Social work

Discussion post

Choose at least one of the strategic models (MRI, Milan, Strategic-Haley, or Strategic-Madanes) and discuss the role of the counselor, as well as the counselor’s responsibility for change when using the strategic family counseling model. (150 words, 1 source)
2nd question
Research and select a strategic family therapy model (MRI, Milan, Strategic-Haley, or Strategic-Madanes). What are the populations and mental health concerns for the selected model? Discuss the effectiveness, interventions, and main components of the selected strategic family therapy model. (150 words, 1 source)


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Personal statement questions

Are you availble to answer 2 questions questions?
Instructions: Answer the questions below in a double-spaced response. Responses should demonstrate your professional judgement and critical thinking. Failure to address all prompts will affect your overall application.
1. Draw from your own paid employment, volunteer work, or personal experiences to provide examples of how you handled situations as noted in (a) and (b) below. Make sure not to use names or information that might violate the confidentiality of the individuals you decide to use in your descriptions. For both (a) and (b), be sure to explain how you may have grown or learned from the experiences you describe.
a. Cleary describe a situation where you were confronted with a value or ethical dilemma. (500 words) How did you resolve it? What were some of the factors you considered in making your decision? If you have never confronted a value or ethical dilemma, on what knowledge would you consider relying on to help you address and resolve one?
b. Discuss a difficult or dangerous situation you encountered. (500 words) How did you handle the situation? What would you do differently in the future and why? Are there any situations in which you would feel particularly vulnerable as a student? How would you expect the School of Social Work to assist your education and skill building concerns in order to handle that type of situation?


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Discussion Post Please make sure you are using APA 7 th and citing correctly

16 hours agoArlene Manning
Of the four technologies discussed in Goldkind and Wolf’s article, I am most familiar with gamification and mobile technologies. Goldkind and Wolf (2015) state that gamification uses game design techniques, game thinking, and game mechanics in a non-game context by integrating points, badges, rewards, and punishments. As a substance use counselor, this sounds like contingency management strategies used to encourage active participation and engagement in group and individual therapy sessions. Participants earned rewards such as gift cards for consistently attending sessions, punishments for noncompliance, and badges such as being “A-team” members. Goldkind and Wolf (2015) note that game-based interventions target addiction and substance use components. I found that participants were more inclined to practice newly learned techniques and strategies when using contingency management. Goldkind and Wolf (2015) state that the use of mobile technologies has exploded and streamlined client care. My experience with electronic medical records to maintain documentation and the recent use of Zoom to conduct assessments and sessions during the pandemic are all engaging with mobile technologies. These technologies have allowed access to care when physical face-to-face interactions were impossible.
The technology that I want to learn more about is big data. Goldkind and Wolf describe big data as a hybrid concept of big and complex sets of information and the application of digital tools to identify trends in that information. I feel that with the plethora of passive information that individuals freely share if social workers could positively identify trends and patterns, a more proactive approach could be taken to address some of the social concerns present in society.
Goldkind, L., & Wolf, L. (2015). A digital environment approach: Four technologies that will disrupt social work practice. Social Work, 60(1), 85–87.
Mary Chase
Unit 1, Discussion 1
According to Goldkind and Wolf (2015), the four technologies predicted to disrupt social work practice are the following: internet of things, big data, gamification, and mobile technology. I am most familiar with big data and Mobile technology.
As a current case manager, I utilize various systems that provide information to ensure I have the most updated and current information about the population I serve. For example, a case is opened when a detained non-citizen presents a concern to me. The first step in opening that case is to enter the detained non-citizen’s identification number into an ICE computer system. Once entered, I am provided with the client’s identifying information, including a photo, ensuring I am opening a case for the correct non-citizen. This data exchange will also provide me with the immigration history, detention center history, any criminal history, alerts, and communications between Customs & Border Protection, Immigration and & Customs Enforcement, and the detained non-citizen.
Additionally, mobile technology is used daily in my work and personal life. In collaboration with the detention facilities, we have developed a tablet system that allows case managers to communicate with and interview detained non-citizens virtually. This is especially helpful if a non-citizen has requested an interview but is housed in a quarantined pod or restrictive housing. Otherwise, the case manager would be required for the quarantine period to end or interview the non-citizen through the door in restricted housing, which is not conducive to a private interview. While the tablets are convenient, I prefer to interview in person. Despite the facilities assuring privacy, when I was a child welfare case manager, I witnessed a victim of domestic violence being intimidated by her abuser during a virtual court hearing, as he was just off screen until her attorney spoke up. Since then, I have not fully believed in privacy when utilizing technology. I often attend TEAMS meetings via my cell phone. I must remain mindful of my location during such meetings and when discussing anything work-related.
I am not a gamer, but I want to learn about gamification. I have never used gamification and would like to understand this technology better. Based on the reading, it appears helpful to provide coping skills to clients who experience substance abuse and depressive symptoms.
Goldkind, L., & Wolf, L. (2015). A digital environment approach: Four technologies that will disrupt social work practice. Social Work, 60(1), 85–87.


