
PICOT question Related to Effective Communication in Advanced Practice Nursing

*******References must be Scholarly and with 5 years. Cannot be direct quotes. No .com
Evidence-based practice is initiated by nurses and other healthcare professionals who identify questions about specific health-related interventions and the outcomes of those interventions on individuals and populations. The creation of a PICOT question helps guide evidence-based initiatives. The purpose of this worksheet is to provide an opportunity to explore the development of a PICOT question as a foundation for evidence-based practice.
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
CO1: Integrate evidence-based practice and research to support advancement of holistic nursing care in diverse healthcare settings. (PO 1, 4)
CO2: Integrate knowledge related to evidence-based practice and person-centered care to improve healthcare outcomes. (PO 1, 2)
CO3: Demonstrate professional and personal growth through a spirit of inquiry, scholarship, and service in diverse healthcare settings. (PO 3, 4)
CO4: Develop knowledge related to research and evidence-based practice as a basis for designing and critiquing research studies. (PO 1, 2, 5)
Due Date
The assignment should be submitted to the Week 2 PICOT Question Worksheet dropbox by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MST at the end of Week 2. This assignment will follow the late assignment policy specified in the course syllabus.
Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment.
In the event of a situation that prevents timely submission of an assignment, students may petition their instructor for a waiver of the late submission grade reduction. The instructor will review the student’s rationale for the request and make a determination based on the merits of the student’s appeal. Consideration of the student’s total course performance to date will be a contributing factor in the determination. Students should continue to attend class, actively participate, and complete other assignments while the appeal is pending.
Total Points Possible: 100
Review the elements included in PICOT questions to guide evidence-based nursing practice.
Respond to the questions below using the PICOT Question Worksheet Template.
Using a minimum of 3 scholarly nursing sources, current within 5 years:
Identify and describe one practice-related issue or concern. You may choose to build on the practice issue you identified in NR500NP/NR501NP.
Explain why the issue/concern is important to nurse practitioner practice and its impact on health outcomes.
Describe each element of your PICOT question in one or two sentences, being sure to address all of the following:
P-Population and problem– What is the nursing practice concern or problem and whom does it affect?
I–Intervention– What evidence-based solution for the problem would you like to apply?
C–Comparison– What is another solution for the problem? Note that this is typically the current practice, no intervention at all, or alternative solutions.
O–Outcome– Very specifically, how will you know that the intervention worked? Think about how you will measure the outcome.
T–Time frame– What is the Timeframe involved for the EBP initiative or the target date of completion?
Construct your PICOT question in the standard PICOT question format (narrative) and define each letter separately, such as:
P =
I =
C =
O =
T =
PICOT question written in full =
At the graduate level, we like to see you synthesizing your ideas into your own words. No direct quotes may be used in this worksheet.
Use APA formatting guidelines for references and citations.


Approximately 250 words


Philosophy of Nursing

Discussion Board #1 (Philosophy of Nursing)
Discuss your philosophy of nursing by deeply reflecting on your beliefs, values, and assumptions.
1. Define, using a reference, the term “beliefs.” Complete the following sentences:
My beliefs about people…
My beliefs about the environment…
My beliefs about health…
My beliefs about nursing…
2. Define, using a reference, the term “values.” Complete the following sentences:
My values about people…
My values about the environment…
My values about health…
My values about nursing …
3. Define, using a reference, the term “assumptions.” Complete the following sentences:
My assumptions about people…
My assumptions about the environment…
My assumptions about health…
My assumptions about nursing …
4. Synthesize your ideas about your philosophy of nursing & discuss how your philosophy influences the development of your nursing knowledge and informs your clinical practice as an advanced practice nurse?
5. Thought Questions: Should there be a single paradigm, co-existence of complementary paradigms or the creation of an integrated paradigm to advance nursing knowledge to guide research and practice?


Approximately 250 words



Your presentation should include an overview of the health problem identified, an in-depth review of the associated anatomy and physiology, an overview of treatment methodologies, differential diagnosis, and information related to the needs of the patient and/or family related to the problem


Approximately 250 words



strep pharyngitis
Discussion Prompt
students will post a presentation for review and discussion among other students. You may use feedback from your peers to help improve the presentation. Please see the presentation assignment prompt for more details. Your presentation should include an overview of the health problem identified, an in-depth review of the associated anatomy and physiology, an overview of treatment methodologies, and information related to the needs of the patient and/or family related to the problem. Your presentation should be prepared in PowerPoint, and recorded with voice over narration.
Initial Post:
Length: 12-14 slides in length excluding title and reference slides
Citations: At least three high-level scholarly references in APA from within the last 5 years


Approximately 250 words


ACC 5500_Module 1: HW

Two questions – couldn’t complete
One question – need help solving it with step by step
Willing to adjust for a reasonable price


Approximately 250 words


Begin Preparing Summary & Analysis of Nurse Manager Interview

Interview a nurse manager to explore the external factors that influence decision making such as health policy, regulatory requirements, accreditation, and health care financing.
1. Provide an overview of the role of the nurse manager interviewed.
2. Summarize the information from the interview (do not report the interview question by question)
Perceptions related to impact on health policy on decision.
3. Perceptions related to impact of regulatory agencies on decision making. Perceptions related to impact of health care financing on decision making.
4. Analysis of the interview supported by the literature.
Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper is to be no shorter than 4 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).


