
The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods (2011) USA, 95 mins:
Section (1):
Many viewers, both horror fans and non-horror fans alike, find The Cabin in the Woods to be a fun and unique film that plays with tropes and clichés that have become standard in mainstream films and straddles multiple genres. In 4 3-5 sentence paragraphs, please answer the following questions:
1. How would you categorize the film’s genres?
2. Using specific examples from the film as evidence, identify at least one example each of structural conventions, thematic codes, and iconography found in the film that are associated with at least two of the genres you identified.
Section (2):
Then, respond to one of your peers in 3-5 sentences. You may wish to provide additional examples of structural conventions, thematic codes, and iconography that support their argument OR outline examples for a genre that your peer did NOT list.
I will upload section (2) after section (1) is finished.


Approximately 250 words


Find Trends in Your Profession” (in Cyber Security)

5-7 page research paper (excluding cover and references costs me (APA 7th ed) format
5-page essay excluding cover and references” – Find Trends in Your Profession” (in Cyber Security)


Approximately 250 words


Human Resource 1 of 15

1. Under the authority of CA’s former worker classification law established in the Borello case, should the plaintiff-driver in Grubhub be classified as a contractor or an employee? What part of the Borello test do you rely on?
Based upon the information presented, all drivers of Grubhub should be classified as employees based on the following factors. First, drivers are a significant part of Grubhub’s regular business model. Next, drivers are paid for time-based Grubhub’s providing a set minimum salary with added payments for drivers’ deliveries. Lastly, Grubhub is a distinct occupation based on Grubhubs business structure. There is an exchange, and the platform links drivers with delivery opportunities.
Answer Question (2)
2. Under the current CA worker classification test established by the Dynamex case and ABC, does your answer in Part 1 above change or stay the same? Why?


Approximately 250 words


Discussion – Design a Multi- cultural forum with the theme “Diversity creates Dimension in the world”.

3 pages deadline is January 15, 2023 at 12:00
Design a Multi- cultural forum with the theme “Diversity creates Dimension in the world”. The discussion panel should consist of five (5) exchange student representatives from the following diverse nationalities (Ghana, Switzerland, Indonesia, United Arab Emirate, Montserrat) speaking on pressing issues in Organizational culture from the perspectives of Djibouti such as:
• Cultural Practices in Organizations
• Power Struggle/Tensions & Conflict Resolution
• Interpersonal Relationships,
• Negative and Positive Perceptions
• Cultural influence on Gender and Occupation
• Concerns of international chains that employ foreigners
Tips for Guided Discussion:
1. Explain the importance of Intercultural Competence in a diverse world.
2. Explore Cultural Sensitivity: the ability to feel the cultural diversity, identify the needs caused of the cultural diversity and ability to choose the adequate responses to them.
3. Discuss Negative and Positive Perceptions- the images which people have in their mind about people from different cultures.
4. Assess the intangible characteristics of culture that are usually overlooked which influences prejudices, biases and stigmas in the Organization.


Approximately 250 words


Graduation rate of disabled college students relation to different colleges disability resources

Looking for a connection between a colleges disability resources and the graduation rate a disabled college students. The disabled community is the fastest growing sub population in college but the graduation rates are not improving among that population to approach the graduation rate of the general population although test scores show they have about the same competency


Approximately 250 words



For this post, you will read one section of the paper: Assessing effects of non-native crayfish on mosquito survival
This is a primary research article and as such, it may be challenging to read. In order to help you better understand the original article, I’d recommend you read the UCLA IoES summary before tackling this assignment. Primary research refers to a paper written by a scientist or team of scientists that communicates their unique experiment to the public.
Links to each section:
Post Requirements:
This assignment requires two posts, each completed individually.
First Post – Due Thursday
Each person in your group will read one of the four sections listed above, selected on a first-come, first-serve basis (NO credit for duplicate posts!). It is strongly recommended that you make a placeholder post to avoid multiple students reading and posting about the same section. You may reply to your placeholder post with your responses to the prompts.
Title your post with your chosen section (e.g., Introduction, Methods, etc.), then answer the following:
Explain three major points of your section of the article (each point should be 2-3 sentences; bullet-point format is fine).
Define at least two vocabulary words or phrases from the section you read. These can be any words/phrases that you didn’t know the meaning of. (Examples: trophic cascades, ecosystem services, benthic, etc.)
Based on the reading of your section, what are two questions you have? These may be something you need clarification on, technical questions, questions about the diets, methods, or broader questions about the article. Try to avoid posing questions that can be answered with a simple search.
Highlight an aspect of the reading that you found interesting and explain how it relates to what you’ve learned in this week’s module (3-4 sentences).


