Business and Management


Values of sort information are about knowing what we value most in our work, relationships, and other commitments. It makes it easier to respond to conflicts with integrity and many opportunities.
reflect upon what is most important to you personally
stimulate conversations with peers, colleagues, and family members
Sort the following list of 30 Values in terms of their relative importance to you in 5 columns from Least Important to Most Important. Then tell me in your own experience what each one means to you?


Approximately 250 words


case study project

Read Chapter 7 on Bipolar and Related Disorders. Use your knowledge of bipolar and related disorders from Chapter 7 to identify symptoms and analyze the presented details in the case study for Hector. For the first submission, use the evidence presented in the case study to support your observations about Hector.
Paragraph 1: Describe the changes in Hector’s mood.
What is his mood like and how does it change?
What are some of the behavioral changes associated when Hector is feeling higher in mood?
What are some of the behavioral changes associated when Hector is feeling lower in mood?
Paragraph 2: Describe the changes in Hector’s emotional states.
How does he feel about himself as his moods change?
How does he feel while he is in his elevated or down?
How does he feel while he describes his moods to the clinician in the case study?
Paragraph 3: Describe how Hector’s mood and emotions affect his physical functioning.
Are there changes to his diet?
Are there changes to his sleeping patterns?
Are there changes to his overall energy levels?


Approximately 250 words

Business and Management

Key Techniques for Managing Virtual Teams

Identify key techniques for improving your management of a virtual team. Describe the technique and explain how you would use it. Include in your description, how technology would be used with the technique.
Please use: and


Approximately 250 words


Discussion Post

Introduction to Government
For your Week 1 discussion, please try the simulation game, ( What I want you to do is look at how the different systems (religion and tax, etc.,) and governance structures affect your nation. As you will see there are different options that will lead to different outcomes. Please be creative and have fun–and try different approaches.
Your discussion question for this week is: Why do you think different government systems exist and why do nations make diverse choices rather than all using uniformed systems of government?
To receive full credit, the post must be original and well-developed (at least 200 words), and you must 3) refer back to the corresponding chapter from the text in your response.
I have attached chapter powerpoint slide for a reference in case it is needed.


Approximately 250 words


The American Family Over Time

The American Family has undergone many changes throughout the years. These changes have shaped what defines a family as well as how a family functions. Create a Power Point presentation or a FREE Prezi Presentation ( that shows a timeline of changes that have impacted the American Family. (For the free version of Prezi, simply click “Get Started”, then navigate over to the “Basic” instead of “Individual or Teams” and you will see the free version.)
Your timeline must include a minimum of 8 events. Each event is to be identified by time period/date, the event being chronicled and the impact of the event on the American Family. Your presentation must include a cover slide and a reference slide. Your information must be supported by a minimum of 2 references. Please see the grading rubric below.
Grading rubric
Presentation provides in-depth, accurate information depicting 8 important events that have impacted the American Family. Each event is clearly identified and the impact on the family is defined. .
Presentation is creative & unique, with uncluttered slides that are well-organized and easy to read. There is use of color and/or transitions. Information is enhanced with the use of visuals.
Information is presented in clear writing style using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
A title slide is included at the beginning of the presentation. A reference slide is included at the end of the presentation that contains at least 2 references listed in APA format. Appropriate citations are included in the presentation


Approximately 250 words


Watch 18 min video and write 2 different reflection

The video can be found here:

*Please write 2 different answer for each question (about 140 words each, so total about 280 words)
Marc Kushner sees social media as an important tool to provide feedback in real-time, shortening the distance of the “innovation/symbol” spectrum. What are your thoughts on this, as users of social media? As occupants of the built world? Post a response to the video either to one of the prompts below or something that intrigued you from his Ted Talk:
1. Do you think his argument about social media makes sense in terms of how we now see the built world? What are other ways that technology and/or social media can encourage a more participatory architecture?
2. Do you believe his argument that “it is the end of architectural history”? That “styles” might be gone and now we (architects) will know what you (the public) like and don’t like in design because of immediate feedback. Do you think this is true or not?
3. How do you think the access to instant access to places through social media / internet sources influences the way you see the world? Want to travel? Live or study abroad? See architecture & distant cultures?
You may also write something else that may have come up for you as you watched the video.
You must write a coherently well-written paragraph of 100 words minimum in response to one of the prompts (or any other thought you had on the Ted Talk, these are just some suggested promts)


Approximately 250 words


Detailed explanation of how extenuating circumstances beyond your control prevented you from meeting the requirements.