Approximately 250 words


Importance of higher education in nursing

Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography provides a foundation for you to search and review pertinent literature that aligns with the content and concepts of this course. Through an organized and guided review of the literature, you will begin to develop an understanding of the various types of literature that is causal, biased, and/or peer reviewed. As you progress in your professional education, you will need to learn how to successfully identify peer-reviewed articles within scholarly journals.
Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography on a topic related to nursing.
Please locate the Library and conduct a comprehensive search the scholarly literature for at least 3 peer-reviewed articles published within 5 years. This annotated bibliography should provide sufficient background on your topic with current relevance to nursing practice.
Each article in your annotated bibliography should be referenced according to current APA format. After the reference, you will include a summary, assessment, and a reflection.
Summary: Your summary should focus on an analysis of the information within the article. Please avoid simply repeating the article content. Question the main purpose of the article, main arguments, main points, and main focus. Include the type of research was used in the article and the findings or results.
Assessment: The next step after your summary will be your assessment or evaluation. Question the reliability of the information and if the delivery was objective or biased. Question any limitations, strengths, and weaknesses. How was this content relevant to your topic of interest?
Reflection: The last step is your reflection on how this article aligns with your topic interest. How can you use this article to support or show a contrast on your topic? Describe how the information in the article added to your understanding of your topic. Question if the article influenced your perspective on your topic.
Length: 3-4 pages, not including the Title Page. Include 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources.
Each annotated bibliography should be no longer than one page. Your submission should include a Title Page. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


Approximately 250 words


History Civilization

Please answer the following questions in detail : ( Post should be at least 300 words)
(1) What did all Paleolithic people have in common, and what differences subdivided them?
(2) What were the key changes in human society that came with the Argicultrual Revolution ?


Approximately 250 words


Herb/supplement reflective log : Melatonin

This assignment is for the course of pharmacology at a master level
Provide a professionally written, 3-5 page reflective log narrative about Melatonin, utilizing the guided outline below.
The reflective log should use APA 7 formatting, double-spacing, and 12 font.
You need to use at least three (3) professional references within the past five (5) years to support your reflection.
Please provide the following information in your reflective log:
1. Briefly discuss why you chose to reflect on this herb/supplement.
2. What does this herb/supplement claim to treat and is there evidence that the herb/supplement does what it promises?
3. Do you feel people should take this herb/supplement? Why or why not? Has your research for this reflective log changed
your opinion or any personal bias regarding this herb/supplement?
4. Do you plan to educate or even suggest this herb/supplement in your future practice? Why or why not?
5. Briefly discuss the importance of understanding herbal preparations and/or supplements as a future family nurse practitioner and/or nurse educator
Reflective Log Rubric
Criteria Pts
1. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #1: Briefly discuss why you chose to reflect on this herb/supplement.
10 pts
2. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #2: What does this herb/supplement claim to treat and is there
evidence that the herb/supplement does what it promises? 20 pts
3. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #3: Do you feel people should take this herb/supplement? Why or why not? 20 pts
4. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #4: Do you plan to educate or even suggest this herb/supplement in
your future practice? Why or why not? 20 pts
5. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Question #5: Briefly discuss the importance of understanding herbal
preparations and/or supplements as a future family nurse practitioner and/or nurse educator. 20 pts
6. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar, Spelling, Formatting: 5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning
Outcome APA style and references: 5 pts
Total Points: 100


Approximately 250 words


Nursing Role in Healthcare Reformation

I need you to reply to the following discussion with a minimum of 200 words, 2 references and APA
7th edition format
By Maribel
Nursing Role in Healthcare Reformation
Nurses play a crucial role in prescription drug pricing, the COVID vaccination mandate, and telemedicine as the healthcare system’s advocates for reformation. Nurses’ roles directly impact their families and patients (Heinen et al., 2019). Using the COVID vaccination mandate case study, nurses can recommend healthcare system transformation, and due to their effort, healthcare providers are all expected to get vaccinated. Lives are saved, and the virus propagation, as a result, gets slowed down. Further, nurses have worked hard to enhance telemedicine in the healthcare system because they believe it can improve healthcare access.
They have significantly impacted the growth of telemedicine in the past years. Nurses have also advocated for prescription drug costs to defend the need for reformation in the healthcare system. This is because the families and the patients are impacted directly by the prescription drugs’ high cost (Stucky et al., 2021). The prices of prescription drugs have, as a result, been lowered. For example, these efforts have resulted in an overall reduction of prescription medication in the United States. In general, nurses have a unique view of the effect of healthcare policies on families and positions due to their position.


Approximately 250 words