
Diabetes Insipidus

describe a specific endocrine disease. ( DIABETES INSIPIUS ) You will need to list the endocrine gland and hormone(s) that are affected, the signs and symptoms of the disease, medical tests used to diagnose the disease and possible treatments for the disease. Feel free to use a picture(s) to help describe the disease.


Approximately 250 words


440 DISCUSSION 5 # 2

Module 5 Overview
Done: View
Quality drives excellence. How does nursing play a role in quality outcomes? The profession does this daily by providing excellent care to patients. The quality outcomes are also heavily dependent on the nursing case management team. This is becoming more prevalent with the demands to treat patients in an outpatient setting. So that lends the question; how soon is too soon for discharge? It also creates the need for strong care teams that can manage patients aggressively in an outpatient setting. This week will challenge us to look at our organization’s quality outcomes and programs and determine if they are effective or not. We will also begin to evaluate quality from a community aspect and discuss the impact of that on patient outcomes.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Identify the concept of patient centered healthcare goals
Describe the role of quality programs on a community
Explain the difference between differing quality outcomes.
Reading & Resources
Review the National Committee for Quality Assurance certification criteria.
Janet, P. B., Thoumi, A., Marquevich, V., De Groote, W., Linamara, R. B., Imamura, M., Vinicius, D. R., Wang, N., Dreinhoefer, K. E., Mangar, A., Ghandi, D. B. C., Ng, Y. S., Kheng, H. L., Tan Wei Ming, J., Yong, H. P., Inzitari, M., Mmbaga, B. T., Shayo, M. J., Brown, D. A., . . . Stein, J. (2020). COVID-19: maintaining essential rehabilitation services across the care continuum. BMJ Global Health, 5(5)
Prasad, V. L, Fay, K., & Mora, C. (2020). Complex Care Center: A Tool for the Care Continuum Conundrum. The Journal of Medical Practice Management, 35(6), 314-320.
Sauro, K., Maini, A., Machan, M., Lorenzetti, D., Chandarana, S., & Dort, J. (2021). Are there opportunities to improve care as patients transition through the cancer care continuum? A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 11(1)
Learning Activities
Discussion: Participate in Discussion 5 Discussion 5 Question 2
To do: Make forum posts: 3
There are a number of components of quality indicators: accessibility, appropriateness, continuity, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, timeliness, patient perspective issues, and safety of care environment. Choose one of these components and explain how it can influence quality of care.
Please support your discussion with facts, relevant examples, and at least two citations from the peer-reviewed professional nursing literature or the required textbook readings.
See the Nursing Syllabus Standards & Policies Document for Discussion Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria.


Approximately 250 words



Use this study abstract to answer the following questions:
1) What is the main research question? What is the main outcome variable? What is the primary explanatory variable? What is the hypothesized relationship between these variables?
2) What is the population of interest in this study? What is the sample that was used in this study? (State the sample size and describe participants in as much detail as possible). What sampling method was used?
3) Why is this study design a good study design to help answer the main research question? What aspects of the study design are problematic or insufficient?


Approximately 250 words


stigma “A New State of Mind” reflection

A New State of Mind – Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness
Video reflection
Clearly and concisely describes one’s own impression of the film, and thoughts and feelings brought out by the film.
i started it put i am having a hard time putting my ideas together. please help.


Approximately 250 words



Please follow the assignment attached. The assignment is about “Indigenous Peoples in Canada” Please read the instructions carefully and use all of the text books and chapter pages specified in the assignment instructions. And please use the textbook, chapter, and page as indicated on the instruction.


Approximately 250 words


Character analysis

Please make sure your thesis statement, included in your introduction, conveys your point of view and
explanation of your thesis.
Include at least 3 short quotes and one paraphrase from the story.
Quotations shouldn’t be longer than one line, and they should be cited in MLA format.
Structure your essay in paragraphs, and make sure you have a compelling conclusion.
Your essay can be longer than 600 words, but please make sure to proofread and edit your work.


