Religion and Theology

Globalisation of Missions: An Exegesis on the Great Commission (Mt 28:18 – 20) Assignment

You will be required to complete 2 Article Reflection Papers.
Each article will introduce the importance of thinking beyond the home culture and to consider and think cross-culturally and globally
for the sake of the Gospel. INSTRUCTIONS Key items to include in this assignment are outlined as follows: • Make sure to finish reading all of the assigned article.
1• Article Reflection Paper must be 500words. • You will reflect on, analyze, and apply at least 3 specific content references i.e. direct
quotes or references from the article. • Make sure to provide all citations.
2• You must give a critical review of the article’s content and thesis in 200 words. Focus on why you did and/or did not appreciate the article’s content and thesis with suggestions when appropriate.
• Format the assignment following Turabian format with cover page, contents page, paper with an outline, bibliography, and a strong introduction and conclusion. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Write a researched, persuasive paper identifying two main fallacies of Islam discussed in An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World

Write a researched, persuasive paper identifying two main fallacies of Islam discussed in An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World. The pages which discuss Islam in An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World are pages 292-320. I will attach the actual pages as a document for reference as the fallacies must be drawn from this particular excerpt on Islam – pages 292-320 only. Present a strong, assertive position in the thesis and thoroughly defend that position with substantial research and solid reasoning.
The paper must be 4 pages in length (Not including the title page and works cited page) and include a Works Cited Page.
Additional items needed are as follows :
1. A title page,
2. Research Proposal
3. Annotated Bibliography
4. Outline – 1 page in Length
As a note, the Works Cited page should be in MLA format. No annotations, only include sources cited in paper.
The paper CAN NOT contain any of the following:
1. No first or second person (I, my, we, our, you)
2. No contractions (don’t, isn’t), slang, or clichés
3. No exclamations (use words, not punctuation, to emphasize points)
4. No questions (the task is to inform, not make readers wonder)
Four sources must be cited throughout the paper as follows:
1. An Introduction to Christian Worldview: Pursuing God’s Perspective in a Pluralistic World MUST BE USED AS A CITED REFERENCE
The other 3 cited sources must be a combination of the following:
2. At least two additional sources must be Print/Online Database sources.
3. Only one website can be used.
Please note that sources that originally appeared in print but can be accessed electronically through online databases/are not considered websites.
Sources must be clearly cited in the paper and be included in the Works Cited page and annotated bibliography
The following formats and guidelines must be noted as well:
1. MLA Format
2. Title Page (no MLA heading when using a Title Page)
3. Last name and page number in running header, start on second page
4. Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced
5. No footnotes


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Christian Influencers & Influences

Christian Influencers & Influences
Hide Assignment Information
Part One – Assignment Instructions:
The video presented below, holds insights into the origins of the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
To now begin viewing the video.
By way of forming your “Assignment Response”, to the apply ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric for Writing ‘Letter” Assignment Responses”.
Unlike your Nolan textbook “Chapter Reviews” where ONE quotation from the literature is required, no quotation from the video is anticipated.
To view the video from the 49-minute / 10-second point to the 1:45.05-second Time Marker Count visible to the bottom left of the video screen.
The 1:45.05 second Time Marker Count interval indicates up to which point in the video to consider when writing your “Assignment Response”.
However, should you opt to do so, to continue viewing the video as you anticipate the following week’s “Assignment Response”.
To then apply ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric for Writing ‘Letter” Assignment Responses”.
Write an “Assignment Response” of no more than 300 – 350 words identifying your understanding of the “Letter” question you selected from the Study-Rubric Guide.
Upload your Word .doc containing your “Assignment Response” within the Assignment Page in Brigthspace.
Due Date: Tuesday, January 31st; 11:59pm
Part Two – Assignment Instructions:
To first read the “The Abby of La Grande Chartreuse” article and then view the portions of the “Into Great Silence” video.
The article is located within the Module Two “Content” frame; to open the “Resources” frame.
The link to the video is located both here in the Assignment Instructions as well within the Module Two “Content” frame; to open the “Videos” frame to access the video.
The certainly not a whole lot of dialogue in the video, English sub-titles appear a the lower portion of the video screen which translate from the French spoken:
To then select ONE “Letter” from the “Study Guide Rubric For Writing ‘Letter’ Responses” located within the “Content” frame of the Brigthspace Landing Page.
From a response to the question associated with any ONE “Letter” you have selected from your Study Guide / Rubric.
At the very beginning of your “Assignment Responses”, please indicate the ONE “Letter” you have selected from the “Study Guide Rubric For Writing ‘Letter’ Assignment Responses”.
Carefully READ the method by which to form your Responses located in the Study Guide / Rubric.
Write TWO “Assignment Responses” of no more than 200 words identifying your understanding of the “Letter” question you selected from the Study-Rubric Guide and apply your chosen “Letter” to any two time intervals in the video.
Should you opt to do so, to perhaps, combine two time intervals all within either your first and / or second “Assignment Responses”.
However, even if you integrate two time intervals identified below, to still form TWO distinct “Assignment Responses” each holding at least one segment of the video:
PLEASE indicate at the very beginning of your “Responses” which “Interval Number(s)” you are considering, e.g., “#4 and #6”.
Select ANY TWO of the following 13 Time Marker Counts:
Interval 1: 01 – 30:37
Interval 2: 11:05 – 1:10
Interval 3: 1:13.54 – 1:21.04
Interval 4: 1:26 – 1:31
Interval 5: 1:34 – 1:38.38
Interval 6: 1:38.38 – 1:40
Interval 7: 1:55.25 – 1:58.17
Interval 8: 1:59.40 – 2.04
Interval 9: 2.06.50 – 2.38.38
Interval 10: 2:11.04 – 2:14.24
Interval 11: 2:17.34 – 2:21.25
Interval 12: 2.26 – 2.29.55
Interval 13: 2:36.52 – 2:37.37
No quotation from neither the video nor article is anticipated for “Part Two” of your Module One “Assignment Response”.
Upload your Assignment Response as a Word .doc File on the Assignment Page.
Due Date: Tuesday, January 31st; 11:59pm
Part Three – Assignment Instructions:
Response to the following question:
In what ways were Pope Gregory XIII, Pope Paul III, Henry VIII, Martin Luther, and John Calvin influential in shaping Christianity?
Write ONE very brief paragraph Assignment Response for each of the five individuals reflecting your understanding of how they influenced Christianity in each of their own ways.


