Business and Management

leadership challenge – Employer branding

Hello dear,
Good morning/ evening.
Using the attached Power point to build in the report, please bare in mind the report should be real life based.
So basically, my report, as a Talent Acquisition Department Manager, will be trying to solve the issue of employer branding.
What I mean by that is, perspective candidates are usually concerned about the companies reputation, not because of a bad instance for example, but the lack of information out there about our company.
We are known as retail company while actually we manufacture our product and sell it so we have both fronts we manufacture and sale.
Now, the issue is that in order to attract new candidates, we need to improve our employer branding. We need to improve our company image, and reputation. we need to show that the company has actually a good work environment.
I have been assigned for that project, however, this conflicts with our marketing department. So, in order to achieve the best outcome, I need to show in this report that I have communicated with the marketing department with the marketing director to be spicific, and has resolved the issue of budget and conflict of responsinilities.
Report Structure
The reports should be no more than 2500 words (excluding appendices and references)
i. Executive summary
ii. Problem identification
iii. Evidence based solutions
iv. Discussion
v. Recommendations
vi. Conclusion and Reflective learning
Appendices (not marked by the accessors – only used to provide supporting information)


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Managing/Leading in business

Using the management skills and practices that suit your team and its objectives can help to ensure the team’s efficiency and productivity. Analyze the provided scenario to determine how management skills and practices can help support the team.
Imagine that you are an organizational consultant for the SNHU Pet Supply Company. The director of retail operations has asked you to evaluate the reason for some of the team’s drop in productivity and make recommendations for their improvement. Further conversations with the team members and managers reveal a conflict in the way productivity and efficiency is being measured and handled.
The team members say that their managers micromanage them. Each week, the managers send out a task list for the team and expect them to fill out detailed timesheets every day to cross-reference the task list. Any deviations from the list must be explained in a separate email. Moreover, some team members feel their skill sets are not being used correctly, and that they would be better suited to do tasks that are not being assigned to them. This has led to some resentment within the team, not to mention high levels of stress to meet the managers’ demands.
The managers maintain that they have just been following the process that’s been set out for years in the company. The many unresolved issues are taking a toll on the team’s productivity and efficiency, which then feeds back into the conflict, creating a vicious circle.
Write a brief report to the director of retail operations that explains the management skills and practices you feel will improve team productivity and efficiency, using the module reading to support your recommendations.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Overview: Provide a brief overview of the problem you have been asked to resolve, making sure to note specific areas of conflict between management approaches and employee feedback based on the provided scenario.
Management Approaches: Describe the general functions of management as well as the purpose and benefits of using established management skills and practices, making sure to use course resources to support your explanation.
Recommendations: Recommend a new management approach, consisting of a blend of management skills and practices, that you believe will help improve the team’s productivity and efficiency. Explain why you believe these approaches will be effective, and make sure to use course resources to support your recommendations.
Guidelines for Submission
Your submission should be a 1- to 2-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


Approximately 250 words


Stragies and Resources Treatment plan

Review the Case Example available on page 80 of the textbook (and below). Then write a 500-750-word treatment plan for the patient describing three different coping strategies that would be helpful in managing symptoms.
1. Describe effective coping skills to improve emotional well-being.
2. Describe holistic approaches (stress relief, self-esteem, relationships, and spirituality, perhaps personal resources).
3. Identify resources and support systems in the community that promote mental health and wellness, such as school-based programs, churches, and community support
4. Use a minimum of two scholarly sources to support the effectiveness of selected coping strategies and/or resources.
Case Example
“A 23-year-old woman presents to her PCP with a chief complaint of “racing heart and shortness of breath.” She describes increasing difficulty at work because she has sudden onset episodes, lasting a few minutes of overwhelming fear, shortness of
breath, nausea, racing heart, and dizziness. She is worried that something is “wrong with her heart.” She notices that she does not have these episodes in the evening when she
is drinking wine. She has had one ER visit in the past month, where “heart tests” were normal and she was treated with alprazolam with relief of her symptoms. She scored a 12
on the GAD-7, indicating moderate anxiety. The PCP and BHP assessed the patient for
safety, and the patient denied any thoughts of hurting herself or others or previous
suicidality or self-harm behaviors (e.g., cutting).”


