
Benchmark – Nursing Process: Approach to Care

The nursing process is a tool that puts knowledge into practice. By utilizing this systematic problem-solving method, nurses can determine the health care needs of an individual and provide personalized care.
Write a paper (1,750-2,000 words) on cancer and approach to care based on the utilization of the nursing process. Include the following in your paper:
Describe the different types of diagnostic methods utilized to identify possibility of cancer. Explain the numeric and Tumor, Node, Metastasized (TNM) method of staging of cancer after the confirmed diagnosis.
Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.
Discuss what factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans.
Explain what the American Cancer Society (ACS) might provide for education and support. What ACS services could a nurse recommend for these patients and why?
Explain how the nursing process is utilized to provide safe and effective care for cancer patients across the life span. Your explanation should include each of the five phases demonstrating the delivery of holistic and patient-focused care.
How does an interdisciplinary research approach (which includes liberal arts, science studies, mathematics, social and physical sciences), build on the foundational nursing knowledge related to cancer research?
You are required to cite a minimum of four sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.


Approximately 250 words


Replies to the article posted by a peer (YANEMORE)

Replies to the article posted by a peer (YANEMORE)
Academic articles must include the 2019-2022 period, bibliographic reviews prior to these years are not accepted
The Importance of Community Engagement and Education in Improving Health Outcomes:
A Personal Experience in Advocacy.
I had the opportunity to influence healthcare through advocacy during my time as a student nurse.
I had the privilege of participating in a local health fair that a community organization was putting on. The fair aimed to educate the community about various health issues and provide resources for preventative care.
During the fair, I worked with a team of nurses and other healthcare professionals to provide health screenings and education to community members. One of the main focuses of the fair was diabetes prevention and management. As a team, we provided information about the risk factors for diabetes and resources for managing the disease.
One of the main challenges we faced during the fair was that many attendees were from low-income communities and did not have access to regular healthcare. As a result, many of them were not aware of the risk factors for diabetes or the resources available for managing the disease.
To address this challenge, we worked with community organizations and healthcare providers to provide information about low-cost healthcare options and financial assistance programs. We also provided information about community resources such as free health clinics and support groups.
Through this experience, I realized the importance of community engagement and education in improving health outcomes. It helped me understand that to be effective in advocacy work, it is vital to understand the community’s needs and work with existing resources to address them.
This experience was consistent with the studies of Trief et al. (2018), which showed that community-based participatory research is a practical approach to addressing health disparities and improving health outcomes in disadvantaged communities. Also, Green et al. (2022) study stated that community-based participatory research is a powerful tool for engaging community members and healthcare providers in the research process, which can lead to the development of interventions that are more likely to be adopted and sustained by the community.
In conclusion, my experience participating in the local health fair was a valuable learning opportunity that reinforced the importance of community engagement and education in improving health outcomes. It also highlighted the importance of understanding the community’s needs and working with existing resources to address them effectively in advocacy work.
Trief, P. M., Mollica, R. L., & Danoff-Burg, S. (2018). Community-based participatory research: a strategy for reducing health disparities. American journal of public health, 108(2), 153–160.
Green, L. W., George, M. A., Daniel, M., Frankish, J., & Bowie, J. (2022). Community-based participatory research: its role in future cancer control research. Cancer control, 19(1), 3–8.


