
summary of infection prevention practices in dental settings

“Summary of Infection Prevention practices in dental setting
Read entire article and summarize in a 2 page double spaced report
Reference on a spearate page using APA style referencing


Approximately 250 words

Human Relations

Rationale paper

Write a rationale paper describing the artifacts in the e-portfolio and how they demonstrate skills, knowledge, understanding of theory, professional disposition, real-world application, and mastery of the program objectives. I’ve attached the selected artifacts for reference.
Additional Artifacts I will include are Personal Professional Photo, Military Achievements (awards & decorations), Certifications-Master Resiliency Trainer, Lean Six Sigma-Green Belt, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Certification, SafeTalk (Suicide Prevention), and Interested-Based Negotiations.


Approximately 250 words


Check For Understanding #1: Formal and Informal Theories

In this Check for Understanding, please take the time to consider the differences between formal and informal theories.
Formal theories: are developed by academic experts and applied to complex theoretical frameworks to generate new knowledge. In this course we will learning about the formal theories of education such as Behaviorism, Social Cognitive theory, constructivism, etc.
Informal theories: are related to the acquisition of skills and knowledge, regarding specific subject matter, over time from either peers and/or the work environment. Many of these informal strategies develop in workplace environments as a result of intelligence, experience, and reflection. What you learn in the classroom or the workplace through hands on experience relates to the informal theories of education.
Formal theory of education example: “Operant conditioning is a method of learning that employs rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, is an association is made between a behavior and a consequence (whether negative or positive) for that behavior.” This theory was developed through documented research conducted under controlled conditions and reinforced through ongoing experimentation.
Informal theory of education example: “Teacher/parent conferences are not a time to bring up major problems or big issues with a student, particularly if you have not mentioned them to the parent before.” This concept is something learned by practical experience of conducting parent/teacher conferences and seeing the result of dropping bombshells on parents (it never ends well).
Complete the Venn Diagram, with at least four attributes in each comparison/contrast area. Then think of 3-5 examples of each formal and informal theories.
(I will attach the pdf file and the lecture notes)


Approximately 250 words



You have recently gained employment, as an Assistant to the Environmental Manager for a large general contracting firm.
While they have identified a range of different ways to address sustainability, they have tasked you with compiling a report on ‘The relationship between net zero and modern methods of construction’ in relation to the following scenario.
The company has recently been successful in joining a framework of contractors to provide sustainable city centre living in Lisburn City Centre.
The concept – a development of affordable homes in Lisburn City to meet the growing needs of the Lisburn population and to encourage City Centre Living as part of the Lisburn City Centre Masterplan 2019-2023,
WST148_Lisburn_Masterplan_Update_Final_Approved_02_reduced.pdf (
As part of the company’s drive to address sustainability you have been asked to identifying suitable brownfield sites in Lisburn that could be regenerated to provide sustainable and affordable homes.
Completed report to include;
a statement identifying the proposed construction project which is.
“identifying suitable brownfield sites in Lisburn city that could be regenerated to provide affordable homes”
identify the best site solution for the construction project include the following.
Desk top research of 5 sites – google images, explanation of site, location etc
5 site appraisals completed on walk over surveys
Choose a suitable site and highlight the benefits of the proposed site with reference to its suitability for the housing development and surrounding areas
Include a location map of the site with the site highlighted in red.
Identify the zoning of the site from the Lisburn City Centre Masterplan
Detail the housing development
The concept – a development of affordable homes in Lisburn City to meet the growing needs of the Lisburn population and to encourage City Centre Living as part of the LISBURN CITY CENTRE MASTERPLAN REVIEW
Look at what the masterplan says about encouraging city centre living, page 19 and include this
Pros and Cons of a housing development in the city
Local existing Provision –
Justification of project –
Initial sketches/ concepts/ inspirations for design –
Factors that influence the design process
Client Requirements – this is a specification of the housing
Building Use,
Spatial requirements
Sustainability and energy efficiency
Chosen Site Constraints/Considerations – These are all based on the site you have chosen
Neighbouring structures
Ground conditions/contamination
Statutory Constraints – General points for any construction project
Planning constraints
CDM Regs 2015
Building Regs
Disability Discrimination Act
Environmental Constraints
Sustainable development
Wildlife and Countryside
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Social Constraints
wider interest in or opposition to a project.
Public concern and media pressure
Projects funded using public money are often subject to social constraints, as there tends to be greater interest in cost escalations, delays and so on, such as in the case of high speed 2 (HS2), or London’s Garden Bridge proposal which have caused much controversy.
Economic Constraints
• Cost planning – budget
• Funds private/public
• Land prices
21-22 Pearson Theme: Ethics in Construction
21-22 Topic: The Importance of Sustainability for Construction.
What is sustainability in general terms
Why does the construction industry need to be sustainable?
Drivers for sustainable construction
How can the construction industry be more sustainable? Relate to your scenario of the city centre housing
Prepare presentation – see separate guidance
Pass Criteria Bibliography


