
Holland’s theory notes that the personality traits of an individual are consistent with career choice and career satisfaction. Write a paper 700 words about your quiz results

Holland’s theory notes that the personality traits of an individual are consistent with career choice and career satisfaction. Write a paper 700 words about your quiz results. Include the following in your paper and a heading for each requirement:
Document the names and scores of your Holland Code (Referred to online as the Interest Profiler Results)
Based on the results, list three different careers offered as potential matches for you (each should be at a different job zone/educational level)
Identify the education required, potential outlook of the career, theoretical salary, and other information connected to the career
Provide your opinion of how useful the website was, how easy it was to use, how well the site connected you to careers you would actually be interested in
Discuss when, why, and how you may use this site when providing career counseling with clients
Describe the difficulties that could be encountered if a chosen career did not include the characteristics of your Holland Code?
Discuss how mental wellness impacts career choice and how career choice impacts mental wellness
At least three references from the O*Net site.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You are allowed to use first person as appropriate in this assignment.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Approximately 250 words


Business Administration

Activity: Final project related to the administrative activity of a company. Information, search and presentation.
You are a profesional and entreprenuerial team who have decided to buy the company Psichat SL to refresh and relaunch its activity taking in consideration of your personal interest in this type of sector, business model and its high potential of growing. You will have the availability of the former CEO supporting the transition process to understand and analyse the current situation and take decisions of the new business strategies and management
Using the perspective from all the topics studied as : Enviroment and industry competitive analysis, Business Strategy, innovation, Administrative process etc. take a picture of the current situation of the company based in the info available (website, social media, CEO meeting…) and design the strategy to implement in the following years to acomplish your settled goals for the company. Think about potential new services, channels, business model, segment customers hhrr resources etc.
1. Create a document including the structured analysis of the current situation and also the planning about different areas of business and management to be implemented in the future.
(Word document 8-10 pages máx) and upload it to Canvas before deadline.
Psichat ( )
PsiChat talks about psychology aid to the whole society. We are a team of psychologists at your disposal. It is a team of professionals and psychologists with more than 10 years of experience.
Aimed at those people who need advice or support in the different areas related to the couple, work, social relationships, family or an individual level that appears to their daily, emotional and mental performance. PsiChat is a crisis intervention.


Approximately 250 words


Give your opinion on what success in development assistance means and why? Give one of your opinions along with your reasons.

Topic: Give your opinion on what success in development assistance means and why? Give one of your opinions along with your reasons.
※Be sure to relate your discussion to the topic of this lecture (any topic or keyword that has been covered at least once is acceptable).
※Be sure to cite references to support your argument.
※No cover page.
I am sorry, the class material was translated by a translator app, so the grammar might be strange.


Approximately 250 words


compare and contrast two movies

Compare and contrast the two movies: The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2. The full instructions and details will be included with the file as well as a sample of the essay for reference.


Approximately 250 words


Servant Leadership in The U.S. Army (informative essay)

Topic: Servant Leadership in The U.S. Army
Format: Chicago
Type: Informative essay
Try to avoid use of passive voice.


Approximately 250 words


Respond on this subject

AJ Jacobs in this TED Talk describes the production process in a positive way. He explained how every step of the process and how he decided to be grateful for each step. From the architects that designed the road to the barista that handed him his coffee.
The production process is important because it covers how to safely, accurately, and efficiently manufacture a product or create/provide a service. This process involves following various steps from the creation of the products to the last step which is selling or handing the product to customers. If one of the steps is missed the customer may not receive or may receive a defective product. I think that the production process brings value to my life every day in every way. From the bed I rest on, to the computer I use to do my homework. Without all the processes and all the people involved, we would not have anything.
Opportunity costs help you make better choices because you calculate the pros and cons of each choice. Every time you decide anything, you also decide not to do something. Opportunity cost is the value you forfeit when choosing one option over another. When you are at the grocery store and must select between two types of soda, that is a straightforward illustration of opportunity cost. The potential cost of choosing your favorite soda is represented by the price difference between both. Opportunity cost is a great tool for choosing how to invest or spend. When calculating opportunity cost, you occasionally need to take into account factors other than just the money you spend in a certain situation. For example, a pizza and a burger are the options that are presented to you. You may only select one. You choose one and forego the other when you do. Your opportunity cost for choosing the pizza would be missing out on the pleasure of the burger. In some cases, you will have to choose whatever you like the most and the cost of it will not be economical.


