

You did an excellent job with your discussion. Given that this discussion is about our group assignment in week 6, I would specify whether your proposed organization will focus on substance abuse or mental health services (Richins, n.d.). I would also tell us which demographics will benefit most from these new services (Richins, n.d.). When presenting to the board of directors, it’s reasonable to expect they’ll inquire about the nature of the healthcare organization’s health service initiatives (Richins, n.d.). My group, for instance, extended its work in substance abuse treatment from adults to adolescents. We intended to include features such as a gaming area, a 25-meter pool, and a full-sized sports court, especially since we thought adolescents would desire this treatment. I use the information I have already provided in your Week 6 assignment as the basis for my presentation.
Since there is no set APA style for PowerPoint presentations, there is no single correct method of presentation (Walden University Writing Center, n.d-b). The instructor’s name is usually on the first slide of the PowerPoint, right below the course title (Walden University Writing Center, n.d-a). Consider including at least one image in your PowerPoint presentation can help you stand out and captivate your audience. If you use images in your PowerPoint presentation, ensure they complement and highlight your main points rather than competing with or detracting from them (Elliot, 2023). You can still achieve the appearance and feel you want in your presentation slides by choosing more subdued background images (Elliot, 2023). Incredibly effective PowerPoint: I especially appreciate the emphasis on clarity. It’s easy to understand, and the color choices make it legible. Regarding healthcare, I concur with your recommendations. High-quality patient care is only possible if the health service organization meets the aforementioned conditions. You did a well-done presentation on health reforms.
Elliot, J. (2023). A guide to using images and photos for powerpoint.,overshadow%20or%20distract%20from%20them.
Richins, S. M. (n.d.). Expansion of mental health or substance abuse services business plan. [Discussion board post]. Walden University.
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d-a). APA presentation template (APA 7) [PowerPoint slides].
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d-b). Walden templates: General Templates.


Approximately 250 words


wellness topic of your choice

For this activity, you will write a short paper introducing a wellness topic of your choice. You may use the topic that you worked with in the previous activity or choose a new topic now that you have reflected further. Review the module resources and the instructor feedback you received on the previous activity. Then, if needed, visit the IDS 402 Library Guide for guidance on how to select and narrow a topic. If you are selecting a new topic, do some preliminary research to ensure that you can address each of the required elements of your project. Please remember that you will not be able to change your topic after the end of this module.


Approximately 250 words


Cultural Intelligence Assessment

Part 1 – Instructions & Requirements:
Each learner needs to first access the said assessment; review the assessment; take the assessment; calculate scores in accordance with the specific tool. Once that is complete, a narrative should be written up using the four (4) headers and instructions below:
Main Headings Required (All headers should be bolded and centered)
• Name of the Tool/Assessment Inventory (e.g. DISC Assessment)
• Description of Assessment/Inventory
o Describe the purpose of each tool or personality test (Maximum of 150 Words)
• My Summary
o Give a brief synopsis of how you scored (Maximum of 250 Words)

Discussion (Maximum of 3 pages) –
o Do you agree with the results? Why or why not. Provide examples.
o Areas where you have strengths and opportunities for improvement
o What will you do to enhance your strengths
o How will you address any areas where you need to improve
o Any other insights or things that surprised you
o Discuss how you think your results in relation to your readiness to assume a leadership role
For this assignment only – You DO NOT have to follow the APA formatting requirements, i.e. you do not need Title Page, Abstract, etc. and it does not need to be double-spaced. You do not need to cite or include the individual websites above in the reference list. You also may deviate from use of 3rd person (as is required in scholarly writing) and use 1st person; if desired.


Approximately 250 words


Clean Water, Healthy Food

Prepare a 10-slide PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation (including title slide and reference slide)
Your Discussion submission will consist of a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation with brief “speaker notes” that identifies a water-related or food-related disease, explains the main contributing factors for that disease, and investigates how the problem is (or is not) being addressed. The speaker notes for each slide have a paragraph requirement, so be sure to follow the instructions in the template. It is not necessary to provide a recorded audio narration.
The presentation should be for public health professionals in a professional context. A single slide may not contain more than 50 words, so that it can be read at a glance. Remember, this is not an essay, but a brief presentation, which is typical at a professional conference. Your ten slides should include the following:
Title slide
Analysis of the relationship among water (or food) and global health problems.
Explanation of a specific global health problem related to water (or food).
Explanation of three determinants of the chosen problem.
Analysis of how the above determinants may be impacted by climate change.
Explanation of what is or could be done to resolve the problem.
Support your presentation with evidence citing scholarly literature:
Reference slide: Five or more peer reviewed articles, less than 5 years old.
All references must be in APA format (7th edition).
Note: Where you provide a reference, you must cite it in text at least once. Your citations must be in the PPT slide as well as in the speaker notes.


Approximately 250 words


Strategic Human Resources Management

Based upon your opinion and experience, identify, and rank the three (3) most important human resources considerations in strategic planning. Explain why you chose them and ranked them as you did. Please be sure to cite literature that supports your opinion. Your submission should be no less than 1.5 pages.