Approximately 250 words


Pick two strategies you believe are the most critical to candidate success in a PhD program.

Based on the three articles assigned this week, pick two strategies you believ are the most critical to candidate
success in a PhD program and explain your rational for choosing them.


Approximately 250 words

Medicine and Health

65 and order gero population

Please write a minimum of 170 words. Also provided references 4 in each
First Response
Week 2 Maju
Among the geriatric population who is 65 years older and active, some are very active and healthy whereas some are suffering from chronic health issues and require a lot of assistance. As I am working on a telemetry floor, most of our patients who are getting admitted to the floor have multiple comorbidities and are bedridden. Chronic health conditions like diabetes, COPD, and, congestive heart failure are causing patients to decline in their functions and need a lot of assistance including activities of daily living. According to (Sathyanarayana Rao, 2018) ” Maintaining an optimal nutritional status is important for the well-being of older people and for promoting independent living. However, despite this knowledge, malnutrition is a common and serious problem that contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality in this population group”. During this clinical rotation with primary care, I will be more focused on getting familiarized with the medications for treating chronic medical conditions and their side effects. Building a trusting relationship and making sure the knowledge of their illness is very important to focus on treating elderly populations. Most of the elderly population are living alone, so it is important to educate them thoroughly about their medications to prevent overdose or underdose. Building a trusting relationship with their physician will help them to prevent the use of polypharmacy. The interdisciplinary approach of educating and treating the elderly population helps to manage their illness. Close monitoring and follow-up is very important to make sure these patients are doing well and thereby preventing serious illness and getting hospitalized. Geriatric assessment should include not only their primary symptoms but also to their cognitive functions.
2 discussion Post
Discussion post
What has your nursing experience been with people age 65 and older? What do you anticipate learning in the course regarding geriatric patients?
I have engaged many geriatric patients both in my clinical practice and clinical rotations. While some geriatric patients have no major health issues or chronic conditions, some patients in this age bracket have several comorbidities. Some of the items I have picked from this population include a strong commitment to their health. Unlike youth or young adults, geriatric individuals strictly follow directions including follow-up visits and compliance with medications. However, this is mainly determined by the kind of support and education provided during the clinical engagements. Punnapurath et al. (2021) established that educating geriatric patients about the disease and drugs improve their medication adherence. I have also noticed that geriatric patients like asking appropriate questions in a respectful way regarding their conditions. I enjoy working with this population.
Due to their age and multiple comorbidities, geriatric patients have unique unmet support needs. For instance, I have experienced some of them presenting with psychological issues, social deprivations, and mobility limitations. Despite these challenges, these patients are always motivated to maintain independence and cope with their illnesses. Abdi et al. (2019) identified several environmental factors that are interfering with these efforts. They include poor coordination of services and a lack of professional capacity to provide advice on self-care strategies. Based on this, I anticipate learning how to provide education and self-care strategies to geriatric patients during this course.
I believe that providing enhanced education to this population would not only promote independence but also reduce rehospitalizations as a result of falls or missed drugs among others. To promote quality of care and health status among the geriatric population, clinicians must employ several strategies that I anticipate learning. Some of these strategies include collaboration with other specialists, co-development of treatment plans, medication reconciliation (management of polypharmacy), and effective communication methods (Frank et al., 2018). These strategies and competencies would be resourceful both to my clinical practice and rotations.
Abdi, S., Spann, A., Borilovic, J., de Witte, L., & Hawley, M. (2019). Understanding the care and support needs of older people: A scoping review and categorization using the WHO international classification of functioning, disability and health framework (ICF). BMC Geriatrics, 19(1).
Frank, C. C., Feldman, S., & Wyman, R. (2018). Caring for older patients in primary care: Wisdom and innovation from Canadian family physicians. Canadian Family Physician Medecin de Famille Canadien, 64(6), 416–418.
Punnapurath, S., Vijayakumar, P., Platty, P. L., Krishna, S., & Thomas, T. (2021). A study of medication compliance in geriatric patients with chronic illness. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 10(4), 1644–1648.


Approximately 250 words


Discussion 1 and 2

Question 1 (137 words):
Share a piece of career advice that you have received in the past with your group, and discuss how it may have helped or not helped, or perhaps hindered you in some way in terms of your own career and working life goals.
Question 2(137 words):
The use of intelligence testing in schools continues to be debated but it often forms a key component of helping guide young learners’ educational path. What is your opinion of using intelligence testing as a tool for determining suitability for a particular job or career? You may want to record your thoughts for your final assignment.


