Business and Management

Key Techniques for Managing Virtual Teams

Identify key techniques for improving your management of a virtual team. Describe the technique and explain how you would use it. Include in your description, how technology would be used with the technique.
Please use: and


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


Throughout your readings this week, you came across several different leaders that were mentioned as examples of leadership.
Pick a leader of your choosing that you felt you can look up to due to their leadership skills. Explain why you feel this?
Include some background on their life, what did they contribute to society, and how do you relate to them.
Write a 2-page essay APA formatting style.
Look under Purdue Owl for APA 7th Edition Guidelines.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Portfolio Analysis

Considering the process of spend category management, what is the purpose of the Portfolio Analysis process, what are the two dimensions a supply manager evaluates and how does the quadrant classification add value in allocating supply management resources?


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

The Importance of Critical Thinking

100 % no plagiarism
short deadline
need at least one peer-reviewed source
please see attached document for all instructions


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Week 1 Ethical Exercise

Moralists believe that ethical behavior is that which produces the greatest good and that which conforms to moral rules and principles. Ethics is much more than a personal decision. In theory, ethics is how you react to temptation when no one is looking. The reality is that, for most, the “greatest good” invariably turns out to be what is good for the individual making the ethical decision. There is no ethical policy stronger than the leadership provided by the head of the organization.
Describe what factors help to create an ethical workplace. Should organizations have a code of ethics? Why or why not? Should good faith determine whether an act is legal or illegal? Provide an example or two.
Through writing this assignment, you will be responsible for using a minimum of 2 scholarly/peer-reviewed sources (e.g. GMC Library). Textbooks are not considered a scholarly/peer-reviewed source; however, they may still be included as a supplemental reference.
Your assignment is to be a minimum of 500 words. Going over the minimum page length requirement is acceptable; however, I am not looking for a 10+ page essay.
Be as thorough as possible when writing your assignment, and remember, this is an academic assignment, so no “text-talk,” no conversational tone, and ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS… don’t plagiarize!! Lastly, spell-check and proofread your work! Failure to follow these steps will negatively impact your grade.
For this course, you will submit the graded activity using Turnitin. An Originality Report will become available within a few minutes after your first submission. Inside the Originality Report will be a Similarity Index. The Similarity Index shows a percentage of the material in your paper which matches other sources found by Turnitin. You will be expected to have a Similarity Index of less than 20%. If your Similarity Index is greater than 20% you will need to review your Originality Report to be sure that you have paraphrased your work appropriately, and cited your sources correctly.
The Originality Report will help you to avoid plagiarism and improve the quality and content of your essay. It is strongly suggested that you keep direct quotations to a minimum, and never copy and paste text without proper citations. You have until the activity due date to resubmit your work, however, there will be a 24-hour delay before the Originality Report becomes available. It is your responsibility to submit your activity on time, with a Similarity Index of less than 20%.
General APA Formatting Guidelines:
The assignment should have an APA title page and an APA reference page. The APA title page and APA reference page DO NOT count towards the minimum word count! Your body of work needs to be a minimum of 500 words. Note that an APA abstract page is NOT required!
Font Type: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 point
Margins: 1 inch on all sides
Spacing: Double-spacing
Justification: Left
Paragraph Indentation: Use the Tab key to indent all paragraphs one half-inch from the left margin


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

anxiety research paper


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

last part of new policy assignment

Academic writing is different from business writing. The purpose of this assignment is to create a positive message using email for two different audiences and one negative message for a third audience regarding the same, sensitive topic.
Your message for each write-up should be 200-250 words. You may submit either three separate files or one document file with a clear page separation between the three communications.
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted how businesses operate and communicate. For a number of months, all company employees have been working from home. Your organization feels it is now time to create a new normal by letting employees know it is time to return full-time to the office. Your leadership feels this is important for productivity and is not making it optional for employees. The new policy elements include the following:
New Policy
In the new fiscal year, all employees will need to return to the office for work.
There will no longer be an option to work from home the entire work week.
Employees will have the option to work from home one day per week, excluding Mondays or Fridays, providing no meetings or in-person presentations are scheduled that cannot be done through video conferencing.
Employees who refuse to return to work will need to connect HR directly to discuss their decision.
The organization will also begin providing daily continental breakfast and coffee in the morning for employees.
This is a company-wide change and there will absolutely be no exceptions.
Separation Communication Task: Communicate to Noncompliant Employees
For your final task, create a professional email communication to inform a group of employees that their employment with the organization will be terminated as a result of noncompliance with the new policy change that was previously implemented.
The Christian faith seeks to exercise compassion, justice, and concern for the common good. In your communication responses you developed, how do you believe one or more of these principles is evident?


