
3questions to answer

will post pictures of the assignment but first I will post the reading /assigmmemt has to be 250 words


Approximately 250 words


History Civilization

Please answer the following questions in detail : ( Post should be at least 300 words)
(1) What did all Paleolithic people have in common, and what differences subdivided them?
(2) What were the key changes in human society that came with the Argicultrual Revolution ?


Approximately 250 words


The Varied Concepts of History- A Comparision of Bloch, Certeau and Ruiz

Take a look at Ruiz’s other scholarship: Spanish Society: 1348-1700 and Medieval Europe and the World From late Antiquity to Modernity, and his essays in Order and Innovation in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Joseph R. Strayer (Princeton Legacy Library, From Heaven to Earth: The Reordering of Castilian Society in the Late Middle Ages (2004); Crisis and Continuity: Land and Town in Late Medieval Castile (1994) And bloch’;s Feudal Society and The Royal Touch.
Please be critical.


Approximately 250 words


Hollitz Thinking Through the Past Chapter 1

Read Hollitz Chapter 1, I have attached a pdf copy of the chapter down below.
1) How do each of the four sources present the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Republican governments in the southern states? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, how these governments are described, and the views of carpetbaggers and scalawags.
2) How do each of the four sources view African Americans? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, any racial assumptions about African Americans, and any arguments about their role in shaping Reconstruction and their own lives.
3) How do each of the four sources view the overturning of Reconstruction? Among other topics, be sure to address what is different about each source’s approach and content, whether the seizure of power by white southerners is viewed as a welcome or regrettable development, and the role of the terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan.


Approximately 250 words


philippine revolution template provided

Historical research topic is the Philippine Revolution
For reference my research question I chose is: Why did Spain decide to take control of the Philippines’?
Template is provided and explains what needs to be done
All you have to do is complete the template provided


Approximately 250 words


Colonial Indentured Servant System

Colonial Indentured Servant System
Aaron S. Fogleman wrote From slaves, convicts, and servants to free passengers in which he
described colonial labor.
Explain the growth of the colonial indentured servant system.
Explain how the system of indentured servitude was organized.
Explain who participated in the system.
Explain their goals and motives
Explain how this system of servitude shaped the American colonies.
Explain why indentured servitude eventually declined and gave way to the Atlantic slave trade as a major source of colonial labor.


Approximately 250 words


John Hancock’s Boston Massacre Oration (1774)

In 1768, the British government ordered two regiments of British Redcoats, with two more to follow, to Boston, Massachusetts. Many colonists had protested and refused to comply with two attempts by Parliament to impose taxes on them in the preceding years. The Stamp Act (1765) had called for a tax on public documents and newspapers, among other things, and the Townshend Act (1767) had tried to levy duties on a few specific commodities. Those acts triggered outrage and defiance, especially in Boston. So the troops sent to Boston in 1768 were intended to bring order and respect for the British authority to the center of opposition to British policy. Almost immediately tensions flared between soldiers and civilians, and they continued to rise and fall in the months that followed. Those tensions produced a violent clash on March 5, 1770, when several British soldiers, surrounded by an angry crowd, fired upon the colonists and mortally wounded or killed five of them. In the following years, Bostonians gathered on the anniversary of the “Boston Massacre” to hear a notable speaker discuss the event and its significance. In 1774, that speaker was the wealthy merchant John Hancock.
what Hancock said were the primary dangers posed by standing armies and the benefits of militias. What do you think is significant about of this “Massacre Oration”?


Approximately 250 words


perpetua journey, faith, gender and power in roman empire

What role do Christianity, the Roman Empire, family, individual, gender and community (respond to either 1, 2 or 3 of these points) play in shaping Perpetuas identity?


Approximately 250 words


History essay

Response Assignment 1: Hector St. Jean de Crèvecoeur, “What is an American?”, 1782
Your response should be about one page – but do not let it exceed two pages. It should include a clear thesis and a set of arguments that responds to the questions below. Your essay must be submitted on Canvas by 2:00 on Monday -before the assignment closes and you are unable to submit.
Questions to be answered:
What is the significance of this document for understanding America at the beginning of the 19th Century?
How does this document add to our understanding of citizenship at the beginning of the 19th Century?
How does this primary source provide evidence for Annette Gordon-Reed’s research for her article “Creating ‘We the People’” (pages 119 – 122).
What is the relationship between Hector St. John Crevecoeur’s views on the definition of an American and John Adams views on slavery in “Slavery and Race in Jeffersonian America (1801)”?
Please answer the following question separately from the essay – include it at the end of the essay as a separate answer. There are no right or wrong answers to this question so do not worry about how it might affect your grade (we will discuss it in class after the essays are graded) The goal is to inspire you to think about the document beyond the questions asked in the essay prompt):
Please pose at least one discussion question about this reading. If you were leading a class discussion, what do you think would be important to talk about with regard to “What is an American,” John Adams statement on slavery, and/or Annette Gordon-Reed’s secondary source?
Responses will be graded according to the following criteria:
Is the response written in essay form, with a thesis, a set of paragraphs that each address a distinct argument in support of the thesis, and a conclusion? (3 points)
Does the response address all the questions posed? (2 points)
Does the response demonstrate that the student has done a close and careful reading of the text? (1 point)
Does the response demonstrate a concerted effort to think about the significance of the text and its relationship to course topics and other texts? (2 points)
Does the response make sense? Are the ideas within it clearly communicated? (2 points)
You will be asked to submit your essay as a file upload and will be required to use Turnitin, an app that detects plagiarism. Turnitin will generate a report that will help you to see where you might need to cite information in your essay. Please let me or your TA know if you have questions.


Approximately 250 words


Module 12 – Descending into the Twentieth Century: The Great War and Revolutions, 1914-1920

What were the Causes, and what was the Trigger of World War 1?
What were the Causes, and what was the Trigger of World War 1? Moreover, were the causes justified reasons for war? Lastly, do historians, and you agree on why the war happened in the first place?
To set the stage, start by viewing the following documentary (35:32 min) and include the causes listed and reasoning discussed in your reply – see: History of World Civilizations – Causes of World War I:
Please use the docu-presentation, your eBook, or a reputable academic source of your choice (you will need to name at least two historians with differing opinions for your last section of the question.
Write your assessment in essay format, with in-text citations and works cited section. The essay should be about 300 words in total(if over the word count that is fine need a detailed and eneging response). Please review and follow my instructions with examples of Originality, Citation, and Format(Citation sources are provided).


Approximately 250 words