Approximately 250 words

Social work


Review the Learning Resources on financial management and fund development.
Explore People First San Diego’s website, including the sample budget located on the Dashboard. Then, review the strategic plan and SWOTT analysis you completed last week. Using these materials, consider which funding options would be most appropriate for the organization.
Identify three funding options and critically think about the benefits and limitations of each.
Submit a 2-page paper (not including title page or references) in which you:
Analyze three potential funding options for People First San Diego.
Identify the benefits and limitations of using each option. These factors could relate to finances, logistics, efficacy, and more.
Evaluate and rank the options in terms of their promise and feasibility for the People First San Diego organization.
Use the Learning Resources and research to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Discussion response Please make sure you are using APA 7 th and citing correctly

I do not have experience with research and program evaluation. I just was selected to be on a committee at work to review policies within our agency. One of the roles was to collect data and analyze it. When asked who had experience or who would want to collect data, I informed them I did not have experience yet but I had this course that started this week. Needless to say I took on the challenge in agreement another person would be working on it with me. I am excited to venture into this new area.
I had issues downloading java due to using my work computer and needing permission to download it. I plan on emailing IT tomorrow to inform them I need this for school at night and hopefully they will allow it.
Jarissa Tejada
unit 1 discussion 2
I currently live in Manhattan and my community is located in uptown Manhattan. They call my area Inwood Hill, NY and this community has a population of 216,768 people. About 65% are between the ages of 18 and 64. When it comes to gender, 52% are females. The majority of those who live in this community are Hispanic, which makes up about 68%, followed by white at 20%, black at 7%, Asians make up 3% and 2% are more than two races. When it comes to household income, about 14% make under $100k, 2% make between $100k-$200k, 7% make $200k-300k each year, 11% $400k-$500k, 36% $500k-$1M and 5% over $1M. There is an estimate of 21% of people living below poverty levels (Census Reporter, n.d.).
There are about 76,244 families living in this community with an average of 2-3 people per household. About 35% of these families are made up of married couples. It seems like many in this community do not have a college education and 76.2% are high school grade. About 37.4% have accomplished a college degree or higher. About 24% have no degree at all, 17% earned a high school diploma, 22% have some college, 22% have earned a college degree and 15% have completed a master’s degree. It is said that about 35.2% are foreign born and came to this community to build their family. When it comes to language, 59% of the people in the Washington Heights, Inwood & Marble Hill PUMA, NY community speak Spanish. This community has a 1.3% population of veterans (Census Reporter, n.d.).
The crime rate has also gone up and in just the first week of January 2023 there have been eight reported robberies in this community and twenty-four in the last 28 days. This does not include other crimes such as felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, and that is just to name a few. In the first week of January 2023 there were 30 crimes committed and 136 in the last 28 days. Although these numbers are high, the numbers were 10 times higher in the 1990s. According to records, in 1990 there were 10,027 different crimes that were committed, comparing this to the year 2022 in which there were 1,664 reported crimes (City of New York, n.d.).
For the most part, it seems like my community is doing well, even though there has been a high crime rate lately it does not compare about 30 years ago as it has gotten better. Better paying jobs will help those in the community reach a different bracket. Another suggestion is bringing in more resources for the children in order to keep them engaged. I think bringing in opportunities will result in positive outcomes. For example, a lot of the time, children are a part of their environment. Therefore, it is important to have a healthy space or somewhere they can go to and feel safe. Education should also make a difference and helping those who are interested in started a career get enrolled. This will give better numbers on the graduation dates.
A skill I will have to develop to conduct a more extensive research study signing my community is being a great listener. It is important to understand what is happening in this community and the areas that might be struggling. Planning is also very important to put a plan together of what will help this community and what are the things that have been working for them. Great team leadership is also an important skill, because a good leader can be the voice for this community. Bring ideas to those who have the power to make a difference where it is needed. Another skill i will use is critical thinking because it allows the social worker to better gather information and evaluate the data that was collected.
Census profile: NYC-Manhattan Community district 12–Washington Heights, Inwood & Marble Hill Puma, NY. Census Reporter. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2023, from
City of New York. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2023, from


