
Writing – Red Scare

How did the United States government and citizens react to the threat of Communism? In a five paragraph essay, describe the impact on individual civil liberties based on this threat.
No citations, straight essay. In the voice of a high school student.
Please see writing guide for guidance.


Approximately 250 words


Assignment 1

Due Date
Give the student specific instructions on due date, time and unit and point value.
For this assignment you will be revising a poorly written email.
Assignment Instructions
Revise the poorly written email below. Think about formatting, word choice, and business writing etiquette.
CC: advertistingdepartment
Dear Susan, This email is to tell about some stuff that happened in our last meting. Andy was in the meeting to and he was very very pissed off. He was all like “What is Susan doing?” She has no idea what her job is……He stated that Susan messed up the invoice to our biggest client. The client is Facebook. They pay use alot of $$$$ to create commercial ads for their Facebook Live customers.
The manager from FB called to complain last week and WE NEED TO FIX THIS PROBLEM now!
You need to do something a-bot this and it should be fixed right away. Do you have any suggestionssssss on how to fix this??
I need to know what to do!
Please email me or the team back today! Talk to you soon.
This assignment must be uploaded as a Word Document (.doc or .docx).


Approximately 250 words


provide and describe 2 specific examples you will use in your informative speech to convey your ideas.

200 word discussion that provides and describes 2 specific examples you will use in your informative speech to convey your ideas. Speech topic inadequate training for new grad nurses which leads to poor outcomes for patients.


Approximately 250 words



1 question asked by you (click on the red button “Ask a New Question on top of the page”, please, do not ask your question as a response to someone else, it will not count, just click the red button)
3 responses to other people’s questions (1 of which must be the response to the instructor’s question)
For each post, you need a curiosity score of 55 for it to count. If the score is less than 55, you do not receive any points for the post and the post will not count as one of the 4 needed.
To know what a curiosity score entails and how you can improve it, please check this link (link to external site) (Links to an external site.)
One of the big advantages of Packback is the instant feedback from AI that tells you when something is off. You can see your curiosity score at the bottom of your post (after the date) and you can edit your posts until you get a score of at least 55.


Approximately 250 words


The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods (2011) USA, 95 mins:
Section (1):
Many viewers, both horror fans and non-horror fans alike, find The Cabin in the Woods to be a fun and unique film that plays with tropes and clichés that have become standard in mainstream films and straddles multiple genres. In 4 3-5 sentence paragraphs, please answer the following questions:
1. How would you categorize the film’s genres?
2. Using specific examples from the film as evidence, identify at least one example each of structural conventions, thematic codes, and iconography found in the film that are associated with at least two of the genres you identified.
Section (2):
Then, respond to one of your peers in 3-5 sentences. You may wish to provide additional examples of structural conventions, thematic codes, and iconography that support their argument OR outline examples for a genre that your peer did NOT list.
I will upload section (2) after section (1) is finished.