Approximately 250 words


Civil Engagement

Voting is an essential form of civic engagement, and the democratic model in this country depends on it. As it stands, it is both a citizen’s right as well as a duty.
Your city council person has submitted a proposal that would affect the next local election a couple of months away. The proposal requires all voters to take and have proof of passing an American Government and Civics test to be eligible to vote in this election, similar to the test immigrants have to take to become eligible for American citizenship. The city council plans to have an open forum to hear perspectives on this proposal from community members and the public.
Prepare some ideas you would present to the city council for consideration.
Are you in favor or not of the proposal? Why?
Do you think you would pass this test right now and be able to vote?
What are the possible outcomes and consequences of imposing requirements to qualify to vote?
Watch videos: ,

Take test:


Approximately 250 words


Paper Including an Annotated Bibliography

Please review the instructions doc and comments made by the instructor then rewrite the attached Paper without plagiarism and grammar errors. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.


Approximately 250 words



On Saturday 14th at 11:30AM, Mr. Customer visited the branch located at XYZ to inquire about placing two stop payments on his merchant services, banker assisted him and provided his options. Banker called banker connection to receive more in detail about a possible solution to satisfy the customer’s request. Banker connection mentioned to banker that if Mr. Customer would like to proceed, he would be able to; However, that would affect all his merchant credits. banker explained to him and he declined as he only wanted to block those two without interrupting the service. He started being aggressive to the banker and raising his tone of voice, representative mentioned to banker to get ahold of her manager and she was listening to the customer in the background being aggressive to the banker.
Banker went behind the teller line to explain the situation and requested help from me. I noticed she was anxious and shaking, we both went back to the banker desk and greeted Mr. Customer. He immediately replied, “ you are not the manager, get the hell out of here”, “you are no help at all”. I mentioned to the customer that I was here to help him and find a solution to his issue with his merchant services. He refused to be assisted and that I am no help. I stated that in the past I have referred him to Eliana as she is the small business banker and is specialized to assist with his requests, I stated that I am limited to what I can do and with complex requests, it does need to be with a business banker. Customer did not let me speak and raised his tone of voice and was verbally aggressive repeating “get the hell out of my presence” and you Elina, do what I have asked you to do.
I mentioned to Mr. Customer that we are trying to help him but he is refusing to be helped, he would not stop raising his voice. I stated that I was trying to help him but he has been verbally aggressive and disrespectful in which he denied and replied “ I am not being disrespectful to you, or am I saying something about your appearance or your look”? While making that comment he pointed me towards me.
I had told him that since he is not letting me help him and he is being verbally aggressive that I will have to please ask him to leave our premises. He refused and stated that he will not leave until his issue was resolved, raising his voice. I mentioned to him that if he refused to leave that I will be forced to call the police and said that they can come and that he would not leave.
I told Eliana to lock her computer and to follow me. Customer got up and followed both of us to the lobby, while raising his voice he mentioned that he would come back.
I have assisted Mr. customer in the past in the teller line and has been very difficult; however, we have been able to help him and always deescalated. He has had treated me with no respect, in which I never had an issue and helped him, but this time he has crossed the line with the level of verbal aggression and causing a hostile environment.
Due to the number of occurrences I recommend ending Mr. Customers relationship at XYZ corporation.
Please let me know if you have any further questions,
Thanks you,
Luis Soto


Approximately 250 words



Briefly summarize the Hart City scenario and Dr. Khabirov’s past research.
Describe the ethical issues related to working with participants, bias, and/or power imbalance you saw in the scenario.
Use resources to support your description and explanation of the ethical issues.
Explain how you can mitigate the risks of working with participants while conducting action research.
Stringer, E. T., & Ortiz Aragón, A. (2021). Theoretical foundations of action research. In Action research (5th ed., pp. 43–81). SAGE Publications, Inc.
IfD_Qualitative Research Specialists. (2020, August 9). Action research in development| Action research example Links to an external site. [Video]. YouTube.


Approximately 250 words