Approximately 250 words

Social work


Family Joining – Role Play and Reflection
Record (video and audio) a 10-minute role-play demonstration of you joining with a family. The only skill to focus on is joining, NOT assessing. Your role play may include your family or a friend’s family or another couple, but you must role-play the social work therapist in the video. The family may be at any stage of the family life cycle during the role play.
Following the video, write a 3-page reflection on joining. You should cover what joining is, examples from the video of how you demonstrated joining, and a critique of your joining demonstration identifying strengths and areas for your continued growth. Conclude with a discussion of how you will use joining in practice.
Both the role-play video and the reflection must be submitted for this assignment.
Submission Requirements


Approximately 250 words

Social work


Identify a family issue, research a family therapy approach (locate a relevant peer-reviewed article supporting use of the approach) to address the issue, and construct a single-subject (1 family) research design (SSRD) to evaluate the practice effectiveness of using this design with the family.
The SSRD must be in APA format and include the following headings/sections:
Cover page – in APA format
Introduction – This section should address the family issue (including research showing this issue is a common issue within families) and give a short (1 paragraph) description of the family and what the issue looks like for them.
Approach/Strategy – This section should include an overview of the intervention to be used, including a summary of the empirical article supporting use of the intervention. Details should be provided on how this approach would be used in family sessions, and the intervention should be theory-driven, with a clear discussion of how the intervention is linked with/informed by a theory.
SSRD Plan – This section should discuss the type of research plan you will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. Be sure to list your research question, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables and the measurement tool utilized (operationalization), design (appropriate phases- AB, ABA, etc), how baseline and post-intervention change in the variable will be measured (data collection), how data will be analyzed (data analysis), and a sample of the graph which would be used to display the data recorded and how that graph would be interpreted (what would the graph need to show for the hypothesis to be supported).
References – APA formatted reference page for all references
Appendix 1 – Brief Treatment Plan (goal, objective, intervention)
Appendix 2 – Measurement Tool to be used
*This assignment should be 3-5 pages in length (not including the cover page, references, and appendices).


Approximately 250 words

Social work


Family System Application
Using the following family case example, apply Bowen’s 8 interlocking concepts to explain family functioning.
Presenting Issue and Basic Assessment:
Guero and Jane Diaz requested an intake session for help with their 15-year-old son, Martin, after Jane found marijuana in his room in a plastic bag at the bottom of one of his dresser drawers. You meet with all three family members for an assessment, and you find that the marijuana incident is the most recent in a long series of battles between mother and son. After assessing for a possible substance use disorder issue, you conclude that it is teen experimentation, but there is not a pattern of use or other concerns which would lead to a diagnosis of a drug or alcohol disorder. However, you do have concerns about the frequency of arguments between mother and son, and the increase in the intensity of the conflictual encounters. There also seem to be some issues with school adjustment for Martin, which worries both you and his parents.
Family History:
Guero’s father died when Guero was young, and he and his sister were raised by their mother. His mother was devoted, overbearing, and critical at times. She struggled with allowing them to have activities or interests outside of the family home, and by late adolescence, Guero was avoiding his mother whenever he could. He left home at age 25 and cut off all contact with his mother. His sister continues to remain single and lives at home with their mother.
Jane is one of 5 siblings and had a very close relationship with her family growing up. She considers her siblings her best friends of her childhood. Janet’s parents believed that girls should stay at home after high school and focus on finding a husband and starting a family of their own. Janet did not want to take this path and struggled loudly with her parents about her desire to go to college. Her parents struggled to keep her at home, and she struggled to leave. She was successful in leaving for college and has been estranged from her parents since that time.
Early Relationship:
Guero and Jane met and felt a close connection to each other as neither had close family ties at that time. Their dating and engagement time was very short, and they married quickly. However, conflict soon arose as Guero was very sensitive to criticism from Jane, and Jane was very sensitive to any efforts of Guero to distance himself from her. Jane sought closeness and companionship, while Guero felt comfort in space. Guero showed a high level of sensitivity to any demands on his time, and Jane showed a high level of sadness and frustration whenever Guero indicated he did not want to engage in an activity with her that she suggested. After a period of conflict, the couple settled into a norm for them in which Guero put all his energy into his work, and Jane adjusted to spending time by herself and feeling distant from her husband. Not long after, Martin was born.
Family Development:
They were a bit excited about Martin’s birth but in different ways. Guero saw Martin as a positive and fun addition to their home, and Jane saw Martin as a way to fill her need for someone to be close to. Martin was her world. She was a doting and responsive mother who cared for his every need, often before he even had to fuss or cry. Jane hovered so much over her son, even when Guero attempted to spend time with him that Guero became frustrated and backed off, allowing Martin to be in Jane’s care and under her oversight all of the time. Jane was so close to Martin that she allowed him everything he wanted and allowed him to structure their days by what he wanted. She felt hurt when he cried, as if she was a bad parent, so she did everything possible to keep him satisfied and pacified, even when that meant buying more toys, eating off schedule, allowing toys and household items to be destroyed, and naps and baths to be skipped. Martin grew up believing he was the center of the family, and he never heard the word no. Rarely did he tantrum for more than one minute before his mother gave in to whatever he wanted. As Martin’s behavior became more intolerable in his toddler and preschool years, Guero spent more and more time at work. Jane continued to pour all her time and attention into Martin which also distracted her from her lack of a marital relationship.
Martin’s school problems began in earnest in elementary school when he was faced with firm boundaries and rules in the classroom. He had tantrums at school and made few friends as he was seen as a bully and inflexible in his interactions with peers. He mimicked his father’s behaviors when others tried to control him, and his mother always sided with Martin when she was called into the school, explaining that she did not think the school knew how to handle such as creative child as Martin.
Martin grew into adolescence with few friends aside from his mother. He continued to have difficulties at school and did not follow rules or submit assignments by due dates. He rarely was prepared for class, and occasionally completed homework. He told his teachers and administrators that he did not need school and that he was too smart for school, both things he had repeatedly heard his mother say in the past.
When adolescence started, the crisis at home boiled over as Martin attempted to form interests and activities outside of the home and Jane held on tight to him as if her life depended on him staying at home constantly. Guero continued to lengthen his hours at work to escape from the conflict at home. Even in Jane and Martin’s battles, they continued to remain the center of each other’s lives. Martin spent more time battling his mother than on any other activities in his life. (Case study from Nichols,