Approximately 250 words


Module 13 – Darkening Decades: Recovery, Dictators, and Depression, 1920-1939

A) For “ARTifact” Report:
1. Please go to the website, e.g., of the British Museum, a link named – History of the World in 100 Objects.
(Note: some modules will have another museum instead, but the principle will be the same for all).
2. Choose an object (from anywhere in the world) from the period covered in this module (or about 30 years before or after the specific period covered in class in the current week), and present a report about the chosen artifact, with the explanation of the immediate context of the artifact seen in a wider historical context, in about 200 words (if over the word count that is fine need a detailed and eneging response).
Make sure that you pick 1 (one) of the 100 (one hundred) objects listed in the link – not any object that the British Museum has in its collection (which is about 8 million!). Do double-check – the list has literally 100 objects – and only about 1 or 2 will fit the bill for each module (see instructions for this assignment in the module itself).
3. Name the artifact at the top of your report, and present to the reader the artifact and its provenance, including the historical context from which it hails.
4. Your essay-style report is to contain 1 in-text references to the info from the British Museum website (make 1 reference), and at least 1 reference from the relevant information on the period and the artifact from the corresponding era found in your textbook. This textbook reference is to provide wider context or a compare/contrast moment, and cite your source (in-text and later include in the work cited section too).
5. Include the image of the chosen artifact under that.
6. Provide a Work Cited section at the end of the ARTifact Report (for all the cited information you used in the report and the source of your image. See examples for this in Originality, Citation, and Format. (Citation sources are provided)


Approximately 250 words


The Impact of Unconscious Bias in Healthcare: How recognize and Mitigate It

Based on the assigned readings, class lectures, and attached article below. Please discuss and answer the following questions in your group PowerPoint presentation/slides:
1. Define and discuss four biases in healthcare.
2. Identify processes to recognize and mitigate each of the four identified biases.
3. Each group member please prepare to do a 3-5 minute presentation.
4. 5 slides excluding title page and references