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Content Response

In this content response you are required to write a 500 word discussion on Jonathan Z. Smith as an example of a Religious Studies scholar of religion. Watch the video clip featuring Dr. Smith in file labelled as Defining Religion (or not!).
In your Content Response, explain how Jonathan Z. Smith’s understanding of religion is an academic rather than a traditional religious understanding. What does he say about religion that shows you that he is taking an academic Religious Studies perspective rather than a traditional religious perspective on religion? Make clear the connections between what he says and what the Unit-1 is teaching you about the academic study of religion (about method, stance, context, critique).
One hint here is his use of the phrase “culturally determined mechanisms” to describe how human beings seek to interact with ‘superhuman being(s).
*Cite internal sources in MLA. Provide a few citations from attached sources and maybe one citation from an external source.


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Exploration of a contemporary controversy in religion.

A controversy is any issue that elicits passionate disagreement, and religion is no stranger to controversy. Violence, terrorism, feminism, sexism, religious nationalism, LGBTQ+ issues, environmentalism, atheism, consumerism/capitalism, decolonization /reconciliation, religion and science, religion in the media all touch on controversy. Write an analysis of a particular controversy within one of the religious traditions we have studied. It cannot be your own (or your people’s) tradition. The essay should present a short background to the religion in relation to the controversy being discussed. It should also include discussion of at least two different interpretations of the issue within the tradition. If relevant, cite primary sources like scripture or sacred texts.
General Essay Structure and Citations (This is a Subheading)
Essays should begin with a “hook” that gets the reader’s attention.
Essays’ Introductions and Conclusions should tell the reader what they will read (have read) about.
Introduction should include a strong thesis statement or clear signposts so the reader knows what is coming.
Essays should use articulate subheadings to divide up the essay into sections. (“General Essay Structure and Citations” above, that’s a subheading).
Essays should use consistent author/date in text citations (Author, date, pg. #) or footnotes[1] to cite sources accurately, including page numbers when including a quotation.
Chicago Style is a great style to learn, but I accept other styles as well, so long as they are consistent.
Quotations should be introduced and contextualized. Do not leave them floating or overuse them.
Essays should seek out the best information available (Peer review or professional writing).


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology


For Research Paper: Local Community and Intercultural Communication assignment,
You will
focus on cross-cultural effectiveness of ministry engagement in the local community, helping immigrants, using CQ and intercultural
communication principles.
Key items to include in this assignment are outlined as follows:
 You will be required to write a minimum of 750+ word evaluation – in addition to a title
page, table of contents, bibliography and cited references – for Part II of the Research
 You will support your assertions with a minimum of 2 textbook resource and 2 outside
academic resources.
 Make sure to provide all citations as footnotes.
 Format the assignment following SOD Turabian format with cover page, contents page,
paper with an outline, and bibliography.
 This submission will include Research Paper: CQ Assessment assignment and
Research Paper: Local Community and Intercultural Communication assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Verbal Communication

Identify a verbal communication concept (a rule, function, pattern, or style) addressed in the reading, and discuss how this could positively or negatively impact communication and gospel witness in an intercultural setting.
You will post one thread of at least 400 words . For each thread, you must support your assertions with
at least 2 scholarly citations in Turabian format.


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Africa- Different but equal video on youtube

CRITERIA FOR FILM REVIEWS: The review should be in an essay format, with a formal introduction, body, and conclusion. In the review, the first paragraph should include the name of the author and title, geographic location of film, the overall goal or point of the film, and the author’s main argument in the film. The body of the essay should summarize the main points or general themes of the film and add specific facts or details from the film to back up your assertions about the main points of the film. In the conclusion of the essay, the review should include your opinions or thoughts on the film, in particular any responses to the author’s assertions, and restate the main goal of the film. Length should be 2-3 pages typed, double spaced. You do not need to consult external commentaries for the film reviews. If you decide to consult external commentaries on these films, you must cite the consulted sources. If you use outside sources you have to cite. You have to watch this video then follow the instructions


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

Cultural Intelligence and Gospel Communication

Use your CQ Strategy (from the Livermore reading) to apply the concepts from the Chang and Chang chapters to current or future ministry contexts in sharing the gospel and/or in empowering and encouraging brothers and sisters in Christ. Give a specific example, including a description of the cultural context and a description of how you can apply the concepts from the readings in this module: week to your current ministry context (or a new context you are about to begin in the near future). (400 WORDS)
400 words. For each thread, you must support your assertions with
at least 2 scholarly citations in Turabian format.


Approximately 250 words

Religion and Theology

The Role of Cultural Values and Intercultural Communication

TOPIC: What limitations do you face in intercultural communication and how is this shaped by preferred cultural values? (400 WORDS)
You will post one thread of at least 400 words. For each. you must support your assertions with
at least 2 scholarly citations in Turabian format.


Approximately 250 words