from the resource you have found in your research. The Author’s Response can be written in 1st person point of view.
Select one of the following three articles as the topic of your essay (located in the Norton Field Guide textbook):
“Our Blind Spot About Guns”, Nicholas Kristof, p. 177
“Representation of Disney Princesses in the Media,” Isabelle Gill, p. 759
“Outbreak of the Irrational, Sarah Dzubay,” p. 825


Approximately 250 words


Macbeth is about various kinds of murder (among other things). Does the play distinguish between honourable and dishonourable violence? If so, what is the distinction? Be sure to keep the focus of your argument narrow and specific.

Students are to complete 600-800 words (NOT INCLUDING QUOTATIONS) formal essay on the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Students are expected to draw upon any relevant information from the play to present, analyze, and strengthen their arguments.
Be sure that your essay has a clear thesis and THREE strong and clear supporting arguments (including topic sentences and transitional sentences). Regardless of the question being answered, all essays must include a clear and strong argument – an original idea that you will argue in favour for throughout your paper. Your evidence should include specific references to the play. You ARE required to include sufficient and appropriate quotations (at least one per body paragraph) from the play to help present your argument. Essay must follow proper MLA format and include a Work Cited page.
Essays that lack a clear and concise argument as well as substantial textual evidence will be considered incomplete.
TOPIC : Macbeth is about various kinds of murder (among other things). Does the play distinguish between honourable and dishonourable violence? If so, what is the distinction? Be sure to keep the focus of your argument narrow and specific.


Approximately 250 words


Argument Research Essay

Now that you have finished your research on your issue, you are ready to take a position. The first step is to create a preliminary thesis statement/assertion that explicitly states where you stand on this issue. Supporting your work with good reasons and substantial evidence is essential when taking place on an issue or topic. I would also like to ask you to consider other perspectives other than your positions. I think you should anticipate arguments against your work. If you have ever taken a debate class or have participated in a debate, you probably have heard this maxim: “If you can not make the opposing side’s argument for them. you will not win.” A strong argument acknowledges other perspectives on a topic/issue because it establishes the writer’s credibility by showing that the writer has done their research and has fairly represented their position. Presenting other perspectives also allows the writer to create a counterargument in which the writer can respectfully answer and refute those perspectives that challenge their work.
Your essay must include a title indicative of your article’s content.
For the Research Essay, there must be one consistent thesis throughout the work. I want you to know that the goal here is to present what you intend to argue throughout your career. A well-developed thesis for a Research Essay will accurately identify the final argument of the essay, telling the audience what to expect by the time the report is completed.
The essay should begin by providing a clear sense of the existing discourse community. The opening sections of the paper should take time to explain what initial experts and scholars have to say on the subject and provide a fit background to the existing conversation so outsiders can understand the context of the discussion.
The essay should develop the author’s solution to the issue, providing a solution built on the existing research. This solution should be sound (verifiable, valid, and compelling). The solution must be based on research material.
The essay should include opposing views (s) surrounding the argument; it is important to present your audience with current dialogue(s) against your claim. This section makes it easy for readers to infer, contingent upon an intelligent decision, to concede with your position versus being swayed by biased and weak arguments.
The essay should conclude by explaining the relevancy of the solution to the audience and identifying gaps in the research. Ideally, this should lead to a call to action for the next researcher, and I would like to identify the next steps needed.


Approximately 250 words


Not Wanted on the Voyage SCRIPT

Please take a look at the files attached to this order. No citations are needed. No need to do the recording part, your only job is to produce the SCRIPT for me to read out loud for recording as outlined in the files attached. You may need to do some reading on the book, Not Wanted on the Voyage by Timothy Findley. I need quality work. I mean QUALITY and only QUALITY. Finally, I will be reading this out loud to the class AND recording this for the teacher, so keep that in mind and stage your work appropriately for that setting, if you will.


Approximately 250 words


See Instructions:*

Now that you have finished your research on your issue, you are ready to take a position. The first step is to create a preliminary thesis statement/assertion that explicitly states where you stand on this issue. Supporting your work with good reasons and substantial evidence is essential when taking place on an issue or topic. I would also like to ask you to consider other perspectives other than your positions. I think you should anticipate arguments against your work. If you have ever taken a debate class or have participated in a debate, you probably have heard this maxim: “If you can not make the opposing side’s argument for them. you will not win.” A strong argument acknowledges other perspectives on a topic/issue because it establishes the writer’s credibility by showing that the writer has done their research and has fairly represented their position. Presenting other perspectives also allows the writer to create a counterargument in which the writer can respectfully answer and refute those perspectives that challenge their work.
Your essay must include a title indicative of your article’s content.
For the Research Essay, there must be one consistent thesis throughout the work. I want you to know that the goal here is to present what you intend to argue throughout your career. A well-developed thesis for a Research Essay will accurately identify the final argument of the essay, telling the audience what to expect by the time the report is completed.
The essay should begin by providing a clear sense of the existing discourse community. The opening sections of the paper should take time to explain what initial experts and scholars have to say on the subject and provide a fit background to the existing conversation so outsiders can understand the context of the discussion.
The essay should develop the author’s solution to the issue, providing a solution built on the existing research. This solution should be sound (verifiable, valid, and compelling). The solution must be based on research material.
The essay should include opposing views (s) surrounding the argument; it is important to present your audience with current dialogue(s) against your claim. This section makes it easy for readers to infer, contingent upon an intelligent decision, to concede with your position versus being swayed by biased and weak arguments.
The essay should conclude by explaining the relevancy of the solution to the audience and identifying gaps in the research. Ideally, this should lead to a call to action for the next researcher, and I would like to identify the next steps needed.


Approximately 250 words


peer response

Respond to two peers
each response requires 150 words minimum
identifying specific elements and strategies and organize thoughts based on rhetorical modes(strategies). respond to peer by answering following questions:
-Did your peers summarize the selection well?
-Compare and contrast another similar peace with which you are familiar he can be another film TV, show music video or printed piece in the same genre.
-Was the peers analysis supported by identifying 2 strategies? give a specific example of what was done well make a suggestion of what could be included.
-What one improvement or clarification would make the post stronger?


Approximately 250 words