Approximately 250 words


Class 2 / Replies

your responses to TWO other classmates must be at least 200 words each.
responses should be thorough and thoughtful. Just posting an “I agree” or “Good ideas” will not be considered adequate.
1 refrence for each peers
PEERS 1 (AStrid Rangel)
Throughout the years there has been a tremendous improvement in treatment of persons with mental illness in the United States. Although nowadays people with a mental illness can receive treatment at mental health centers, clinics, or other institutions, in the past it was not always possible. In the colonial times, those with a mental illness were maintained at home, almshouses or at private institutions runed by physicians (Sands & Gellis, 2012, p. 26), they could not seek help at mental health centers because those didn’t exist. In addition, Sands and Gillis (2012) mention in the Clinical social work practice in behavioral mental health: Toward evidence-based practice book, that public policies addressing the needs of persons with mental illness did not exit in those days. However, from 1950 through 1980 mental health treatment approaches changed and improved in the United States. In 1963, President Jhon F. Kennedy recognized that issues regarding mental illness and mental retardation needed a new approach (Sands & Gellis, 2012, p. 37). Therefore, later that year, he signed the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Center Construction Act (Sands & Gellis, 2012, p. 37). The creation of the CMHA Act, facilitated the construction of community health centers that would focus on outpatient care for individuals with serious mental illness (Erickson, 2021). Two years later, in 1965 Congress passed legislation to establish the Medicaid and Medicare Act in Title XIX of the Social Security Act (Klees et al., 2009, p. 3). In 1972 the Supplemental Security Income program got established; recipients of this program included disabled individuals, such as people with a mental health illness (Klees et al., 2009, p. 19). Social workers are no longer seen as helpmates because the creation of new mental health centers and mental health legislations, allowed social workers to expand their knowledge in mental illness treatment and approaches (Sands & Gellis, 2012, p. 41).
PEERS 2 (Angelica Carollo)
Throughout history, there have been increasing developments in mental health as more discoveries of need have been brought to light. Through the gain of knowledge about the human body, how the environment plays a factor in mental health, and how services such as community resources are in need, mental health has incorporated improvements. For instance, between 1965 and 1980 federal mental health bills were passed that allocated funds to the construction of community mental health centers, staffing, and resources (Sands & Gellis, 2012, p. 37). These centers created a safe space for individuals with mental health conditions to receive treatment in proactive environments that they had never experienced before. Patients with mental health conditions in previous years were seen as “lunatics,” unsafe for community environments, a threat to society, and harbored in inhumane prisons with individuals that committed crimes (Sands & Gellis, 2012, p.27). These community centers included a mental health system, inpatient treatment, outpatient care, community education, partial hospitalization areas, and emergency services with mental health professionals. These mental health changes laid the foundation for further advancements such as those seen in the twentieth century. For example, the 1987 Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act was passed and it provided funds for special services to the homeless with mental illnesses and the 1990 National Affordable Housing Act authorized funds for housing and services for the homeless with mental health and substance abuse problems (Sands & Gellis, 2012, p. 39). Other improvements include the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act that prohibited discrimination in employment, education, and any public entity against persons with mental as well as physical disabilities (Sands & Gellis, 2012, p.39). This exact act allows me to receive accommodations at UTRGV and the school I am employed for my SEL Lupus and depression/anxiety diagnosis.


