
Biblical Position Paper Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking about the nature of human behavior, specifically the deviant side of humanbehavior. A detailed discussion of 5-6 pages of the various aspects of the fall of man and the temporal ramifications will beexplored. The heart of man and the wayward desires of the heart should also be explored in an effort to better understand theease of finding oneself on the wrong side of the law. For this assignment, your only source should be Scripture.
Please adhere to current APA guidelines and do not exceed the paper’s page limit.
Also, I would like a draft of the assignment; please proofread for common spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors before submitting the final assignment. (I prefer Grammarly or a similar program.)
Finally, submit a plagiarism report.


Approximately 250 words


Organizational communication

This week conduct an interview with someone in your organization whose work involves implementing organizational communication strategies.
Prepare to interview this person by creating a list of questions and topics you want to discuss in the interview. The interview should focus on organizational communication and strategies that determine what, when, and how information is communicated within the organization.
You may conduct the interview in person, over the phone, or via web conferencing.
Summarize the interview as a 3- to 5-minute video. Encapsulate what you and your interviewee discussed.
Appraise the communication strategies used in your organization and share any insight you gained on how the process can be improved.
Present yourself as if you are reporting back to your employer. Be sure to wear professional attire.


Approximately 250 words



Understanding Attributions:
In discussing attribution theory, your readings point out that the thousands of possible explanations for success and failure can be classified into a few categories. The most basic categories are stability (a factor is either fairly permanent or unstable), locus of causality (a factor is either external or internal to the person), and locus of control (a factor is or is not under our control). In this activity, you’ll explore your understanding of these attribution categories.
Provide a sport example that illustrates and defines the attribution categories listed.
a. Stability: stable
b. Stability: unstable
c. Locus of causality: internal
d. Locus of causality: external
e. Locus of control: in one’s control
f. Locus of control: out of one’s control
Helping Lucille Regain Her Soccer Success
Read the following case study and submit a 2-page program for helping Lucille regain her motivation by overcoming her outcome goal orientation.
After several years of training, Lucille has finally received a scholarship offer to play division one soccer. Outcome goals have always been her driving force:be the fastest, toughest, score more goals, and get more assists. Unfortunately, after an All-American high school career, Lucille is having a rough beginning at college. Her shooting and passing accuracy is struggling. To make matters worse, she is struggling a bit with minor injuries, which makes it difficult to maintain consistent playing time.
As Lucille’s frustrations continue to increase, she begins to no longer enjoy practice and even competition. She blames her poor performance on injuries, playing time, field conditions and teammates unwilling to pass the ball. The outcome-goal orientation now seems to produce a lower self-confidence, self-doubt, and less motivation.
Remember, APA in-text documentation and end references are required. Please review the grading rubric for helpful information.


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media

10-1 Discussion: Communication Reflection

You assume the role of an employee. review the communication policies and information of two managers, and respond accordingly with interests, questions, and preferences of your own.
Assuming the role of a manager, I will want fellow employees to know that my communication style will be explicit. I will set clear and concise expectations from not only them but from management. I will want everyone to understand that I have an open door policy and building trust among one another is very important to me. Any issues or problems that arise will be handled discreetly and with the utmost concern whether personal or professional. I will encourage a positive environment where people will feel comfortable knowing their voice matters. I will also ensure that people know when they are doing a good job and when there needs to be improvement. I will ensure monthly and/or quarterly meetings or tailgates are held to advise of any changes being made, making sure everyone is on the same page.
Communication is one of the most important things to me, especially being in a management role. All too often people feel left out of the loop and the moral in the environment can drop when management does not take the time to relay information, keeping everyone up to speed. Making expectations clear for both sides and upholding your side can drastically alter for the better the behavior of the employees. It may seem cliche, however, “Leading by example” could not be more true when in a management role. Leading with morals, integrity, hard work, communication, and building trust are truly keys to success within any organization.