Approximately 250 words

Social work


Ethics Reflective Essay
Consider the following practice situation and the ethical issues present in the situation. Construct a 3-page reflection discussing the ethical concerns (citing the NASW Code of Ethics specific areas which apply), the steps you would take in ethical decision making, and the decision you would make in addressing each of the ethical concerns:
Jan is the 16-year-old daughter in a family you have been seeing for family therapy for the past 3 months. Her parents drop her off for the regular family therapy scheduled appointment and say that “Jan wanted to meet with you alone today” as an explanation for the change in plan. Once in your office, Jan begins to cry and tells you that she just found out she is pregnant and that she plans to leave home so she will not bring shame to her family. She informs you that she has not told her parents about this and wants you to promise to protect her privacy and not share any of this information with her parents.
When citing the two conflicting ethical areas from the Code of Ethics (, you must cite each and discuss their relevance to the practice scenario. You must then fully discuss your decision-making process in determining to which ethical area you are most professionally bound, and the action you would take with the client scenario based on that determination. Remember that you must include any cited sources, including the Code of Ethics, on a reference page at the end of your reflective essay.
Submission Requirements


Approximately 250 words

Social work


Social workers who are proposing a treatment group must think of logistical concerns such as the group size, timing and number of sessions, and processes for gaining informed consent, ensuring confidentiality, and establishing group rules. These items may feel like routine administrative tasks, but they have the power to impact members’ sense of security and the success of the group as a whole. For example, if rules are externally imposed on members, rather than created from within, it may affect empowerment. If one member does not take the informed consent agreement seriously, they might freely disclose confidential information outside the group. As the group leader, the social worker is responsible for developing strategies that help everyone feel safe to share.
In this Assignment, you write the next sections of your Treatment Group Proposal, focusing on group composition, contracting, and orientation of group members.
Composition & Contract: Criteria for inclusion/exclusion, size (number in group), open/closed; contents of contract (number of sessions, frequency, time of meetings, and length)
Orientation: How you will address and ensure confidentiality, obtain informed consent, and establish rules
Recap on the previous proposal with the addition.
Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Pearson.
Chapter 6, “Planning the Group” (pp. 160–195) (Review)
Chapter 7, “The Group Begins” (pp. 196–229)
Chapter 8, “Assessment” (pp. 230–263)


Approximately 250 words