Approximately 250 words


Nursing Role in Healthcare Reformation

I need you to reply to the following discussion with a minimum of 200 words, 2 references and APA
7th edition format
By Maribel
Nursing Role in Healthcare Reformation
Nurses play a crucial role in prescription drug pricing, the COVID vaccination mandate, and telemedicine as the healthcare system’s advocates for reformation. Nurses’ roles directly impact their families and patients (Heinen et al., 2019). Using the COVID vaccination mandate case study, nurses can recommend healthcare system transformation, and due to their effort, healthcare providers are all expected to get vaccinated. Lives are saved, and the virus propagation, as a result, gets slowed down. Further, nurses have worked hard to enhance telemedicine in the healthcare system because they believe it can improve healthcare access.
They have significantly impacted the growth of telemedicine in the past years. Nurses have also advocated for prescription drug costs to defend the need for reformation in the healthcare system. This is because the families and the patients are impacted directly by the prescription drugs’ high cost (Stucky et al., 2021). The prices of prescription drugs have, as a result, been lowered. For example, these efforts have resulted in an overall reduction of prescription medication in the United States. In general, nurses have a unique view of the effect of healthcare policies on families and positions due to their position.


Approximately 250 words



Academic engagement through active participation in instructional activities related to the course objectives is paramount to your success in this course and future courses. Through interaction with your instructor and classmates, you will explore the course material and be provided with the best opportunity for objective and competency mastery. To begin this class, review the course objectives for each Topic, and then answer the following questions as this will help guide your instructor for course instruction.
Which weekly objectives do you have prior knowledge of and to what extent?
Which weekly objectives do you have no prior knowledge of?
What course-related topics would you like to discuss with your instructor and classmates?
What questions or concerns do you have about this course?


Approximately 250 words


Life Wheel Reflection

Instructions are attatched as files.”Life wheel reflection”
Two examples are provided, PLEASE DO NOT COPY THE EXAMPLES.


Approximately 250 words


Begin Preparing Summary & Analysis of Nurse Manager Interview

Interview a nurse manager to explore the external factors that influence decision making such as health policy, regulatory requirements, accreditation, and health care financing.
1. Provide an overview of the role of the nurse manager interviewed.
2. Summarize the information from the interview (do not report the interview question by question)
Perceptions related to impact on health policy on decision.
3. Perceptions related to impact of regulatory agencies on decision making. Perceptions related to impact of health care financing on decision making.
4. Analysis of the interview supported by the literature.
Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper is to be no shorter than 4 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).


Approximately 250 words


Practice Activity

Loden’s Wheel is considered an important tool in considering factors of diversity. Used in diversity trainings across the nation, the wheel provides a foundation for thinking about potential conflicts we may be blind to. There are numerous versions and adaptations of Loden’s Wheel; the one used in this assignment is the most extensive one for analyzing the complexity of the topic. You will be using Loden’s Wheel to identify factors in yourself from the various levels of the wheel.
Using the provided Module Two Practice Activity Template Word Document, you will use the factors on Loden’s Wheel to help define aspects of yourself. You will first identify factors from the different sections of Loden’s Wheel( internal factors, external factors, organizational factors, and era factors. You will then select the most influential factors from each section of the wheel (a minimum of three from each section) and provide an explanation as to why you chose those factors. How do those factors impact who you are? How do they directly or indirectly shape your personality?
Keep the following in mind as you are identifying factors and providing rationale:
Be sure to discern between often-confused factors, such as race and ethnicity.
The factors may vary in level of depth and broadness. For example, experiences may be broad, whereas age is specific.
In the outermost circle, era is used to provide a broader view of how things shape individuals. For instance, 9/11 or the O. J. Simpson trial may impact your locale or a group you identify with, or they may shape your parents or community at large. Consider war and conflict, politics, social movements, movies and albums released, and so on.
You do not need to describe all factors. Only include what you are comfortable sharing.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Identify internal factors of self (a minimum of three).
Provide rationale as to why selected internal factors are most influential on your personality.
Identify external factors of self (a minimum of three).
Provide rationale as to why selected external factors are most influential on your personality.
Identify organizational factors of self (a minimum of three).
Provide rationale as to why selected organizational factors are most influential on your personality.
Identify era factors of self (a minimum of three).
Provide rationale as to why selected era factors are most influential on your personality.


Approximately 250 words