Social work

Personal statement questions

Please answer the two questions below. I will attach my personal statement to give you insight on my life and professional career.
Instructions: Answer the questions below in a double-spaced response. Responses should demonstrate your professional judgement and critical thinking. Failure to address all prompts will affect your overall application.
1. Draw from your own paid employment, volunteer work, or personal experiences to provide examples of how you handled situations as noted in (a) and (b) below. Make sure not to use names or information that might violate the confidentiality of the individuals you decide to use in your descriptions. For both (a) and (b), be sure to explain how you may have grown or learned from the experiences you describe.
a. Cleary describe a situation where you were confronted with a value or ethical dilemm (500 words) How did you resolve it? What were some of the factors you considered in making your decision? If you have never confronted a value or ethical dilemma, on what knowledge would you consider relying on to help you address and resolve one?
b. Discuss a difficult or dangerous situation you encountered. (500 words) How did you handle the situation? What would you do differently in the future and why? Are there any situations in which you would feel particularly vulnerable as a student? How would you expect the School of Social Work to assist your education and skill building concerns in order to handle that type of situation?


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Chi square

One page Instructions- Please review Chi – Square assignment and I have enclosed the instructions
on how to structure the one page
Paragraph 1: discuss why the agency developed a plan to evaluate the program
Paragraph 2: Why did they choose the chi-square statistic to evaluate its effectiveness (take note of why chi-square is used. It has to do w/ whether or not the difference in outcomes b/t 2 groups is significant and the level of measurement that it assesses (nominal or ordinal data))
Paragraph 3: describe the research design using “X” for the intervention and “0” for the observation. For example, if I had an experiment w/ a control group (no intervention) and an experimental group (receives the intervention) and I wanted to measure the impact of a new medication, I might describe the research design as:
Experimental group: O1 X O2 which means I observe them at baseline (O1), give the intervention/medication (X), and then observe them again after the intervention (O2)
Control group: O1 O2 which means I observe that at baseline (O1), but there is not intervention, I then observe them a second time (O2) NOTE: the second observation is at the same time as the second observation for the experimental group.
Paragraph 4: A paragraph that interprets the chi-square value. Here is some clarity on the data and interpreting the chi-square value.
The data in the charts is provided to give a “full picture” of the analysis. However, the only data point that you need to pay attention to is in Chart 3, the Pearson’s chi-square value. This value is used to determine if there is a significant difference between 2 separate groups. In this case, the two groups are: 1) clients who received the intervention (employment training) and 2) clients who did NOT receive the intervention cause they are on the waiting list. The Pearson’s chi-square looks at the outcome which in this case is the “level of employment”. The study is basically asking, is there a significant difference b/t the “level of employment” between those who received the training (experimental group) and those who did NOT receive the training (control group). They carried out the study and determined the level of employment for both groups AFTER the training was administered to the experimental group. The Pearson’s chi-square value helps to determine if the difference between the level of employment b/t the 2 groups is significant. Significant in this case means the difference b/t the level of employment isn’t by chance, but is indeed due to the intervention (employment training). In Statistics, significance is measured by the p-value. A p-value that is below 0.05 is considered significant. If you look at Chart 3, Pearson Chi-square, Asymp Sig. (this is the p-value), is that number above or below 0.05? If it’s below 0.05, then


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Position Paper

Please follow the instructions in the assignment file and choose the readings in units 4 or 5 to complete the assignment. Please follow the assignment file instructions. The purpose of the position paper is to show that you can make a clear argument and back it up based on the ideas presented in Units 4 or 5 of the Study Guide.
Note: Please you can only cite from list of readings from Unit 4 or 5.attached file.


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Discussion 1

Discussion Board 1
Please discuss three questions with a solid paragraph for each question. Each paragraph must be a minimum of 200 words for full credit. There must be intext citations and use of APA style. Use the textbook as major reference.
1. What is social justice in the United States?
2. Which political philosophy mentioned in Chapter 1 do you like the best?
3. What is the role of social justice in social work?


Approximately 250 words

Social work

stages of grief

Choose one of the grieving models from the attached document and answer the following questions in the paper.
*Explain how you would apply the grieving model you selected to social work with families in a hospice environment. Explain why you chose this grieving model versus others.
* Identify elements of the grieving model that might be difficult to apply to your social work practice. Explain why you anticipate these challenges.
*Analyze how diversity might impact the grieving process. How would this inform your application of the grieving model?
* Identify strategies you would use for your own self-care as a social worker providing grief counseling. Explain why these strategies might be effective.


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Week 4

Describe one major federal program providing aid and services to children and families (e.g., income assistance programs, food and nutrition programs, health care programs, child protective services, or education programs). What are the causes and consequences of the program as implemented? What changes could make this a more equitable or accessible program?


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Groupwork – Preparation and Planning

Use the three articles provided and an outside source to create a powerpoint presentation. Make sure to add about 5 questions on the last slide to engage the listeners. Also make sure to make the powerpoint is detailed and great. Also add a reference and work cited slide.


