
building a just and inclusive community

NC State University is committed to building a just and inclusive community, one that does not tolerate unjust or inhumane treatment, and that denounces it, clearly and loudly. Please describe what those words mean to you and how you will contribute to a more diverse and inclusive NC State environment?
That’s the question to my admission essay , am a black student / girl of color so write this considering that fact please and thank you


Approximately 250 words


Approximately 250 words


Goal Statement

Please write a goal statement to apply for a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at George Mason University
Goals Statement: Outlining what you would like us to know about you as we consider your candidacy for the George Mason University School of Business MBA program. Examples include “Why are you interested in the program?”, “What are your career goals?”, “Why George Mason University?”, or “What can you offer to the classroom?”.


Approximately 250 words


Sales and Marketing

Capstone Assignment 2.2
Please respond to the following questions and submit them here.
• Based on the business that you chose for your Sales and Marketing Plan, consider one of the company’s advertisements over the last 22 years. Did it consist of any
of the 10 guidelines that make for a good advertisement? If so, choose two. If no, explain how two guidelines can be applied.
• Create a new advertisement for your business. I know you don’t have a camera to shoot a video ad, and some of you may not have the art ability to design a poster ad. However, please describe your ad for your business. This description should include details such as logo placement, words or a script, colors, image choice, what’s the projected budget, list and describe two of the guidelines for this ad. Why did you choose this type of ad to go along with this type of business.


Approximately 250 words


Lesson Plan

Focus on 4th grade level
As an educator, it is important to develop the skills to write lesson plans that include state standards, effective learning objectives, appropriate instructional strategies, and differentiate to meet the diverse needs of all students.
For this benchmark, you will create a lesson plan that integrates ELA and math standards, with an aligning summative assessment. You may use any prior assignments as applicable from this course to complete the benchmark, provided you incorporate feedback from your instructor. Use the “Class Profile” for background information on your students to plan the lesson plan and summative assessment. The lesson plan and summative assessment must be aligned to the chosen Grades K-8 state standards and learning objectives.
Part 1: Lesson Plan
Use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” for your lesson plan. The lesson must include a variety of instructional strategies that are best suited for the lesson and the needs of the students. Your lesson plan should focus on:
Math and ELA state standards.
Instructional strategies that can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse students.
Technology that supports assessment practices.
Formative assessment.
Differentiation activity for students identified as below grade-level.
Differentiated activity using critical thinking for students identified as above grade-level
Part 2: Summative Assessment
In connection with this lesson plan, you will create a summative assessment that is directly aligned to state standards and highlights how you will use assessment to modify and strengthen instruction to promote the continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of students.
Your summative assessment must be aligned to the standards in the lesson plan and include:
Description of a summative assessment, which includes specific directions for students.
Three short-answer response items.
10 multiple-choice questions.
One restricted response essay question that clearly identifies the task(s) to be performed.
How you will differentiate to meet the diverse needs of students.
Part 3: Rationale
In 250-500 words, write a rationale for the instructional strategies and assessment practices, both formative and summative, included in your lesson plan and summative assessment. How do your chosen assessments contribute to the development of students? How does your summative assessment work to meet the various learning needs of the students in the “Class Profile”?
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly sources.
Focus on 4th grade level


Approximately 250 words


Agile mindset and challenges with predictive PM

A 4 page (1000 words) Essay with references discussing the agile mindset and how it deals with some of the challenges with predictive project management.


Approximately 250 words


paper for government

see attached files
The specific short paper assignment instructions are the following:
Length of assignment: 3 pages in addition to the following: title page and reference section.
Format of assignment: latest edition of APA.
Number of citations: at least three scholarly sources
Acceptable sources: scholarly articles, published books, course texts, and the Bible.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Approximately 250 words


wirte an essay about real estate trends

Looking at trends in the real estate industry, identify which ones are of interest to you. For this assignment, you are expected to use the 2023 Emerging Trends in Real Estate document.
and conduct your own search by utilizing resources such as WSJ, NYT, PSBJ, podcasts like Walker & Dunlop or Leading Voices in Real Estate.
1) Document at least 1 trend you are excited about. You can focus on a short-term trend in response to COVID or longer term trends linked to increased integration of technology, recognition of climate change, or incorporation of social goals, for example.
2) Identify the professional opportunities created by these trends and the markets in which they will create jobs.
3) Connect these trends to courses that will allow you to build the skills to be an attractive hire for companies.


Approximately 250 words


Assignment 1

For this first assignment, after completing all other readings and exercises, you will write your research hypotheses. Please review the article “How to Develop a Good Research Hypothesis” and follow the guidelines and tips in the article. There are several examples you can use as a roadmap to formulate your hypotheses for your previously chosen research topic (week 1, discussion).
Link to article:
Once you are satisfied with your hypotheses, explain why you chose a particular type of hypotheses; i.e., simple, complex, directional, etc.
Identify your variables – what is the dependent variable? Independent variable?
There is no particular format for this assignment but your hypotheses (a minimum of three) must clearly address the problem for your research project, identified in Week 1.
This pertains to the abortion in teens research . He wants us to use the link on the assignment to help us build the hypothesis. He wants three hypothesis.


Approximately 250 words