Approximately 250 words



In one paragraph provide;
1- An overview of NHANES
2-its survey design
3-population surveyed
4-overview of type of data that is collected from participants
5-cohort year used for this study (2017-2018)
-The paragraph need to start like this:
This study will use data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which…
-Attach plagiarism report.
Supplemental material:


Approximately 250 words


los angeles river

Image credit: Great Egret by yetikat, is licensed by Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Now, you will focus on one animal species that has been found in one or both soft-bottom regions of the LA River. You need select one of the species listed in the table below.
To see observations for a species, go to the iNaturalist locations (links below).
Links to iNaturalist places for soft-bottom stretches of the Los Angeles River:
Los Angeles River – Elysian Valley
Los Angeles River – Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve
Each student from your group will need to select a unique animal species from the species list in the table, so make sure that you look at all of the posts that have been submitted in order to make sure that you do not choose the same species as someone else. You will be focusing on this species for the rest of the assignments for the LA River Project, so choose carefully!.
LA River Species
Amphibians Arachnids Birds Fish Insects Mammals Mollusks Reptiles
Baja California Tree Frog ButtonHook Leaf Beatle American White Pelican Green Sunfish Argentine Ant Black Rat Acute Bladder Snail Common Side-Blotched Lizard
Western Toad Spotted Orb Weaver American Goldfinch Fiery Skipper Desert Cottontail Asian Clam Pond Slider
Western Black Widow Cinnamon Teal Jalisco Petrophila Mexican Free-tailed Bat San Diego Gopher Snake
Egyptian Goose Painted Lady Southern Alligator Lizard
Greater White-fronted Goose Western Pygmy Blue
Scaly-breasted Munia Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp
Tips for selecting a species:
Pick a species that sounds interesting to you.
Take a look at the iNaturalist species pages to see how much is known about a species before you select it — this will help you determine if you will be able to find enough information about the biology and ecology of that species to complete the Individual Species Research assignment.
Post Requirements:
Taxonomic group, common name, and scientific name of your species
Post a photo of your species. To receive full credit, you must include a properly-formatted attribution (like a citation for images and videos) for the image. See the image above for an example and check out the helpful resources below for tips on how to find images and attribute the source of the image. Be sure to insert the images into the discussion post, rather than adding them as attachments to your reply.
A link to at least one credible source of information about your species.
Is your species native or introduced to Los Angeles County?
Wait, what are native and introduced species? A species is native to an area if it occurs there ‘naturally’, meaning due only to local natural evolution. An introduced species is a species that is not native to an area, but rather was transported to that location area by humans or due to human activity. For the purposes of this project, migratory birds are considered to be native species.
To determine if if it is native or introduced to Los Angeles County, click on one of the iNaturalist observations of your species that was made in either of the soft-bottom stretches of the river. If it is an introduced species, you will see a magenta exclamation mark icon after the species name. (See red arrow pointing to the icon in the image below.)
American Bullfrog observation from iNaturalist.
To see how this assignment will be graded, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of this page, then click “Show Rubric”. If you’re reviewing this assignment using the Canvas mobile app, the rubric is included in the Grade tab.
Helpful Resources
General resources for finding images
How do I create a properly-formatted attribution for my image?
How do I insert images into a discussion post?


Approximately 250 words


Data analysis: statistical significance and null hypothesis

Submit the completed Statistical Significance and Null Hypothesis Worksheet and a 1 page paper in which you respond to the following:
Describe the level of statistical significance.
Describe a null hypothesis.
Identify Type I and Type II errors, and explain which error you think is worse.
i have attached the worksheet which needs to completed im not sure if this would be considered as to assignments or not but someone please let me know
the worksheet just has 6 ? to answer
and the 1page paper just has the 3 question
for reference
Salkind, N. J., Frey, B. B. (2020c). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (7th ed.). Sage.


Approximately 250 words



In one paragraph provide;
1- An overview of NHANES
2-its survey design
3-population surveyed
4-overview of type of data that is collected from participants
5-cohort year used for this study (2017-2018)
-The paragraph need to start like this:
This study will use data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which…
-Attach plagiarism report.
Supplemental material:


Approximately 250 words