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

HR405: Strategic Management of HR- module 1

Human Resource Strategy and Planning
This is an exciting time for human resource professionals as they serve many different roles in an organization. One such role is that of a strategy partner who helps interpret how a business is running and forecast the human implications.
Watch these videos on the future role of human resources and the techniques used in the HR planning process. Then respond to the questions in Part 1.
First video : Whirling Chief. (2016, September 1). Future role of human resources business partner | Sesil Pir

second video: GreggU. (2018, November 13). Human resource strategy and planning

Part 1
Describe the contribution of human resources in the strategic planning of a company, and share how you think the role of HR will evolve in the future.
Please conduct additional research to support your response, citing at least one scholarly source in APA format. Your response should be well-developed and 250 words long.


Approximately 250 words


Prepare Problem and Purpose Statements

As you learned this week, most educational areas of topical interest can be the subject of either theoretical (basic/fundamental) or applied research, but the research must align with your degree program.
For this assignment, you will consider your area of interest from both theoretical and applied research approaches. In light of what you learned about the differential focus and scope of EdD and PhD dissertation research and the role of problem and purpose statements in research, write problem statement and purpose statement sentences from both research foci.
Then, make sure to use all of the information you have learned from the course, textbook, and the resources provided for this assignment to develop the statement of the problem into two complete paragraphs of no more than 250-300 words and cite the relevant literature that supports this ongoing problem of inquiry.
Organize your work as follows:
Section 1: Find one dissertation in the library ProQuest database, find the problem statement, then assess the problem statement in one paragraph. Make sure your assessment includes the specific problem sentence and whether this sentence fits the requirements for a strong problem statement as indicated in the lesson materials and resources for the week; be sure to specifically discuss why or why not.
Section 2: A one-paragraph summary of your topical area of interest
Section 3: A side-by-side (example below) presentation of problem and purpose statement sentences for your potential study, from both a theoretical (basic/fundamental-PhD) and applied (EdD and EdS) focus. ( this needs to be a table


Approximately 250 words

Communications and Media

10-1 Discussion: Communication Reflection

You assume the role of an employee. review the communication policies and information of two managers, and respond accordingly with interests, questions, and preferences of your own.
As I assume the role of a manager, I want to work together as one collaborative team to meet goals and deadlines. I want to have a positive work environment that encourages innovation and promotes team. I am here to work alongside all of you to help meet these goals. I have an open-door policy; you are all welcome to come to me anytime. My office is a safe place and I encourage all of you to come to me with any ideas or issues that may arise. Anything that is discussed behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors. My office is a judgment-free zone!
In saying that communication is so important to me and I believe it is the key to success. I will have open communication with all of you verbally and written. I want you all to be successful and I will do my best to help you reach your full potential. I welcome emails as well as meetings in person. I want you all to feel comfortable and create a trusting environment. Open communication helps create transparency and everyone on the same page. This will help reduce and eliminate most conflicts as well as make sure we all understand the vision of our company. It is important that you understand why you are doing what you are doing and what is expected of all of you. I will try to meet with you all routinely so understand these expectations and how you are performing. This will also provide time for you to let me know you are performing and that I can do anything differently. Working together will help us meet the goals and vision of the company!


Approximately 250 words


week 2 discussion

You are required to participate in a discussion board most weeks. These are an example
of informal writing, which is less polished than formal writing. However, your
contributions to the discussion board are still expected to be thoughtful and well‐
crafted. You must first write a response to a posted question, which will come from the
week’s posted PowerPoint. The length of your contributions to the discussion board will
vary based on the question posed, but typically you should write a short paragraph of
about 5 to 6 sentences
1. Due to changing socioeconomic conditions and a newly enriched merchant class, the art market in northern Europe expanded during the fifteenth century. Give one example of a work of art that could not have existed in an earlier era and explain why.


Approximately 250 words

Medicine and Health

ST 1/15

Respond to the attachment with a substantive contribution by asking questions and/or adding additional insight and resources.
Refer to the Rubric for specific grading criteria on what constitutes substantive
content and peer engagement.


Approximately 250 words

Medicine and Health

C 1/15

Respond to the attachment with substantive contribution by asking questions and/or adding additional
insight and resources.
Refer to the Rubric for specific grading criteria on what constitutes substantive
content and peer engagement.


Approximately 250 words