Approximately 250 words


Assignment 1.1 – Developmental Theorist

Step 1: Using the information from your textbook, PowerPoint presentations, and the Internet.
Compare and contrast two of the major developmental theories founded by Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson.
-Include each stage of development
-Discuss the major characteristics associated with each stage of development
-Explain which theory your feel is more favorable


Approximately 250 words

American Literature

Ben Franklin

Note how Franklin frames “The Way to Wealth.” He opens upon Poor Richard, eavesdropping on a village elder, called Father Abraham, who has been asked a question involved with civic matters: “Won’t these taxes quite ruin the country?” (443). But does Father Abraham provide a direct answer to that question? Indeed, does he even speak of civic matters at all? Endlessly quoting Poor Richard, Father Abraham addresses what sphere of human activity? Why? Does he persuade the people? What does his answer mean? Answer and discuss these questions with detail. Defend your answers!
Re-read “The Way to Wealth.” Then, select any three of Poor Richard’s maxims, and write “imitations” of them; that is, “plug in” your own words at the appropriate points. Example: for “He that hath a trade, hath an estate,” one could write, “She that hath a husband, hath a curse.”
What is the main argument Franklin is making through Polly? Where and what are the double-standards Franklin identifies through Polly’s speech? If his argument more or less effective argued through the lens and voice of Polly or would he have been more rhetorically successful had he argued as himself or created a male character? Why?
How does Franklin’s “Remarks Concerning the Savages of North Carolina” relate to cultural relativism? The definition of satire is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Where do you see instances of Franklin’s use of satire and what point is he making with it?
Describe the last line, “You see they have not yet learned those little good things, that we need no meetings to be instructed in, because our mothers taught them to use when we were children; and therefor it is impossible their meetings should be, as they say, for any such purpose, or have any such effect: they are only to contrive the cheating of Indians in the price of beaver.


Approximately 250 words


The purpose of learning the ropes of policy, politics and advocacy is to influence health care or broader social agendas that influence human health. Discuss a time where you influence health care through advocacy. The discussion must address the topic.

The purpose of learning the ropes of policy, politics and advocacy is to influence health care or broader social agendas that influence human health. Discuss a time where you influence health care through advocacy.
The discussion must address the topic.
Academic articles must include the 2019-2022 period, bibliographic reviews prior to these years are not accepted


Approximately 250 words


perpetua journey, faith, gender and power in roman empire

What role do Christianity, the Roman Empire, family, individual, gender and community (respond to either 1, 2 or 3 of these points) play in shaping Perpetuas identity?


Approximately 250 words



Select a company that you have a positive impression of and find interesting.
Create a scorecard for your selected company for using financial information and ratios.
How would the company position itself, develop, and innovate using the outcomes of the scorecard?


Approximately 250 words


Module 1: Database Search Paper

Search Google Scholar or a bibliographic database like CINAHL using a simple keyword relevant to a clinical topic of interest.
Find an evidence-based practice article, systematic review, practice guideline, or research report from a non-American author and center. Examine the author’s details to determine what country the scholar comes from.
Read the source and write a 1- to- 2 page paper summarizing the article and its focus and explaining if the focus is relevant to nursing care in the United States. Include your opinion on how the perspective is similar and different from a typical U.S. perspective.
Submission and Assessment Guidelines
The activity should follow APA (7th ed.) format and be no more than 1–2 double-spaced pages in length. This does not include the title or reference pages.
Be sure to cite your sources.
Submit your written assignment as a Microsoft Word document


Approximately 250 words


Discuss the differences and similarities between quantitative, qualitative and mix methods research studies.

Discuss the differences and similarities between quantitative, qualitative and mix methods research studies.
Academic articles must include the 2019-2022 period, bibliographic reviews prior to these years are not accepted


Approximately 250 words


Health, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Aid

1. How should humans respond to the myriad disasters and catastrophes worldwide (natural and man-made)?
2. Who should fund? Who should organize/ manage?
3. Specify which organization would be best suited to this challenge and provide a specific rationale including examples of their previous successes.
Jacobsen (2024) 4th Ed Chapters 5, 7
Additional Readings/Resources:
Oxfam. (n.d.) Food and Climate Change.
Gender Dynamics of Disaster Risk and Resilience
The gender gap in the disaster risk management sector: why it matters
Disaster risk reduction
Remember to support your comments with evidence from the weekly materials, literature, or other evidence-based resources using APA format with references/citations.


Approximately 250 words