Approximately 250 words

Political Science

Connection Between Our Culture and the News Media

Required Resources
Textbook: Chapter 5, 6
Greenberg, E. S & Page, B. I. (2018). The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition. (12th ed.). Pearson.
Post Instructions
The framers of the Constitution were concerned that everyday citizens would not be able to understand or comprehend the makings of our government. They felt that everyday citizens were uninformed and did not care what was going on in our government. Even today we see where citizens are interested in government affairs seemingly only if our country is in turmoil such as unemployment, recessions, civil unrest, etc. Do you agree with this assessment? Are we uninformed? Do we wait till a crisis happens to voice our opinions?
Writing Requirements
Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references
The Changing American Landscape
Demographic transitions such as the growing population, increasing diversity, the evolution of the American population, and political ideology all play a role in U.S. government and politics. The U.S. population has continued to grow unlike most other developed democracies partly due to higher-than-replace birth rates – more people are born in the U.S. compared to the dying population, and younger immigrants are contributing to the economic health of the United States. Equally important, internal migration has changed the redistribution of seats in the House of Representatives changing demographics in politics. With a growing aging population, government programs such as Social Security and Medicare are noticing a strain on working-age individuals. The American economy shapes government and politics. How does it do this? Well, for example, economic liberty is intricately linked to capitalism, and on the idea that individuals have the right to buy, sell, own, and trade property. If you look at it in this perspective, economic freedom is parallel to political freedom. As individuals, we should be free to pursue our economic interests as we see fit, and the role of the state should be limited to protecting our private property. In fact, the framers were committed to the philosophy of classical liberalism, meaning they believed that human beings had the right to determine their own destinies if they did not interfere with the liberties of others. Classical liberalism focuses on two elements – economic liberty, which we just discussed, and political liberty. The framers rejected the idea of a monarchy. They did not want to be another England. Instead, they stressed the social contract theory, the right to life, liberty, and property under natural law. The framers also expected the states to protect these rights. This is called political liberty.
Capitalism is a productive economic system that rewards risk-takers and entrepreneurialism. Capitalism tends to produce wealth, but also income inequality. In this case, the government intervenes to impose taxes to pay for education, unemployment, retirement, and medical benefits. This is described as redistributing income and wealth.
The power of the news media has increased dramatically! It has a huge impact on public opinion and political behavior. The mass media transmits information to large audiences all over the world. The framers called the free media a central pillar to our society and this is reflected in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. One function of the media is to be a watchdog. The media is also supposed to present a complete and diverse set of facts, such as emerging problems, what policy debates are taking shape, and how well existing policies are working. But does the media always relay the facts? Not all the time!
The mainstream news media consist of newspapers, network news organizations, national news magazines, radio, and local news organizations. Each media is dominated by a few firms. It may look like there are many news organizations to choose from, but this is not true. With increased concentrated ownership structure, there is an interconnection between many news and media outlets. What does this mean? Corporate ownership of the traditional news media means that the news is driven not by a strong and honest desire to inform citizens, but instead by money, and the desire to make a profit. This has led to:
1. infotainment – a blurring of information and entertainment. Examples- The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert Show, The Five, Jimmy Fallon Show, etc.
2. A prioritization of news stories that feature some form of conflict
3. Emphasis on negativity and scandal
Public opinion is defined as the collective political beliefs and attitudes of the public and groups within the public. Public opinion gives insight to what the electorate is thinking about politics. How do we find out what the public is thinking and what their opinions are? We use multiple methods of sampling and polling.
Sampling refers to choosing a small group of people to participate in a survey. In order for the sampling to be accurate, the pollsters must choose from different demographics, such as old vs. young, men vs. women, Republican vs. Democrat in equal proportion to their numbers in the overall population. Random sampling refers to samples where every member of the population has an equal chance of being in the group. Sampling errors do happen no matter how good the example is, so most surveys report sampling errors using the margin of error. Non-response bias refers to the problems that occur when certain groups decline to participate in the polls which in turn skews the polls results. Lastly, scientific polling, is where every person is given an equal chance of being selected in the sample. The problem with “every person” is that scientific polling may assume the population consists of just the student body at a university or just one area of a state. You can see where scientific polling is not always accurate.
Do you think polling works even with the flaws? Have you ever been asked to participate in a poll?
There are challenges associated with polling.
Demographic differences in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and class affect politics in the United States. America’s commitment to liberty and equality are mentioned in the United States Constitution but also in state constitutions. Each state constitution supports and defends popular sovereignty, limited government, and the separation of powers among branches to include a bill of rights that lists individual rights with other guarantees. The lectures today cover migration, aging populations, and increasing inequality. Even though the United States is considered to have one of the highest standards of living in the world, it also has a high level of inequality. All state constitutions have preambles (introductions). Some states preambles describe the rights afforded to its state citizens. For example, Hawaii’s preamble states, “We reserve the right to control our destiny, to nurture the integrity of our people and culture, and to preserve the quality of life that we desire. We reaffirm our belief in a government of the people, by the people, for the people and with an understanding and compassionate heart toward all the peoples of the earth, do hereby ordain, and establish this constitution for the State of Hawaii.” Each state constitution has its own version of equality and liberty for its citizens.
We can see how the readings this week all interconnect. The structural foundations of American government and politics are based on our political culture, which is influenced by the news media, which in turn helps determine public opinion. Our first week’s readings discussed the foundation of the American government. This week we explored how we are influenced as individuals by families, friends, teachers, cultures, religion, and race and ethnicity. As young children, we follow our family. As we grow into the teen years, we tend to follow our teachers, friends, and social networks. Finally, as adults, we start to question what we want in our leaders? Do we have certain issues that are important to us such as religion, women’s rights, gun rights, etc.?
We also learned that government is not just the running of federal and state governments but that it involves many components such as social media, cable news, public opinions, interest groups, social groups, etc.


Approximately 250 words


Topic disc #2

Information about your initial post (DUE THURSDAY NIGHT JANUARY 19):
1) Create a post in response to the following:
Natural phenomena, such as hurricanes and volcanic eruptions, can be regarded as “natural hazards” if they negatively affect people. Find a natural hazard current event article (from January 2023 only) on the Internet and summarize it here. Include a link to the article. Explain why you chose the article to share with your classmates. How is it relevant to this class? This is not a report or essay on many articles; find just one article and write about it. Perhaps a tornado, or a flooding event, etc. Why did you choose this article?


Approximately 250 words