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Social Work Teacher/Instructor Interview and Reflection

The student will interview a social work instructor that they would like to learn more about and write a critical reflection on their findings utilizing the following prompt questions/format:
Teaching Philosophy
What is the instructor’s teaching philosophy?
What are the sources of this philosophy?
Teaching Approach and Methods
What is the overall teaching approach used by the instructor?
How does their teaching philosophy guide this approach?
What theories (if any) of teaching guides their teaching approach?
What are the specific teaching methods, techniques and strategies typically utilized by the instructor?
How does the instructor go about selecting course materials, preparing lesson plans, assignments, tests?
How does the instructor approach his or her teaching with students with various learning styles? various motivations for learning?
How has the instructor incorporated anti-racist practices in their teaching?
Classroom Management
How does the instructor manage the learning environment/ classroom?
How does the instructor establish, facilitate, and maintain an environment that is welcoming of diverse ideas and perspectives?
How does the instructor keep learners on task?
How does the instructor respond to questions and concerns from students?
How does the instructor approach grading, evaluation of assignments, and providing feedback (positive/negative) to students?
How does the instructor assess the overall impact of his or her teaching?
How does the instructor maintain their enthusiasm and commitment to their teaching?
Questions for Critical Reflection
For your critical reflection, analyze the interview information and observation and consider the following questions:
What are the overall findings that are illustrative of the instructor’s teaching?
How does this information inform your own approach to teaching? To teaching diverse learners?


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Jones Case for Writing Assignment 1

Review the following documents:
• NASW Code of Ethics
• Standards of Practice 1.1 Ethical Practice
• Standards of Practice 1.16 Confidentiality and Safeguards Regarding Client, DPP Office, Program, and Facility
• Standard of Practice 1.17 Informed Consent and Release of Information
• Standard of Practice 1.18 HIV/Aids
• 201 KAR 23:080 Code of Ethical Conductment
Write 4-5 pages on the ethical concerns of the Jones Case. At a minimum, include the following sections. Each
section is worth specified points based on well you answer questions utilizing the above materials listed and
specific examples.
a. Identify at least five ethical issues/dilemmas you see in the Jones Case. Cite the Code of Ethics, SOP, and KRS
within each of the above documents that apply to each of the ethical issues/dilemmas you have identified.
b. Discuss how the identified sections of the Codes/Laws/SOP apply specifically to the five identified
issues/dilemmas. (20pts)
c. Select three of the six core values of the Social Work Code of Ethics (Service, Social Justice, Dignity and
Worth of the Person, Importance of Human Relationships, Integrity, and Competence. Discuss how you will
use each of these 3 core values to positively impact the family. Give specific examples of how you will
conduct yourself in these 3 chosen areas to support your work with the family. (40 pts.)
d. Identify three strategies that you will use to practice ethical behavior in the field. (15pts.)


Approximately 250 words

Social work

Discussion Post Response

Colleague 1 Samantha Freeze (They/Them)
Strategic planning is the allocation of resources to achieve goals as defined by their missions, visions, values, and long-term objectives (Salem Press Encyclopedia, 2022). The Salem Press Encyclopedia (2022) reports that strategic statements and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), the five-forces model, and BCG matrix are commonly used paradigms for systematic analysis and strategic planning.
Strategic planning creates a basis for the company to develop goals and plans based on their values and missions; this is important in ensuring social work organizations are aligning their ethics, goals, and processes. Leaders need to be aware of how to keep the organization moving toward the achievement of goals. Thus, they would benefit from an understanding of strategic planning and using strategic methods in addressing new obstacles and opportunities as they arise.
One issue that may arise during the strategic planning portion is ethical dilemmas. According to the Salem Press Encyclopedia (2022), it can be difficult to prevent relationships that create conflicts of interest due to interwoven nature of some companies, which can make it difficult to provide a complete and transparent explanation of the company’s scope to those outside of the organization. This has the potential to prevent clients or referral sources from understanding the complete scope of services that may be offered by an agency.
Strategic planning. (2022). In Salem Press encyclopedia. Salem Press.
Colleague 2 Charlene M Williams
Strategic planning can be valuable by finding the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which is also a SWAT analysis. Considerations through this analytical process factor in the organization’s values, mission, vision, and future to fit into the changes internally and externally (Tarifin, 2021).
To assist in ethical dilemmas and strategic planning, consideration would include stakeholder participation, organizational values, individual values, and managing change. Stakeholder participation offers different ideas and added support. Organizational values are essential statements that guide the organization to gain objectives and balance with the mission. Individual values are the personal values to support the direction of the organization. Managing change is having an individual embrace organizational changes (Robinson, 2003).
Robinson, R. (2003, July 07). Ethical considerations in strategic planning. Charity Village. Retrieved from:
Tarifin N. (2021). A Critical Review of Theoretical Aspects of Strategic Planning and Firm Performance. Open Journal of Business and Management. 9 DOI: 10.4236/ojbm.2021.94107


Approximately 250 words