Please provide a brief personal statement explaining the circumstances resulting in your interruption in studies which prevented you from meeting the eligibility requirements. Please note that circumstances other than those indicated above do not meet criteria. I have an attached file of an recent appeal you can start from.


Approximately 250 words


50 Years Ago-Research Paper

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an understanding of how management has changed and evolved over the past 50 years. Research major legislation that provided employee protections and workplace safety, technological advancements, management styles, etc.
How does today’s business world differ from that of the 1970s? What do you think is different about being a manager today, vs. then? What has not changed? Your paper should be at least three pages, excluding an Abstract and References. It often takes four or five pages to do justice to this topic. Use at least one external resource, in addition to the Bateman textbook. Use APA citation, formatting and referencing conventions.
For help with APA guidelines, use the Purdue On Line Writing Lab (OWL). The link is below,


Approximately 250 words



Relationship between Health and Behavior Affecting Social Determinants of Health using Health Paradigm
Health and behaviors’ connection is brought about by social, psychological and biological factors. These factors rule out a health person from the unhealthy one.
In biological factors, physical health and behavior is determined by genes and physiology of our bodies. For instance, medication as drugs can alter one’s behavior as making the consumer paranoid in thinking that they are been rejected by their loved ones while other drugs medication as pain relievers make the consumer relaxed as the pain relieving effect is taken place. Additionally, certain genetic characteristics which are often inherited from parents may result to diseases such as cancer and obesity.
Under psychological factors, our physical and emotional health behavior can affect how we think and the feelings to various scenarios in life. Negative behaviors as stress and anxiety lead to health symptoms as headaches and stomach upset due to overthinking and over working the brain terrifying thoughts. However, positive behaviors and emotions improve our well-being creating an effective environment of socializing with others and learning from them aspects of life in our society.
Reflecting on social factors, our relationships with others, the culture we are associated with and the environment we interact with clearly affects our behaviors and health effect. An example being social support. Here, one has friends and family to seek advice or rather assistance from whenever need arises without hesitation. As a result, the quality of life and unity is enhanced in facing life problems. Hence under no circumstance will one acquire diseases as ulcers due to stress and depression. On the contrary, living in a high crime environment negatively affects one’s life as one may experience health issues as intense feelings of anger and depression.
Social determinants of health are factors shaping the conditions in which people live in as income, schooling and access to healthcare. Different behaviors result to different health outcomes. Disadvantaged backgrounds experience worse health outcomes compared to advantaged backgrounds. Behaviors as smoking and poor diet intake result to persistent diseases which are more frequent among those with lower socio economic life. Chronic diseases lead to increased healthcare cost as much funds will be spent in treating the diseases and thus, one’s lifespan will lose quality of living.
Furthermore, lack of accessing healthcare and education results to poor mental health affecting one’s behavior. As an example, stress and feeling anxiety may hinder one from making healthy choices and engaging in healthy behaviors. Therefore, in conclusion social determinants is important in facilitating health equity and individuals’ health outcomes.
Noar, S. M., & Mehrotra, P. (2019). Toward a new methodological paradigm for testing theories of health behavior and health behavior change. Patient Education and Counseling, 82(3), 468-474.
Short, S. E., & Mollborn, S. (2019). Social determinants and health behaviors: conceptual frames and empirical advances. Current opinion in psychology, 5, 78-84.


Approximately 250 words



For your first major writing assignment, you will write a brief memoir. Follow the instructions and steps below to complete this first assignment.
• Identify the topic on which you will write your memoir. Choose from the following:
o Write a general memoir about a meaningful event that shaped who you are. This could be something from your childhood or something more recent.
o Write about a travel event that shaped you in some way.
o Write about a relationship that changed you or how you perceive things.
o Write about an education experience that shaped you.
• No matter the topic, the essay must include the following components:
o An introduction that includes a thesis statement that identifies the meaningful event/relationship/moment that shaped you.
o Body paragraphs that include the key features listed in your textbook: sensory details, dialogue, and transitional phrases.
o A conclusion that includes reflection or analysis.
• General Requirements:
o MLA Document formatting (See posted examples and Purdue OWL).
o 2 – 3 pages in length
o Submit in Turnitin by posted due date.


Approximately 250 words