Approximately 250 words



Exam 1: the exam will consist of questions based on the material
from chapters 15 and 16; Exam 2: the exam will consist of questions based on the material from chapters 17, 18, and 19
You can take the exam any time prior to the stated deadline for each exam. Exams are open book. Once you begin the
exam, you will have a maximum of 1 1/2hours (90 minutes) to complete the exam. **YOU CANNOT START THE
1) Of the People: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1865 Fourth Edition with Sources
ISBN-13: 978-0190909970
Authors: James Oakes, Michael McGerr, Jan Ellen Lewis, et al.
Publisher: Oxford University Press (
**You may use an earlier edition of the text; however, be aware of the fact the exams are based on the edition stated
above, as are the Discussion Board questions**


Approximately 250 words


Plotting & Comparing FRED Data

In this assignment, you will examine the path of two interest rate series and identify any trends, changes, or correlations between the two economic data series. Using the same range of years you selected for your discussion in Module Two (i.e., a 10- to 15-year span over the last 50 years), you will plot and compare the federal funds rate with either the prime bank loan rate or the 30-year conventional mortgage rate using the Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED).
To understand the relationship between the federal funds rate and the prime bank loan rate or the 30-year conventional mortgage rate, read the following analogy to a car’s brakes:
Suppose you bring your car to an auto repair shop because it does not stop in a safe manner when the brakes are applied. The mechanic explains that the car’s rotors are rusted out and the brake pads are gone, and that is why the car is not stopping as needed. In this analogy, the rotors and brake pads are the federal funds rate, and the braking performance of the car is the prime bank loan rate or the 30-year conventional mortgage rate.
Prompt: First, graph the monthly effective federal funds rates over your selected 10- to 15-year span.
6. Next, graph either the monthly prime bank loan rates or monthly 30-year conventional mortgage rate, again of your selected 10- to 15-year span, using the same instructions above.
7. After downloading the two graphs as images, insert them into a Word document along with a brief written analysis (described in the critical elements
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Interest Rate Graphs
A. Graph 1: Graph, download, and insert an image of the graph of the effective federal funds rates from the Federal Reserve Economic Database
(FRED) using the same time period (i.e., 10- to 15-year span over the last 50 years) you chose for the Module Two discussion response into a
Word document.
B. Graph 2: Graph, download, and insert an image of the graph of the prime bank loan rates or the 30-year conventional mortgage rate from FRED
using the same time period (i.e., 10- to 15-year span over the last 50 years) you chose for the Module Two discussion response into a Word document.
II. Analysis
A. Comparison: Analyze the two interest rates and explain how they have changed over your chosen time period, citing specific examples.
B. Causal Relationship: Briefly hypothesize the causal relationship between the two interest rates based on knowledge gained in the course. Cite
your sources.
Needed: 1 1/2 Pages of Written Analysis


Approximately 250 words


Research Paper – 1st draft

A rough draft is not expected to be polished, but it should be complete, meaning it has an introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Use your outline as a guide, but you might find that changing some pieces makes more sense as you draft.
Your first draft should include the following components:
– An introduction containing a thesis
– minimum of three (3) body paragraphs (one to two pages)
– a conclusion.
A minimum of two (2) references are incorporated as support, with at least one source being a peer-reviewed article.
Quoted, paraphrased, or summarized material within the text of your essay should be highlighted or in a different color.
A reference page with a complete list of APA formatted references.
*Please use the APA 7th Edition sample word file for template.
Refer to annotated bibliography for reference content & the outline.


Approximately 250 words


student interview

1. Read the article below
2. Review the “How To” information at the bottom of the page
Conduct one Empathy Interview with a student and share the date/evidence (see the “Data/Evidence” section for examples:
3. Observed/reported behavior
Conversation – does not have to be word for word
Summary of what you learned about that student from the conversation and how you plan to respond based on this information.
Note to writer: I know you will not find a student to interview at this time unless you interview your child. If you have one or a niece or nephew, please try your best and use first person, don’t write in the third person.
Thank you,


Approximately 250 words