Approximately 250 words


Project Plan

I have done a rough draft of this assignment but I am missing a lot of key points. I need a writer who can take what I have already done and make it better and stronger. I have attached my work as well as a brand-new template for you to use.
Please do not take this assignment on if you can not deliver what I am needing


Approximately 250 words



Assignment Instructions
A research problem statement expresses the issue or phenomenon that a project is intended to solve or improve. It also helps to show readers the importance of the issue and defines the context for the study. To make problem statements more compelling, use others’ past research to improve care and inspire further research. A review of the literature can provide knowledge about what others have found useful in addressing problems that are similar to the ones you face. By leveraging this evidence base, you can create clearer and more compelling problem statements.
The purpose statement tells readers the intent of your research. Within the context of this course, the intent is to make improvements related to one or more HACs of your choice. Take, for instance, the case of a hospital-acquired infection resulting from the insertion of a central line. You may determine through the literature search that other methods exist to prevent infections.
Perhaps you noted that the staff members in your organization were not properly using sterile techniques or outlining a sterile field. Your new process may involve adopting better sterile protocols before inserting a catheter. In order to make the change, you will need to provide evidence that this practice is based on research and is clearly accepted as the standard practice.
Select an HAC that is relevant to a health care context with which you are familiar. Create a 2–3 page report that includes the research-based explanation of the background of a problem associated with your chosen HAC. Also, develop appropriate research problem and purpose statements.
If you prefer, choose a condition from a site other than a hospital, such as a free-standing surgical center or long-term care facility. However, most of the literature focuses on HACs because the problem was first identified in hospitals.
This assignment has three distinct parts.
Part 1: Background and Evidence
For this first part of the assignment, select an HAC that is relevant to a health care context with which you are familiar. Use this list as needed:
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2020, February 11). Hospital-acquired conditions.
From your readings and independent research, you will compose a background explanation of the HAC and how it manifests itself as an issue in a health care setting of your choice. You will also create an evidence-based rationale for why further study of this particular HAC is important.
This first part should be 1–2 pages long, with support from the literature for the background of the issue, the importance of the problem within the context of your chosen health care setting, and support for your purpose in pursuing your research project.
Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria
Explain the background of a given research problem based on information in the literature.
Apply evidence-based information to support the development of a given research problem.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and in a manner that is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.
Part 2: Problem Statement
For this second part of the assignment, you will create a problem statement developed from your review of the literature related to your chosen HAC. This problem statement will help to inform the research questions. You will develop these further in the course assignments.
A well-written problem statement should be 1–2 sentences long.
Problem Statement Checklist
Identify the problem that led to the research.
Is it easy to determine?
Do identifying words provide a clue, or is it necessary to formulate the problem on your own, based on other information?
Is the rationale or justification for the problem clearly stated?
Do the words in the problem statement indicate the kind of study performed? Which words in particular?
Is evidence that was cited for the problem provided in the literature?
Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria
Develop a problem statement based on relevant literature.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and that is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.
Part 3: Purpose Statement
For this final part of the assignment, you will develop your purpose statement. It will clearly lay out what you would hope to accomplish as you work toward addressing the problem you have identified. Purpose statements should be grounded in the evidence and indicate the kind of study that will be performed. This purpose statement will help to inform the research questions you develop in throughout the course.
A well-written purpose statement should be 1–2 sentences long.
Purpose Statement Checklist
Identify the purpose that led to the research study.
What is the study intended to accomplish? What are the desired outcomes?
Is the rationale or justification for the purpose clearly stated?
Do the words in the purpose statement indicate the kind of study performed? Which words in particular?
Was the item that was cited as evidence for the purpose published within the last five years?
Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria
Formulate a purpose statement supported by a review of the literature.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and that is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.
Additional Submission Requirements
Structure: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page.
Length: There is no length requirement for this assignment. Most submissions that fully address all scoring guide criteria will be 2–3 pages long.
References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
Format: Use APA style for references and citations.
You may wish to refer to the following APA resources to help with your structure, formatting, and style:
APA Module.
Evidence and APA.
APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX].
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points, double-spaced for narrative portions only


Approximately 250 words


delay in ambulance and A/E times

i want an essay on ambulance delays in responding and long handover times in accident and emergency depts, is it affecting patient care, and are healthcare professionals changing their decisions of care pathways ie – taking more risks/leaving people at home – referring to other healthcare ie district nurses or own general practitioners to follow up in the morning ?
please discuss in the UK
current topic.


Approximately 250 words


Disaster Intervention Presentation

Instructions are attached and please follow the rubric to complete the slides. A total of 10 slides
including title slide and reference slide. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 300
words per slide with citations from references.
I have attached an article from my class on What is psychological first aid? one of questions for
presentation to help with completing slides. It’s called
“During Time of Trauma – What is Psychological First Aid?”
link attached below if article iwhat I attached doesn’t open
This presentation will be a springboard for my final assignment in (week 8) which will also incorporate postdisaster response to a disaster or crisis. Feedback from this assignment will be provided by
my instructor to assist in preparation for my final assignment so will be putting a order after graded
and feedback to complete presentation for week 8.


Approximately 250 words


The Joint Commission Standards HIMA350 Compliance

HIMA350 Compliance
CO3: Maintain organizational compliance with regulations and standards, such as Join Commission, CARF, and COP and state health departments.
CO4: Develop organizational survey readiness for accreditation, licensing, and/or certification process.
Download the Joint Commission standards PDF manual provided. and review pg.19. These are the Joint Commission standards pertaining to the Information Management (IM) standards for 2014.
Choose at least three (3) or more of the IM standards and discuss how you would ensure compliance with your selected standards.
In a 3 pg. written paper identify the steps for a process that would ensure compliance for each of your selected IM standards.
Things to think about:
Who would be involved in the process?
What types of resources are needed to comply with the standard?
How does the standard specifically relates to HIM and how should the HIM Department be involved in the process?
Requirement: Use proper APA style, 7th edition for your in-text citation, and for your source references.
AHIMA 2018 Curriculum Competencies
Domain V. Health Law & Compliance
V.2. Evaluate compliance with external forces.


Approximately 250 words