Approximately 250 words



Unethical behaviors devastate the nursing practice and can hinder completing a master’s program. They can affect the general morale, credibility, and organizational reputation. Engaging in unethical behaviors can affect productivity, financial loss and fines. Unethical behaviors can hinder the ability of nurses to work together and remain active in a team. They can result in helplessness, anxiety, loss of trust, poor job satisfaction, and frustration. Misconduct can affect the ability of nurses to achieve their objectives and meet the nursing codes of ethics. Unprofessionalism In practice can hinder the provision of quality care to patients and affect their well-being. Unethical behaviors can make it difficult for students to succeed in their nursing master’s program and expand their knowledge. Moreover, unethical behaviors can influence dishonesty and compromise the safety of patients.
Unethical behaviors can attract disciplinary actions such as withdrawal of licenses, suspension, and legal actions. Breaching patients’ privacy by sharing personal information is an example of unethical behavior. Nurses who violate the principle can face legal actions, including prosecution and subsequent conviction. The HIPAA outlines laws determining the distribution and accessibility of patient information (Bijani et al., 2019). The law defines the information that should be kept confidential and private. It also makes it clear regarding individuals who can access what information in a healthcare setting.
Developing personal ties and relationships is another example of unethical behaviors in nursing practice. Nurses are expected to uphold professionalism and avoid double relationships with patients. Nurses engaging in sexual interactions with patients can face disciplinary actions, including prosecutions, loss of operating license, and suspension from service (Aloustani et al., 2020). Intimate relationships are considered an act of malpractice and breaching of patient liberty. Since the patient is usually assumed helpless and unable to make an appropriate judgment, nurses are held responsible and accountable for their actions.
Injuring patients is another example of unethical practice among nurses. Failure to follow procedures and guidelines, poor communication, and use of the wrong tools can affect the safety of patients. Patients can be injured, misdiagnosed, or given the wrong medication when seeking healthcare services (Jia et al., 2021). The family of the affected patient can seek legal assistance by filing a lawsuit in court. The outcome would be devastating to nurses since they can be jailed.
An example in the nursing practice is stealing medicines from the hospital and selling them to a nearby chemist. It is unethical for a nurse to order medication from the pharmacy and take it out of the hospital instead of giving it to patients. Nurses engaging in such behaviors can be reported to the Board of Nursing and face legal charges (Aloustani et al., 2020). They can lose their job and compromise the safety of patients who were supposed to receive the medication.
Plagiarizing a thesis, dissertation, or course assignment is an example of unethical behavior when pursuing a nursing Master’s program. The consequence of the behavior would include a failure or expulsion from the program. Nursing students engaging in unethical behaviors can receive poor grades and face suspension from the course (Bijani et al., 2019). They can be forced to repeat the course or disallowed completely.
Unethical behaviors have devastating implications for nursing master’s programs and practice. Practicing nurses can lose their jobs, suspension, and face demotions and legal charges. They can be reported to the Board of Nursing and face disciplinary actions such as losing operating licenses and obstruction from serving patients. Therefore, nurses must embrace ethical practices and avoid engaging in behaviors that affect them. They must improve their morals and trust while avoiding breaching ethical practices.Nurses must respect the interest of patients and make every effort to ensure the provision of the best quality services.
Aloustani, S., Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, F., Zagheri-Tafreshi, M., Nasiri, M., Barkhordari-Sharifabad, M., &Skerrett, V. (2020). Association between ethical leadership, ethical climate and organizational citizenship behavior from nurses’ perspective: A descriptive correlational study. BMC Nursing, 19(1), 1-8.
Bijani, M., Tehranineshat, B., &Torabizadeh, C. (2019). Nurses’, nursing students’, and nursing instructors’ perceptions of professional values: A comparative study. Nursing Ethics, 26(3), 870-883.
Jia, Y., Chen, O., Xiao, Z., Xiao, J., Bian, J., &Jia, H. (2021). Nurses’ ethical challenges caring for people with COVID-19: A qualitative study. Nursing Ethics, 28(1), 33-45.


Approximately 250 words


Find Trends in Your Profession” (in Cyber Security)

5-7 page research paper (excluding cover and references costs me (APA 7th ed) format
5-page essay excluding cover and references” – Find Trends in Your Profession” (in Cyber Security)


Approximately 250 words


Human Resource 1 of 15

1. Under the authority of CA’s former worker classification law established in the Borello case, should the plaintiff-driver in Grubhub be classified as a contractor or an employee? What part of the Borello test do you rely on?
Based upon the information presented, all drivers of Grubhub should be classified as employees based on the following factors. First, drivers are a significant part of Grubhub’s regular business model. Next, drivers are paid for time-based Grubhub’s providing a set minimum salary with added payments for drivers’ deliveries. Lastly, Grubhub is a distinct occupation based on Grubhubs business structure. There is an exchange, and the platform links drivers with delivery opportunities.
Answer Question (2)
2. Under the current CA worker classification test established by the Dynamex case and ABC, does your answer in Part 1 above change or stay the same? Why?


Approximately 250 words


Discussion – Design a Multi- cultural forum with the theme “Diversity creates Dimension in the world”.

3 pages deadline is January 15, 2023 at 12:00
Design a Multi- cultural forum with the theme “Diversity creates Dimension in the world”. The discussion panel should consist of five (5) exchange student representatives from the following diverse nationalities (Ghana, Switzerland, Indonesia, United Arab Emirate, Montserrat) speaking on pressing issues in Organizational culture from the perspectives of Djibouti such as:
• Cultural Practices in Organizations
• Power Struggle/Tensions & Conflict Resolution
• Interpersonal Relationships,
• Negative and Positive Perceptions
• Cultural influence on Gender and Occupation
• Concerns of international chains that employ foreigners
Tips for Guided Discussion:
1. Explain the importance of Intercultural Competence in a diverse world.
2. Explore Cultural Sensitivity: the ability to feel the cultural diversity, identify the needs caused of the cultural diversity and ability to choose the adequate responses to them.
3. Discuss Negative and Positive Perceptions- the images which people have in their mind about people from different cultures.
4. Assess the intangible characteristics of culture that are usually overlooked which influences prejudices, biases and stigmas in the Organization.


Approximately 250 words


Graduation rate of disabled college students relation to different colleges disability resources

Looking for a connection between a colleges disability resources and the graduation rate a disabled college students. The disabled community is the fastest growing sub population in college but the graduation rates are not improving among that population to approach the graduation rate of the general population although test scores show they have about the same competency


Approximately 250 words