
University admission personal essay.

Write about a problem that you have or want to solve. It can be as big or as small as you can think of!
For this question, don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. It is easy to say a typical world issue — like global warming — but a creative problem can showcase your specific passions and interests and set you apart. An admissions officer is much more likely to remember an applicant who has a very specific essay written in a unique and quirky way.
I Don’tyou to tell me for example global warming and google solutions and type them in. This shoud be creative solution for a problem that make a student’s application stands out.


Approximately 250 words


The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Process and PICO(T) Question

Discussion 1
Click the Vila Health: PICO(T) Process media piece.
For your initial post:
Share the PICO(T) question you wrote for the exercise, then compare your question with the PICO(T) question created by Vila Health.
Did your question identify the same or different PICO(T) components?
Was your question more or less clear and concise compared to the one created by Vila Health?
Consider and discuss the intervention (I) in your question and in the question created by Vila Health.
How would you determine if the suggested intervention (I) in either question is evidence-based?
What additional actions or information is needed to refine the PICO(T) question with a specific evidence-based intervention (I)?
Reflect on what you have learned about the PICO(T) process.
What components were the most challenging to identify?
In what ways can you master the skills needed to create an appropriate PICO(T) question?
Response Guidelines
Read and respond to your colleagues’ posts. Try to comment on those that have had few or no responses thus far. Provide feedback on similar or contrasting points of view and elaborate on recommendations in the post.
Discussion 2
Write Your Discussion Post
Differences Among EBP, Research, and Quality Improvement
Note: Remember to adhere to the requirements for initial discussion postings and responses addressed in the Discussions section of the Course Policies and Expectations presentation.
For your initial post:
Discuss two unique characteristics for each of the three processes: EBP, research, and quality improvement.
Describe how the EBP process differs from research and quality improvement.
Response Guidelines
Read and respond to your colleagues’ posts.
Try to comment on those that have had few or no responses thus far. Provide feedback on similar or contrasting viewpoints, and elaborate on key points, or offer additional evidence.


Approximately 250 words


Mental health nursing review ,(5 items you learned from each chapter )

unit 1- chapters 1-6
5 items you learned from each chapter.
Rn mental health nursing review module edition 11.0 book


Approximately 250 words



The purpose of this pre-badge assessment is to help us assess the state of your knowledge of emotional intelligence and how it applies to your own studies or career before you begin the badge.
In about 600 words, develop a response that answers the following questions. Write the as if you were writing to a prospective employer. Be as specific as you can, giving specific examples where applicable.
1. How would you define the four components of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management) and how would you rate yourself in each? For each component, give examples you would be willing to share in a public context. Be sure to give yourself a rating in each of the four components.
2. How does emotional intelligence apply to your success in college?
3. How will emotional intelligence apply to your success post-college; or if you are already working, how does emotional intelligence apply to your behavior in the workplace?
4. How will increasing your EI make you a more valuable employee, or a more successful student?


Approximately 250 words


Article Review

Instructions: Select two appropriate articles for review to complete the assignment. Write a review using the instructions below. This paper should be a minimum of 1000 words. Write in APA format. Include cover page, body with in text citations & reference list.
Select two Articles
Locate two peer-reviewed article (related to the ethics) published within the last 3 years in a peer-reviewed journal from the online library, then present an assessment comprising of a precise and critical evaluation. Do not summarize the article. First synthesize the position of the authors. Then, evaluate the information presented in the article. Evaluate the information presented in the article for truth.
Is there bias or faulty reasoning? You must support claims of both fact and faulty reasoning.
What are both author’s saying the same topic? Do they agree or is there conflicting information.
Draw conclusions.
This assignment has many benefits. First, it requires a search of indexing and abstracting databases from the online library to find an article that meets the specified criteria (must be related to ethics). It also emphasizes what a scholarly article is; to discern between scholarly and non-scholarly writing; to condense someone else’s lengthy argument into a concise report; to think critically about what has been read by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the research; and, thus, to become participants in the discussions regarding the topic at hand.
FYI: Wikipedia is not an acceptable resource for academic writing. Please use the university library for reference. Articles must be peer-reviewed.


Approximately 250 words


Disaster management case study

Please read attached document for assignment instructions. Sources and links are attached to the document.
Thank you!


Approximately 250 words


Look at the instructions,the%20British%20or%20the%20French).
pls click on the link and do the reading and answer the question in the file . only site from the reading no outside source. after answering the question creat your own question about the reading.


Approximately 250 words


Strategic Management Accounting

This is an individual assignment limited to 3,000 words (+or- 10%), excluding the reference list, bibliography and any appendices. The word count MUST be shown on the front cover of the assignment. Note: see quality Handbook Ref AQH-F15 Guidance for students on the penalty for exceeding the limit for assessed work.


Approximately 250 words


summarizing the provided essay

Why is it important to follow international standards for the compilation of macroeconomic statistics, in particular for national accounts (SNA and ESA standards) and balance of payments (BoP manual)? Describe briefly these standards. Are these manuals set in stone?


Approximately 250 words


Week 2: Lab Assignment Information—Excel Features

I will attach all the introccion and rubircs of assignment in the upload files. Also i attach two videos for reference and file that you need for the assignment.


Approximately 250 words