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Consulting Project – Request for Proposal

Please read the attached assignment.
My role is to write the first 3 items. Case and request are attached, please contact me for any questions.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Responses to Discussion Posts

The two discussion posts below will need to be responded to, each with a different response. I will also post the original questions that the discussion posts are referring to. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Original question: Consider these questions:
How does the new info impact you?
How will you use the new information?
What value does this have for you?
Now, briefly describe and evaluate a group communication experience from this past week. Use the theories and concepts from chapter 4 to frame your analysis. For example, you may want to explicitly compare/contrast the experience with the “5 Guidelines for Sending Messages Effectively” or situate the experience within the “3 Levels of interaction” or any number of other options that make sense to you.
Post One: I found the information from this week was very informative. I like to think that I effectively communicate; however, after reading all of the material from this week, I realize that different individuals receive information different. What works for one, may not work for all. In addition, the more individuals there are in a group the more lines of communication there are open, which in turn may make things more complicated if everyone is not on the same page. For example, a group of four individuals consists of twelve interactions. In a group it can become very important how one sends and receives messages, asking for feedback is an important part of this process. Receivers decode the message sent by the sender and interpret its meaning (Johnson & Johnson, 2013). The value this information has to me, is I am going to be more mindful of not only trying to ensure that my messages are clear and concise, but that they are also complete and encourage cohesiveness. I will also make sure that I am more aware of asking for feedback to ensure that all group members have interpreted the message as it was intended.
At my job I am an executive director. Underneath me, I have house manager, one director, and entry level staff. Every morning, the house managers, director and I have morning huddles. Bi-weekly I also am a part of the senior admin meeting, which consists of the senior admin, along with the C-suite members. Over the past few weeks, my huddles have not been very productive, and morale has seemed to be lower. I attribute a lot of this to one group member, who has been there longer than most of the other group members and is particularly negative. Members of the executive team have also grown increasingly frustrated at this one group members reactiveness to certain situations and the negative repercussions it sometimes holds for us as an agency. This week, I took a different approach in trying to address this individual in efforts to better serve the team. I should note that this individual is located much farther away than the rest of the agency, so I understand some of his frustrations.
This week I decided to hold a meeting with that individual, myself, and our HR director. I wanted to ensure that not only was I understanding what he was trying to communicate, but that he understood the agencies values and missions and to ensure that the tasks that I gave to him, were in fact being interpreted correctly and completed. In preparation for this meeting, I wanted to make sure that when I did meet with him that I was clearly owning my messages by using singular pronouns. I also wanted to establish my credibility, make my messages complete and specific, as well as was aware of my body language and the nonverbal message that could be perceived. In addition, I also made sure I was redundant so that the same message was conveyed more than once, so it really sunk in (Johnson & Johnson, 2013). I started off the meeting by working with that individual to set goals for the new year. Once we both himself and I set some goals for the year, I got to the point about the negativity and attitude. I stated “I noticed a shift in your attitude and behavior, and it is negatively impacting the staff, the growth, and activity in your area and with the upcoming growth and expansion for 2023, I think this is a hood idea that we address this now. I highlighted the area in which he was performing poorly or underperforming. I also made sure to note what he was doing right. After I got done going through all of this, I asked for his thoughts on what I listed and anything he would like to share. I made sure to take notes and when he shared paraphrased to make sure I interpreted his meanings and his intentions correctly. A groups engagement style can be conceptualized in three phases which consists of preparation, action engagement, and reflection (London & Sessa, 2007). I was actually very nervous to address this but knew I had to because of the rest of the group dynamic. I was actually pleasantly surprised. It appeared that he understood, had more concrete goals, and recognized where he could improve upon. Moving forward i will try to be more transparent and be more direct even with difficult conversations.
Post Two: Chapter 4 of “Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills” discusses group communication, interaction analysis, and communication influences. As a manager and as someone who works with a larger team, it is significantly valuable to understand how to effectively communicate with others. I often send emails, make phone calls, and attend meetings to do my work. Applying good communication skills is a necessary asset to have in any career. Our readings helped provide insight to how to improve these soft skills.
This past week, I observed how the communication in my weekly work meeting was influenced and impacted by a remote environment. The authors, Johnson and Johnson, explore how physical influences can facilitate or hinder communication. For my Zoom meetings, there is lack of a shared physical environment. When a team member does not turn their camera on, it takes away from nonverbal communication. According to the reading, one of the criteria for sending a message effectively is to be congruent with your verbal and nonverbal messages. A staff member had their camera off and shared how their weekend went. Without being able to see their face, it was difficult to interpret if they enjoyed their weekend or not. Another criteria of effective communication is giving and receiving feedback. It is valuable to see your colleagues’ reactions because it helps provide some validation or confirmation of understanding, such as a smile or a head nod. I explained a new system and I noticed one of my team members had a confused look on their face. For this example, the nonverbal communication prompted me to clarify on my explanation. As a result, we encourage our staff to have their cameras on so we are able to establish better communication and connection within the group.
Johnson and Johnson discuss how seating arrangements can impact communication as well. People who sit at the head of the table typically tend to command more authority and influence over the group. However, in my Zoom meeting, we are all given an equally-sized square where we can easily make eye contact with everyone in the meeting. Chapter 4 articulates that easy eye contact increases interactions, friendliness, and cooperativeness within a group. I appreciate that it does not favor one “seat” over the other and we can have face-to-face conversations with everyone. I appreciated being able to see my colleagues, even if it was through Zoom, because it made me feel more connected to them in comparison to if they had their cameras off.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management


Write an email to a friend ( formal business communication ) who is thinking of starting their own business. Your friend has decided that after they were made redundant as a result of Covid pandemic that they want to be their own boss and as you are a business school student, they have turned to you for advice and guidance. Their initial idea is to import cheap mobile phones from Taiwan or China and sell them to rural investors in emerging economies who need mobile business communications that is cheap and reliable in order to grow their pwn business, They specifically want to know about the following topics:
-The pros and cons of different legal structures and which would be best for them?
-How they could measure the competitiveness of the market stricture?
Theory that may assist you should include:
-legal structures
-portert’s 5 forces
-market structure
-HMRC import duties


Approximately 250 words